View Full Version : Apple, Amazon untrustworthy

01-10-2021, 02:55 PM
Finally Apple, Amazon and Google openly admitted to be unreliable business partners:
I don't think anybody here uses iNigger stuff any more, but still noteworthy since they can completely control you device. Next thing will be to not allow users to open websites claimed to 'spread hate' or to communicate with 'right wing' people any more. The possibility to do so is already implemented since Catalina.
Even worse to my mind is the behaviour of Amazon, since they decided to delete the Parler AWS instance without pre warning. So contracts with Amazon are not worth the paper they are printed on: https://t.co/8SzvJwBYcx

Left wing ideology:
"Hate is not free speech. The left decides on a daily basis what is considered to be hate. Everybody who disagrees, is hating!"

01-10-2021, 04:46 PM
You can add Facespook and Shitter to that list. It is the same ideology as when a human kills a nigger. Even in self defense it is a "hate crime". Yet when a nigger murders a human it wont even be considered. Cancel culture will follow suit soon enough as big tech censors everything that isn't "woke" or liberal. Not to sound like a parrot but "1984" is swiftly coming but worse. All the left will blame conservatives when niggers are running rampant and the next president will be LGBTQWERTYXYZ+-=/* squared and a nigger.

01-10-2021, 09:32 PM
We've been somewhat protected from tyranny and afforded free speech at the federal level -- at least that's what it says on paper. At the state, local and private sector not so much. Santimonious lefties and their race mixing ideals are forcing this on us thru out of control mega tech companies with their twisted social agenda.

01-10-2021, 09:33 PM
The actions of all the left-wing tech outlets in the past week are disgraceful, and I think and hope there will be a backlash against this. Here is a way to get started:

AMAZON - Cancel Prime. Don't buy anything from their rotten sites or their affiliates. Don't host your website on their cloud or physical servers (see Parler below.) Never sign in to your Amazon account again. Consider Ebay or Walmart.

FACEBOOK - I don't use FB for much and it's hard to do much without an account, but I manage. I know some of you need it to keep in touch or for business, but look for alternatives - if they're not around now they'll be coming soon.

GOOGLE - They are pure evil. Don't sign into your account if you have one. Block or don't click on their ads. Use Duck Duck Go. There are no good alternatives to Earth but again block all the ads.

INSTAGRAM - Owned by facebook. Don't sign in. Find an alternative.

TWITTER - I'm not sure if you can even use them anymore without signing in since I've haven't used my account in years. I signed up to follow Trump's tweets, but then I realized the news media covered them all anyway. Now they can go straight to hell. Again if you need it for something, find an alternative or keep an eye out for one.

YOUTUBE - See Google above. I watch plenty of YT videos but I don't have an account and refuse to get one. Use their bandwidth and block their ads. Be sure to block ads here, since they're in the videos too. Letting them play gives them revenue.

Use a VPN. Don't use Google Chrome. And don't click on their damn ads, that's how they make money.

Amazon, Google, Twitter are a triangle of evil.

And now for PARLER - There is no reason to host your website on Amazon. Find a friendly host and be done with Amazon. They are EVIL.

People will have to change their behaviors in the wake of this. If an ad from an evil company interests you, don't click on it. Take note of it and find it elsewhere. That denies them their revenue from the ad. If there is a product sold by an evil company, find it elsewhere and deny them their revenue, even if it costs a bit more. THAT is a boycott!

I could go on but this is lengthy enough already. Thanks for reading!

Goodman Grey
01-10-2021, 10:42 PM
Honestly, it seems almost weird that this forum allows for more freedom of speech than most American venues.

Granted, talk about miscegenation and niggerloving in general is discouraged, and that could be considered a form of censorship in itself, but it's no different than, say, how a homeowners' association might have strict rules about what is allowed and not allowed if you want to remain a member of the community. Some places actually make you sign an agreement wherein you agree to not engage in criminal activities, not entirely unlike this site.*

There also tends to be significantly less drama here than I've seen on other sites and/or apps.

* It may sound like common sense to most of us, but apparently there are people and niggers out there that need to be told not to break the law.

01-11-2021, 12:13 AM
Honestly, it seems almost weird that this forum allows for more freedom of speech than most American venues.

Granted, talk about miscegenation and niggerloving in general is discouraged, and that could be considered a form of censorship in itself, but it's no different than, say, how a homeowners' association might have strict rules about what is allowed and not allowed if you want to remain a member of the community. Some places actually make you sign an agreement wherein you agree to not engage in criminal activities, not entirely unlike this site.*

There also tends to be significantly less drama here than I've seen on other sites and/or apps.

* It may sound like common sense to most of us, but apparently there are people and niggers out there that need to be told not to break the law.

Chimpout has always been clear about the purpose of our site. These big tech leftists were supposed to be social media sites for free expression, now they have changed and started censoring and canceling half the country. It's as if we decided to merge with blackplanet.

