View Full Version : Feral nigger animals murder adopted human child UPDATE: White Privilege cited

Whitey Ford
01-21-2021, 05:06 AM
This is heartbreaking. :( :( :(
SICKENING 'ABUSE' Worst Cooks in America winner and her husband arrested for ‘beating girl, 3, to death’


Ariel Robinson, 29, who won season 20 of "Worst Cooks in America", and her husband, Jerry Robinson, 34, have been charged with homicide by child abuse in South Carolina, according to police.

They're accused of inflicting multiple blunt force injuries on Victoria Rose Smith, 3, resulting in her death on January 14.
Her death was ruled a homicide.


01-21-2021, 07:27 AM
this is heartbreaking. :( :( :(
sickening 'abuse' worst cooks in america winner and her husband arrested for ‘beating girl, 3, to death’



fucking primates!!

Jim Crow
01-21-2021, 07:31 AM
Why was a human child given to savage apes in the first place?

Coon Club Road
01-21-2021, 09:51 AM
Why was a human child given to savage apes in the first place?

That was my first question!

How in the hell did that happen?

I'm so sorry for this little girl... can you imagine the quality of life she would of had growing up in a nigger nest raised by coons?

01-21-2021, 09:53 AM
This is heartbreaking. :( :( :(
SICKENING 'ABUSE' Worst Cooks in America winner and her husband arrested for ‘beating girl, 3, to death’



Fuck!!! Who put a human in the charge of these shitskin!!! That poor human child was already in a bad place and it only got worse. Whoever made that decision should be beaten to death as well.

01-21-2021, 12:57 PM
It is not yet known if the victim was one of the couple's biological or foster children but The Sun understands she was identified as Ariel's "daughter" in a police report.

OK, what kind of fookin' moron would even express the possibility of "biological"?

Someone in foster services handed over that beautiful little girl, and someone deserves to get the needle right after niggers.

Goodman Grey
01-21-2021, 04:33 PM
OK, what kind of fookin' moron would even express the possibility of "biological"?

She might be an albino. :rolleyes:

01-21-2021, 05:36 PM
OK, what kind of fookin' moron would even express the possibility of "biological"?

P.C. "race blindness" taken to its ludicrous extreme.

01-21-2021, 05:38 PM
She might be an albino. :rolleyes: Aren't albino niggers highly sought-after in Africa for their "magical" properties?

01-21-2021, 05:46 PM
That little girl was not only darling, she had intelligent eyes--WAY more intelligent than those of the dull, bloated beasts who beat her to death. She should never have been in that house and would never have had a chance. Gotta say it. I'm glad she--in a way--"escaped" the high likelihood of being muh-dikked by one or both beasts. Whoever put a human child with beasts should be made to pay dearly.

The sow's expression--especially how she's raised her eyebrows (https://i.imgur.com/9h1ryf4.jpg)--is one I OFTEN see displayed by niggers, convicts, and other habitual liars.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-21-2021, 06:15 PM
This is heartbreaking. :( :( :(
SICKENING 'ABUSE' Worst Cooks in America winner and her husband arrested for ‘beating girl, 3, to death’



I have a daughter this same age. You wanna see a motherfucker go on a murderous rampage? Touch her and let the show begin. This is so fucking sad. She was a cute little girl.whoever gave her to these animals should be charged with her murder as well.

Ray Cizzums
01-21-2021, 09:50 PM
There are millions of responsible white couples that would leap at the chance to adopt that adorable little girl, and treat her like a princess.
Instead, she's handed over to nigger scum, by some social services libturd commie shit-stain. There should be a howling mob forming outside the jail, and the CPS offices. This kind of depravity will make a man get mean, and requires payback.

01-21-2021, 10:30 PM
OMG. What has been seen... There's my peaceful night's sleep gone. WHO the FUCK gave this child to these lower lifeform, hideous, fat stinkin' POS niggers??? WHY?? Is there a scarcity of decent human beings just dying to adopt adorable human children? OH but if a human couple wants to adopt they have to all but sign in blood that they have college educations, a huge house, an enormous income and set up a Disneyesque playroom for any adopted child. Little children are better off with savage, murderous niggers, I guess. You just know these filthy shitbeasts, especially that huge, manly looking sow, hated her because she was a pretty little white girl.

