View Full Version : The gun industry is killing nigger America. It’s time we do something about it!

Whitey Ford
12-18-2020, 12:17 AM
Niggers kill niggers, not guns.
The gun industry is killing Black America. It’s time we do something about it


America has a long tradition of distant profiteers growing rich at the expense of Black and Brown communities who pay the price in blood and tears. They count their money; we count the bodies.

But even with this direct line between the legal market and harm to our communities, particularly Black communities, the gun industry has largely escaped liability. It is a privilege only the best money could buy. Over the past two decades, gun manufacturers have spent nearly $20 million on direct lobbying to Congress, not including the millions more they contribute to gun rights groups like the NRA.

This investment was handsomely rewarded in 2005 when Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a law that exempts the industry from most forms of negligence and product liability, unlike almost every other industry in the country.

Paint manufacturers can be held liable for the harms of lead paint and tobacco companies can be held liable for tobacco-related diseases, but the gun industry remains protected even with thousands of lives and billions of dollars lost because of their products. In recent years, Smith & Wesson and Ruger, two of the top players in the market, have famously rejected efforts to make their distribution and manufacturing safer.



Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 01:07 AM

Most states already have laws that say that if you murder someone you will get in trouble with the law.

It doesn't matter whether you do it with your hands, a knife, a rock, or a gun. The PERSON or NIGGER that commits the crime is who is held responsible, NOT the tool used to commit the act by the individual.

If I took a chef's knife and stabbed someone to death with it, would I be able to go to court and successfully make the argument that I wouldn't have committed murder if the knife didn't exist, and that I should be set free, and that the maker of the chef's knife should have to pay me millions of dollars in damages?

OF COURSE NOT, because that's a totally stupid and retarded argument to make. Similarly, blaming guns for the actions made by individuals is stupid and retarded.

Hold the individuals that commit the crimes responsible, not the tools that they use in the commission of crimes.

What's next? Banning large rocks and/or heavy objects because they can be used to bash people's heads in? Maybe we should also ban ropes of all kinds because they can theoretically be used to lynch niggers?

I've got an even better idea: Ban all police officers so that they can't kill niggers.

Coon Club Road
12-18-2020, 01:09 PM
If someone could turn on a big electromagnetic and suck up every firearm, knife and golf club on the planet, the niggers would still kill each other with Louisville Sluggers!

Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 01:15 PM
If someone could turn on a big electromagnetic and suck up every firearm, knife and golf club on the planet, the niggers would still kill each other with Louisville Sluggers!

In Africa, they were doing a good job of killing niglets with their muh diks.

Did you know that niggers believe that having unprotected sex with an infant cures AIDS?

Not that I'm suggesting that having protected sex with an infant is something they should be doing.

Coon Club Road
12-18-2020, 01:59 PM
In Africa, they were doing a good job of killing niglets with their muh diks.

Did you know that niggers believe that having unprotected sex with an infant cures AIDS?

Not that I'm suggesting that having protected sex with an infant is something they should be doing.

They are fucking animals! And that's what they do!

12-18-2020, 07:59 PM
Niggers kill niggers, not guns.
The gun industry is killing Black America. It’s time we do something about it

The Swiss have the right idea. Give every adult a gun. Last I heard the Swiss don't have too many niggers.

Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 11:52 PM
The Swiss have the right idea. Give every adult a gun. Last I heard the Swiss don't have too many niggers.

In some places like Arizona, there are niggers, but I think they know that literally anyone could have a gun in their pocket, so they don't seem to cause too many problems.

That's how it should be everywhere in the USA. Everyone should be able to defend their lives, and the lives of their friends and loved ones from foreign and domestic terrorists.

I mean, a pistol wouldn't have done much to stop 9/11 (unless the passengers on the airplanes had guns and were willing to die to protect their countrymen, which is, sad to say, statistically unlikely unless we're talking about vets), but for less severe cases, it can be handy.

Rastus Nigger
12-19-2020, 01:27 AM
I support just about anything that gets rid of niggers. Water, electricity and fire seem to do a good job on them too.

Goodman Grey
12-19-2020, 03:01 AM
I support just about anything that gets rid of niggers. Water, electricity and fire seem to do a good job on them too.

The wheel has also done a number on them as well. :lmao

12-19-2020, 06:18 PM
The nigger industry is killing niggers and others in America. Fuck the dickless simps at Yahoo, for ending comments. I am sure if they still had comments enabled, 96% of them would be anti-nig!
You can go to the Grioshit and comment there on the same article: https://thegrio.com/2020/12/17/gun-industry-killing-black-america/

Rastus Nigger
12-19-2020, 07:36 PM
The nigger loving communist faggots on JooTube terminated my account for speaking truthfully on the nigger plague.

