View Full Version : The vilest of the vile: mudsharking and oildrilling in advertising

01-19-2021, 01:24 PM
I thought I'd make a sticky we can add to. This is getting out of control so fast, at this rate I'll be boycotting so many companies that in a year I won't be able to buy anything anymore. That Cadbury commercial with the DL nigger and its cuckboy is the worst thing I've ever seen.

"Race-mixing" is fine with me. Chimpout never has been a "white supremacist" site and will never be anything of the kind. If a white man wants to marry an Indian woman, or a Chinese woman wants to marry a Mexican man, whatever combination, that's still keeping things within the human race. But anything involving a nigger is not "race-mixing," that's bestiality. It is disgusting how we've degenerated as a people to where it's treated as normal.

If it didn't have oildrilling, this GEICO commercial is still stupid. It's like the advertising execs want to insult our intelligence by putting in a typical latte drinker cuck with a smaller peen than the niggeress.


Walgreens started off light with brief shots of mudsharking and oildrilling. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/nmVh/walgreens-defend-your-crew-against-the-flu

Now Walgreens has a commercial (can't find it online right now) of a woman and her buck happily stomping grapes in a big vat. The thought of wine from a nigger's lower paws is gross enough!

Last night I saw a vile commercial with some soyboy cuck and his niggeress. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/tEpN/adore-me-elite-box-loves-to-shop-surprise-gift

But that's not their first commercial, they've been promoting oildrilling for a few years. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wG_V/adoreme-com-gifts-for-her

Guess which company Mrs. S and I will not be buying her underwear from.

animal mother
01-19-2021, 01:51 PM
Actually it would be much simpler to post the TV ads that do NOT contain any niggers, burners or drillers. It's a non stop assault on every human's senses. Every time I turn on the TV , there is some greasy buck or fugly sow in the room with me!

Of course, tomorrow will be a total media blackout day for me (and I hope many millions of others) as I refuse to see or hear one second of the national disgrace being perpetrated on this country.


Jim Crow
01-19-2021, 06:06 PM
Every tv show and every tv commercial has to support the liberal nigger loving agenda.Which is why I don’t watch TV anymore.

01-19-2021, 07:25 PM
The "Clogging problem" ad? My main problem with that is ALL YT males in all media have to be portrayed as spindly, dweeby, ineffectual, submissive, ball-less beta creeps who are whipping boys for sows and even for kids. Every. SINGLE. Time. Look at him - a pathetic, narrow-shouldered neckbeard, standing in the background behind his dominant sow and whining about "natural light" but helpless to do anything about the noise, like a true nu-male neuter.

Do they do this so young women, just looking a for partner will think YT males are hopeless and that they should set their sights on some nigger buck? I can't figure it out. Presumably the people who come up with this stuff are YT ad executives. Would they want their daughters lying down with niggers? I want answers!

01-19-2021, 08:48 PM
Actually it would be much simpler to post the TV ads that do NOT contain any niggers, burners or drillers. It's a non stop assault on every human's senses. Every time I turn on the TV , there is some greasy buck or fugly sow in the room with me!

Of course, tomorrow will be a total media blackout day for me (and I hope many millions of others) as I refuse to see or hear one second of the national disgrace being perpetrated on this country.


I'm with you, AM!!

01-19-2021, 09:43 PM
Even our local public TV shows mid-age blond with a nigger! That's why even the British pure white family got infected with that halfbreed sow, Me-again. The Gorilliams are her close negress friends.

01-19-2021, 10:14 PM
The "Clogging problem" ad? My main problem with that is ALL YT males in all media have to be portrayed as spindly, dweeby, ineffectual, submissive, ball-less beta creeps who are whipping boys for sows and even for kids. Every. SINGLE. Time. Look at him - a pathetic, narrow-shouldered neckbeard, standing in the background behind his dominant sow and whining about "natural light" but helpless to do anything about the noise, like a true nu-male neuter.

Thank you! I can't STAND today's "trendy" depiction of white males. Made to be defenseless and passive before the NWO.


13754 (https://i.imgur.com/9Rg7ft5.jpg)

Do they do this so young women, just looking a for partner will think YT males are hopeless and that they should set their sights on some nigger buck? I can't figure it out. Presumably the people who come up with this stuff are YT ad executives. Would they want their daughters lying down with niggers? I want answers!

I think you're definitely on to something.

Although nigger bucks in dresses have been featured (https://i.imgur.com/sx3W2Tg.jpg), many more are shown "normally", unneutered (when they're the very muh-dikkers who should be!).

Ray Cizzums
01-19-2021, 10:16 PM
Don't forget a company called "Freshly", who's commercial has a good looking brunette exclaiming "We don't have to cook anymore", followed by a her and a big schvugger hugging each other. Or Sonic, who shifted gears, and went from carloads of lip-smacking sheboons inhaling burgers, to a good looking blonde and her human son, accompanied by a snake-haired savage in the passenger seat. Then there's the concerted effort to saturate the airwaves with one fat, black female train-wreck after another. Full HD face shots of Stacey Abrams-level sows, throughout the day - for what purpose ? Getting us used to seeing buffarillas everywhere ? Increase the suicide rate of white males ? Making us shoot our televisions like Elvis Presley ?

Jim Crow
01-19-2021, 10:40 PM
Actually it would be much simpler to post the TV ads that do NOT contain any niggers, burners or drillers. It's a non stop assault on every human's senses. Every time I turn on the TV , there is some greasy buck or fugly sow in the room with me!

Of course, tomorrow will be a total media blackout day for me (and I hope many millions of others) as I refuse to see or hear one second of the national disgrace being perpetrated on this country.

The only inauguration I ever watched was President Trump.I remember the customer’s house I was working at putting a blanket on the couch,so we could sit and watch. She made us lunch and I enjoyed it and I was proud of my country that day.
The customer who’s house I am working in this week is a staunch conservative.He’s mentioned his disappointment.So I’m 100% sure he won’t have it on. And even if he did, I’m working on the shower, I’d shut the door. I want nothing to do with this debacle.

Jim Crow
01-19-2021, 10:58 PM
One thing I wanted to add on this thread before tomorrow. Mark my words, the fake news lib media will say diaper face joe’s was the most watched inauguration in history.Of course it will be another huge lie.

01-19-2021, 11:20 PM
One thing I wanted to add on this thread before tomorrow. Mark my words, the fake news lib media will say diaper face joe’s was the most watched inauguration in history. Of course it will be another huge lie.

Marxists specialize in rewriting history.

In his book, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, M. Scott Peck (himself deeply-flawed)

brilliantly probes into the essence of human evil.

People who are evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Peck demonstrates the havoc these people of the lie work in the lives of those around them. He presents, from vivid incidents encountered in his psychiatric practice, examples of evil in everyday life.


Finally, it seems, the minority mentally ill population in America has become significant enough to destroy society. They have managed to "achieve" what they have because they are unfettered by either reason or a moral compass, and because we have let them.

Jim Crow
01-19-2021, 11:39 PM
Marxists specialize in rewriting history.

In his book, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, M. Scott Peck (himself deeply-flawed)


Finally, it seems, the minority mentally ill population in America has become significant enough to destroy society. They have managed to "achieve" what they have because they are unfettered by either reason or a moral compass, and because we have let them.
It might be getting close to the time where we need to play “cowboys and liberals”.

01-20-2021, 12:18 AM
It might be getting close to the time where we need to play “cowboys and liberals”.

Yes indeed.

01-20-2021, 01:40 AM
Thank you! I can't STAND today's "trendy" depiction of white males. Made to be defenseless and passive before the NWO.


13754 (https://i.imgur.com/9Rg7ft5.jpg)

I think you're definitely on to something.

Although nigger bucks in dresses have been featured (https://i.imgur.com/sx3W2Tg.jpg), many more are shown "normally", unneutered (when they're the very muh-dikkers who should be!).

No woman I've ever known wants an emasculated, passive, sissified nu-male twerp in skinny jeans and sporting douchebag hair, but they think they have to these days, lest they be accused of endorsing "toxic masculinity."

