View Full Version : Nigger steals new face

01-08-2021, 07:21 PM
A useless and hopeless nigger that got into some kind of car wreck and got burned to a charcoon, has had a face transplant ! This nigger actually stole another nigger's face !

Of course, the human hating BBC has championed this coon as the first nigger ever to have received successful face reconstruction surgery. It's worth clicking the link just to see the pictures of the nigger in agony. They should have just put the coon down and saved the trouble. The nigger is likely to be more useless than it ever was before.


Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 08:24 PM
Now that it has a new face, it will probably get addicted to it, and desire to replace other bits of skin with skin taken from other niggers.

Soon it will develop a taste for blood, and for killing, and other niggers will die.

What have they done?!