View Full Version : Nigger sues Kansas City PD for accidentally running him over while running from them

Whitey Ford
12-18-2020, 02:10 PM
LOL they should make a video game where all you do is run over niggers for points. Put it on the Xbox One and I would definitely buy it. Of course, in Far Cry 2 you could run over niggers.
Black man sues Kansas deputy for intentionally running him over with patrol car


A Black man has filed an excessive force lawsuit against a Kansas deputy after he intentionally ran him over with his patrol car.

According to ABC News, Lionel Womack, who is a former Kansas City police detective, alleges that he sustained serious injuries after Kiowa County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremy Rodriguez drove over him during their Aug. 15 encounter.

In a statement, Womack said that he was not speeding or under the influence when the deputy pulled him over. He also said his insurance, license and registration were all up to date. “When the first officer turned his lights on, I pulled over and complied ... exactly as you’re supposed to,” he said. “But when three additional vehicles pulled up quickly and started to surround my car, I freaked out.”

He continued, “That’s when I took off, it was a ‘fight or flight’ moment and I was going to live. I felt like I was in danger. This was out in the country, late at night, and it was dark. So, I ran for my life. That’s what you see in the dashcam video. I’m running in an open field and I’m scared.”


Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 04:12 PM

The nigger ran away from the police, and then the police chased it down! :lmao

What a dumb nigger!

Why do niggers always give the police an excuse to do things like this? Will they ever learn? :lmao

Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 04:35 PM
So the "innocent" nigger decides to run through an empty field...... I guess it was looking for a cotton field for safety :lol

I thought it was funny how "a former Kansas City police detective" thought this was the right thing to do in that situation.

That nigger must have been an affirmative action hire. How can a cop think that acting suspicious around other cops is a good idea?

Maybe in Kansas City they do things differently; maybe the nigger cops in Kansas City don't chase after perps when they try to run away?

Coon Club Road
12-18-2020, 10:59 PM

What part? I found it somewhat entertaining... in fact, I had to watch it more than once! :lol

12-19-2020, 12:43 AM
I thought it was funny how "a former Kansas City police detective" thought this was the right thing to do in that situation.

That nigger must have been an affirmative action hire. How can a cop think that acting suspicious around other cops is a good idea?

Maybe in Kansas City they do things differently; maybe the nigger cops in Kansas City don't chase after perps when they try to run away?
Only a fucking nigger.

Rastus Nigger
12-19-2020, 01:08 AM
The only sad part is that it didn't get its batwings.

Goodman Grey
12-19-2020, 05:07 PM
I'm thinking that maybe it IS true that niggers are always guilty of something, even if nobody else knows what it is they did.

Why else would a nigger, a POLICE DETECTIVE, suddenly lose its shit when around other police officers, and run away like a severely mentally ill criminal?

This is probably why so many niggers are in prison. If they would stop snitching on themselves, the nigger university population would be smaller. And yes, saying "dindu nuffins" (AKA "I didn't do nothing") is an admission of guilt as it is a double negative which translates into "I did something."

The racist wypipo peace officers probably would have just sent this nigger on its way after discovering it was a member of the police fraternity. The fact that the nigger lost his shit over something routine pretty much guaranteed the response it received.

Coon Club Road
12-20-2020, 12:07 AM
"a former Kansas City police detective"

Thats some hokey shit right there.

The coon didn't look old enough to have 20 or 25 let alone 30 years in.

Nobody "quits" a municipal, civil service, or other dick job until they are eligible for a fat pension.

This former Kansas City police detective must have been booted for something... probably the good old Muh Dikk. And he must have been trying to get rid if evidence, probably drugs, by running from the traffic stop.

As aforementioned, even if he was guilty of a traffic infraction, all he needed to do was prove he was an ex cop, and black or white, he would have been on his way, 99% chance without being issued a ticket.

Suspect all niggers as being guilty of something.

Whitey Ford
12-20-2020, 01:11 AM

What part? I found it somewhat entertaining... in fact, I had to watch it more than once! :lol

About the only thing that could have made that more entertaining is if he had run over the nigger with a steamroller. LOL

Coon Club Road
12-20-2020, 03:53 AM

That is some seriously funny artwork my friend! :lol

12-20-2020, 07:40 AM
the only sad part is that it didn't get its batwings.


12-20-2020, 07:42 AM
"a former kansas city police detective"

thats some hokey shit right there.

The coon didn't look old enough to have 20 or 25 let alone 30 years in.

Nobody "quits" a municipal, civil service, or other dick job until they are eligible for a fat pension.

This former kansas city police detective must have been booted for something... Probably the good old muh dikk. And he must have been trying to get rid if evidence, probably drugs, by running from the traffic stop.

As aforementioned, even if he was guilty of a traffic infraction, all he needed to do was prove he was an ex cop, and black or white, he would have been on his way, 99% chance without being issued a ticket.

Suspect all niggers as being guilty of something.

i always do!!

12-20-2020, 08:34 AM
So many questions:

Nigger swimming with dolphins. WTF?

Out of town on bidness, huhh... What kind of bidness requires driving in the middle of the night shirtless? WTF?

It's wife's name is "Z?" WTF?

Nigger dindu nuffins? Doubtful at best:

His wife says he is still in jail because of an unrelated extradition request from another state where he was charged with endangering others while eluding police.

Ahh... I'm seeing that one little blurb that explains it. Even if dindu wasn't duin nuffins, it did sumfinz wrong. It's got a history of such behavior and was dealt with accordingly.

No.. It didu sumfinz and not just the outstanding warrants.. We just haven't found what it threw into the field yet. Probably crack rocks. Probably why it's not a cop anymore as well. They keep calling him a former officer. In the military, we would call him an ex-sailor/marine etc. It's a totally different meaning and the media doesn't use it when talking about niggers.

