View Full Version : No Nigger Ball

Jubal A Early
01-06-2021, 11:42 PM
A Jig by the name of Jacob Blake of Milwaukee had an outstanding arrest warrant. The police cornered him. They drew guns, and the ape, armed with a knife simply ignored the police. The 'po-po' Tazed hime 3 times with no affect. Finally shot him 7 times to keep him from fleeing. He survived.

His troupe of fambly screamed Ray-sis. The Milwaukee DA just announced they would not prosecute the officers involved. Blacks rioted. NOW the milwaukee Bucks won't play Niggerball and NBA teams are declarin' Solidariby'

Current news tonite. Google Mke Bucks Jacob

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-07-2021, 01:08 AM
A Jig by the name of Jacob Blake of Milwaukee had an outstanding arrest warrant. The police cornered him. They drew guns, and the ape, armed with a knife simply ignored the police. The 'po-po' Tazed hime 3 times with no affect. Finally shot him 7 times to keep him from fleeing. He survived.

His troupe of fambly screamed Ray-sis. The Milwaukee DA just announced they would not prosecute the officers involved. Blacks rioted. NOW the milwaukee Bucks won't play Niggerball and NBA teams are declarin' Solidariby'

Current news tonite. Google Mke Bucks Jacob

I am familiar with this story. Niggers will defend other niggers to their death (or to a new teebee). They dont care if it is a rapist, murderer, aremed robber or whatever. They don’t care. The left will also defend them and even enable them. The majority of the world does know about the nigger problem. One day, we either do something about it or all fall victim to it. With all the coddling they receive, I honestly think there is no way the nigger loses. It reproduces like a rabbit and only kills off a few of its dozen niglets while whitey cuts the bill. We are fucked.

01-07-2021, 02:57 AM
Niggers refusing to work cause dat be rayciss? what a rare occurrence!
But seriously, niggers don’t have any empathy and will use any excuse to get free shit.

Coon Club Road
01-07-2021, 09:59 AM
Niggerballers probably will be paid if they play or not.

Don't play... get paid.

Make up the game at a later date... get paid again.

What a fitting niggerball team name... BUCKS :lol

01-09-2021, 08:48 AM
While I would rather Kamala "spreadeagle" Ho not be sworn-in as leedah-in-chief, ushering-in CCP world domination. Should that happen, I believe the CCP would waste no time in forcefully exacting more than loanshark's ROI, colonizing every nice place to live in this country, and wasting every goddam nigger in sight.

Seriously, the way out of the nigger problem is via the CCP. They will know how they took over America, and they won't let it happen to them.

Damn coons had it made under YT, but they kept demanding more. They were the problem, are the problem, and always will be the problem. Because they are not human, cannot behave consistently as humans, and yet demand super-human treatment.

Jim Crow
01-09-2021, 09:59 AM
I wish all the other niggerball teams would also stop playing.It’s just white liberal cucks watching the games anyway.

01-09-2021, 10:15 AM
Jiggies refuse to play bakkabawl.

White sellout fans are forced to spend their disposable income somewhere else.

I'm sorry, I'm failing to see a downside to this story. Is it just me?

01-09-2021, 10:19 AM
I wish all the other niggerball teams would also stop playing.It’s just white liberal cucks watching the games anyway.

I wish the National Felon League would stop playing too!! FUCK those niggers!!

01-09-2021, 10:28 AM
I wish the National Felon League would stop playing too!! FUCK those niggers!!

Yep, nobody needs niggerball! Dream would come true if the National Felon League would disappear altogether.

01-09-2021, 03:51 PM
I'd like to think someday they'll catch on that YT is cock fighting them like the animals they are, and quit playing all together. Sadly they likely stay for the money. In any case at least it keeps a few of the agile ones off the streets instead of out committing crime.

01-09-2021, 08:18 PM
No nigger sports for me. Yes, they get nigger rich, but not one dime came from me.

Playing professional sports, niggers get money they don't deserve. Then the mudsharks follow them. Then they think they're all superior and shit. If we all stopped watching these sports, they will fall. Then niggers will just be the ugly janitors that they need to be.

Goodman Grey
01-09-2021, 09:04 PM
Well, I hope those niggers know that if they riot, they won't get the kid glove treatment like what the human Capitol protesters received.

The police are evil racist monsters, and they treat white people better because they love white people and hate niggers.

If the niggers protest, they will be treated very poorly by the police.

Niggers should just accept that they will never be allowed to succeed, and they should submit to human rule.

(Or at least, that's what the MSM is telling me. I think a lot of liberals are secretly wishing that niggers would stop destroying the same cities that they live in.)

I think colleges and the leagues have things backwards: sports players should be paid while in college, but should have to play for free in the big leagues. I mean, corporate sponsorships can be a thing, but it would make things interesting if there was a genuine incentive to be good at the game versus "I got paid millions of dollars because I'm a nigger!"

Also, the risk of losing that money when capitalist companies don't want to be associated with felons may also help encourage a more appropriate set of behaviors.