I have a daughter this same age. You wanna see a motherfucker go on a murderous rampage? Touch her and let the show begin. This is so fucking sad.
She looks like my little niece at that age, with her big blue eyes. This baby knew nothing but suffering and abuse and that was her life and death. I could cry a river.

Imagine if a YT couple did this to one of the niglets they adopted? But this is hardly newsworthy. Black Lives Matter. This child's life was of no concern to anyone.

Buck Simian
01-22-2021, 12:09 AM
Ok, im done before i say something that gets me in trouble. I don't even want to read the details. FUCKING NIGGERS. Fuck this world.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-22-2021, 12:14 AM
OMG. What has been seen... There's my peaceful night's sleep gone. WHO the FUCK gave this child to these lower lifeform, hideous, fat stinkin' POS niggers??? WHY?? Is there a scarcity of decent human beings just dying to adopt adorable human children? OH but if a human couple wants to adopt they have to all but sign in blood that they have college educations, a huge house, an enormous income and set up a Disneyesque playroom for any adopted child. Little children are better off with savage, murderous niggers, I guess. You just know these filthy shitbeasts, especially that huge, manly looking sow, hated her because she was a pretty little white girl.

She looks like my little niece at that age, with her big blue eyes. This baby knew nothing but suffering and abuse and that was her life and death. I could cry a river.

Imagine if a YT couple did this to one of the niglets they adopted? But this is hardly newsworthy. Black Lives Matter. This child's life was of no concern to anyone.
I am going to try not to imagine. This is inexcusable and the worst part is, there is nothing we can do about it. Hell, if I stood out in front of the courthouse and screamed hate crime, I would be more likely to be jailed than the nigger scum that killed this beautiful lil girl. Fuck this world.

Whitey Ford
01-22-2021, 01:21 AM
I have a daughter this same age. You wanna see a motherfucker go on a murderous rampage? Touch her and let the show begin. This is so fucking sad. She was a cute little girl.whoever gave her to these animals should be charged with her murder as well.

I know what you mean. I have two nieces, ages 3 and 5. And if any feral niggers came anywhere near them there would be hell to pay.

01-23-2021, 12:30 PM
Which one is the buck and which is the she-boon?

01-23-2021, 12:32 PM
Weren't the niggers throwing a big stink like 20 years ago AGAINST inter-racial adoptions? Because if white fools raised a nigglet, it wouldn't learn about its precious rap ghetto criminal culcha?

Cat fur allergic
01-28-2021, 09:47 AM
Foster parents accused of homicide by child abuse in 3-year-old’s death in Simpsonville


US gov is evil.

01-28-2021, 10:03 AM
Tragic. White baby given to chimps. Baby boy given to lesbians. etc...

01-28-2021, 01:27 PM
Already covered, the nog perps are America's worst chefs

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-28-2021, 03:24 PM
This story makes me sick! I had to confirm for myself that this child was Human and not a niglet. Sadly, she was...


WHAT THE BLESSED FUCK were "authorities" thinking when they handed over this little girl (and presumably, two older male siblings) to these fat fucking niggers?

There was clear and voluminous evidence that this hideous nigger sow was mentally disturbed. It openly admitted as much on numerous social media platforms.

The judge or gubmint official who signed off on this needs to be charged with accessory to murder. How much you wanna bet it was a nigger?

I know my energy is better spent working against niggers rather than hating them. At times like this, that is a monumental task!

01-29-2021, 12:05 AM
This story makes me sick! I had to confirm for myself that this child was Human and not a niglet. Sadly, she was...


WHAT THE BLESSED FUCK were "authorities" thinking when they handed over this little girl (and presumably, two older male siblings) to these fat fucking niggers?

There was clear and voluminous evidence that this hideous nigger sow was mentally disturbed. It openly admitted as much on numerous social media platforms.

The judge or gubmint official who signed off on this needs to be charged with accessory to murder. How much you wanna bet it was a nigger?

I know my energy is better spent working against niggers rather than hating them. At times like this, that is a monumental task!

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

Cat fur allergic
01-30-2021, 04:47 PM
This story makes me sick! I had to confirm for myself that this child was Human and not a niglet. Sadly, she was...


