View Full Version : A solution for a nigger free nation.

Black lives never matter!
01-28-2021, 12:34 AM
Just a random thought but I have a proposal for niggers,mud sharks, and liberals. We will give you 37 states to pillage and destroy as you wish if you let us have the 13 original confederate states with a border wall to keep you out and we would stay out from your side. We would allow transition time to get out niggers and to let people in from other states that would wish to live on the confederate side. I know white people are resourceful enough to manufacture and provide all the goods and services we need to carry on with our lives. Not to mention the lower crime rate and not having to fund section 8 housing or niglet making machines. But a nigger free nation would be heaven on earth!

Full clip
01-28-2021, 05:27 AM
Just a random thought but I have a proposal for niggers,mud sharks, and liberals. We will give you 37 states to pillage and destroy as you wish if you let us have the 13 original confederate states with a border wall to keep you out and we would stay out from your side. We would allow transition time to get out niggers and to let people in from other states that would wish to live on the confederate side. I know white people are resourceful enough to manufacture and provide all the goods and services we need to carry on with our lives. Not to mention the lower crime rate and not having to fund section 8 housing or niglet making machines. But a nigger free nation would be heaven on earth!

I think you're being waaaaaay too generous! Alaska already has a high crime rate so why not make that state the new NIGGER (Only) RESERVATION. If humans currently residing there wanted to stay well that would be OK but if not they would receive a Federal passport to allow them to join the other human occupied states. I don't know what other humans think but 'North to Alaska' sounds good to me!

01-28-2021, 06:38 AM
Wonderful idea! Sadly, you are falling prey to an error: Liberals are not able to survive without conservatives, since 'liberalism' = Communism is per definition legalized robbery. That is the reason why the Soviet States kept their people enclosed, the reason Stalin, the United Nations, the European Union and so on want to create a world government: You are not supposed to escape.
Communism works only if there are people that can be exploited, since liberals don't want to work. (With work I of course mean real, useful work. All the bullshit government, affirmative action, gender... jobs are just alibi to hide that these people don't work at all, but live of the society. Just another form of gibs.)

Coon Club Road
01-28-2021, 07:00 PM
Fuck that.... send them to the moon where they can steal all the oxygen they want :lol


Keep Britain White
01-28-2021, 07:14 PM
Fuck that.... send them to the moon where they can steal all the oxygen they want :lol

Please don't put such ideas in people's heads. America is planning to return to the moon (my own pet subject), but I suppose it'll be different this time; we'll have to have women on the moon, just because they're women. If they're qualified, fine - but I think missions will be put at risk just to be politically correct. And as for niggers on the moon, well.... I think I'd rather just stick with my huge video and audio collection and live in the past. They were fantastic times.

01-28-2021, 07:43 PM
At this point I’d be willing to live in Antarctica to get away from niggers and their abhorrent crimes.

Full clip
01-28-2021, 07:58 PM
Wherever they go a colony of 40 million Niggers would be self sufficient due to the jungle/animal stench that oozes from their ape like skin not to mention their putrid, collective, skunk killing farts which could generate more 'Free' heat/power than any number of human built coal or nuclear facilities.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-28-2021, 08:34 PM
How about we work on preserving this constitutional republic until the fucking wheels come off before we talk about breaking it up?

01-28-2021, 09:03 PM
I say the back to Africa method is the best. Let the niggers die off as the gibs stop completely then we can divide the spoils with the rest of the world. Turn The motherland into a giant farm/mine that can feed the rest of the world . Use the most niggerly part as a place to store all the landfills and toxic waste. Thereby improving it from the state it is in right now.

Ray Cizzums
01-28-2021, 09:15 PM
I say the back to Africa method is the best. Let the niggers die off as the gibs stop completely then we can divide the spoils with the rest of the world. Turn The motherland into a giant farm/mine that can feed the rest of the world . Use the most niggerly part as a place to store all the landfills and toxic waste. Thereby improving it from the state it is in right now.
We should dangle the gibs money in front of African governments, and get them to agree to take back their niggers. It would then be just a question of barging our jaboons across the Atlantic. The incredibly corrupt niggers who run African countries would waste no time in disposing of our problem, and cashing the checks.

