View Full Version : Black Lives Matter- except in the Electronics Dept at Target then they don't mean crap

Whitey Ford
01-04-2021, 06:38 PM
David Van Dyke Charged with Criminal Homicide for Sunday Night's Fatal Shooting Inside West Nashville Target Store


Homicide Unit detectives early today charged David Van Dyke, 29, with criminal homicide for Sunday’s 7:18 p.m. fatal shooting of Avery Collier, 40, inside the Target store at 6814 Charlotte Pike.

The investigation, being led by Detective Kyle Williams, shows that the two men, who apparently did not know each other, had words near the front of the store just after Collier and his girlfriend walked in. A few minutes later, the two again had a verbal altercation near the electronics department, during which Van Dyke shot Collier. Collier collapsed in a store aisle and Van Dyke continued shooting at him. Collier died at the scene. No weapon was found on his person.


01-04-2021, 11:40 PM
If your head got infested by radioactive mutant spiders you might shoot somebody too. WTF is that about?

Coon Club Road
01-04-2021, 11:58 PM
If your head got infested by radioactive mutant spiders you might shoot somebody too. WTF is that about?

Snake headed Dindu with optional bee hive!

01-05-2021, 12:41 AM
If your head got infested by radioactive mutant spiders you might shoot somebody too. WTF is that about?

Opiates are known to cause constipation. Once a turd is impacted in the nigger colon for too long due to chronic purple drank abuse, the fried chiggun turds will continue to accumulate until backed up all the way into a nigger's empty skull. Once the pressure builds up, the fecal matter will start to extrude though the pores in it's hayed.

Source - Tweak's Veterinarian Desk Reference

Mutant spiders, chiggun shit for brains, it's easy to confuse the two.

AR Patriot
01-05-2021, 01:08 AM
I always thought hair “styles” like that looked like a photograph of an explosion. Imagine an explosion with smoke and debris flying in every direction then a picture snapped “freezing” the image.

01-05-2021, 01:12 AM
David Van Dyke, yeah, he looks like your typical German.

Coon Club Road
01-05-2021, 09:17 AM
David Van Dyke, yeah, he looks like your typical German.

Real names probably Shitavius or some other coon name but the stolen identity he has been using used to belong to Mr. David Van Dyke.

01-05-2021, 09:27 AM
David Van Dyke, yeah, he looks like your typical German.Try Dutchman.

01-05-2021, 10:29 AM
I always thought hair “styles” like that looked like a photograph of an explosion. Imagine an explosion with smoke and debris flying in every direction then a picture snapped “freezing” the image.


01-05-2021, 11:51 AM
David Van Dyke, yeah, he looks like your typical German.

Maybe he's related to Dick.

The victim's mudshark "fiance" is devastated. Yeah, mudsharks are always afianced to their niggers, but never have a ring or a wedding date.

"I'll never forget him and how much I loved him. How much he meant to me,” Rachel Scarberry, the victim’s fiancé said.


Goodman Grey
01-05-2021, 12:22 PM
I've encountered niggers like that before, minus the guns.

You can tell they are mentally ill because they will start shaking and acting weird with no obvious external stimuli, and they always seem to perceive themselves as being under attack, even when nobody or nothing is doing anything to them.

Similarly, niggers in groups like BLM or the DNC tend to perceive themselves as being constantly victimized even though most people are actually going out of their way to try to make their lives better (we may not like how we are being forced to do this, but it is an unfortunate fact).

I theorize that it is severe mental illness that compels niggers, niggerlovers, and their coddlers to engage in violence and criminal activities even when everything they could possibly want or need is provided for them. Granted, that may not have been entirely true in 2020, but they weren't the only ones suffering during the COVID lockdowns, and the burning down of cities, the looting of stores, the endless and pointless riots, and the demoralization of the police certainly didn't help things.

I mean, we even have affirmative action in the workplace, lowered standards in educational facilities (while punishing whites and asians for excelling), laxer laws for niggers (which they naturally abuse and end up in nigger university anyway), gibsmedats in the forms of housing, utilities, food, clothing, etc., and we are socially discouraged from calling them "niggers" in public (although most of us do this anyway because unlike humans, niggers can and WILL engage in various categories of chimpout if you hurt their feelings, and sometimes for no logical reason at all, and most of us would prefer to not be injured by niggers; we don't do it out of respect, but rather out of a healthy fear of their subhuman, feral behavior). And even if this site didn't have rules against talking about violence against niggers, there are laws in every American state that discourage and/or ban such behavior in real life anyway (with the only exceptions being those of the self-defense variety).