View Full Version : Fat nigger faked pain when being given the needle in 2009, COVID finally got it behind bars

12-29-2020, 06:52 PM
At the time of the 2009 procedure, condemned prisoner Romell Broom was only the second inmate nationally to survive an execution after they began in modern times.

Ohio unsuccessfully tried to put Broom, then age 53, to death by lethal injection on Sept. 15, 2009. The execution was called off after two hours when technicians could not find a suitable vein, and Broom cried in pain while receiving 18 needle sticks.

Broom was returned to death row, where he fought unsuccessfully to avoid a second execution. His most recent execution date was in June, but in the spring Republican Gov. Mike DeWine issued a reprieve and set a new date in March 2022.

His attorneys filed arguments with the U.S. Supreme Court that he should be spared a second attempt.

Broom survived the 2009 execution “only to live with the ever-increasing fear and distress that the same process would be used on him at his next execution date,” attorneys Timothy Sweeney and Adele Shank said in a statement.


It's a damn travesty of justice that the nigger lived 11 years after it was supposed to be put down like the rabid animal it was. All hail COVID for doing the job the courts and prison didn't have the guts to.

The nigger muh dikked and killed a niglette, so it was no loss, but the death penalty was still needed to make sure the buck was punished for any humans it hurt, and to make sure it wouldn't someday muh dikk and kill a human. And the excuse is that it felt "pain" during the execution attempt, so it couldn't be risked to have "pain" again? I never heard of anything so ridiculous. Was nobody willing to donate a couple of rounds?

DR Spook
12-29-2020, 07:02 PM
When the jenkem juice didn’t work they should have utilized hemp therapy.

Goodman Grey
12-29-2020, 09:44 PM
So are bullets not an effective means of killing animals anymore?

Alternatively, put it in a gas chamber and load it with fentanyl gas. You wouldn't need more than a gram of the stuff.

Or what about a noose? They can lynch that nigger, right?

Oh... it died from the COVID. :)

I guess there WAS a happy ending to this story. I like how it spent its remaining days wondering how and when it was going to be killed, only to get taken out by Racist Corona. I think COVID-19 should be nominated as an honorary chimper... although the moderators would have to ban COVID-19 for violence against niggers.

animal mother
12-30-2020, 01:32 PM

A convicted murderer and rapist who survived an attempt to execute him by lethal injection more than a decade ago died Monday in an Ohio prison of possible coronavirus complications, officials said.

Broom was sentenced to death for raping and killing 14-year-old Tryna Middleton after abducting her in Cleveland in 1984 as she walked home from a football game with two friends.

Ohio unsuccessfully tried to execute the then 53-year-old Broom by lethal injection on Sept. 15, 2009. Technicians worked for two hours to find a usable vein, sticking Broom with a needle 18 times and causing him to scream in pain before officials called off the execution.


Ray Cizzums
12-30-2020, 01:55 PM
Thanks to the 'Rona, for making this schvuggie good. I'm so sick of this "Lethal injection" horseshit. The gallows, and the firing squad, should be used, until something more reliable comes along. It works, why fix it ? Now that we have DNA scientific proof, there should be 30 days to appeal, instead of 30 years. Finding nigger splooge inside a white girl is grounds for immediate issuance of bat wings to said nigger.

Coon Club Road
12-30-2020, 02:01 PM
Before the firing squad loads up... I feel it would be appropriate to sit Broom the boon down on a tree stump, nail his ballsack to said stump, then push him over backwards!

12-30-2020, 03:37 PM


The bat fairy doesn't give up!!

