View Full Version : OPEN BORDERS REGRET : Swedish Music Festival Sex Attacks Up 1000%

06-24-2017, 04:40 AM
For all those liberals in America who call conservatives “mean” for not wanting a flood of Islamic migrants bringing the culture of Sharia Law into America, here is a cautionary tale. In Sweden and in Germany, they did things YOUR way. Liberal leaders who campaigned and executed “Refugees Welcome” reign supreme. The result? An absolute catastrophe. Two once peaceful cultures, not mired in non-stop sexual assault and violence. Music festivals in Sweden? Sexual assaults up 1000% Do you want that in America? Do you want that in Coachella? NO. From WND WASHINGTON – A new report documents that sexual assault

More... (http://truthfeed.com/open-borders-regret-swedish-music-festival-sex-attacks-up-1000/84612/)