View Full Version : Nigger "pharmacy technician" quits Walgreens because it can't stand being disrespected

01-19-2021, 01:44 PM
Well now, I wonder why customers would insult that nigger. Could it be that it's another worthless nigger that can't get the simplest things right? Then it complains about "unlimited workload," "you're never finished." That's called working. If you show up at a job, you're expected to work until the last minute, not do an hour of work and then just sit around. Finally, it wasn't getting "appreciation" or a lot of money. That Walgreens pharmacy sounds like a decent one for not tolerating an incompetent, uppity nigger that probably put customers' lives in danger by giving the wrong bottles.


Our New Yorker Chimpers might remember the old store Syms, which could be really good for discount designer stuff, depending on what they found. They could have great deals on men's accessories, like designer leather bags, and I'd get my ties like Burberry for just $10 or $12. One day I stopped in for a new pair of slacks. I wanted cuffed bottoms. Simple enough, right? Not for the nigger cashier. It already took long enough in ringing up the people in front of me. Then it looked at my ticket and said started arguing with me about whether I wanted cuffs, I mean actually arguing. It even said, "Lets me seez what you gots on," as if that made any difference. Then it started ooking to itself, "I don gots put up widdis."

I was already running late to catch a train home, and that nigger pissed me off so much, I canceled the sale. I think I never went back again. I wasn't sorry when the store went out of business.

01-19-2021, 03:43 PM
$10 Burberry ties! That's unheard of! The catch is you have to deal with niggers, that will raise your blood pressure and be bad for your health.

I've had many dealings with niggers that I try to forget. Talk about a useless sub-simian creature. Dogs are smarter than niggers, if they could only talk.

Any job that is about health and safety, niggers should be barred. They're not even fit to be janitors. Pharmacy technician, guess how many patients were compromised?

Ray Cizzums
01-19-2021, 04:13 PM
Sy Syms used to say on his commercial, "Where the educated consumer is our best customer".
Hiring the uneducated negro likely ruined his business.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-19-2021, 05:12 PM
He never got to 3. I was about to be very proud of Roland the nigger for counting to 3.

Jim Crow
01-19-2021, 06:04 PM
Pharmacy will make more profit without the nigger.

01-19-2021, 06:51 PM
$10 Burberry ties! That's unheard of! The catch is you have to deal with niggers, that will raise your blood pressure and be bad for your health.

It depended on what they'd gotten in and if you were lucky to search the racks and find it first, like a TJ Maxx. Usually I could find great stuff, especially dress shirts in my bigger size. I still have that tie and a few others, too. If I ran out the door to work and forgot to put on a tie, I'd tell my boss I'd be a little late, and swing over to Syms to buy a new one.

But dealing with that nigger, WTH. It's like dealing with a nigger in anything else. They have to cause problems for YT. If a place doesn't get rid of niggers, it might as well close down now before it's eventually destroyed in a chimpout, a riot, or theft.

Sy Syms used to say on his commercial, "Where the educated consumer is our best customer".
Hiring the uneducated negro likely ruined his business.

I remember the bags! Good advertising for them, and until that nigger I had always walked out a happy customer.

01-20-2021, 10:04 AM
If they hire a human... Suddenly prescriptions are filled correctly, quickly, and with the proper quantity. Counts are never off and the back room no long smells like body odor and dog shit.

01-20-2021, 10:17 PM
If they hire a human... Suddenly prescriptions are filled correctly, quickly, and with the proper quantity. Counts are never off and the back room no long smells like body odor and dog shit.

IMAGINE that!!

Goodman Grey
01-20-2021, 10:25 PM
If they hire a human... Suddenly prescriptions are filled correctly, quickly, and with the proper quantity. Counts are never off and the back room no long smells like body odor and dog shit.

Sometimes I get the feeling that human supremacists exist simply because humans know that they are superior to niggers.

01-22-2021, 08:12 AM
He was probably stealing the meds and selling them to his crack-head 'bruddas'

01-22-2021, 08:31 AM
Well, now I've got one less reason not to return to Walgreens - one less nigger!

One down, 200K to go.

I might go back if they would get rid of them. And clean the restrooms, Walgreens! They're fucking disgusting! It's kind of hard to take a drug store seriously as being part of the health care industry when the toilette is overflowing with shit.

02-05-2021, 09:28 AM
Never finishing work? That's why you have a "job". You go to "work" every day to "work". Stupid niggers.....