I swear, looking at these sad specimens makes me just as angry as does looking at criminiggers. I knew we were headed for serious problems when I first heard the term "political correctness" and noticed the inexplicable, baffling rise of the beta male.

Uppity niggers who rape and murder, and beta males never would have survived a few generations ago, but now that they have been declared special and praise-worthy, they have unfortunately been given leave not only to thrive but to flaunt their disgusting selves - daring anyone to deny their preciousness - to the detriment of all normal, civilized human beings.

01-20-2021, 06:16 PM
It might be getting close to the time where we need to play “cowboys and liberals”.

There's a great old joke. A cowboy, an Indian and a nigger sit down at the bar.

The Indian says, "Once we were many, now we are few."

The nigger says, "Once we wuz many, now we be even more many."

The cowboy replies, "That's because we ain't yet played cowboys and niggers."

Jim Crow
01-20-2021, 08:02 PM
There's a great old joke. A cowboy, an Indian and a nigger sit down at the bar.

The Indian says, "Once we were many, now we are few."

The nigger says, "Once we wuz many, now we be even more many."

The cowboy replies, "That's because we ain't yet played cowboys and niggers."
That where I got it from! LOL!

01-21-2021, 04:47 PM
No woman I've ever known wants an emasculated, passive, sissified nu-male twerp in skinny jeans and sporting douchebag hair, but they think they have to these days, lest they be accused of endorsing "toxic masculinity."

I swear, looking at these sad specimens makes me just as angry as does looking at criminiggers. I knew we were headed for serious problems when I first heard the term "political correctness" and noticed the inexplicable, baffling rise of the beta male.

Uppity niggers who rape and murder, and beta males never would have survived a few generations ago, but now that they have been declared special and praise-worthy, they have unfortunately been given leave not only to thrive but to flaunt their disgusting selves - daring anyone to deny their preciousness - to the detriment of all normal, civilized human beings.

Been thinking about what you said for a couple days. This is a HUGE, important topic.

Thank God for instinct! NO woman (I think) naturally opts for a limp-wristed Antifa-style nu-male! They need to be conditioned into it. Just like non-sow females need to be bombarded with images of miscegenation with buff muh-dikking bucks in order to break down--literally--generations' worth of beneficial revulsion.

Weak white shemales and hypersexualized nigger bucks. Ads have always been sinister, but Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and Big Tech nerds (many of whom are not exactly big strapping tough men, if they are men at all (Jackass Dorsey, Fishface Zuck, Jeff Bezos, etc. behave in such a way that I have serious doubts)) are taking their mass hypnosis to a whole new level!

Used to be, guys would work out to get stronger, feel healthier, and appeal to females, among other things. In addition to trying to con women into preferring emasculated males, I wonder (who knows?) whether todays fashion might be trying also to tell guys, "Don't bother getting stronger and exercising (even when exercise IS a proven cure for depression), chicks dig brooding, depressed males whom they can 'fix', who aren't 'toxic' (and who can't beat them up!)." Stay pale and weak! Don't go outside! Stay hunched over your computer!

And white culture arguably IS the optimal culture (at least, according to my observations). Both not as brutal as Asian or, especially, African culture, but somehow ALSO the most productive, inventive, and creative! The white man built white culture. Enter George Soros, who has in so many words expressed a desire to destroy white European culture the world over. Soros: Destroy the white MAN. Make weakness 'fashionable', and Destroy white culture.

Tar Remover
01-28-2021, 05:26 AM
I know, It drives me fuckin' nuts. And yeah, I saw that commercial with the dumb ape hopping up and down on grapes, instead of LUGGAGE like they are supposed to. DISGUSTING! I hope they enjoy their wine- They can call it Bourbon Barrel Nigger Feet.:vomit

01-28-2021, 12:57 PM
Caught this Walgreens commercial last night while watching "Alfred Hitchcock".

The "Walgreens Experience" in mudsharking:



01-28-2021, 05:23 PM
I've seen that too! It's like Stockholm Syndrome meeting King Kong. What possesses a human woman to want to be carried off by a nigger that will eventually send her to join Nicole Simpson?

01-28-2021, 06:55 PM
I've seen that too! It's like Stockholm Syndrome meeting King Kong. What possesses a human woman to want to be carried off by a nigger that will eventually send her to join Nicole Simpson?

The adverisers are trying to convince us that some cute, smart, young human woman would choose a nigger buck over any human male. The real question is "WHY are they doing this?" They're trying to prove how liberal and nigger-loving they are? Want to demonstrate that young women will hit the jackpot with a violent, sub-human nigger muh dikkin' them? I don't think so. I think they're doing it because if they aren't "inclusive" (which seems to have ONLY one meaning - showing happy human women cuddling up to vile nigger bucks) no one will buy their products and they'll be blacklisted.

But look how cute! Her nigger is tenderly bandaging her booboo, and playfully carrying her on his back. How adorable are nigger bucks?

02-10-2021, 07:59 PM
Transitions lenses: if a white woman wears them, she can get noticed by a nigger buck cRapping its way through the commercial!


Almond Joy: a lighter-skinned nigger, but still a nigger, starts eating Almond Joy and a white woman mouths "Call me."


02-11-2021, 10:14 AM
1-800-Flowers can go to hell too. Never ordered from them before, and after seeing this commercial, never will now. Is the smiling soyboy the niggerpotamus' boo, or just a deliveryman who wishes he were?





02-11-2021, 08:39 PM
A reinforced mattress, apparently made just for morbidly obese mudsharks and the fat niggerbois they have to settle for.


03-01-2021, 01:53 AM
Hyundai believes in eliminating the white race, and of course, cuck beta driller is an utter fool:


03-05-2021, 02:37 PM
I've never bought a Traeger and now never will. They could give me one for free, and I'd give it away or sell it, because I'd keep thinking about their commercial with a niggersow and the soyboy that's a standard fixture of most commercials.


The commercial does use a cool old song, and I got to reading about the old legend. Guess what, HBO made a niggerized cartoon version. Medieval Germany, and nevertheless filled with niggers!

The Pied Piper of Hamelin was adapted in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child where it uses jazz music. The episode featured Wesley Snipes as the Pied Piper and the music performed by Ronnie Laws :unigger as well as the voices of Samuel L. Jackson as the Mayor of Hamelin, Grant Shaud as the Mayor's assistant Toadey, John Ratzenberger and Richard Moll as respective guards Hinky and Dinky.







Jim Crow
03-05-2021, 05:16 PM
1-800-Flowers can go to hell too. Never ordered from them before, and after seeing this commercial, never will now. Is the smiling soyboy the niggerpotamus' boo, or just a deliveryman who wishes he were?




First of all,a nigger would never send flowers to it’s mudshark or sow.It would steal them off of somebody’s porch and hand them to the bitch itself.

03-10-2021, 03:15 PM
While fixing our lunch, I put on "The Price Is Right" to wait for the 12 pm news. I was in time for a new Progressive commercial about two young mudsharks (who look underage for Christ's sake!) going ape over a niggerbuck at a laundromat. But I'm encouraged by the thumbs down on the NiggerloverTube copy, and all the comments. Maybe a lot more Americans than we think are anti-nigger.


All the other commercials had niggers. I'm not exaggerating, all of them. Entresto, Humira, anti-smoking PSA, Downey, Emergen-C supplement, Jennifer Aniston talking about Aveeno with a fugly nigger sow, and even Brawny showed a nigger paw reaching for a towel. There wasn't a single 100% human commercial.

Of course the Lizzo-sized nigger buck won over the pretty white woman. At first it didn't even realize what happened. Drew Carey said, "Yeah, you won!" The nigger shuffled over to its new prizes, including a car, and it was so excited it actually sat down on the stage step. Game shows have to rig things for enough niggers, to satisfy nigger and niggerloving network execs, and it's so obvious. The second to last contestant was a niggersow, replaced by a niggersow, and it was yet another niggersow that was the last contestant.

