View Full Version : Fiery batwings for nigger asslifter family from Senegal when "teenagers" burn down their house

Whitey Ford
01-29-2021, 07:03 PM
They are not releasing the identities of the teenapers "because of age." But you can bet your ass if those kids were White, that would've been leaked. And with a quickness.


Three teenagers have been arrested in connection to a massive house fire in Denver that left a Senegalese family, including two young children, dead last summer.

Two 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old were taken into custody on Wednesday on first-degree murder, burglary, assault and arson charges, Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen said.

The teenagers are accused of targeting the Diol family's home in the Green Valley Ranch neighborhood, a relatively new development of closely spaced homes near Denver International Airport, in the early hours of August 5.

Surveillance photos showed the three suspects wearing full face masks and hoodies as they approached the home around 3.30am. Investigators said the three fled in a dark-colored sedan after the fire was set.

Djibril, 29, and Adja Diol, 23, were killed in the blaze along with their 22-month-old daughter Khadija, as well as relative Hassan Diol and her infant daughter Hawa Baye.


01-29-2021, 07:15 PM
Denver?? While reading the poster I thought this must be in some Africoon/Muzzie hellhole. Wow. The parasitic invasion knows no boundaries.

Coon Club Road
01-30-2021, 12:26 AM
Denver?? While reading the poster I thought this must be in some Africoon/Muzzie hellhole. Wow. The parasitic invasion knows no boundaries.

As long as Dodge Caravans still run, they'll be on the roll... coming to your neighborhood soon!

01-30-2021, 08:45 AM
Nigger and Mudshit pressure groups were on this from day 1 saying it was a hate crime. But now they're silent. Ergo the perpetrators are fecal asslifters too.

01-30-2021, 12:28 PM
So what really happened?

1. Buck was pimping out its niggeress, the "customers" refused to pay up, the buck demanded.
2. Buck refused to pay up after muh dikk with another nigger's ho.
3. Drug deal. Buck was just trying to make an honest imminiggerant living. Did it ask too much, did it cut too much, was it a buyer and cheated another nigger?
4. It wasn't arson. The teenapers are coincidence, maybe casing the house. They happened to be there when the fire started from more stupid immigrant niggers linking 5 extension cords per electric heater.

01-30-2021, 05:44 PM
Nigger and Mudshit pressure groups were on this from day 1 saying it was a hate crime. But now they're silent. Ergo the perpetrators are fecal asslifters too.


01-31-2021, 04:05 PM

So this a new niggerhood in Denver?? I guess more are being imported from other shithole Jenkum sniffing countries to destroy more of Amerika :fume

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-31-2021, 04:33 PM
Denver?? While reading the poster I thought this must be in some Africoon/Muzzie hellhole. Wow. The parasitic invasion knows no boundaries.

My brother lives in a suburb outside of Denver. He and the fam' moved there 12 or 14 years back after being driven out of south Texas by the nigger invasion following hurricane Katrina.

While the town he lives in now is almost 100% Human, his business offices are in downtown Denver. When I visited in 2016, I was shocked at how many niggers (and homeless) there were shuffling around in that area. Like you, I assumed Denver and vicinity were essentially nigger-free, but I was wrong about that.

Also, there are two ways you can get from downtown back to my brother's house. Either way you go, you will pass no fewer than two mosques.

Bottom line, Denver itself is lousy with niggers and lifters!