View Full Version : Tucker Carlson talks about Kristen Clarke

01-13-2021, 06:38 PM
Just in case you did not know yet. Creepy Joe nominated Kristen Clarke as DOJ's Civil Rights Division lead. Not only does the sheboon want to defund the police, but she is also an absolute hardcore racist. And of course as retarded as a nigger can be. As always, Tucker Carlson is spot on:


Coon Club Road
01-14-2021, 10:59 AM
Just what we need... another clueless spook taking up space in a government office.

01-14-2021, 01:43 PM
Wow, the sheboon wants to fight hate, whereas she is more hateful than anybody else. Outright ridiculous. And of course lots of "flying pyramids" shit like, quote:
"human mental pocesses are controlled by melanin - that same chemical which gives Nigers their superior physical & mental abilities" and "Melanin endows Niggers with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities - something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards"

And yet these shitbeasts invade European countries in droves and demand money from yt all day long. Why on earth if their mental abilities are so much higher. Segregation now!

Stay safe and always carry!

Keep Britain White
01-14-2021, 02:47 PM
Perhaps this stupid cow would like to explain why, if the nigger brain is so superior, there's never been such a thing as a successful nigger country.
This jealousy of white people is why we will never be able to live with niggers; oil and water. Peace will only come when we kick these snivelling groids back to where they originated from.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-14-2021, 03:42 PM
Perhaps this stupid cow would like to explain why, if the nigger brain is so superior, there's never been such a thing as a successful nigger country.
This jealousy of white people is why we will never be able to live with niggers; oil and water. Peace will only come when we kick these snivelling groids back to where they originated from.

You can literally point to the countless nigger nest infestations throughout the world and go “look at this shit” and they just ignore it and call you a racist. Then in the next sentence call you evil because of your skin color. O e day, these nigger bastards will be put back in their place.

01-15-2021, 02:14 PM
Perhaps this stupid cow would like to explain why, if the nigger brain is so superior, there's never been such a thing as a successful nigger country.
This jealousy of white people is why we will never be able to live with niggers; oil and water. Peace will only come when we kick these snivelling groids back to where they originated from.

My sentiments, exactly! At least you are on a good way, you got rid of the communist union. Therefore at least a chance to throw out niggers and sand niggers. Here people again and again vote for that communist stalin Merkel bitch - we are doomed.