Whitey Ford
03-14-2021, 05:37 AM
Americans See More Interracial Relationships in Advertising

A happy interracial family hugging each other while wearing apparel from clothing retailer Old Navy. A smiling Black man giving his white girlfriend an engagement ring in a State Farm insurance ad. And a biracial couple and their kids on a road trip in a vehicle made by Hyundai.

These are among the increasing number of advertisements selling everything from cereal to prescription drugs that portray the American family in ways few companies and advertising agencies would have dared a generation ago.

More than 50 years after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws banning interracial marriage, a growing number of ads feature interracial couples with biracial children.

Negative feedback

Interracial advertising sometimes sparks an ugly backlash.

In 2013, a Cheerios cereal TV commercial featuring a Black and white couple with their daughter drew an influx of racist and other negative comments.

More recently, the State Farm engagement ad received negative comments on Twitter.

“This is disgusting, and nobody wants to see this,” one user wrote.


03-14-2021, 05:51 AM
Fornicating with animals is simply unnatural. Perhaps it occurred a lot before morality set in. Christianity, with lots of commandments and rules, put in writing what acts are simply not to be done. I don't consider myself that religious, but there's humans, and there's animals. Dogs are more human than niggers, and they are pets, but it's still wrong to do unnatural acts with them.

Niggers are sub-animals. Really. Ugly as sin, smelly like hell, no compassion for anyone, murderous. To even show and suggest they are potential love interests are debasing the easily fooled younger generation. Spread our message: this is not ok, this is inviting destruction in your life. If one is curious enough to mate with a monkey, don't be surprised if that monkey strangles you.

03-14-2021, 07:12 PM
Not a commercial, but spam I got. Would you offer your wife to Africoon niggers in exchange for a huge nigger muh dik?


You too can photoshop a giraffe neck on your own muh dik and look just like this with 15": :lol Those are some sexy looking bucks.

03-14-2021, 07:54 PM

<a href="https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU" target="_blank">
https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU (https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU)

Does it get more blatant than this?

03-14-2021, 10:35 PM

<a href="https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU" target="_blank">
https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU (https://youtu.be/xGz2akjXeSU)

Does it get more blatant than this?

As ALWAYS, YT guy is a dweeby, neck-bearded, spindly cuck, like all YT males. We can all see and understand why the whore in the background chose a nigger buck.:fume

03-15-2021, 10:23 AM

Does it get more blatant than this?

Oh dear God, that's one of the worst yet. Why don't they just show a buck and white woman in bed?

I'd say I don't want to give them ideas, but you know the niggerlovers already dreamed that up.

Ray Cizzums
03-15-2021, 11:01 AM
The Domino's "Cheesy Rom/Com" commercial has a gorgeous white girl open the door, then cuts to a shot of a jaboon standing behind her. Being from NY, there's no need for me to buy pizza, or anything else, from a national restaurant chain. Those places are filled with niggers, who know they can get away with all their usual monkeyshines, and management will cave in every time. Family-run operations do not put up with nigger nonsense, and will just tell them to GTFO, and don't come back, and the regular customers will back them up all the way.

03-15-2021, 11:33 AM
Oh dear God, that's one of the worst yet. Why don't they just show a buck and white woman in bed?

I'd say I don't want to give them ideas, but you know the niggerlovers already dreamed that up.

They do. I posted this one a while back: "Bloom" mattress.


03-18-2021, 05:41 PM

Is your nigger buck wanting to buy you a diamond? Maybe a sow's driller wants to do the same? The lesbian one I"m not sure about as I don't know how they decide who gets the engagement ring.


03-18-2021, 10:41 PM

Is your nigger buck wanting to buy you a diamond? Maybe a sow's driller wants to do the same? The lesbian one I"m not sure about as I don't know how they decide who gets the engagement ring.

Mudsharks had better be careful when they find out the buck replaced the real diamond with less than cubic zirconia. A mudshark can count the rest of her life in minutes if she dares confront a buck about what it pried out to pawn, when it stopped making payments on the ring already.

03-18-2021, 11:21 PM
It's not just niggers. It's an all out war on everything considered normal, good, wholesome, American and family.

I listen to conservative talk radio during the day. Walton & Johnson, Hannity, Rush (RIP), followed by Michael Berry. Even on this station, public (dis)service announcement spots come on all day about the coof. In the latest, a woman's voice comes on to tell me how she and her "wife" got the vaccine and why we should too. Then I hear ads with a nigger fluff butt telling me how a new drug can keep him from getting the Anally Injected Death Serum while still engaging in and enjoying it's "risky" behavior.

As a strict construction Constitutionalist Libertarian, I don't give a shit what you do in the privacy of your own home. Go ahead and kill yourself like a fool but don't expect me to foot the bill and it also doesn't means I don't want your shit shoved down my throat.

All of these ads are pointless and do not do a damn thing to encourage the selling of goods or services. They don't encourage good health. They don't do a damn thing except brainwash the masses into accepting immoral behavior as normal and acceptable.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-GGMucqH_ktk%2FXMFn1Ex-WLI%2FAAAAAAALBUM%2Fk9AMLvTQGgshFtCNaofMqxqfs01ta2 2HACLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2F1556154664425fhgfghfhgfhgf.jp g&f=1&nofb=1

03-19-2021, 10:27 AM
As a strict construction Constitutionalist Libertarian, I don't give a shit what you do in the privacy of your own home. Go ahead and kill yourself like a fool but don't expect me to foot the bill and it also doesn't means I don't want your shit shoved down my throat.

Same. I always thought "Live and let live" and never cared at all what any consenting adults did in private. I also never went around announcing what I did in my bedroom, but of course, if I wore a teeshirt that said "Straight and proud" or "White and proud" I'd be reviled as rayciss and a "hater".

All of these ads are pointless and do not do a damn thing to encourage the selling of goods or services. They don't encourage good health. They don't do a damn thing except brainwash the masses into accepting immoral behavior as normal and acceptable.

Not just "normal and acceptable", but preferable and superior to the point where little kids are being taught that anal intercourse, deviant behavior, and mentally ill trannies are things to be admired and emulated, so now we have a bunch of kids getting sex-change surgery.


03-19-2021, 12:16 PM
Not just "normal and acceptable", but preferable and superior to the point where little kids are being taught that anal intercourse, deviant behavior, and mentally ill trannies are things to be admired and emulated, so now we have a bunch of kids getting sex-change surgery.


03-19-2021, 02:42 PM
"Finnish Court Rules that Sex With Children is PERMITTED".

Someone get me OFF this planet.

Guess where all the pedophiles of the world will be moviing? Is this being done so Muzzie child rapists will be protected?

WTF IS GOING ON?????????

03-22-2021, 12:15 PM
I saw a commercial for a Bissell wet/dry robot that seems impressive. Then it showed a white woman with a buck and two niglets. Guess what, Bissell lost our business.

03-23-2021, 07:05 PM
This commercial starts out with a "devoted husband" YT, and then shows his bald niggersow, probably a tranny.



Rev. Dick
03-23-2021, 09:48 PM
Buck or sow? Not that I want to know but to me it's uncertain.

03-24-2021, 09:22 PM
Scheels Visa isn't specifically promoting mudsharking or oildrilling, but this commercial starts with a mulatto (one drop rule) and its she-nig. Then it shows a white father, white mother, white child and an adopted niglet.


04-01-2021, 10:54 AM
Scheels Visa isn't specifically promoting mudsharking or oildrilling, but this commercial starts with a mulatto (one drop rule) and its she-nig. Then it shows a white father, white mother, white child and an adopted niglet.


OF COURSE, the YT daddy is a beta clown. That's the only way white males are portrayed now, as submissive goofs or as a chubby, low-T, nu-male who can't get it up:


04-08-2021, 03:29 AM
Someone get me OFF this planet.

yup, I dream of relocating to a nice human planet somewhere else every fucking day !

