View Full Version : Stupid nigger rapper of the day you never heard of busted in NYC for guns and drugs

01-02-2021, 09:20 AM
a 19 year old coon and aspiring rapper that you never heard of, got busted in NYC for drugs and gun possession. It was riding along in a Caddy and got hustled by dem po. Why do we have to wait for these niggers to be arrested or made good for us to hear about them. Does anybody see media trickery at work??

If you care to learn about this good for nothing fucking ape, then click the link !


The 19-year-old artist, whose given name is Tione Merritt, was in the black SUV with four others when cops stopped the car in East New York after the driver allegedly failed to signal when switching lanes,

Coon Club Road
01-02-2021, 10:24 AM
The term "aspiring rapper" should be redefined as any nigger that gets batwinged before 30 years of age, as almost every coon that gets made good is an aspiring rapper.

Goodman Grey
01-02-2021, 10:49 AM
I wonder why you never hear about a nigger being busted with a taser and a glock.

One might think it would be easier to kill someone if you tased them first. Alternatively, you could tase them and run away.

I think the latter option is what the taser was mostly designed for. Using the former option would probably cause legal issues when you eventually got caught.

Chimp Detester
01-02-2021, 12:03 PM


'Lil Tjay': You filthy despicable mega-turd nigger crap-beast 'son-of-Ohomo': May your long time @ NU be especially memorable and pain-filled for you. May your 450-pound nigger cage mate Cedrick find you very ape-tractive.

Well, at least Lil Tjay will be out of the nigger breeding pool for a good while.

On another note, I always find it hilarious when niggers are busted, wrangled and caged for major crimes, after very minor traffic stops. Three cheers for the alert popo! If it were a human doing something against the law, the human would be extra careful not to attract the attention of the popo. But then here we are talking about sub-cockroach niggers crap beasts, with a 2-digit IQ.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-02-2021, 02:41 PM
I looked up a song. Lo and behold, auto tune niggerdom that sounds just like every other “artist” out there. “Shimmy shammy sammy de special, rippity roppity depal, kipple de dopple de flipple”. Fuck, it’s garbage.

01-02-2021, 02:55 PM


'Lil Tjay': You filthy despicable mega-turd nigger crap-beast 'son-of-Ohomo': May your long time @ NU be especially memorable and pain-filled for you. May your 450-pound cage mate Cedrick find you very ape-tractive.

Well, at least Lil Tjay will be out of the nigger breeding pool for a good while.

On another note, I always find it hilarious when niggers are busted, wrangled and caged for major crimes, after very minor traffic stops. Three cheers for the alert popo! If it were a human doing something against the law, the human would be extra careful not to attract the attention of the popo. But then here we are talking about sub-cockroach niggers crap beasts, with a 2-digit IQ.

I can feel your hate !! :lol

Whitey Ford
01-02-2021, 04:10 PM
How do these stupid nigger aspiring rappers get like 200 billion views on youtube but are still so broke ass that they have to resort to petty crime to make some money? And how did they get so many coontube views when their shitty (c)rap music sounds like every other stupid nigger song out there? They all sound exactly the same.


Goodman Grey
01-02-2021, 06:03 PM
Too much autotune.

Needs more music.

This nigger doesn't even try to pretend it is anything that it is not. VVVVV


01-02-2021, 07:52 PM
On another note, I always find it hilarious when niggers are busted, wrangled and caged for major crimes, after very minor traffic stops. Three cheers for the alert popo! If it were a human doing something against the law, the human would be extra careful not to attract the attention of the popo. But then here we are talking about sub-cockroach niggers crap beasts, with a 2-digit IQ.

An old America's Most Wanted interviewed a girlfriend, and she recalled that the fugitive (white) never went above the speed limit, even 1 mph, and was absolutely perfect in obeying traffic laws. Niggers with outstanding warrants will speed 20 mph over in school zones, scream "YOU BE RACIST!" at the cop, like they want to call attention to themselves.

Someone who is/was LEO can correct me, but I believe it's 100% because of niggers that cops stopped going up first. Now they pull someone over, and even if just to give a warning, they punch in the license plate to make sure it's not a nigger who's ready to shoot the cop.

01-02-2021, 09:16 PM
An old America's Most Wanted interviewed a girlfriend, and she recalled that the fugitive (white) never went above the speed limit, even 1 mph, and was absolutely perfect in obeying traffic laws. Niggers with outstanding warrants will speed 20 mph over in school zones, scream "YOU BE RACIST!" at the cop, like they want to call attention to themselves.

Someone who is/was LEO can correct me, but I believe it's 100% because of niggers that cops stopped going up first. Now they pull someone over, and even if just to give a warning, they punch in the license plate to make sure it's not a nigger who's ready to shoot the cop.
You should always drive a few miles OVER the speed limit but never pass the other speeders. A young guy driving the speed limit actually is attention grabbing.

01-02-2021, 10:59 PM
niggers are fueled by the stupidity of white people.

01-03-2021, 01:22 PM
a 19 year old coon and aspiring rapper that you never heard of, got busted in NYC for drugs and gun possession. It was riding along in a Caddy and got hustled by dem po. Why do we have to wait for these niggers to be arrested or made good for us to hear about them. Does anybody see media trickery at work??

If you care to learn about this good for nothing fucking ape, then click the link !


I'm surprised that oil driller dumblasio didn't let it out of jail after 24 hours, without posting bail!!