View Full Version : Nigger Only Hiking Clubs

Coon Club Road
01-10-2021, 08:01 PM
So if a human hiking club had a no nigger policy, what would happen?


Goodman Grey
01-10-2021, 08:16 PM
There should be a "No Niggers Allowed Hiking Club."

01-11-2021, 01:47 AM
So the niggers want to bring blight, crime and TNB to the great outdoors

Jim Crow
01-11-2021, 09:25 AM
Nigg hiking club needs to go hiking in the mountains. And take a long hike off a high cliff.

Coon Club Road
01-11-2021, 10:56 AM
So the niggers want to bring blight, crime and TNB to the great outdoors

You already know how coons can fuck up a concrete jungle... I can hardly wait to see the mark they leave on the great outdoors.

Ray Cizzums
01-11-2021, 11:26 AM
Having done some soldiering with the funky soul brothers, I can tell you from experience that orienteering is a merit badge they ain't getting. Map and compass work, even with visible landmarks, is not happening. Dead reckoning out, and back, at night ? Forget it. "Norf star and Little Dippa" ? "WTF you talking 'bout, white boy" ?
Even when they cut a road, they're so turned around, it's a coin flip which way they'll head. Thank god I didn't deploy with these clowns.
Enemy lines ? Where dey is ?

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-11-2021, 11:27 AM
There should be a "No Niggers Allowed Hiking Club."

I want a no niggers allowed country to live in.

01-11-2021, 11:58 AM

The large pile of teeth, tennis shoes and sail foambs were all that were found today by Niggystone National Park officials are believed to be the only remains of a group of inexperienced fat assed sherilla hikers that went missing last week. Officials had warned the novice hikers that they had no business in the mountainous terrain as there were no KFC's available in the area for food as well as no sail foamb coverage in the area.

Related stories:

Several large endangered grizzly bears were found dead yesterday by park rangers at Niggystone National Park. Officials believe the bears were poisoned by a mixture of toxic chemicals including hurr producks, purple drank, Hennessy and crack. Some of the bears had intestinal blockages which according to autopsy reports appear to be hair weaves. Officials are asking for anyone with information to please call the Park Ranger's office.


Coon Club Road
01-12-2021, 12:19 AM

The large pile of teeth, tennis shoes and sail foambs were all that were found today by Niggystone National Park officials are believed to be the only remains of a group of inexperienced fat assed sherilla hikers that went missing last week. Officials had warned the novice hikers that they had no business in the mountainous terrain as there were no KFC's available in the area for food as well as no sail foamb coverage in the area.

Related stories:

Several large endangered grizzly bears were found dead yesterday by park rangers at Niggystone National Park. Officials believe the bears were poisoned by a mixture of toxic chemicals including hurr producks, purple drank, Hennessy and crack. Some of the bears had intestinal blockages which according to autopsy reports appear to be hair weaves. Officials are asking for anyone with information to please call the Park Ranger's office.


That is some funny shit my friend!

Whitey Ford
01-12-2021, 02:58 AM
Niggers hiking :lmao

....there's no denying the trauma of lynchings that are forever linked to outdoor spaces.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

First off, hiking requires effort. Yeah, effort.

Hiking and outdoor destinations can sometimes feel exclusive, and many Black people feel as though they are intruding on white spaces when they head outside.

I know, if there is no graffiti and gang tags spray painted everywhere, no crack dealers in sight, no sounds of bass jungle beats thumping through bass speakers in some hooptie, no gun/gang violence or run down slum like conditions, then it most certainly has not been niggerfied enough with vibrantly enriching culture. Just too damn white! Definitely a 'whitespace.' LOL

NJ-based group HIKEOLUTION was established in January 2017 by founder Keyana Jones with a mission to “hike for a solution, evolution, and revolution.”

Everything a nigger does is some sort of 'revolutionary' statement apparently. Hell, even ripping a fart after eating a Taco Bell 7 Layer Burrito is probably even a revolutionary act to a nigger. And it always has to rhyme, too. Do niggers ever do Haiku?

“The great Harriet Tubman, one of my favorite ancestors, was technically a hiker,” she says.

Niggers love to hike! They love to hike to a liquor store and rob it, hike down to the welfare office to get a check, hike to the headshop to get some rolling papers for their weed, etc etc.

Yeah, these obese and out of shape niggers really look like hikers. I bet they wouldn't make it a quarter mile before collapsing of muh exhaustion.

01-12-2021, 09:06 AM
I'll tell you why there are no niggers going hiking: they are too fucking lazy.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-12-2021, 07:12 PM

The large pile of teeth, tennis shoes and sail foambs were all that were found today by Niggystone National Park officials are believed to be the only remains of a group of inexperienced fat assed sherilla hikers that went missing last week. Officials had warned the novice hikers that they had no business in the mountainous terrain as there were no KFC's available in the area for food as well as no sail foamb coverage in the area.