04-18-2021, 06:53 PM
Now AAA is getting into the act. I just saw this commercial, and the nigger buck with an attractive white woman is common enough we just sneer, but I wanted to throw up from the implied lesniggery. To hell with them! I'm glad they haven't had my business in years.




04-18-2021, 09:09 PM
There are almost no commercials made with humans anymore - unless, of course, the human is portrayed as inferior to the nigger. I only watch commercial-free programs as much as possible. I'm just so sick of it anymore.

Ray Cizzums
04-18-2021, 09:30 PM
Fucking Armor All has decided we need to see a nigger with an attractive white woman.
What the hell does their product have to do with race mixing ?
I can understand "Expedia" tooting on Marx's meat whistle, because they're just some digital travel scam.
WTF are long established products, completely unrelated to woketurd shit eaters, doing this for ?

04-18-2021, 10:40 PM
Fucking Armor All has decided we need to see a nigger with an attractive white woman.
What the hell does their product have to do with race mixing ?
I can understand "Expedia" tooting on Marx's meat whistle, because they're just some digital travel scam.
WTF are long established products, completely unrelated to woketurd shit eaters, doing this for ?

Niggers only steal their products anyway. The ad firms are terrifying their customers into niggerism. When the public stop buying their rancid shit, things will change. I've never ever heard so may folk complaining about niggers on the TV. I have been very surprised. The wheel is turning. Folk are done with niggerology.

04-18-2021, 10:46 PM
Fucking Armor All has decided we need to see a nigger with an attractive white woman.
What the hell does their product have to do with race mixing ?
I can understand "Expedia" tooting on Marx's meat whistle, because they're just some digital travel scam.
WTF are long established products, completely unrelated to woketurd shit eaters, doing this for ?

Oh dear God, is it this one?



In real life, there's nothing strong enough to clean the car of the giant nigger germ inside without ruining the interior.

Ray Cizzums
04-18-2021, 11:20 PM
I've never ever heard so may folk complaining about niggers on the TV. I have been very surprised. The wheel is turning. Folk are done with niggerology.
Nigger fatigue is no doubt at an all time high, and it definitely is hurting woketurd corporations more than anyone will admit. Kellogg's jumped on the Mike Brown bandwagon, and ended up closing 3 of their plants soon after. How is there not a stockholder rebellion, and subsequent ousting of those responsible ? Flipping the bird at half your potential customers ? These execu-tards should be shown the door on the spot. WTF ?

Ray Cizzums
04-18-2021, 11:29 PM
Oh dear God, is it this one? In real life, there's nothing strong enough to clean the car of the giant nigger germ inside without ruining the interior.
Armor All is supposed to put a shine ON the car, not in it, especially next to a human female.


04-19-2021, 05:10 PM
GODDAM it! Check this "Skippy Peanut Butter" ad! Vile sow with her driller, who is OF COURSE, a stupid-looking, high-pitched, submissive, pencil-necked cuck/nu-male/pansy-assed sissy with his nerd glasses and sissy jeans, because ALL WHITE MEN SHOULD BE LIKE THIS! If they aren't, they are toxically masculine and should kill themselves. SO pissed OFF!

"Comments are turned off".


04-19-2021, 06:17 PM
I wouldn't be caught dead just wearing those cuck glasses, let alone the rest of classic Soyboy Ensemble.

04-19-2021, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't be caught dead just wearing those cuck glasses, let alone the rest of classic Soyboy Ensemble.

Silly cuck probably pees sitting down. This is just another chapter in the "All YT, hetero men are garbage unless they're sissified nu-males hooked up with nigger sows."

It is the end of times.

SC Anemia
04-19-2021, 07:04 PM
Silly cuck probably pees sitting down. This is just another chapter in the "All YT, hetero men are garbage unless they're sissified nu-males hooked up with nigger sows."

It is the end of times.

Reading all your posts in this thread (and over the years) and the vomit-inducing reaction you always have to these girly-men...I suspect Mr. Diva's appearance is a cross between the Brawny paper towels guy, bigfoot, and Chris Hemsworth. :lol

04-20-2021, 10:45 AM
Reading all your posts in this thread (and over the years) and the vomit-inducing reaction you always have to these girly-men...I suspect Mr. Diva's appearance is a cross between the Brawny paper towels guy, bigfoot, and Chris Hemsworth. :lol

Not exactly, but I'd rather Bigfoot than this thing:



04-20-2021, 12:29 PM
Not exactly, but I'd rather Bigfoot than this thing:



At first, my reaction was :stare. Then I became :furk after that soyboy turned and I saw his beard. Want to bet it's for a nigger buckfriend to pull on?

04-20-2021, 12:38 PM
At first, my reaction was :stare. Then I became :furk after that soyboy turned and I saw his beard. Want to bet it's for a nigger buckfriend to pull on?

IF the feminazis and libtards have their way, this is what YT males will devolve into, and they will all be paired with dominant niggers. Only then will SJWs be satisfied.

05-22-2021, 03:47 PM
Commercials during golf, especially the major tournaments, are the most niggerized of all. I already knew I can't watch the PGA Championship without niggers in my face. Back to back commercials of GEICO and National Car Rental? Magic niggers. Even the Asian guy walking past the counter has to be waving to a Brillo-headed niggeress.

But this one takes the cake. Brighthouse wants to show grandparents so happy and proud of their grandniglet, because their daughter (who doesn't look like them anyway) mated with a filthy buck.


One commercial featured one of the Gorillams tranny bucks. Gross. But IBM to its credit did have a commercial featuring one of the LPGA, and hey, I'm a guy and can admire a pair of beautiful legs. ;)

05-22-2021, 04:27 PM
commercials during golf, especially the major tournaments, are the most niggerized of all. I already knew i can't watch the pga championship without niggers in my face. Back to back commercials of geico and national car rental? Magic niggers. Even the asian guy walking past the counter has to be waving to a brillo-headed niggeress.

But this one takes the cake. Brighthouse wants to show grandparents so happy and proud of their grandniglet, because their daughter (who doesn't look like them anyway) mated with a filthy buck.


one commercial featured one of the gorillams tranny bucks. Gross. But ibm to its credit did have a commercial featuring one of the lpga, and hey, i'm a guy and can admire a pair of beautiful legs. ;)


Rastus Nigger
05-22-2021, 05:35 PM
There's a commercial with humans and niggers camping. My family used to camp a lot when I was young and we never saw a nigger in a campground. That may be one of the reasons I liked going camping.

05-22-2021, 05:47 PM
There's a commercial with humans and niggers camping. My family used to camp a lot when I was young and we never saw a nigger in a campground. That may be one of the reasons I liked going camping.

I've seen one. It dashed in after I entered the changed-daily PIN on the restroom's keypad lock. Since it had multiple stalls, I wasn't worried, but I should have been. I was a teenager and had a hatred of niggers, but not enough of an "avoid the groid" instinct. It could have easily muh dikked me! It was probably snooping around for a white woman to rape, or a tent to steal from.

Rastus Nigger
05-22-2021, 05:54 PM
I've seen one. It dashed in after I entered the changed-daily PIN on the restroom's keypad lock. Since it had multiple stalls, I wasn't worried, but I should have been. I was a teenager and had a hatred of niggers, but not enough of an "avoid the groid" instinct. It could have easily muh dikked me! It was probably snooping around for a white woman to rape, or a tent to steal from.

It may have been in there getting materials to make a batch of jenkem with.

05-22-2021, 08:07 PM
There's a commercial with humans and niggers camping. My family used to camp a lot when I was young and we never saw a nigger in a campground. That may be one of the reasons I liked going camping.

I've never seen a nigger backpacking in the California Sierras. Even tent camping at the beach, at many locations between Mendocino County to San Diego County. But the last time I beach camped was over 15 years ago; I just hotel it these days. 4th of July holidays I never see niggers! That's because the campsites aren't that cheap and "discriminating" against those who don't work and can't pay.

I know niggers don't like camping because they're homeless anyway. God I hate their species.

