View Full Version : Actress who plays coalburner on TV show gets nigger buck leading man fired

Whitey Ford
12-17-2020, 02:56 PM
Ali Larter is a hot blonde chick for sure. Her and Kirsten Bell both belong in hell for playing coalburners on TV! :mad:

Ali Larter

Kirsten Bell

Leonard Roberts Claims Ali Larter and Toxic Work Environment Led to His Heroes Exit

According to actor Leonard Roberts, there were definitely a few villains on the set of NBC’s Heroes. On Wednesday, the actor penned an essay for Variety describing his experiences on set of the early aughts sci-fi series, describing a toxic, racist work environment and tension with his onscreen love interest, Ali Larter, claiming that she treated their white co-stars differently than she treated him. “I pondered why my co-star had exuberantly played a different scene with the Petrelli character involving overt sexuality while wearing lingerie, but found aspects of one involving love and intimacy expressed through dialogue with my character, her husband, disrespectful to her core,” wrote Roberts. “I couldn’t help wondering whether race was a factor.” Beyond Larter, Roberts maintained that the series had no Black writers on the show, there was a publicity shoot where the Black actors were treated poorly, and that he was initially offered a guest-star rate of pay instead of that of a series regular. But ultimately Larter was the reason for his leaving the show after the first season, as Roberts claims that he was written out of the show at the end of season due to the “Ali Larter situation.”


Of course, this isn't the first time she's played a burner. In Obsessed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessed_(2009_film)) she plays a would be mudshark trying to steal a nigger buck from his she boon. Yuck!


12-17-2020, 03:04 PM
I've always liked Ali Larter, she's supposed to be a younger version of Christie Brinkley. I heard of Heroes, but I didn't know she played a burner there. Then I heard about Obsession, with the apes Idriss Elba. That's when I lost all respekt for the ho.

I have no doubt initially she didn't want to be pawed by a nigger actor, and poor spook was butthurt. This is why there should not be inter-species mixing, even in art. But for $$$, Larter got rid of her phobia so she played a niggerlover to further her career.

I know my dad said it was deplorable, a good looking white wimminz consorting with a black POS. He wondered what went wrong in this country.

12-17-2020, 05:22 PM
Here is the predicament. Sell your soul or you'll never work in the entertainment industry. Blurt the truth and never be heard from again and the only ones getting press are the nigger lovers vilifying the person. I'm retired and I don't give a fuck. I had a screaming match with a fucking nigger bitch the other day taking exception to my confederate battle flag. I barked at her I don't give a fuck what you niggers think. "Watcha you say!" I said FUCKING NIGGERS, DID YOU HEAR ME THAT TIME?

Goodman Grey
12-17-2020, 05:32 PM
I know my dad said it was deplorable, a good looking white wimminz consorting with a black POS. He wondered what went wrong in this country.

Probably all the fluoride they have been dumping into our drinking water. It's rumored to lower IQ scores.

12-17-2020, 06:22 PM
. “I pondered why my co-star had exuberantly played a different scene with the Petrelli character involving overt sexuality while wearing lingerie, but found aspects of one involving love and intimacy expressed through dialogue with my character, her husband, disrespectful to her core,” wrote Roberts. “I couldn’t help wondering whether race was a factor.”

Ya think, nigger? Maybe she enjoyed doing those scenes with a human male, but not with some greasy, ugly buck. It goes entirely against human nature. I say again, I feel sorry for actresses these days, who are told they WILL strip and simulate sex with nigger bucks or they won't work anymore. I bet damn few male actors are given the same ultimatum.

12-17-2020, 06:24 PM
double post, ignore

12-17-2020, 06:25 PM
Here is the predicament. Sell your soul or you'll never work in the entertainment industry. Blurt the truth and never be heard from again and the only ones getting press are the nigger lovers vilifying the person. I'm retired and I don't give a fuck. I had a screaming match with a fucking nigger bitch the other day taking exception to my confederate battle flag. I barked at her I don't give a fuck what you niggers think. "Watcha you say!" I said FUCKING NIGGERS, DID YOU HEAR ME THAT TIME?


Jim Crow
12-17-2020, 09:03 PM
The way I look at it, if a white woman will go through the motions of kissing a nigg and laying in bed with the beast on tv or in a movie.They would probably do it in their personal life if given the opportunity.Not only don’t I have any respect for the white whore, I would never watch anything she played in again.

Whitey Ford
12-18-2020, 12:04 AM
Ya think, nigger? Maybe she enjoyed doing those scenes with a human male, but not with some greasy, ugly buck. It goes entirely against human nature. I say again, I feel sorry for actresses these days, who are told they WILL strip and simulate sex with nigger bucks or they won't work anymore. I bet damn few male actors are given the same ultimatum.

They do on occasion. Ryan Phillippe plays an oil driller in the gosh awful Twin Peaks rip off Big Sky. In the pilot, his cute ex wife gets into a fight with his current she boon. Terrible TV show.