Related stories:

Several large endangered grizzly bears were found dead yesterday by park rangers at Niggystone National Park. Officials believe the bears were poisoned by a mixture of toxic chemicals including hurr producks, purple drank, Hennessy and crack. Some of the bears had intestinal blockages which according to autopsy reports appear to be hair weaves. Officials are asking for anyone with information to please call the Park Ranger's office.


Oh shit, Tweak, you dirty bastard! You almost made me soil myself!

As for Spinal Tap, I didn't see that movie until I was well into my 30's -- by that time, the movie was probably 25 years old. I have major cultural blind spots in my personal history just because of the way we were raised. Moving around, sports, then girls, well -- you get the picture...

Anyway, when I watched it, I almost died from hypoxia. I laughed so hard I ran out of oxygen. Mrs. PH...? "I don't get it..." Me: "But this one goes to 11!"

Truly hilarious. The Blu-ray has all kinds of great outtakes -- hard to believe some of them are not in the movie.

Rastus Nigger
01-12-2021, 07:25 PM
The one place niggers will never be hiking to is an employment office. They need to go hiking in Apefrica so lions, tigers and other predators can get some black meat. :because

01-13-2021, 01:00 AM
Oh shit, Tweak, you dirty bastard! You almost made me soil myself!

As for Spinal Tap, I didn't see that movie until I was well into my 30's -- by that time, the movie was probably 25 years old. I have major cultural blind spots in my personal history just because of the way we were raised. Moving around, sports, then girls, well -- you get the picture...

Anyway, when I watched it, I almost died from hypoxia. I laughed so hard I ran out of oxygen. Mrs. PH...? "I don't get it..." Me: "But this one goes to 11!"

Truly hilarious. The Blu-ray has all kinds of great outtakes -- hard to believe some of them are not in the movie.

Hehh Hehh...

The Mrs. and I have a running feud at Fort Tweak and have had it going for as long as we've been together. She is an absolute Christmas nut. As for myself, I can't stand it and never could.

Sorry, but not sorry.

She's always tried to relive her childhood vicariously through the kids while I am the polar opposite and consider everything about it to be a crass commercialized bastardization of a basically manufactured holiday to begin with (but aren't they all though?).

When she gets going around the holidays, running around the house decorating andmaking a nuisance of herself by singing carols, (she has a knack for doing it while I'm trying to watch or listen to something) I'll step over to the PC where I keep a link to my favorite Spinal Tap Christmas anti carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1-XD_C3jh4

I like to turn it up to 11 when I do it.:lol

I guess I'm just a grinch that way.

01-13-2021, 08:39 AM
:lol you guys are killing me

01-13-2021, 02:49 PM
Niggers hiking or camping? Even Orca Winfrey had a whole show dedicated to asking that age-old question: Why do niggers not go camping?

If they thought they could rob, rape, loot, and steal out in the woods, they'd go in droves. Barring that, why would they go?

As for all those fat-assed, beetus boons and bucks: They probably went there in a bus, got out long enough to take that pic and then knuckled back on the bus for some likker, blunts and muh dik.

Rastus Nigger
01-13-2021, 09:38 PM
Niggers hiking or camping? Even Orca Winfrey had a whole show dedicated to asking that age-old question: Why do niggers not go camping?

If they thought they could rob, rape, loot, and steal out in the woods, they'd go in droves. Barring that, why would they go?

As for all those fat-assed, beetus boons and bucks: They probably went there in a bus, got out long enough to take that pic and then knuckled back on the bus for some likker, blunts and muh dik.

I'd love to see video of idiot niggers trying to steal a tree.

Coon Club Road
01-13-2021, 11:38 PM
I'd love to see video of idiot niggers trying to steal a tree.

:lol :lol :lol

01-14-2021, 12:11 AM
So if a human hiking club had a no nigger policy, what would happen?


Just imagine, along with "White Entertainment TV", "White Miss America", "White History Month", etc. Try and visualize an outcry that would echo around the world, led by the BBC. Actually I think libtards would scream louder than niggers.

Coon Club Road
01-14-2021, 10:54 AM
Just imagine, along with "White Entertainment TV", "White Miss America", "White History Month", etc. Try and visualize an outcry that would echo around the world, led by the BBC. Actually I think libtards would scream louder than niggers.

We are definitely on the same page referencing the aforementioned!

01-15-2021, 10:06 PM
Niggers hiking or camping? Even Orca Winfrey had a whole show dedicated to asking that age-old question: Why do niggers not go camping?

If they thought they could rob, rape, loot, and steal out in the woods, they'd go in droves. Barring that, why would they go?

As for all those fat-assed, beetus boons and bucks: They probably went there in a bus, got out long enough to take that pic and then knuckled back on the bus for some likker, blunts and muh dik.

As soon as I saw the article, I imagined a bunch of bucks using it as an excuse to harass and muh dikk human victims. When there are so many niggers, and they all look alike, how is a victim going to identify them?