WHAT THE BLESSED FUCK were "authorities" thinking when they handed over this little girl (and presumably, two older male siblings) to these fat fucking niggers?

There was clear and voluminous evidence that this hideous nigger sow was mentally disturbed. It openly admitted as much on numerous social media platforms.

The judge or gubmint official who signed off on this needs to be charged with accessory to murder. How much you wanna bet it was a nigger?

I know my energy is better spent working against niggers rather than hating them. At times like this, that is a monumental task!

US government most levels are insane and evil. Maybe not the local small town level. But anywhere above the local level is totally out of control.

Whitey Ford
02-09-2021, 03:57 PM
‘Worst Cooks in America’ winner charged with killing daughter tweeted about kids’ white privilege

Robinson then addressed the white privilege her adopted children
in a series of Jan. 6 tweets sparked by watching the Capitol riots.

“In my house, my black children get treated the same as my white children, and my white children get treated the same as my black children,” she wrote.

“It’s a shame that when they go out into the real world, that won’t be the case,” she wrote — along with the hashtags #whiteprivilege and #BlackLivesMatter.


02-09-2021, 08:39 PM
“In my house, my black children get treated the same as my white children, and my white children get treated the same as my black children,” she wrote.

“It’s a shame that when they go out into the real world, that won’t be the case,” she wrote — along with the hashtags #whiteprivilege and #BlackLivesMatter.

Really? So did the niglets get beaten to death also?

It's true that the niglets will get treated differently. They'll have groups begging to give them scholarships just because they're niggers. They'll be able to disrupt classes, destroy school property, even assault teachers, and get away with it completely, just because they're niggers. They can apply for jobs they aren't qualified for, and win "discrimination" nigger lotto when they aren't hired. They can get hired just because they're niggers, just because a hiring manager is a nigger or coddler, and keep getting promoted just because they're niggers.

Those "foster parent" niggers are somewhat getting away with it, just because they're niggers. What do you think would happen if two whites beat an adopted niglet to death?

02-09-2021, 10:35 PM
Really? So did the niglets get beaten to death also?

Now, don't be so glib! I'm sure they would have gotten to them. It was probably just dark in the room at the time and the snigglets weren't smiling.

06-03-2021, 03:15 PM
Now, don't be so glib! I'm sure they would have gotten to them. It was probably just dark in the room at the time and the snigglets weren't smiling.

This case sticks with me even after all these months. This did not have to happen. The social worker responsible for this placement needs to lose their job.

06-04-2021, 12:04 AM
This case sticks with me even after all these months. This did not have to happen. The social worker responsible for this placement needs to lose their job.

Needs to be IMPRISONED!! I won't say more because I don't want to get kicked OFF this site!!

06-04-2021, 11:33 AM
Aren't albino niggers highly sought-after in Africa for their "magical" properties?

NO!!! Niggers actually hunt albinos back in da muddaland!

06-04-2021, 11:34 AM
Goddamn evil shitbeasts! Why on earth are niggers allowed to adopt humans?! That is so beyond evil!

Edit: I just noticed the thing on the left side of the picture is supposed to be a 'female'?!

06-04-2021, 10:16 PM
Goddamn evil shitbeasts! Why on earth are niggers allowed to adopt humans?! That is so beyond evil!

Edit: I just noticed the thing on the left side of the picture is supposed to be a 'female'?!

A candidate for "buck or sow!!"

06-05-2021, 03:53 PM
OMG. What has been seen... There's my peaceful night's sleep gone. WHO the FUCK gave this child to these lower lifeform, hideous, fat stinkin' POS niggers??? WHY?? Is there a scarcity of decent human beings just dying to adopt adorable human children?
My sentiments, exactly! Look at the little innocent angel, and then at the two vile savage shitbeasts! It is heartbreaking!!

Imagine if a YT couple did this to one of the niglets they adopted? But this is hardly newsworthy. Black Lives Matter. This child's life was of no concern to anyone.
Yep, they'd riot for at least two months, hundreds of talk shows would have that as the only topic, and every disgusting overpaid hollywood mimic would feel the need to condemn whitey!

06-05-2021, 03:54 PM
A candidate for "buck or sow!!"

True dat!