View Full Version : Antifa Thugs Reach a New Low With This New (Bowel) Movement

06-24-2017, 11:50 AM
In Portland, Oregon Antifa thugs*are reaching new lows with their protesting tactics. Antifa is*now hurling balloons filled with feces, urine, and chemicals at police. What’s the old liberal saying? “When they go low, Antifa throws…poop.” These disgusting, cowardly tactics are just another example of the classless left. Since the election, Antifa has engaged in violent clashes with police and supporters of President Trump, caused massive property damage, and utilized “black bloc” tactics to stir chaos on the streets of American cities. The Antifa thugs, clad in all black and sporting Communist logos, have earned their reputation as “American ISIS” due

More... (http://truthfeed.com/antifa-thugs-reach-a-new-low-with-this-new-bowel-movement/84721/)