01-11-2021, 12:27 AM
Problem with getting people off anything with a social aspect is that too many people won’t do it if the new alternative isn’t very active or well done. Too many people just don’t care to learn how sick some of those corporates are and the political mafia in bed with them.
I’ll try to offer some alternatives to big tech.

Trash Poogle. Most will recommend DuckDuckGo, yet I’d suggest “Qwant” also. Startpage is also an option.

Gmail is dog shit. Try Protonmail or Tutanova.

Nobody should still be using chrome. Firefox and/or Brave are better.

It’s a long road and probably futile but we gotta keep convincing people to get off the fucking social media. It’s bad for them and causes serious depression anyway.
Maybe future posters will also help offer alternatives to these evil companies. We need email and search engines, but it’s time to look for alternatives. Ones in less cucked countries are a plus.

Jubal A. Early
01-11-2021, 01:39 AM
Absolutely right. Convincing people to depart from censor happy social media platforms is so futile, my siblings included. They never bump into having their account closed, just being nice and PC. Swimming in the ebony and ivory toilet bowl.

01-11-2021, 04:23 PM
Finally Apple, Amazon and Google openly admitted to be unreliable business partners:
I don't think anybody here uses iNigger stuff any more, but still noteworthy since they can completely control you device. Next thing will be to not allow users to open websites claimed to 'spread hate' or to communicate with 'right wing' people any more. The possibility to do so is already implemented since Catalina.
Even worse to my mind is the behaviour of Amazon, since they decided to delete the Parler AWS instance without pre warning. So contracts with Amazon are not worth the paper they are printed on: https://t.co/8SzvJwBYcx

Left wing ideology:
"Hate is not free speech. The left decides on a daily basis what is considered to be hate. Everybody who disagrees, is hating!"

You are right, and thanks for opening my eyes to apple (don't use their stuff, but I thought they were the 'least' evil - not any more). But I do think you forgot to mention the antichrist: Niggerbook and its smaller sibling Niggergram. Of course I know one does not need to use them, but for many people Niggerbook is even more essential than google...

01-11-2021, 04:56 PM
The actions of all the left-wing tech outlets in the past week are disgraceful, and I think and hope there will be a backlash against this. Here is a way to get started:

AMAZON - Cancel Prime. Don't buy anything from their rotten sites or their affiliates. Don't host your website on their cloud or physical servers (see Parler below.) Never sign in to your Amazon account again. Consider Ebay or Walmart.

FACEBOOK - I don't use FB for much and it's hard to do much without an account, but I manage. I know some of you need it to keep in touch or for business, but look for alternatives - if they're not around now they'll be coming soon.

GOOGLE - They are pure evil. Don't sign into your account if you have one. Block or don't click on their ads. Use Duck Duck Go. There are no good alternatives to Earth but again block all the ads.

INSTAGRAM - Owned by facebook. Don't sign in. Find an alternative.

TWITTER - I'm not sure if you can even use them anymore without signing in since I've haven't used my account in years. I signed up to follow Trump's tweets, but then I realized the news media covered them all anyway. Now they can go straight to hell. Again if you need it for something, find an alternative or keep an eye out for one.

YOUTUBE - See Google above. I watch plenty of YT videos but I don't have an account and refuse to get one. Use their bandwidth and block their ads. Be sure to block ads here, since they're in the videos too. Letting them play gives them revenue.

Use a VPN. Don't use Google Chrome. And don't click on their damn ads, that's how they make money.

Amazon, Google, Twitter are a triangle of evil.

And now for PARLER - There is no reason to host your website on Amazon. Find a friendly host and be done with Amazon. They are EVIL.

People will have to change their behaviors in the wake of this. If an ad from an evil company interests you, don't click on it. Take note of it and find it elsewhere. That denies them their revenue from the ad. If there is a product sold by an evil company, find it elsewhere and deny them their revenue, even if it costs a bit more. THAT is a boycott!

I could go on but this is lengthy enough already. Thanks for reading!

Thank you very much for your post AFN_Weasel, spot on! That is exactly the way everyone should deal with these companies, since it is all about money it is the only way how they learn.
I do have one objection though: Personally, I do think Apple is (by far) the worst of the pack. Reason is they completely control their devices, they are exactly as evil as google concerning privacy, censorship & diversity, but they try to gaslight people to make them believe they are on the 'good' side. And, in contrast to google, if one uses that stuff, there is no way to get around their censorship - you just won't notice it, since they can hide it (just dig into the network stack of BigSur, or listen to one of their keynote speeches). Examples:
On the positive side though: Mostly one can recognize woke people because they are diehard apple fans (at where I live).

01-11-2021, 05:38 PM
Problem with getting people off anything with a social aspect is that too many people won’t do it if the new alternative isn’t very active or well done. Too many people just don’t care to learn how sick some of those corporates are and the political mafia in bed with them.
Yep, that actually is the main problem: Convince people to use alternatives to Niggerbook, Niggergram, Shitter and iNigger.

I’ll try to offer some alternatives to big tech.

