View Full Version : CAIR Launches APP to Report Anti-Muslim “Hate Crimes”

06-24-2017, 10:12 AM
Muslim terror group CAIR has launched a new cellphone app that will allow*users to report Muslim hate crimes. Like, suicide*bombers? No. They want to target Americans committing so-called “hate crimes” against Islam. CAIR is not interested in stopping actual Islamic attacks, the group is actually linked to terrorist organizations, and is quick to make excuses after every incident of Islamic terrorism. Instead, they want to push this phony narrative that Islam is under attack by “Islamophobic” Americans who support President Trump. We need an APP to report CAIR. From Reuters Hoping to get an accurate count of anti-Muslim hate crimes

More... (http://truthfeed.com/cair-launches-app-to-report-anti-muslim-hate-crimes/84688/)