06-24-2021, 08:53 PM
Check this out: :fume


SC Anemia
06-24-2021, 09:12 PM
The first house I ever owned was in Northwest Montana. It's one of the few places in the lower 48 that still holds population's of big ass Silvertip Grizzlies. Huge bastards. The kind that snack on bull elk like cheese puffs.
Particularly the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area.

Formally designated in 1964, the Bob Marshall Wilderness extends for 60 miles (95 km) along the Continental Divide and consists of 1,009,356 acres (4,085 km²

Humans go in there and are never seen again. I loved the place because not only are niggers incredibly rare in MT, I doubt one has ever been into the Bob Marshall. Who knows, maybe one or two at some time fell out of a passenger jet wheel well and landed there but I assure you they're fossilized bear scat by now.

I fuckin love camping.

06-24-2021, 11:49 PM
Check this out: :fume

Oh dear God, even if it were all humans, it's still an incredibly stupid commercial.

Well, it's fairly easy to fix. When the crayon-dick YT says the niglette is a good kisser, the buck pappy needs to break out into a grin. "Sheeit, dat wut I tellz huh too!"

Rastus Nigger
06-25-2021, 01:46 AM
Wifey asked me yesterday if any of our TV's can pick up on the air broadcasts. I had cable TV turned off after the communist media flooded everything with nigger loving after the Saint George Floyd goodification. I told her the 4K in the living room is connected to an antenna. Then she asked why I don't watch it anymore. I told her too many niggers being coddled. Her reply was "Oh, yeah".

06-25-2021, 10:43 AM
Oh dear God, even if it were all humans, it's still an incredibly stupid commercial.

Well, it's fairly easy to fix. When the crayon-dick YT says the niglette is a good kisser, the buck pappy needs to break out into a grin. "Sheeit, dat wut I tellz huh too!"

I have a number of issues with this: Demonstrating to young YT males that being a submissive Beta nu-male cuck is cute or desirable, pushing oil drilling for young boys, and portraying this hideous, King Kong nigger buck as a caring, protective family man pappy as he sits in his typically lovely and clean home.

The creators of war-time propaganda would have killed to have these advertisers on their team.

06-28-2021, 11:58 PM
This disgusting photo from Macy's came in e-mail, so I edited the thread title from "commercials" to let us talk about general advertising.

The YT cuck and the niggerbuck are looking like they're ready for DL action after the photoshoot. The white woman on the right wouldn't be half bad if she weren't man-tranny ugly, 50 pounds overweight, and with feet men's size 11.


I don't know if I posted these before, just a few snapshots I took trying to make niggers look just like us.

A white cuck invites a nigger over, and the wife is trying to smile but doesn't look too happy.


But that's ok, the nigger found someone willing to burn coal.


I think I posted this one before. The nigger is appropriately looking like it's thinking, "Sheeit, ahz gonna burn dat YT bitch juss like dis mashmlow!"


07-30-2021, 11:13 AM
Toyota thinks it's sweet to get a young girl hooked up with a Medusa-headed nigger buck because none of those white boys are good enough.


07-30-2021, 07:00 PM
It may have been in there getting materials to make a batch of jenkem with.

That's what I thought!!

08-02-2021, 02:08 PM
Comcast showed a buck and its mudshark complaining about their slow Internet, personified by a 100% white cuck soyboy who even does the hand gesture.

16494 16495


But here's the one that almost made me throw my beer stein through the TV. There's an Asian girl, I guess supposed to be pretty but more middle of the road, and though she's 20-something she acts more like a teenager. And then her buck shows up. "I lubs you."

16496 16497


08-06-2021, 11:54 PM
yup, I dream of relocating to a nice human planet somewhere else every fucking day !

There's a novel called Hold Back This Day ​by Ward Kendall that would be right up your alley. Check it out.

08-14-2021, 09:47 PM
JC Penney's idea of "back to school" means mudsharking with a tranny buck.




Niggerloving has to start when young, even younger than teens.


08-14-2021, 10:08 PM
I hate them just as much for this as I do for all the mythical, magical neegroes that are just as rare as unicorns in real life. This is the ONLY kind of so-called YT male seen in the media now - a flabby, baby-man, Mommy's boy nu-male cuck that couldn't figure out which end of a hammer to grip:

:bat:mad: Someone needs to beat the shit out of it.


08-23-2021, 09:58 PM
I don't know this "Zelle" company, but they have a solid history of promoting bestiality, even a girl-haired soyboy that's implied to be a buck's DL butt buddy.


My unfortunate introduction to them is a new commercial featuring a soyboy oildriller, his two hellspawn, his niggerpotamus, the niggerpotamus' mammy, and the bonus of a soyboy neighbor.


Coon Town
09-03-2021, 11:37 PM
Now this abomination from Trojan condoms: :bleach Warning!



09-04-2021, 12:05 PM
CT, you weren't kidding. Even the preview frame is disgusting enough.

09-06-2021, 08:28 PM
Renault endorses and encourages coal burning and homosexuality as beautiful things that will guarantee happiness. "Renault loves families" as long as they aren't of the same race with opposite-sex couples. That's a no-no. No comments allowed, of course, but I think this says it all:



09-14-2021, 10:19 PM
I posted in the Gitmo forum about CreditOne's hilarious commercial. Unfortunately nothing can offset its promotion of bestiality. I was actually looking for this commercial first when I found the other. When I saw it on TV this evening, maybe I didn't want to throw up, but I got a sour taste in my mouth.

The niggeress introduces itself as "Pointsephone, goddess of points." I'm not kidding.




Chimp Detester
09-15-2021, 12:34 AM
Most honorable NigShitPigShit: Do us the honor of signing up. Your thoughts would be a valuable asset to this nigger-detesting group.

09-15-2021, 01:10 AM
Good news: I found a commercial with a YT, opposite-sex couple.:) How rare.

Bad news: It's an ad to help him gain some testosterone. He's sad because he can't get it up, is afraid his women will go looking for a randy buck so he takes some sugar pill shit from Walmart.


09-15-2021, 06:01 AM
Most honorable NigShitPigShit: Do us the honor of signing up. Your thoughts would be a valuable asset to this nigger-detesting group.

I'm pretty sure NSPS was banned a while back.

09-15-2021, 10:31 PM
I'm pretty sure NSPS was banned a while back.

He was, and without going into details, deservedly so.

09-18-2021, 08:59 PM
This time it's an Asian soyboy cuck type that's clearly the catcher with a niggeress. But it's actually appropriate, because if you get involved with a nigger, you'll go broke if you aren't broke already.

They might as well have had the nigger say, "Sheeit muhfuggah, we gone gits dat loan! We ain gone pay dat back, gnomesain?"


09-18-2021, 11:00 PM
This time it's an Asian soyboy cuck type that's clearly the catcher with a niggeress. But it's actually appropriate, because if you get involved with a nigger, you'll go broke if you aren't broke already.

They might as well have had the nigger say, "Sheeit muhfuggah, we gone gits dat loan! We ain gone pay dat back, gnomesain?"


It seems that opposite-sex YT couples have become like hard-core porn, not to be shown in any media.

Ray Cizzums
09-18-2021, 11:07 PM
Stupid Robert DiNiro got a "Cash Net" thrown over him. His nigger whore is a super hero - to other gold digging
ratchets. Not to mention some of the ugliest offspring ever shit out.

09-19-2021, 12:20 AM
Stupid Robert DiNiro got a "Cash Net" thrown over him. His nigger whore is a super hero - to other gold digging
ratchets. Not to mention some of the ugliest offspring ever shit out.



09-25-2021, 05:21 PM
Humira: Oil-drilling, pathetic, weak, submissive, cuck driller with an uber-punchable face who takes on a sow and some buck's crotch droppings can't control his bowels.


10-11-2021, 10:47 PM
Peloton commercials are niggered up enough. Why would I pay that kind of money to have some loudmouthed nigger "encourage" me? I'd be fighting nausea rather than exercising.