Trash Poogle. Most will recommend DuckDuckGo, yet I’d suggest “Qwant” also. Startpage is also an option.

Gmail is dog shit. Try Protonmail or Tutanova.

Nobody should still be using chrome. Firefox and/or Brave are better.

It’s a long road and probably futile but we gotta keep convincing people to get off the fucking social media. It’s bad for them and causes serious depression anyway.
Maybe future posters will also help offer alternatives to these evil companies. We need email and search engines, but it’s time to look for alternatives. Ones in less cucked countries are a plus.

I do think you are on the right path with Qwant and Startpage (Startpage is actually google search through an anonymous proxy). I personally don't like DuckDuckGo (for no specific reason, just personal distaste). Sometimes really interesting is yandex (Russian search site), just compare the search results of 'controversial topics' to the ones delivered by google.
Besides that: At least google, yt, android etc. can be used without account, and since google is evil, I don't feel bad using an ad&script blocker on youtube. Very convenient. Users of apple & facebook are actually screwed, you can't use that stuff without account, and you won't even notice if they block/censor things since they hide that.

Alternative to Shitter would be e.g. gab, to my mind better than Parler.

BTW: Instead of free mailers and other 'server based' things: The most effective way to protect your own privacy and prevent account deletion etc. would be to buy your own domain and host your own email/messaging(e.g. briar) server. Even a RaspberryPi is sufficient for personal use. Backside, you have to put some effort into that solution, so not for everybody...

01-12-2021, 09:24 PM
I do have one objection though: Personally, I do think Apple is (by far) the worst of the pack. Reason is they completely control their devices, they are exactly as evil as google concerning privacy, censorship & diversity

I left Apple out because I don't have any suggestions as to how to boycott them, other than to not patronize their silly iTunes store. But basically if I want a new smartphone I have two choices - an iPhone or something running Android. So it's either Apple or Google.

This untenable situation is similar to our reliance on China for rare earths and prescription drugs. I refuse to upgrade my ancient Galaxy s4 smartphone until I have a third option. One that doesn't involve an evil company. And conservatives are going to have to build their own infrastructure and not be reliant upon the likes of Amazon to host their websites. That's quite a tall order.

01-13-2021, 06:23 PM
I left Apple out because I don't have any suggestions as to how to boycott them, other than to not patronize their silly iTunes store. But basically if I want a new smartphone I have two choices - an iPhone or something running Android. So it's either Apple or Google.
That is true, you can just choose between evil and antichrist. What I meant to say is that there is a difference at least in how one can use the different devices: Most of the google stuff can be used without google account (even android phones), and if one knows what to do one can get rid of almost all the google services on android devices (via ADB), or just buy an AndroidOpenSource device (e.g.from e.foundation, BQ, ...). Add a firewall to block any google servers, get only OpenSource apps (e.g. via Fdroid store) and you are good to go.
That is simply not an option on any Apple device. You can't even use them without an Apple ID, you can't hinder the devices to talk to Apple all day long, and you can't install software on any Apple machine without apples approval/signature. Of course if you are forced to use iNigger stuff, you're essentially screwed.

This untenable situation is similar to our reliance on China for rare earths and prescription drugs. I refuse to upgrade my ancient Galaxy s4 smartphone until I have a third option.
You are so right!! Sadly Trump is the only one who dared to criticize the China reliance. Funnily, I refuse to replace my old S6 for exactly the same reason as you.

One that doesn't involve an evil company. And conservatives are going to have to build their own infrastructure and not be reliant upon the likes of Amazon to host their websites. That's quite a tall order.
We are on the same page! We have to work at it, hopefully it is not too late.
Stay safe!

01-13-2021, 07:04 PM
Finally Apple, Amazon and Google openly admitted to be unreliable business partners:
I don't think anybody here uses iNigger stuff any more, but still noteworthy since they can completely control you device. Next thing will be to not allow users to open websites claimed to 'spread hate' or to communicate with 'right wing' people any more. The possibility to do so is already implemented since Catalina.
Even worse to my mind is the behaviour of Amazon, since they decided to delete the Parler AWS instance without pre warning. So contracts with Amazon are not worth the paper they are printed on: https://t.co/8SzvJwBYcx

Left wing ideology:
"Hate is not free speech. The left decides on a daily basis what is considered to be hate. Everybody who disagrees, is hating!"

Finally I did the last step and deleted my Amazon account and my Apple ID!! (I still do own a mac, but a friend of mine helped me to install Ubuntu on that thing. Interestingly that worked pretty flawless and the mbp does not crash any more, used it for half a year now and I am still happy. But I have to admit I do use it only for surfing, word processing and video editing, so nothing special.)

Btw: For anybody searching for a new browser, take a look at Dissenter. Since Apple, Google, Mozilla decided to throw out that add-on, Gab just created a brave (chromium) fork and included the former Dissenter add-on. Install uBlock and PrivacyBadger add-ons, and you are good to go!