Jim Crow
12-30-2020, 04:06 PM
Thanks to the 'Rona, for making this schvuggie good. I'm so sick of this "Lethal injection" horseshit. The gallows, and the firing squad, should be used, until something more reliable comes along. It works, why fix it ? Now that we have DNA scientific proof, there should be 30 days to appeal, instead of 30 years. Finding nigger splooge inside a white girl is grounds for immediate issuance of bat wings to said nigger.
Haven’t heard the word “Shvugg” since I left Connecticut in the 80s. LOL!

animal mother
12-30-2020, 04:50 PM
Old sparky, hemp therapy, lethal gas, firing squad were all 100% effective, 100% of the time. It wasn’t until liberals advocated for a more humane method that things got fucked up. Niggers and other human scumbags can languish on death row stealing oxygen on the taxpayers dime for 20-30 years now.

Chimp Detester
12-30-2020, 07:32 PM

Great story. Well, at least this now-goodified (Thanks, COVID!) mega-turd nigger crap beast is where it belongs.

Also note that its murder victim, Tryna Middleton, was not a human, but a teenaper, which would make this a two-fer.


Jim Crow
12-30-2020, 08:25 PM
Nigga beez a good boi now!

Goodman Grey
12-30-2020, 08:35 PM
Public Service Announcement:

If you eat less and spend more time exercising, you will be less susceptible to the negative effects of COVID-19.

I know this sounds like white privilege talk, but hear me out: if you are healthy, you are less likely to die from diseases and plagues.

Acting like a nigger can have serious consequences, including death. Not that any of us will shed tears if you have negro blood and choose to act like a nigger.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-31-2020, 02:08 AM
Old sparky, hemp therapy, lethal gas, firing squad were all 100% effective, 100% of the time. It wasn’t until liberals advocated for a more humane method that things got fucked up. Niggers and other human scumbags can languish on death row stealing oxygen on the taxpayers dime for 20-30 years now.
I would love to know what’s more humane than a bullet to the head. That’s pretty damn instant. Better than any raping, murdering nigger deserves.

12-31-2020, 03:54 AM
sticking Broom with a needle 18 times and causing him to scream in pain before officials called off the execution
Commie whiggers: Oh no! The rapist-murderer feels abused! Call off the execution!
Chinese communists: :lmao

If you eat less and spend more time exercising, you will be less susceptible to the negative effects of COVID-19.


Goodman Grey
12-31-2020, 06:23 AM
I would love to know what’s more humane than a bullet to the head. That’s pretty damn instant. Better than any raping, murdering nigger deserves.

Alternatively, you could attach a claymore to the back of their head and detonate it.

That should do the trick, and with significantly less risk of failure.

The M18A1 Claymore mine has a horizontally convex gray-green plastic case (inert training versions are light blue or green with a light blue band). The shape was developed through experimentation to deliver the optimum distribution of fragments at 50 m (55 yd) range. The case has the words "FRONT TOWARD ENEMY" embossed on the front of the mine.[3] A simple open sight on the top surface allows for aiming the mine. Two pairs of scissor legs attached to the bottom support the mine and allow it to be aimed vertically. On both sides of the sight are fuse wells set at 45 degrees.

Internally the mine contains a layer of C-4 explosive behind a matrix of about seven hundred 1⁄8-inch-diameter (3.2 mm) steel balls set into an epoxy resin.

When the M18A1 is detonated, the explosion drives the matrix forward, out of the mine at a velocity of 1,200 m/s (3,937 ft/s),[1] at the same time breaking it into individual fragments. The steel balls are projected in a 60° fan-shaped pattern that is 6.5 feet (2.0 m) high and 50 m (55 yd) wide at a range of 50 m (55 yd). The force of the explosion deforms the relatively soft steel balls into a shape similar to a .22 rimfire projectile.[1] These fragments are moderately effective up to a range of 100 m (110 yd), with a hit probability of around 10% on a prone man-sized 1.3-square-foot (0.12 m2) target. The fragments can travel up to 250 m (270 yd). The optimum effective range is 50 m (55 yd), at which the optimal balance is achieved between lethality and area coverage, with a hit probability of 30% on a man-sized target.[4]

Under normal use situations, lethality is reduced, but at point blank range, death is pretty much guaranteed.