View Full Version : Election - this really isn't over yet!

Keep Britain White
12-14-2020, 01:41 PM
I have just listened to Senator Mo Brooks, and he explained what he intends to do on 6th January, when the Electoral College votes are officially counted.
He plans to object to the votes from the six States that are clearly suspicious, and he claims it requires only one other Senator to join him in his objection to force the issue to be passed to the House, where each State gets one vote. If this happened, it would almost certainly mean President Trump would win another four-year term in the White House.

Can anyone confirm that only two Senatorial objections are required to bring about a vote in the House? If so, it seems to me that the President has it in the bag!

12-14-2020, 08:50 PM
Can anyone confirm that only two Senatorial objections are required to bring about a vote in the House? If so, it seems to me that the President has it in the bag!

I cannot confirm this.

However, Sidney Powell said in an interview, in similar, if not exact wording, "The only day set in stone in the Constitution is inauguration day in January.". I thought she said January 21st, but it's "January 20 (or January 21 if January 20 falls on a Sunday)". And this is based on a statement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's in the context of--I'm pretty sure--Bush v. Gore.

I trust Sidney Powell. THERE IS STILL TIME.


Anyone who says otherwise is either extraordinarily naive or part of the communist demoralization machine. Trust me, no single ethnic group is more wiley than the Chinese. They been at this for MILLENNIA.

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, and she's still putting on her makeup.

Steve Bannon's War Room:

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-14-2020, 10:05 PM
Not true, sadly...

Rep. Mo Brooks is not a Senator. He's the Representative (Congressman) from Alabama's 5th Congressional district -- essentially, Huntsville. He's the equivalent of one of your MP's...

Our national elections are designed to be impervious to the court system. The commies used that to steal this election. As of a few hours ago, they succeeded. A senile old pervert is now our president-elect.

My hope is, the Republican Party will embark upon a massive effort to rework the way we vote every 4 years on the first Tuesday of November.

TRUMP still has another month-and-a-half. A lot of good can come from that, and I think it will.

12-14-2020, 10:52 PM
--> ^With all due respect, I am going to assume that attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood know more about this than you and would not be expending the effort they are were these efforts futile.

--> If the November 3, 2020 election results, as called by the mainstream media stand, then, "the way (Americans) vote every 4 years on the first Tuesday of November" will be exactly as meaningful as voting in Venezuela or Russia.

--> Communist infiltration of every major American institution has been ongoing for years, and I assume such infiltration would almost certainly involve conservative online forums such as this one. Infiltrate each organization, prove oneself a trusted and indispensable member, ABOVE REPROACH, and work from within to undermine Americans' will.

The operating procedure of the "color revolution" is primarily psychological, geared to breaking Americans' will from within.

IFF Americans' will cannot be broken, despite such honeyed words as yours, we may yet turn the tide.

MORE THAN EVER, AMERICANS MUST STAND TOGETHER WITH INDOMITABLE WILL. Remote rule by communist China WILL BE NO JOKE. And that IS what a "Biden presidency" will, essentially, amount to. Don't make it easy for the communist Chinese!

Folks, you need to know the history of China.

--> The Chinese do NOT value human life, least of all the lives of non-Han Chinese. <--

--> The purpose of such words as, "fait accompli", "sadly...", and, everything assuring us that things will be business as usual is to lull us back into the same complacency that made it easy for Chinese communists and their "useful idiots" to infiltrate EVERY American institution.

--> Regardless of whether or not I am alone in this, I choose to interpret such words to mean that ALL IS NOT LOST. The purpose of such words as yours is, in fact, ENTIRELY TO DESTROY THE RESOLVE TO FIGHT WHILE A CHANCE OF SUCCESS STILL REMAINS:


12-15-2020, 12:38 AM
--> ^With all due respect, I am going to assume that attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood know more about this than you and would not be expending the effort they are were these efforts futile.

--> Regardless of whether or not I am alone in this, I choose to interpret such words to mean that ALL IS NOT LOST. The purpose of such words as yours is, in fact, ENTIRELY TO DESTROY THE RESOLVE TO FIGHT WHILE A CHANCE OF SUCCESS STILL REMAINS:

With all due respect, If I was making the kind of money per hours billable as they are, I'd dip myself in chiggun fat and swim across a cess pool filled with gators armed only with a sharp stick. I think I could make it across once, anyway. I could afford the prosthetic hand and still be set for life. It's gonna be short life anyway, once Commiela takes the reins.

Seriously, though, I appreciate your attitude and wish half our country shared it. We wouldn't be in this mess if that were the case.

12-15-2020, 12:55 AM
If I was making the kind of money per hours billable as they are

Thank you, I appreciate your attitude as well!

For clarification, I saw an interview with Sidney Powell in which she said she and her associates are not being paid for this. People have been donating to her and Lin Wood's web site, but atty. Powell said words to the effect that, "They've been so busy preparing the legal cases that they haven't had time to cut paychecks.".