01-28-2021, 10:03 PM
How about we work on preserving this constitutional republic until the fucking wheels come off before we talk about breaking it up?

I say the back to Africa method is the best. Let the niggers die off as the gibs stop completely then we can divide the spoils with the rest of the world. Turn The motherland into a giant farm/mine that can feed the rest of the world . Use the most niggerly part as a place to store all the landfills and toxic waste. Thereby improving it from the state it is in right now.

You both beat me to it. I don't want to destroy my country. I'd rather fix it by getting rid of the filth. You don't scrap the car if all it needs is some maintenance and a good washing. The frame is still good and so is the powertrain.

The car needs a serious power wash. Send the old tires, bad gas and dirty oil to Africa with the niggers and commies. I'm sure they will put them to use.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJSS0ibuSoGq3mStnbWqaR9K5f6IJSQ pqEYw&usqp=CAU

With that said, if we can't fix it and the union does split, I'm moving to TEXAS!

01-28-2021, 10:58 PM
How about we work on preserving this constitutional republic until the fucking wheels come off before we talk about breaking it up?

Dem wheels been come off a while now, son

01-28-2021, 11:32 PM
Just a random thought but I have a proposal for niggers,mud sharks, and liberals. We will give you 37 states to pillage and destroy as you wish if you let us have the 13 original confederate states with a border wall to keep you out and we would stay out from your side. We would allow transition time to get out niggers and to let people in from other states that would wish to live on the confederate side. I know white people are resourceful enough to manufacture and provide all the goods and services we need to carry on with our lives. Not to mention the lower crime rate and not having to fund section 8 housing or niglet making machines. But a nigger free nation would be heaven on earth!

WORKS for me!!

01-29-2021, 08:42 AM

This is how you get rid of niggers. This ship can carry 19,000 containers and if you stuff 100 niggers into each container that means you can deport 1,900,000 niggers per trip.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-29-2021, 09:45 AM
Dem wheels been come off a while now, son

Yeah, my father is a 37-year Navy vet and retired Rear Admiral (UH). Please don't "son" me unless you're him...

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-29-2021, 09:47 AM
This is how you get rid of niggers. This ship can carry 19,000 containers and if you stuff 100 niggers into each container that means you can deport 1,900,000 niggers per trip.

I have long been a proponent of "freedom ships". My idea was converted supertankers, but container ships work too!

01-29-2021, 10:45 AM
I say the back to Africa method is the best. Let the niggers die off as the gibs stop completely then we can divide the spoils with the rest of the world. Turn The motherland into a giant farm/mine that can feed the rest of the world . Use the most niggerly part as a place to store all the landfills and toxic waste. Thereby improving it from the state it is in right now.

Yep, second that. Since niggers hate us anyways, they should be happy to move back to Africa. As 'compensation' we should welcome the white people living in Africa (talking e.g. about SA whites) as 'refugees'. So no whitey in Apefrica any more, no niggers in the US any more -> no 'racism' any more. Win win :)

01-31-2021, 03:24 AM
The cost of sending them back to Africa was studied by the U.S. General Accounting Office a few years back. Only about one half the funds were available to repatriate the blacks. This considered, the House Ways and Means committee was studying a proposal to instead send all of them half way back. Not sure if this went anywhere, or was stalled in committee... ;-)

Jim Crow
01-31-2021, 09:36 AM
I was thinking, if you gave liberals and niggers their own states to live in,It wouldn’t help. We had already did that.Niggers and liberals have many large cities they’ve infested and destroyed.!Niggers and libs are a disease.Diseases spread.There is only one way to stop a disease.And it’s not by standing by and watching it happen.

