View Full Version : Manuel Flores of El Paso really, really, really doesn't like niggers

Whitey Ford
01-13-2021, 05:56 PM
Whatever you do, don't do this, OK? :clarkson
El Paso Man Sentenced for Posting Threatening YouTube Video


On October 14, 2020, Flores pleaded guilty to transmitting a threatening communication. By pleading guilty, Flores admitted that in June 2020 he recorded and uploaded a video to YouTube entitled “N----- Lives Matter” in which he made threatening comments to Black Lives Matter protestors. During the video, Flores is seated and visible only from the knees down with what appears to be an AR-15 style rifle resting on his feet. Flores stated that in two days he would be travelling on I-20 Eastbound through Dallas while daring individuals representing Black Lives Matter to “stop him.” Flores further stated that “my dream is at least … take out at least 200 n------.”


Jim Crow
01-13-2021, 07:57 PM
It’s OK to hate niggers.But,going online and threatening to kill them is stupid. What did this idiot think, that he would not be arrested? Maybe he wanted to spend some time in prison getting corn holed by big Bubba.

Rastus Nigger
01-13-2021, 09:55 PM
Hispanics hate niggers too. Poor choice to get yourself thrown in NU though.

Coon Club Road
01-13-2021, 11:27 PM
Manual should have read the manual on how to stay out of the slam!

Ray Cizzums
01-14-2021, 02:35 AM
Come on, Manuel ! There's no point in talking about it on You Tube.
Now you'll never get it done, and you're in the slammer, with niggers.

Jim Crow
01-14-2021, 08:43 AM
Come on, Manuel ! There's no point in talking about it on You Tube.
Now you'll never get it done, and you're in the slammer, with niggers.
Saying is “doers do,talkers talk”. I wish Manuel was a doer.

01-14-2021, 08:54 AM
Realistically, his use of the word "nigger" is enough to get him or anyone arrested these days.

Something I tell myself when thinking about doing some chore is, "Don't think (or talk) about it. Just DO it." It always works for me.

01-15-2021, 08:12 AM
Realistically, his use of the word "nigger" is enough to get him or anyone arrested these days.

I feel so bad for him. No one can have a lousy day and make a bad video in poor judgment like that unless they're an "endangered" species, in which case it's totally OK (see last summer; I seem to remember many murderous threats expressed online with impunity by niggers towards whites).

There are, literally, convicted murderers and child molesters whom the California prison system released on their own recognizance to keep them from getting sick. We live in an upside-down world.

Something I tell myself when thinking about doing some chore is, "Don't think (or talk) about it. Just DO it." It always works for me.

Incredible, isn't it? Thinking about it first makes me feel like I've done the dishes twice! D:

01-15-2021, 11:34 AM
Incredible, isn't it? Thinking about it first makes me feel like I've done the dishes twice! D:

Exactly! In the time it takes for me to sit here, drink coffee and think about how I don't want to mop the kitchen floor I could have had it all done!

There are, literally, convicted murderers and child molesters whom the California prison system released on their own recognizance to keep them from getting sick.

Don't get me started on that.

01-15-2021, 06:57 PM
So the fuck what?

Threats against the POTUS averaged six per day back in 2017 and have increased every day since then. blm, antifa, commies and even congressmen have done it.

“It’s not only Trump supporters who can talk like complete a**holes,” Hamman (MN state congress) wrote. “As long as that’s what’s coming out of that side, then I’ll match you dumb f**ks word for word. Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p***y,” wrote Hamman.

In fact, the number is so high, the Secret Service can only investigate the ones made with specifics or by known violent offenders with known radicalized ideas.

One guy makes a general threat which amounted to nothing but bravado and frustration which was not even directed at a single person. It got him 21 months in fed lockup where he will be tortured by niggers likely until they kill him. Meanwhile, snotty little sniveling bitches like this get nothing but free publicity:


Of course I'm sure most Americans prefer the one on the bottom but she would get prison time if she actually did that one.

Hollywood is full of wannabe terrorist that have made more of a name for themselves by threatening Trump than doing their actual jobs (if you can even describe what those clowns do as work).