12-18-2020, 10:38 AM
They do on occasion. Ryan Phillippe plays an oil driller in the gosh awful Twin Peaks rip off Big Sky. In the pilot, his cute ex wife gets into a fight with his current she boon. Terrible TV show.

I may be missing a lot of oil-drilling since I never heard of any of these shows and watch no series at all, ever. No matter the genre of TV shows or movies, nigger/human sex is mandatory, but it usually seems to be white woman/nigger buck the majority of the time. Maybe because this pairing was once so taboo and these producers, etc., just love rubbing our noses in it? OR, they know their shows and movies will not be eligible for any award categories if they don't? I don't claim to know what the hell is going on anymore.

12-18-2020, 11:21 AM
I admit I watched the show and it was a good show - except for her, her pet nigger and their half breed snigglet's characters. They were the stupidest parts of the show. Her superpower was turning into a psycho bitch - which I suppose would come natural for a burner. Of course they had to make the snigglet a jayne-yuss who could talk to computers or some such bullshit. I think the buck's superpower was that it was actually trying to stick around to help raise the kid. I'm not really sure because everytime any one of these three characters came on, I would fast forward past whatever scene it was to move on to the next one. Pity, it was a cool entertaining show that I kind of enjoyed otherwise - even if it was a bit comic bookish.

Probably all the fluoride they have been dumping into our drinking water. It's rumored to lower IQ scores.

More like the public schooling and that's not just a rumor - it's provable!

Of course the fluoride doesn't help.

So now this idiot nigger is complaining as if his burner wrote the script and didn't respecks himz enough. It's acting you moron.

Goodman Grey
12-18-2020, 11:40 AM
I may be missing a lot of oil-drilling since I never heard of any of these shows and watch no series at all, ever. No matter the genre of TV shows or movies, nigger/human sex is mandatory, but it usually seems to be white woman/nigger buck the majority of the time. Maybe because this pairing was once so taboo and these producers, etc., just love rubbing our noses in it? OR, they know their shows and movies will not be eligible for any award categories if they don't? I don't claim to know what the hell is going on anymore.

I like the show 'Rick and Morty.' Sure, there are some moments where it seems to suggest niggerloving, but it's very difficult to tell if they are genuine or if it is a very sarcastic take on the PC movement. (They claim it is genuine... which makes it that much more confusing.)


Also, Morty has a huge crush on Jessica, a redhead. Not sure what they're trying to do by suggesting that one of the main characters has a huge fetish for pale skinned girls with orange hair.


Unrelated, but amusing.


Tar Remover
01-29-2021, 02:17 PM
YES!!!! I love it! FUCK niggers and their nigger opinions!

Tar Remover
01-29-2021, 02:19 PM
Are there any niggers in Montana? I have been there many times, can't recall seeing any niggers.......

Ray Cizzums
01-29-2021, 03:10 PM
The preponderance of "woke" movie and television productions means white actresses won't work, if they aren't willing to betray their race. This has been going on for decades. Back in 1995, a Steven Seagal movie Under Siege: 2, featured teenage Katherine Heigl being pursed by a funkster. Other actresses who got their start in coal burning roles - Julia Stiles, Jennifer Connelly, Ericka Christensen, Lesley Anne Powers, Annabella Sciorra. I'm sure there are plenty of others. Feel free to add to the list.

01-30-2021, 03:45 PM
Julia Stiles, Jennifer Connelly, Ericka Christensen, Lesley Anne Powers, Annabella Sciorra. I'm sure there are plenty of others. Feel free to add to the list.

I only know of Stiles and Christensen. The rest also?

Hollyweird deliberately grooms young blonde actresses to burn coal. Stiles did that horrible movie that ripped off Othello, Christensen pretended to be an addict that would get muh dikked for drugs, and Anna Paquin played a niggerlover in "Finding Forrester." Talk about a magic nigger: a bakkaball Bronx buck that be all genius an sheet, and knows literature better than a private school teacher?

01-30-2021, 06:22 PM
Here is the predicament. Sell your soul or you'll never work in the entertainment industry. Blurt the truth and never be heard from again and the only ones getting press are the nigger lovers vilifying the person. I'm retired and I don't give a fuck. I had a screaming match with a fucking nigger bitch the other day taking exception to my confederate battle flag. I barked at her I don't give a fuck what you niggers think. "Watcha you say!" I said FUCKING NIGGERS, DID YOU HEAR ME THAT TIME?

WELL done!!

01-31-2021, 02:51 AM
There was a time when showing a pregnant woman on a TV show was considered risque, if only we could go back to those times.

I can't help but get the idea that portraying more oil drilling is "Part two" of some plan to create a world of moolies. Part one was coalburning. Part two is create a generation of beta male oildrillers. My dad and I were talking about this just the other day, he's seeing more and more oil drillers on TV too. It's absolutely disgusting.

Cat fur allergic
01-31-2021, 11:24 AM
American movies and tv are evil garbage. They are literally pushing this shit on other cultures all the time. Problem is Americans defend it as Freedom that other countries don't have etc...