01-31-2021, 09:50 AM
Maybe if things get bad enough the true Americans should just all go migrate to South Africa and ship every nigger to America, it wouldn’t take very long for them to build a whole new democracy and a new constitution that promises that Whites will never have to live with another nigger or asslifter within their borders. Then all the corrupt politicians and other parasites can rejoice because they’ve finally defeated White supremacy and racism (because they all left!) and by the time all the niggers realized they’ve been duped and all the gibs they were promised aren’t happening because the economy suddenly crashed; The New America will be a mighty superpower with an average IQ that rivals even Korea on account of all the parasites left behind and our walls will be sealed tight.
Then all the corrupt politicians will get to live in the original South Africa and all be cooked in stewpots and/or necklaced.
Well, I can dream right?

01-31-2021, 11:08 AM
Maybe if things get bad enough the true Americans should just all go migrate to South Africa and ship every nigger to America, it wouldn’t take very long for them to build a whole new democracy and a new constitution that promises that Whites will never have to live with another nigger or asslifter within their borders. Then all the corrupt politicians and other parasites can rejoice because they’ve finally defeated White supremacy and racism (because they all left!) and by the time all the niggers realized they’ve been duped and all the gibs they were promised aren’t happening because the economy suddenly crashed; The New America will be a mighty superpower with an average IQ that rivals even Korea on account of all the parasites left behind and our walls will be sealed tight.
Then all the corrupt politicians will get to live in the original South Africa and all be cooked in stewpots and/or necklaced.
Well, I can dream right?

The problem is that the surrounding countries are filled with niggers and ass lifters. They will want a piece of our new country because their countries suck.

01-31-2021, 12:04 PM
I was thinking, if you gave liberals and niggers their own states to live in,It wouldn’t help. We had already did that.Niggers and liberals have many large cities they’ve infested and destroyed.!Niggers and libs are a disease.Diseases spread.There is only one way to stop a disease.And it’s not by standing by and watching it happen.

You are absolutely right! Thing is, liberals as well as niggers are only able to destroy (or, in liberal/communist language: 'deconstruct'). Therefore they always need somebody to exploit. That is why all the socialist countries need to imprison their own people: The ones who do all the work would flee immediately.

01-31-2021, 12:54 PM
Fuck that.... send them to the moon where they can steal all the oxygen they want :lol

Best Solution!!

01-31-2021, 12:58 PM
You both beat me to it. I don't want to destroy my country. I'd rather fix it by getting rid of the filth. You don't scrap the car if all it needs is some maintenance and a good washing. The frame is still good and so is the powertrain.

The car needs a serious power wash. Send the old tires, bad gas and dirty oil to Africa with the niggers and commies. I'm sure they will put them to use.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJSS0ibuSoGq3mStnbWqaR9K5f6IJSQ pqEYw&usqp=CAU

With that said, if we can't fix it and the union does split, I'm moving to TEXAS!

I live in Florida and we have an AWESOME governor. If we get a libtard governor like downlow nigger gillum I'm moving to Texas!!

Rastus Nigger
01-31-2021, 01:01 PM
The total and complete eradication of the nigger species must be the ultimate goal of the human race in order to survive. Spay and neuter the feral idiot shitskins at birf.

Full Clip
02-01-2021, 12:55 PM

This is how you get rid of niggers. This ship can carry 19,000 containers and if you stuff 100 niggers into each container that means you can deport 1,900,000 niggers per trip.

The picture of the ship is eclipsed by your avatar which is one of the best I've ever seen - 'Giddy up Nigger!'
(Perhaps the little human needs a small jockey whip?)

02-01-2021, 09:29 PM

This is how you get rid of niggers. This ship can carry 19,000 containers and if you stuff 100 niggers into each container that means you can deport 1,900,000 niggers per trip.

Some of the larger niggers might only fit one or two per container.


I say we build like 100 of these and fill them up with niggers. Then sail them into the middle of the ocean and let them float around with the garbage barges until they just sink.

02-01-2021, 11:23 PM


All the food stamps and WIC are already a fortune, but look at all those bottles and think how much Medicaid that thing saps.