I'll guaran-fucking-tee you this is an EX-COP.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 09:22 AM
Probably why it's not a cop anymore as well. They keep calling him a former officer. In the military, we would call him an ex-sailor/marine etc. It's a totally different meaning and the media doesn't use it when talking about niggers.

I'll guaran-fucking-tee you this is an EX-COP.

I thought ex-sailors/marines were unofficially called "shitbirds." ;) Nobody likes it when someone makes the sign of the blue falcon: "Ca-Caw!!"

I'm guessing you're referring to the ones that did not receive honorable or medical discharges. (That being said, getting a medical discharge for weighing 300+ pounds is not cool.)

12-20-2020, 10:08 AM
I thought ex-sailors/marines were unofficially called "shitbirds." ;) Nobody likes it when someone makes the sign of the blue falcon: "Ca-Caw!!"

I'm guessing you're referring to the ones that did not receive honorable or medical discharges. (That being said, getting a medical discharge for weighing 300+ pounds is not cool.)



Now there's a term I haven't heard since my first enlistment. :lol

Ex-sailor was the PC and media friendly way of describing a shitbird or Blue Falcon (Buddy Fucker) that got caught enough times or one time bad enough to earn a spot in the early exit program.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.rbl.ms%2F17220027%2Forigin .jpg&f=1&nofb=1

My dad always told me growing up that unless you got a leg blown off, there is only one acceptable way to leave the military - out the FRONT gate with an honorable discharge in your hand.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 10:26 AM
I knew a few shitbirds in my time, but oddly enough, I think some of them made their mistakes because they were incapable of learning from their mistakes, or the mistakes made by others.

I mean, I'm talking about people that are slow like niggers.

I can almost respect someone that commits a crime out of maliciousness, but I just feel bad for the ones that are retarded, severely mentally ill, or incompetent. But you still have to punish 'em anyway. Discipline as a concept doesn't work if it isn't enforced.

Most of the crimes committed by niggers may seem malicious on the face of it, but I don't think they are capable of understanding why or how what they are doing is wrong. And to be fair, is it REALLY wrong when a nigger puts its own niglet in a pot of boiling water and kills it?

The sounds they heard weren't screams of pure terror and pain; that was just the sound of air escaping from the niglet's lungs.

Niggers only seem to understand that they will be punished when they break the law, but they don't understand why they are being punished. They do seem to be quite aware of when they are doing something wrong, though. Why else do they constantly give peace officers an excuse to execute them?

Niggers don't have a conscience, the way humans do, but they know when they are breaking our rules and laws. And a nigger is always guilty of something.

When I encounter peace officers, I try to maintain a friendly rapport with them, and if they think I might have done something wrong, I try very hard to dissuade them of that notion by being extremely polite and respectful.

Coon Club Road
12-20-2020, 11:01 AM
...Now there's a term I haven't heard since my first enlistment...

Been a while for me too. When I was very, very young, I would sit with my dad and watch Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. on the B&W TV every week.

He would always refer to certain people on the show as "Shitbirds". If I remember, it was the guys who didn't keep their shit squared away or possibly the fuck ups. Maybe Gomer was the shitbird!

12-20-2020, 11:10 AM
Discipline as a concept doesn't work if it isn't enforced. Most of the crimes committed by niggers may seem malicious on the face of it, but I don't think they are capable of understanding why or how what they are doing is wrong. And to be fair, is it REALLY wrong when a nigger puts its own niglet in a pot of boiling water and kills it?

The sounds they heard weren't screams of pure terror and pain; that was just the sound of air escaping from the niglet's lungs.

Niggers only seem to understand that they will be punished when they break the law, but they don't understand why they are being punished. They do seem to be quite aware of when they are doing something wrong, though. Why else do they constantly give peace officers an excuse to execute them?


First, your ghetto lobster air escaping comment is fucking hilarious.

As far as the punishment goes, however, retardation can't be used as an excuse. They are all retarded. Even if they have a moderately high IQ (for a nigger) they will fake it just to weasel out of the chair straps. Suddenly, every nigger that got a 80 on it's IQ test in hi-screwull but finds itself looking at a free ticket to ride the lightning will be the dumbest nigger in the prison that can't even tie it's own shoes. It's happened time and time again.

You can make the argument that it is a simple matter of post third trimester abortion when there's a ghetto lobster in every pot but the simple fact is, if they'll do it to one of their own, they'll do it to one of yours.

That's why you gotta put'em down!

12-20-2020, 11:24 AM
Maybe Gomer was the shitbird!


Pretty sure he was a gaybird though!

Didn't he join the Corps to get away from Mayberry after Sheriff Taylor caught him offering to take Opey behind the garage to show him his dipstick?

Maybe that's why Ron Howard is on Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs. Getting your oil checked at that age will screw you up and most molesters were molested themselves, you know!:lol

Coon Club Road
12-20-2020, 04:33 PM
Didn't he join the Corps to get away from Mayberry after Sheriff Taylor caught him offering to take Opey behind the garage to show him his dipstick?

High probability Sheriff Taylor gave him the ultimatum of joining the Corps. or going to prison for lubing Opey up under the grease rack! :lol

I'm sure Andy never told Aunt Bea about this!

Tar Remover
04-21-2021, 05:01 PM
All I can say is........ :rofl:rofl:rofl

Tar Remover
04-23-2021, 07:59 PM
About the only thing that could have made that more entertaining is if he had run over the nigger with a steamroller. LOL
https://i.imgur.com/LNXQCMU.jpg:rofl:rofl:rofl Well..... He TRIED.......