Give the guy a break and a prescription for some valium. Hell, give us all some. We're going to need it for the next 4 to life.

01-16-2021, 01:03 AM
So the fuck what?

Threats against the POTUS averaged six per day back in 2017 and have increased every day since then. blm, antifa, commies and even congressmen have done it.


In fact, the number is so high, the Secret Service can only investigate the ones made with specifics or by known violent offenders with known radicalized ideas.

One guy makes a general threat which amounted to nothing but bravado and frustration which was not even directed at a single person. It got him 21 months in fed lockup where he will be tortured by niggers likely until they kill him. Meanwhile, snotty little sniveling bitches like this get nothing but free publicity:


Kathy Griffin is a certifiable nutcase. I don't think too many people found that funny, and it got her a major spanking and blacklisted, while she ranted, trying to backpedal and apologize. Love or hate your leader, that was an absolute disgrace - outrageous - and she really should have had way worse consequences like throwing her crazy ass in jail for at least a short period.

That reminds me: Remember all those has-been "celebrities" who bleated and threatened (or promised?) to leave the US if Trump got elected, including filthy slags like Amy Schumer, Chelsey Handler, sloppy pedo Lena Dunham, nigger Sambo Jackson, some stupid cRapper and others. Did any of them leave? No? Didn't think so.

Goodman Grey
01-16-2021, 01:32 AM
I feel so bad for him. No one can have a lousy day and make a bad video in poor judgment like that unless they're an "endangered" species, in which case it's totally OK (see last summer; I seem to remember many murderous threats expressed online with impunity by niggers towards whites).

This reminded me of something: Does anyone else remember that nigger that livestreamed his murders, and eventually got caught when he went to a McDonald's to get Chicken McNuggets (now with 19% more flavor)?

I think he mostly just killed other niggers.

edit: It was Steve Stephens!

Does anyone have the uncensored video of him shooting that old nigger in the head? That was a classic! :lol

It's wrong for humans to talk about or do anything violent to niggers, but if a nigger does it to another nigger, it's okay, right?

edit2: Sorry for derailing the thread...

01-16-2021, 01:49 AM
It's wrong for humans to talk about or do anything violent to niggers, but if a nigger does it to another nigger, it's okay, right?

(assumes Bugs Bunny French accent) But of course!!! :lmao

01-16-2021, 02:40 AM
It's wrong for humans to talk about or do anything violent to niggers, but if a nigger does it to another nigger, it's okay, right?

We've had some problems with videos that were better suited for hoodsite and left there. Be careful not to post video depravity against humans as human victims have loved ones that are on the internet too. Why make them victims twice? We don't need to do that. Leave victimization to the niggers.

Posting a link is one thing if you will at least post a stern descriptive warning when it comes to graphic links. No-one wants to unknowingly open something they don't want themselves or their human kids to walk in and see popping up on the screen. Let the viewer beware, you know?

Most (if not all that I've tried) videos outside of YT can't be seen directly here on CO anyway and they don't post graphic videos that I've ever seen.

Certainly just talking about nigger mayhem is ok. That's what we do because mayhem is what they do.

We just don't want to be known as a snuff film site.

Goodman Grey
01-16-2021, 02:52 AM
We just don't want to be known as a snuff film site.

True, but I remember originally watching the video, in all of its glory, on several television news stations. Like the kind you could receive with an antenna.

I think they did that to emphasize how badly they wanted the nigger wrangled.

But that was a different time, before #BLM. I think it happened in 2017.

Nowadays it's only a bad thing when police officers kill niggers, and black on black crime is almost entirely ignored.

edit: It was also literally livestreamed on Facebook, of all places, and Facebook hates Trump and his supporters.

01-16-2021, 03:11 AM
^^Like I said - if it's on YT, your probably good as they don't allow graphic videos. For other links, just post a disclaimer so nobody blows chunks at the breakfast table.

If there is still a question, then send it to a trustee or higher first.

Tar Remover
01-25-2021, 06:14 PM
Well THAT was dumb........ Inspiring, but dumb......