View Full Version : Canadian Nigger BLM Terrorist Celebrates Murder of Police Officer

Nigger Wrangler
01-06-2021, 06:11 PM
Abdulhakim Dalel, a filthy nigger terrorist and candidate for public office in Canada, took to Twitter to celebrate the death of a police officer.

I'm sure in today's diseased world this jigaboo will be elected in a landslide.


01-06-2021, 08:20 PM
Hes just another fucking nigger piece of shit who will be coddled by Canada's media. The peoples voice doesn't matter anymore, yet this fucking spook will be the first one to tweet out his condolences to some niggers family who was killed by police for pointing and shooting a gun at them. Typical fucking NIGGER. get your guns and ammo ready because if these niggers start getting too comfortable we will be the next victims and trust me, ill mag dump any nigger who tries to harm me.

01-09-2021, 07:41 AM
What a mess! Media probably will make people vote for that thing! Not only is that thing a Burn Loot Murder criminal, but his name "Abdulhakim" suggests it is also a Mohammedan child & goat molester as well. Disgusting!
Stay safe and always carry!