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12-16-2020, 01:01 PM
I recently read that some ol'timers 'Down South' used to refer to Brazil nuts as 'Nigger toes'.
Although such nuts have never been one of my favorites I could never eat one now while thinking about Nigger toes or worse, filthy Nigger 'Nuts'.
(Excuse me while I puke)

12-16-2020, 02:28 PM
My mother in law from my ex-wife (God rest her soul) used to call them nigger toes. She's a California woman through and through. I don't think she meant it as derogatory (though I know she doesn't like black people). My ex-wife said their family called it that, and she winced that she had to use the N word. She can't believe I say it out of disgust for niggers, and she's actually an anti-abortion conservative. But I'll call them what they deserve to be called.

12-16-2020, 03:51 PM
My mother in law from my ex-wife (God rest her soul) used to call them nigger toes. She's a California woman through and through. I don't think she meant it as derogatory (though I know she doesn't like black people). My ex-wife said their family called it that, and she winced that she had to use the N word. She can't believe I say it out of disgust for niggers, and she's actually an anti-abortion conservative. But I'll call them what they deserve to be called.


Goodman Grey
12-16-2020, 03:57 PM
I used to refer to "chitterlings" as "nigger food."

Coon Club Road
12-16-2020, 05:10 PM
Nigger toe... definitely a Brazil nut. My dad always always called them nigger toes.

In fact for the most part, about the only time he'd say the word "nigger"... unless he was really pissed at one.

He most referred to them as jigaboos, darkies and spooks... in that order of preference.

12-16-2020, 09:56 PM
My dad always used to call Brazil nuts "nigger toes". In fact, when I was a kid I didn't knew the real name for those nuts for a long time. Probably not until I was about 12 years old. I remember we always had a big bowl of various nuts in the shell at Christmas time and a couple pliers style nutcrackers and nut picks. I would often select 5 (or 10) Brazil nuts and line them up in order of size so they looked like nigger toes. I would then proceed to squeeze them in the nutcracker until they broke and shattered. Ahhh, fond memories.

Jim Crow
12-17-2020, 11:26 PM
Don’t like Brazil nuts.And they do kind a look like nigger toes. May be the reason why I don’t like them. I like cashews and I hate niggers!.