View Full Version : Inside the mind of Antifa...

Goodman Grey
01-13-2021, 03:11 PM
I found this on accident while searching for something else.

It is the "Anti-Fascist" Handbook, free and available for all to read.


Read it, study it, learn how the enemy thinks.

I wonder how many antifas will be at Biden's inauguration, allowed to be there because they don't fit the Democrat definition of terrorism. And I wonder if some crazy Trump supporter, who somehow bypassed all of the security safeguards, will mysteriously appear and cause a problem.

Honestly, it would probably be best if most Trump supporters emulated Trump and just avoided the inauguration altogether. D.C. is obviously going to be hostile to them regardless of whether or not they come in peace.


01-13-2021, 05:23 PM
Thanks. Will read when I have time. Download and save to your archives. Always download and save for future use because it will be gone.

But here is the answer to your title:

Goodman Grey
01-14-2021, 01:02 AM
Another thing to keep in mind that it may be beneficial in the future (in the USA) to be capable of pretending to be a liberal douchebag.

If you say what they want to hear, they might be less likely to cancel you, take your money, and kill you. Of course, try to avoid participating in activities that will mark you as a useful idiot, because the end result will be the same.

Try to find a safe middle ground. Better yet, try to avoid showing up on their radar at all.

They will never suspect the people that appear to be the most loyal to them. :)

I mean, a Democrat congressman, congresswoman, or congressperson could show up one day, cough in Nancy Pelosi's direction, or touch something she might touch, and now all of a sudden she has a racist, white supremacist disease (AKA COVID-19 and/or its mutations) attacking her 80 year old body. That's why you can't trust anyone these days. They are all out to get you. And those Republicans... they might intentionally try to get Pelosi sick. Everyone is a potential terrorist with their sinister bioweapons that they received from China! Any person in Congress could potentially use their COVID-19 to assassinate Pelosi!


You can't trust any of them. Any one of them, even the Democrats, could be waiting for you to let down your guard, and then BAM! you now have a viral infection that might kill you (they want your power for themselves). It might be best to get them first, before they have a chance to take you out. If anyone wonders why some congresspeople are missing, just tell the media that they were suspected of being terrorists and that they are currently being questioned by [3 letter agency], even if you know they are already dead. Some of them were bringing guns into the Capitol. They might have been smearing COVID-19 on the bullets, waiting for the right time to take action.

I noticed some members of congress bypassed the metal detector today. Maybe they are trying to see if they can smuggle their COVID-19 and their guns into the Capitol.

The vaccines do not have a 100% success rate, and they do not prevent people from transmitting the virus.

01-14-2021, 02:23 PM
The vaccines do not have a 100% success rate, and they do not prevent people from transmitting the virus.

I've actually heard that, more often than not, those vaccines can make you way sicker than just getting the wy-russ and acquiring immunity the old-fashioned way.

Then again, my family disdains medical science for anything not requiring surgery.

My late grandfather's sure-fire cure for every ailment from eczema to crippling monopolar depression was, "Swim in the ocean.". It worked! Honestly? I can't remember either him or my grandmother ever having been sick. Neither of them caught the Hong Kong flu when it came around. My mother caught it, was the sickest she'd ever been in her life, and one day woke up feeling great, all without ever going to the doctor.

A friend of mine, whose father was a physician of some kind (legitmate), used to take me hiking with her in the Koolau Range (https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffsb&q=koolau+range&iax=images&ia=images), where falling to one's death would have been easier than not doing so. She made a point of drinking one or two sips of water from EVERY stream we encountered, even ones containing rusty hubcaps and all manner of litter, to strengthen her immune system via mithridatism.

01-27-2021, 06:30 PM
Another thing to keep in mind that it may be beneficial in the future (in the USA) to be capable of pretending to be a liberal douchebag.

If you say what they want to hear, they might be less likely to cancel you, take your money, and kill you. Of course, try to avoid participating in activities that will mark you as a useful idiot, because the end result will be the same.

Try to find a safe middle ground. Better yet, try to avoid showing up on their radar at all.

They will never suspect the people that appear to be the most loyal to them. :)

I mean, a Democrat congressman, congresswoman, or congressperson could show up one day, cough in Nancy Pelosi's direction, or touch something she might touch, and now all of a sudden she has a racist, white supremacist disease (AKA COVID-19 and/or its mutations) attacking her 80 year old body. That's why you can't trust anyone these days. They are all out to get you. And those Republicans... they might intentionally try to get Pelosi sick. Everyone is a potential terrorist with their sinister bioweapons that they received from China! Any person in Congress could potentially use their COVID-19 to assassinate Pelosi!


You can't trust any of them. Any one of them, even the Democrats, could be waiting for you to let down your guard, and then BAM! you now have a viral infection that might kill you (they want your power for themselves). It might be best to get them first, before they have a chance to take you out. If anyone wonders why some congresspeople are missing, just tell the media that they were suspected of being terrorists and that they are currently being questioned by [3 letter agency], even if you know they are already dead. Some of them were bringing guns into the Capitol. They might have been smearing COVID-19 on the bullets, waiting for the right time to take action.

I noticed some members of congress bypassed the metal detector today. Maybe they are trying to see if they can smuggle their COVID-19 and their guns into the Capitol.

The vaccines do not have a 100% success rate, and they do not prevent people from transmitting the virus.

Wise post.

How did communism under Mao take down MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people? By fostering mass paranoia and snitching on one's neighbors and family, exactly how things are going in today's America.