View Full Version : Nigger are the scum of the earth!

01-24-2021, 05:14 AM
They destroy EVERYTHING they touch!

01-24-2021, 11:35 AM
They destroy EVERYTHING they touch!

Welcome!! You are PREACHING to the choir!!

Ful clip
01-24-2021, 12:29 PM
They destroy EVERYTHING they touch!

'Nothing grows where the Brown man goes'

01-24-2021, 12:35 PM
I was told if the evil white man had not interfered with niggers all of the mudda land would be like wakanda! Am I to believe my own eyes or what the left is forcing down our throats? Yea. Niggers ruin everything. They even ruin other niggers which in itself is unbelievable.

Jubal A, Early
01-24-2021, 12:46 PM
'Nothing grows where the Brown man goes'
Oh this is priceless! I must remember it.

Coon Club Road
01-24-2021, 04:21 PM
'Nothing grows where the Brown man goes'

One Liner Award Winner of the Day! :thumb

01-24-2021, 04:36 PM
One Liner Award Winner of the Day! :thumb

"No one will win, when you're around a SHITSKIN!!

01-24-2021, 04:43 PM
They destroy EVERYTHING they touch!

You must not insult bacteria or fungi or mold. They are superior to niggers.

01-24-2021, 07:29 PM
I was told if the evil white man had not interfered with niggers all of the mudda land would be like wakanda! Am I to believe my own eyes or what the left is forcing down our throats? Yea. Niggers ruin everything. They even ruin other niggers which in itself is unbelievable.

Leftists have the worst logic. Niggers probably invented slavery, and still practice it to this day. They sold slaves to the settlers, if anything the White man unknowingly HELPED them create “Wakanda” by taking the most barbaric niggers off their hands. Whites certainly had no negative effect on niggers “progress” in the muddaland. The cold hard truth is that so few niggers are intelligent that they simply cannot create their own environments to thrive in, I hate to go with the statistics that claim out of millions of niggers you do apparently get a nigger “genius” with a triple digit IQ yet even if there truly were nigger Teslas and Hawkings they would have been brutally murdered by other niggers over a sow or some flashy trinket. This is not the fault of the White man. And here in the States the only “magic” niggers I’ve ever seen are ones that got out of prestigious universities with some worthless Mickey Mouse Degree in some racial or gender studies and spend their whole lives crying about racism that doesn’t exist and screwing the system for personal gibs.
So even if they claim these niggers are “intelligent” they certainly don’t use it very well, and have to play victim their whole lives for selfish personal gains. No inspirational person does this. Any success a nigger could possibly see in this world is in environments they could never have created for themselves, and the White race is without a doubt the least racist race on account of how much crime we’ve tolerated from these monsters. And the leftist communists pretty much have full control of the system again and niggers can live in a wonderland of free shit and people apologizing for them for god knows how long. What other race does this? Do they not realize how fortunate they are that White guilt exists? We can’t get these fucking monsters out of our lives! Whites have done more for civil rights than any other race since the dawn of mankind! God I hate niggers! Just appreciate how lucky you were to have your ancestors dragged here!

01-24-2021, 11:24 PM
I hate white liberals who use pronouns a little more than I hate nignogs. Nignogs cant help being nignogs. Just give them their nig only safe spaces and call it a day. White liberals with pronouns tacked on are a special breed of people who should have been aborted.

Legalize abortion for niggers and white libtards.

01-25-2021, 03:15 PM
Niggers probably invented slavery, and still practice it to this day.

Niggers and asslifters still have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of modern slaves. But you'll never hear about that on the news. I guess, though, when they found 700 nigger slaves for sale in Libya, that's as big a deal as when a supermarket tries to get rid of rotting bananas nobody wants to buy.

Niggers claim they're the true Hebrews and were the slaves in Egypt, but then they claim they were the original Egyptians. And Mesopotamians, and Sumerians, and Greeks, and Romans, and even Britons.


01-25-2021, 05:11 PM
I was told if the evil white man had not interfered with niggers all of the mudda land would be like wakanda! Am I to believe my own eyes or what the left is forcing down our throats?
And yet they "flee" in droves into white man's countries. Fucking shitbeasts!

They even ruin other niggers which in itself is unbelievable.
Hmm, not sure if I can agree: Since niggers make even other niggers lives miserable, a ruined nigger is on the plus side for all the other niggers as well. The fewer niggers the better.