And why should I pay a cent to a company that promotes bestiality? It's bad enough to show some half-buck niggeress sweating it up, and then its pet human shows up.


Nig Zero
10-12-2021, 06:59 PM

10-17-2021, 10:19 PM
Chime is now into promoting oildrilling. I'm surprised they didn't do mudsharking first.

17790 17791 17792 17793


Their commercials were bad enough already with some niggerpotamus pretending to play guitar, and one showing a buck that's just oh so smart, and a stupid fat cuck type that isn't getting paid two days early.



11-03-2021, 08:35 AM
VRBO is heavy into niggers, from friendship to promoting bestiality, and voiceovers by that nigger John Legend.

I saw one of their commercials with a three-generation family reunion, including a mudshark, her buck and their niglet. While I find that, here's one of a niggeress and its pet oildriller.


This one has a human couple, and what looks like another niggeress and its pet oildriller. Or it could be a lighter-skinned buck that looks so human, it's indistinguishable from a cuck.


11-03-2021, 08:43 AM
Here's the one I saw. Fambly reunion. How would you like to be the kid getting to meet your Cousin Niglit for the first time?


11-03-2021, 08:46 AM
Purple mattresses: if they're strong enough for a 500-lb. niggerpotamus and its land whale, they're strong enough for you!


18016 18017 18018

Jesus in heaven. Niggers can have that morbidly fat white thing. You know the joke about rolling that kind of woman in flour and looking for the wet spot? That would take all the flour from 10 acres of Kansas wheat field.

And I've never understood eating in bed. Mrs. S and I have never even done breakfast in bed. It just seems so messy even if you don't spill something and change the sheets anyway.

11-19-2021, 08:27 PM
Purple mattresses: if they're strong enough for a 500-lb. niggerpotamus and its land whale, they're strong enough for you!


18016 18017 18018

Jesus in heaven. Niggers can have that morbidly fat white thing. You know the joke about rolling that kind of woman in flour and looking for the wet spot? That would take all the flour from 10 acres of Kansas wheat field.

And I've never understood eating in bed. Mrs. S and I have never even done breakfast in bed. It just seems so messy even if you don't spill something and change the sheets anyway.

Holy shit. I don't even want to know what morbidly obese bitches and whale-like nigresses are ooking about.

Here we have a classic submissive beta nu-male who has a sow and a niglet. Oh, and he has diarrhea. But thanks to Humira, he can still go and pick up his sowlet.


11-20-2021, 09:49 AM
This isn't the mudsharking commercial I saw this morning (am I bulimic and needed to vomit up my breakfast?!), but bad enough. Whether Kay's promotes burning coal or drilling oil, it's still bestiality.


And here's a collection of classic commercials on the Hallmark Channel, with more oildrilling cuckery. Well, I'm sure real women are just fine with niggers keeping a beta-male like that.



11-20-2021, 01:13 PM
This isn't the mudsharking commercial I saw this morning (am I bulimic and needed to vomit up my breakfast?!), but bad enough. Whether Kay's promotes burning coal or drilling oil, it's still bestiality.


And here's a collection of classic commercials on the Hallmark Channel, with more oildrilling cuckery. Well, I'm sure real women are just fine with niggers keeping a beta-male like that.



Do the advertising geniuses for these companies put out a cattle call specifying they need an inept, bumbling, high-pitched, nu-male loser dweeb to desperately need the assistance of niggers? This is the ONLY YT male that is acceptable now. You'll never see any useless niggers, though.

11-22-2021, 11:43 PM
Do the advertising geniuses for these companies put out a cattle call specifying they need an inept, bumbling, high-pitched, nu-male loser dweeb to desperately need the assistance of niggers? This is the ONLY YT male that is acceptable now. You'll never see any useless niggers, though.

Pretty much! Tyrone Power types need not apply, but any Ty'Rhone can walk right in and be cast (the filthier the better) to be paired with a pretty white blonde.

11-25-2021, 01:48 AM
Got my "holiday" gift guide. We shouldn't use the C-word in case some muzzie who just crawled off the boat gets offended.

Seems the Bay thinks I should spend the "holiday" with some purebred, retarded Africoon buck.


11-25-2021, 01:30 PM
Holy shit. I don't even want to know what morbidly obese bitches and whale-like nigresses are ooking about.

Here we have a classic submissive beta nu-male who has a sow and a niglet. Oh, and he has diarrhea. But thanks to Humira, he can still go and pick up his sowlet.



11-29-2021, 05:57 PM
Zelle is at it again with the soyboy that IRL would get pounded in his ass by his niggeress.





And they have another commercial showing their conception of the modern white male, a fat, literally stinky nerd whose father gives him deodorant as a gift. WTF? This is supposed to make me think "Hey, that sounds like a great product" or "I can relate to that guy, I should try that out"?


12-21-2021, 09:37 PM
While the real Chimpout was down, I've seen nothing but niggers in just about every last commercial. When "The Sound of Music" was on the other night, I didn't watch the whole thing, but in about an hour I saw literally just one commercial that didn't have niggers in it.

And the promotion of bestiality is just getting worse.




I didn't see this one on TV but found it online.




You know, though, these commercials could be considered realistic. With how soyboy fugly the oildriller is, and the butterface coalburning bitch, in real life they'd probably have to resort to literal niggerloving.

12-23-2021, 11:22 AM
Remember when eHarmony was criticized for refusing to do same-sex pairings? Well look, whatever floats your boat, as long as you don't wave your dick in my face, just like I don't wave mine in yours.

But it was wrong for eHarmony to be sued into same-sex pairings, and I guess as penance, they went with the vilest bestiality. I am not going to post a link to this new commercial because of how vile it is. An obvious soyboy fag is sitting on a couch, talking about its great love in life, and then the niggerbuck steps in. I had to change the channel but I'm pretty sure they were flapping lips by the end.

01-06-2022, 09:05 PM
Remember when eHarmony was criticized for refusing to do same-sex pairings? Well look, whatever floats your boat, as long as you don't wave your dick in my face, just like I don't wave mine in yours.

But it was wrong for eHarmony to be sued into same-sex pairings, and I guess as penance, they went with the vilest bestiality. I am not going to post a link to this new commercial because of how vile it is. An obvious soyboy fag is sitting on a couch, talking about its great love in life, and then the niggerbuck steps in. I had to change the channel but I'm pretty sure they were flapping lips by the end.

How wrong they are. Niggers are NOT looking for love "relationships" with man-bunned little sissy flits and do not frequent eHarmony. They hit up Grindr, looking for downlow rutting and some money. Period.



01-17-2022, 12:53 AM
That picture makes me want to vomit all over again. There's just something particularly vile about that commercial, more than most others I see, on par with those nigger-filled AIDS drug ads.

Now Moonpod is joining the promotion of bestiality. They're ridiculously overpriced gimmicks anyway, and this commercial makes sure they won't get a dime from me. The look on the niggerbuck's face is like it just let loose with a gallon of its own feces. The blonde is probably just a hired model, but did she still have to look so lovingly at the nigger?



01-18-2022, 09:27 AM
This was in my inbox. Great way to make sure I will not be using that company's products!


And no more Aleve for us. We buy the store generic brand anyway for half the price, same ingredient.

This isn't the commercial I saw with a white woman and a filthy buck, but I guess it's the sequel, after she burned the coal and found herself single again.



Whitey Ford
01-18-2022, 02:16 PM
Purple mattresses: if they're strong enough for a 500-lb. niggerpotamus and its land whale, they're strong enough for you!


01-18-2022, 03:24 PM


Samsung: Keep in touch with all the delightful niggers in your life.

01-24-2022, 12:30 AM
Vile. Just vile.



And look at some of their older commercials. Talk to a "friend" about mental health? The only time even a niggerlover gets that close to a nigger is for literal niggerloving.



02-06-2022, 12:30 AM
Homie is promoting coalburning, which is a guaranteed eventuality for a company using such a ghetto name.


