View Full Version : YT Kisses the Ass of the Most Prolific Serial Killer in U.S. History All the Way to the End

12-31-2020, 04:25 AM
While too many veterans end their days homeless and in poor health, one wily nigger enjoys treats and special treatment all the way to a natural death!

"With nearly 60 confirmed victims", Samuel Little "confessed to killing 93 people between 1970 and 2005":

Little, who had diabetes, heart trouble and other ailments, died (recently) at a California hospital.
Little denied for years he’d ever killed anyone.

Then, in 2018, he opened up to Texas Ranger James Holland, who had been asked to question him about a killing it turned out Little didn’t commit. During approximately 700 hours of interviews (including a TV appearance on 60 Minutes!), however, Little provided details of scores of slayings only the killer would know.

A skilled artist, he even provided Holland with dozens of paintings and drawings of his victims
"Nothing he’s ever said has been proven to be wrong or false,”
Once a strong, strapping boxer..., he was now using a wheelchair to get around.

Holland has described Little as both a genius and a sociopath
The ranger did work tirelessly to create and maintain a bond with the killer during their hundreds of hours of interviews, bringing him favorite snacks such as pizza, Dr. Pepper and grits and discussing their mutual interest in sports. He also gave Little assurances that he wouldn’t be executed.

Holland would address Little by his childhood nickname, Sammy, while Little called Holland Jimmy and once told the Los Angeles Times he’d “found a friend in a Texas ranger.”
“I say if I can help get somebody out of jail, you know, then God might smile a little bit more on me,” (Little) said.
When he began recounting the other slayings, authorities were astounded at how much he remembered. His paintings, they said, indicated he had a photographic memory.
He claimed he developed a fetish for women’s necks after becoming sexually aroused when he saw his kindergarten teacher touch her neck.

YT can never worship the nigger enough! (And it's astounding how early primitive nigger hypersexuality manifests itself.)


12-31-2020, 02:06 PM
So the nigger confessed, meaning it probably killed 10x more than what it admitted to (as I recall almost all were niggers but there were a few humans). And yet the Lame Stream Media still acts like it dindu nuffins?

sexually aroused when he saw his kindergarten teacher touch her neck.

That vile beast didn't need to see a thing. Besides, niggers don't get "sexually aroused." They get an uncontrollable primal urge to muh dikk or muh poosie, which is not "sexual," just beastly. It is no more "sexual" than bacteria reproducing: biologically there is gender, but there are no emotions about it.

Jim Crow
12-31-2020, 05:25 PM
Let’s get a little more specific. Not every YT kissed the ass of a criminal murderous nigger. In fact a YT such as myself would’ve liked to do very painful things to that fucking piece of shit nigger. It’s the liberals who want to spare the life of a murderous worthless nigger,yet kill unborn babies. Liberals are America’s worst enemy!

Whitey Ford
12-31-2020, 05:30 PM
They should just make a new Plantation for these kind of niggers and just work 'em until they drop dead after being found guilty. And even then they still would come nowhere near paying proper and just restitution for the damage they have caused Human Society.

Chimp Detester
12-31-2020, 05:40 PM


So glad to read that the Bat Fairy finally got Samuel Little, the worthless pile of stinking 'son-of-Barry-Ohomo' nigger pig crap. Good riddance! Now file charges against its estate and niggerdom in general to recup the huge expense of its caging, feeding and veterinary care for all these years.