Ray Cizzums
12-19-2020, 08:43 PM
The nigger loving communist faggots on JooTube terminated my account for speaking truthfully on the nigger plague.

Yes, they got me a couple of weeks ago. I worded my posts to avoid automatic deletion by their algorithms, and ghost banning by channel owners.
Alas, they kept moving the goalposts, which is how communists operate.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-20-2020, 01:30 AM
There should be an event held where niggers are offered a thousand bucks if they can swim across some river. They would all try and most would sink. Happiness and prosperity would ensue.

Goodman Grey
12-20-2020, 08:10 AM
There should be an event held where niggers are offered a thousand bucks if they can swim across some river. They would all try and most would sink. Happiness and prosperity would ensue.

I know just the river. I like to call it the Atlantic River, and if niggers can swim all the way across it, they will be back in Africa.

12-20-2020, 01:32 PM
It doesn't matter whether you do it with your hands, a knife, a rock, or a gun. The PERSON or NIGGER that commits the crime is who is held responsible, NOT the tool used to commit the act by the individual.

I say we should stop arson by making Bic lighters illegal.


I aint bin dun did dat!
12-21-2020, 06:44 PM
I know just the river. I like to call it the Atlantic River, and if niggers can swim all the way across it, they will be back in Africa.

:lol Yes nigger, trust us, there is another side.

12-21-2020, 08:59 PM
I"ve obviously been misinformed. I thought niggers were the number one killer of niggers but of course, we know statistics are RAYCISS:


Goodman Grey
12-21-2020, 10:38 PM
I"ve obviously been misinformed. I thought niggers were the number one killer of niggers but of course, we know statistics are RAYCISS:


I'm pretty sure white police officers are the number one killer of niggers.

That's what BLM has been telling me.

12-22-2020, 08:53 AM
Personally, I am buying more guns and ammo. I want an arsenal when the SHTF. My wife is becoming a pretty good shot herself so I feel pretty good about that.

12-22-2020, 11:35 AM
we need a new Warsaw kind of ghetto for niggers. Build a giant Trump wall around Chimpcongo, then transport all the niggers there and fly in crates of machine guns for the niggers to play with.

Goodman Grey
12-22-2020, 02:57 PM
we need a new Warsaw kind of ghetto for niggers. Build a giant Trump wall around Chimpcongo, then transport all the niggers there and fly in crates of machine guns for the niggers to play with.

I've got a better idea. Create a new walled-in city filled with farmland, including all sorts of seeds, plants, cows, chickens, pigs, etc., and plenty of non-mechanical tools that they can use. All of the lifeforms should be genetically modified so that little to no effort is required to grow them and keep them alive. Then transport every nigger in the USA there, then lock the doors and throw away the keys.

Within a year the 13%ers will have become 0%ers.

All of the animals and plants will also be dead, but sometimes you have to crack a few chickens if you want an egg.

12-23-2020, 04:16 AM
Group niggers closely together and they'll kill each other, because they're primitive and violent. But they'll also muh-dik and reproduce.

Niggers will turn any inamimate object into a weapon. We just need to make sure the related kill-rate for the microwave oven, pasta pot, etc., is high enough to eclipse the nigger reproduction rate. The pots and pans have to be large enough to fit unwanted niglets.

12-23-2020, 07:09 AM

Most states already have laws that say that if you murder someone you will get in trouble with the law.

It doesn't matter whether you do it with your hands, a knife, a rock, or a gun. The PERSON or NIGGER that commits the crime is who is held responsible, NOT the tool used to commit the act by the individual.

If I took a chef's knife and stabbed someone to death with it, would I be able to go to court and successfully make the argument that I wouldn't have committed murder if the knife didn't exist, and that I should be set free, and that the maker of the chef's knife should have to pay me millions of dollars in damages?

OF COURSE NOT, because that's a totally stupid and retarded argument to make. Similarly, blaming guns for the actions made by individuals is stupid and retarded.

Hold the individuals that commit the crimes responsible, not the tools that they use in the commission of crimes.

What's next? Banning large rocks and/or heavy objects because they can be used to bash people's heads in? Maybe we should also ban ropes of all kinds because they can theoretically be used to lynch niggers?

I've got an even better idea: Ban all police officers so that they can't kill niggers.

I've always said if you are going to blame the gun for the crime, then you also have to blame forks and plates for obesity

Tar Remover
01-28-2021, 07:06 AM
Which of course, would not break my heart at all....... Except for the "gun" part.....

Tar Remover
01-28-2021, 07:07 AM
Yes. We need to DO something about it! Popcorn anyone?:lol