Adore Me showed very believable oildrilling before with a real cucktard. Now they're into mudsharking. The white blonde probably didn't know what it was she was modeling for, just an assignment she was getting paid for. So I guess I'd give her a pass, but it's still disgusting. If she has any shame she's hanging her head in it, thinking "Oh dear God, what did I get myself into."

18791 18792

After being tagged in an Adore Me social media post by his girlfriend, a man "took a hint" and wants other men to as well.

Uh, even with all the willing mudsharks in the world, a nigger's best bet to get a VD date is muh dikking its latest DL homie for venereal disease, its best bet to get a white woman for a "date" is a can of mace, and its best bet for a "girlfriend" is to get sent to NU and put on dresses.


There was another commercial we saw tonight that was just vile, but at the moment I'm forgetting what it was. There was another commercial with Reese's Pieces, featuring an oildrilling fambly, so there's yet another product I'm scratching off our list. At this rate we won't be able to buy bottled water anymore.

02-13-2022, 11:59 PM
I had never heard of LoveSac, and this commercial tonight guaranteed I will never buy their furniture, ever. That "daughter" is just a model, of course. She looks far too white to be theirs.



A couple of years ago, they were promoting adopting a niglet. That or the "wife" burned coal on the side, and the white cuck hubby decided they'd keep the niglet as his own. But they also snuck in the "son" drilling oil.



02-14-2022, 02:16 PM
Homie is promoting coalburning, which is a guaranteed eventuality for a company using such a ghetto name.


Adore Me showed very believable oildrilling before with a real cucktard. Now they're into mudsharking. The white blonde probably didn't know what it was she was modeling for, just an assignment she was getting paid for. So I guess I'd give her a pass, but it's still disgusting. If she has any shame she's hanging her head in it, thinking "Oh dear God, what did I get myself into."

18791 18792

Uh, even with all the willing mudsharks in the world, a nigger's best bet to get a VD date is muh dikking its latest DL homie for venereal disease, its best bet to get a white woman for a "date" is a can of mace, and its best bet for a "girlfriend" is to get sent to NU and put on dresses.


There was another commercial we saw tonight that was just vile, but at the moment I'm forgetting what it was. There was another commercial with Reese's Pieces, featuring an oildrilling fambly, so there's yet another product I'm scratching off our list. At this rate we won't be able to buy bottled water anymore.

Okay, when the hell are people going to say "ENOUGH!" to YT men ALWAYS being presented like the beta in the house-hunting - an emasculated, featureless, blobby, useless faggot-assed cuck?

They would never EVER portray niggers in this insulting, degrading way. Are they trying to say, "See ladies? This is what you get if you don't burn coal."


02-19-2022, 09:35 AM
I saw that vile commercial with Reese's and Twizzler joining forces to show an oildrilling soyboy and his niggerpotamus. Still can't find it online, though, but here's a new one to me of a younger soyboy and his niggeress. Of course the white cheerleader isn't that pretty.



And this one shows a corporate type nigger relaxing on the beach, wondering why it can't wear white after Labor Day. Actually, niggers should never be allowed to wear white.



02-19-2022, 09:47 AM
Even Edmunds is getting into promoting coalburning. At this rate I don't think a single major company in 5 years will be clean of bestiality, if there are any left.

That model has to be a mudshark IRL. There's no way she could have been just acting when she looks so lovingly at the buck, and what did Edmunds' ad agency do? They had her conjure up an even uglier buck. At the end, the only thing on the first nigger's mind is, "Sheeit, dumb white bitch, nubbudy gone fine hey body oud hee!"



02-19-2022, 09:54 AM
Now even Allen-Edmonds has to be disgusting enough to imply mudsharking. Niggerbuck be all handsome an sheeit, getting its groove on with the Asian woman while the classic middle-aged corporate man is on the outside.

Until this commercial, they were my favorite shoes. I was 21 when the shoe salesman talked me into my first pair, twice what I was looking to spend, but he was right. They aren't cheap, but over time they look great, they were so comfortable, and they can be continually repaired. A-E charges a bit of money to refurbish, but what I did was take them to a local shoe repair place that was really good. Heels are no problem, and when the soles started wearing thin, what that guy did perfectly well was shave off the front half of the sole and put on a rubber strip.



02-19-2022, 09:59 AM
Walgreens started off light with brief shots of mudsharking and oildrilling. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/nmVh/walgreens-defend-your-crew-against-the-flu

Now Walgreens has a commercial (can't find it online right now) of a woman and her buck happily stomping grapes in a big vat. The thought of wine from a nigger's lower paws is gross enough!

Interestingly, Walgreens has been run out of San Francisco by the very niggers they portray in their ads. For some reason, Groidals have singled out Walgreens for special attention and have, literally, run them right the fuck out of town. CVS is doing the exact same thing.... All due to niggers... The very niggers portrayed in their cuck-ads....

Frankly, I'm delighted! Every time some woke, POS corporation gets it's hand bitten by the groids in their petting zoo, I just smile from ear to ear...



02-19-2022, 10:05 AM
Frankly, I'm delighted! Every time some woke, POS corporation gets it's hand bitten by the groids in their petting zoo, I just smile from ear to ear...

When Walgreens announced it was closing all those stores, I couldn't say I felt the least bit sorry. And it's more like 17 stores and counting.

02-19-2022, 11:00 AM
Even Edmunds is getting into promoting coalburning. At this rate I don't think a single major company in 5 years will be clean of bestiality, if there are any left.

That model has to be a mudshark IRL. There's no way she could have been just acting when she looks so lovingly at the buck, and what did Edmunds' ad agency do? They had her conjure up an even uglier buck. At the end, the only thing on the first nigger's mind is, "Sheeit, dumb white bitch, nubbudy gone fine hey body oud hee!"



First nigger said, "who are you, nigga?".

"I ams here to muh-dikk yo bitch".

An unthinkable ad scenario 30 years ago, maybe even 20 y.a. Disgusting, really, to have an otherwise good looking woman hanging out with niggers, who ought to be slaves.

If she's not a mudshark in real life, she's a good actress. She reminded me of the vile Lindsey Vonn, who's into the ugliest of apes.

animal mother
02-19-2022, 11:02 AM
When Walgreens announced it was closing all those stores, I couldn't say I felt the least bit sorry. And it's more like 17 stores and counting.

Well Well Well, Walgreens has a sheboon CEO, anyone surprised?


02-21-2022, 11:31 PM
Luxury sheets, anyone? You can roll around on them with your flat-nosed, boot-lipped, black-assed nigger.


02-25-2022, 12:55 AM
First nigger said, "who are you, nigga?".

"I ams here to muh-dikk yo bitch".

An unthinkable ad scenario 30 years ago, maybe even 20 y.a. Disgusting, really, to have an otherwise good looking woman hanging out with niggers, who ought to be slaves.

If she's not a mudshark in real life, she's a good actress. She reminded me of the vile Lindsey Vonn, who's into the ugliest of apes.

The original nigger then said, "Sheeit, canz ah beez muh dikked too?"

That actress has to be at least a secret niggerlover to look at the buck that way. I think it's like the friend of a friend who did a few gay porn videos when he was in college and hard up (ahem) for money. Supposedly he's 100% hetero, but I always thought he has to be bi.

02-25-2022, 01:08 AM
Domino's is already crap pizza you should never buy in your life. They're doing this "You get to tip yourself!" gimmick that's just idiotic. It just means they're giving a whole $3 discount on soggy, horribly flavored pseudo-pizza that's expensive to begin with.

And who is the Plain Jane YT woman bringing it home to? Not just a vile buck and their niglet, but an innocent-looking young white girl.




In real life she'd be a divorcee who got the house and daughter, and the buck and niglet moved in. It's like the white friend of a friend who ditched her white husband to take their three kids, and shack up with an imported Nigerian 409 scammer. I'm not joking about any of that, down to how he made his money.

There was a Domino's UK commercial that had some sort of bestiality, I remember, but I didn't bookmark it. Both sides of the pond.

02-27-2022, 04:19 PM
I'm trying to find the latest bestiality with a coalburner and her buck using a Chase Sapphire card, and look at the error ispot.tv gave me:


03-16-2022, 11:39 PM
Claritin is also into promoting bestiality, but appropriately showing a real cuck type. Is there something that alleviates symptoms of nausea and disgust when near a nigger? That's a product I'd like to buy.



03-23-2022, 05:23 PM
Is your nigger buck pet stinking up your home, because of course you're mated with a nigger as are all YT women? AIRWICK to the rescue! Does it come in industrial strength?


04-24-2022, 10:45 PM
Vizzy is another brand I now know to never try. Their promotion of coalburning is tame compared to some, but it's still there. The commercial also uses a bit of a nigger duo's hit called "Soulful Strut," which shows how unoriginal nigger "music" is. Skip through it, and it's the same thing over and over.



Vizzy's other commercial uses a "famous" drag queen I never heard of. Well, whatever floats your boat, but I draw the line at niggers and niggerloving.

04-25-2022, 11:34 PM
A commercial for one of these shady car-buying outfits just had to throw in a blonde with a completely fugly buck exuding the DL. The nigger even had to do that side-to-side head movement. At least, instead of the usual attractive woman to imply niggers get all our best women, this one's like 5 out of 10. If I met her at a bar, like Simon Cowell says, it's a no for me.

Realism would have the buyer say, "Well, you have to get rid of the nigger yourself, and I have to knock off another $1500 to redo upholstery and disinfect hard surfaces."





animal mother
06-04-2022, 01:28 PM

I hope the burner, slut, nigger fucking whore gets hiv, clap, syphilis, and crabs before her pet sends her to the mud shark mortuary.

I hate niggers, but I hate burners even more.

06-04-2022, 11:03 PM
Moving to the existing sticky thread of bestiality advertising.

Dear lord. I couldn't take any more than 5 seconds, and then another two seconds to close my browser. It's one of those so vile that I feel like I need to use literal bleach on my computer now.

08-31-2022, 11:56 PM
AAA has also gotten into promoting bestiality. I saw a commercial with not only a mudshark and her buck, but a white woman and her niggeress.


I can't find it online, but here's an earlier commercial. Is the mudshark still alive, I wonder? The shame is that she has a nice face, and if she lost about 40 or 50 pounds, she wouldn't have been so desperate to go with a nigger. But, she burned the coal, and human men should not want her back.



09-18-2022, 05:14 PM
A public service announcement for the typical British family, but what will protect her from her buck?


09-18-2022, 10:45 PM
Good God, she looks more retarded than Down Syndrome. I always hope with such ads that it's just a model, and not a RL mudshark, and someone who had no choice because she'd signed a contract to go wherever. But nowadays you never know. The NHS probably found one of their own employees willing to make a little extra money for a fambly picture.

I'm suddenly having flashbacks to a co-worker at my old job who looked too much like Joe Pesci in the JFK movie. The first thing I noticed about her were those huge eyebrows. I didn't hold that against her, though, but then I saw her proud photo of her niglet.

09-19-2022, 12:45 PM
Good God, she looks more retarded than Down Syndrome. I always hope with such ads that it's just a model, and not a RL mudshark, and someone who had no choice because she'd signed a contract to go wherever. But nowadays you never know. The NHS probably found one of their own employees willing to make a little extra money for a fambly picture.

She also looks about 17. Seems these Libtard companies like pairing young girls with full-blooded Africoon nigger bucks. Makes them look even more woke, I guess.

09-22-2022, 12:55 AM
Found it. McDonalds is showing a mudshark and her lighter-skinned buck, and their nappy haired teenaper. In real life, a human customer went to the counter to find his order stolen already by a nigger.

21010 21011


10-02-2022, 11:10 PM
Good God, she looks more retarded than Down Syndrome. I always hope with such ads that it's just a model, and not a RL mudshark, and someone who had no choice because she'd signed a contract to go wherever. But nowadays you never know. The NHS probably found one of their own employees willing to make a little extra money for a fambly picture.

I'm suddenly having flashbacks to a co-worker at my old job who looked too much like Joe Pesci in the JFK movie. The first thing I noticed about her were those huge eyebrows. I didn't hold that against her, though, but then I saw her proud photo of her niglet.

I think this is a real 'shark and not a model. The soulless, dead eyes and the obvious forced smile give it away. The 'burner knows that a) it fucked up and b) it's too late to do anything about it.

10-02-2022, 11:11 PM
She also looks about 17. Seems these Libtard companies like pairing young girls with full-blooded Africoon nigger bucks. Makes them look even more woke, I guess.

Teenage girls with adult nigger bucks? Sounds woke just like Epstein. Not surprising, since he was one of "them."

10-16-2022, 12:39 AM
Buy a DreamCloud mattress and get a snakehead nigger buck with facial pubes for free!


It's going to be hard to get bloodstains out of that white bedding.

10-18-2022, 01:36 PM
Subaru: Find a joyous life with your pet nigger and pack of mutant sprogs.


10-20-2022, 09:41 PM

"So we created an everyday couple to be the ongoing walking, talking and joshing example of how your ideas and RBC ideas work together."

They had to create this fake mudshark, happy with her educated, intelligent (but butt ugly) buck who wants to talk about banking and investments because this doesn't exist in real life.


11-30-2022, 12:10 AM
Good God, Kroger is at it again. This time the oildrilling isn't just implied, and there's even a grandniglet.



11-30-2022, 12:29 AM
Good God, Kroger is at it again. This time the oildrilling isn't just implied, and there's even a grandniglet.



Here in socal, Kroger is known as Ralph's. Their illegals paradise market is Food4Less. Full of midgets who just crossed less than 3 months ago

Ralph's is nicer, but more expensive. I rarely go there. I prefer Vons or Aldi, or NigMart.

Heartwarming story about the joys of human -ape miscegenation.

12-02-2022, 12:15 AM
Heartwarming story about the joys of human -ape miscegenation.

How about a half minute telling us that niggers aren't just like us, but they get supah pows an sheeit?


I'd never heard of this company, and right on their site's main page, they throw oildrilling in your face.


12-25-2022, 11:25 AM
Beta driller wants to drill oil with an obese sow who pisses all over herself.


02-12-2023, 06:47 PM
"Pandora" where romantic snake-headed bucks buy they fat sheboons jurry and where pencil-necked beta nu-males buy the same for their jet-black 'Out of Africa" nigresses for their "unique love".



02-12-2023, 07:19 PM
I was about to switch to Walgreens as Kinny's is just a clusterfuck of mayhem and incompetence.... Not Walgreens now... No way...........

02-12-2023, 08:59 PM
I was about to switch to Walgreens as Kinny's is just a clusterfuck of mayhem and incompetence.... Not Walgreens now... No way...........

Wallgreens, who had to leave SF and CA entirely due to niggers robbing them blind and it's been decreed they cannot be arrested? Yet they still show niggers and mudsharks in their ads.

09-09-2023, 06:10 PM
Okay, so it's obvious that advertisers have a standing cattle call for "pencil-necked, skinny-jeaned, sissy cuck-types with douchebag facial hair to pair with sheboons in commercials so we can look totally WOKE". How else could they find so many of them?

Gain nu-male and his sheboon just love those fresh sheets!


09-20-2023, 10:37 PM
a standing cattle call for "pencil-necked, skinny-jeaned, sissy cuck-types with douchebag facial hair to pair with sheboons in commercials so we can look totally WOKE". How else could they find so many of them?

Kia's new commercial is vile enough with the typical omega-male cuck that prefers to take it up his ass from his niggersow, and would grin as he ate his own feces if the sow said it would make her happy.



But no no no, Nyquil's (I guess from a few years ago) is even more disgusting. I was eating dinner when it came on, and I almost vomited everything up.

You know that kind of "man," who represents everything against real masculinity, didn't have to do any acting to show his love for a nigger. He probably left the set to go be with his DL buck boos.