Although he didn't say so, my impression is that Lin Wood, too, is taking no pay for his work. He has won enough defamation lawsuits against the likes of CNN that he can afford to do this out of Love for Our Republic.

Think about the number of DEATH THREATS they must be getting. Yet, none of Trump's lawyers whines like a nigger.

NO MONEY would be worth the kind of abuse Trump, Giuliani, Powell, Wood, Ellis, their staffs, and ALL of the Patriot witnesses are taking. They are doing this for the life of our Republic.

When our turn comes, we would do well to try to match their ante.

In particular, Lin Wood conducts himself in such a way that I was sure he had "seen God", as it were. Read his biography on Wikipedia. I would not want to tangle with Lin Wood.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-15-2020, 02:37 PM
--> The purpose of such words as, "fait accompli", "sadly...", and, everything assuring us that things will be business as usual is to lull us back into the same complacency that made it easy for Chinese communists and their "useful idiots" to infiltrate EVERY American institution.

--> Regardless of whether or not I am alone in this, I choose to interpret such words to mean that ALL IS NOT LOST. The purpose of such words as yours is, in fact, ENTIRELY TO DESTROY THE RESOLVE TO FIGHT WHILE A CHANCE OF SUCCESS STILL REMAINS:

Not my intention at all... Not even close.

I still hold out hope that some miracle takes place, but it's insane and delusional to keep fighting a battle that has already been lost. There will be another battle in the near future. We need to figure out how to win it!

If I wanted to dispirit those on the front lines of this election fraud, I would contact them personally and use terms like "fait accompli" and "sadly"... To the best of my knowledge, no one who participates in this forum is a party to any legal action seeking remediation on TRUMP'S behalf.

One can be loyal and realistic at the same time...

12-15-2020, 05:54 PM
Every electronic step needs to be walked back to its origin. The fuck wad that assisted in getting the voting machines out of the country needs to have a forensic audit on his finances as well as the rest of the members of his family. Sudden wealth, contract surreptitiously awarded and assistance from the opposing party. Mitch McConnell is one that I would look at very closely. This rat bastard has been there forever and has learned every trick. When in doubt follow the money. Somebody knows something and can be squeezed to where the truth pops out like puss from a zit.

12-16-2020, 11:23 AM
One can be loyal and realistic at the same time...

We're not as fucked as it might appear.

The Senate is likely to remain GOP, and the House is going to remain evenly split ideologically. I firmly believe, given the Barry Soetoro model, the House will flip in 2022. Then TRUMP or Pence will swoop in to clean up the mess in 2024. I'm no fan of political dynasties, but if Don Jr. throws his hat in the ring, he'll get my vote!

it's insane and delusional to keep fighting a battle that has already been lost. There will be another battle in the near future.

I'm probably missing something.

Please, in what way(s) do you believe it UN"realistic", "insane and delusional" to fight for President Trump AT LEAST until Giuliani, Powell, Ellis, and Wood have given up or President Trump himself has conceded?

In what way(s) do you believe it "REALISTIC", and NOT "insane and delusional" to believe that, despite corrupt-by-design voting hardware and software (which America shares with Venezuela), "the House will flip in 2022. Then TRUMP or Pence will swoop in to clean up the mess in 2024 ... if Don Jr. throws his hat in the ring, he'll get (your) vote!"?

AFAIK (and I'm probably missing something), the single biggest threat to our republic is a bogus, omnipresent voting system, which has been in place for years.

Again, AFAIK, the ONLY hope which WeThePeople have of righting that voting system is through legislation enacted by President Trump and the tiny number of Patriots who have managed to shine forth during this nigger-stenchitudinous 2020 election.

Please, in what way(s) is it NOT "insane and delusional" to ignore "the consent of the governed"--the fundamental principle of our republic--even temporarily, in favor of some hypothetical, easier time, when, "There will be another battle in the near future.". Procrastination inures one to the status quo. The CCP would love nothing better.

12-16-2020, 11:43 AM

...Sidney Powell said in an interview, in similar, if not exact wording, "The only day set in stone in the Constitution is inauguration day in January."
Anyone who says otherwise is either extraordinarily naive or part of the communist demoralization machine.

Not true, sadly...
Rep. Mo Brooks is not a Senator. He's the Representative (Congressman) from Alabama's 5th Congressional district -- essentially, Huntsville. He's the equivalent of one of your MP's...
Our national elections are designed to be impervious to the court system. The commies used that to steal this election. As of a few hours ago, they succeeded. A senile old pervert is now our president-elect.
My hope is, the Republican Party will embark upon a massive effort to rework the way we vote every 4 years on the first Tuesday of November. TRUMP still has another month-and-a-half. A lot of good can come from that, and I think it will.

I'm going to warn everyone here, this is a long post but I think it's worth the read.

I've been studying this shit storm for weeks trying to make head or tails of it. I'm not convinced it's over. In fact, I think we're on the verge of the political version of all out nuclear war and I don't think the SCOTUS is the main goal here and is only one piece of the puzzle to where where this wild ride is taking us.

I was flipping through my worn pocket copy of the US Constitution last night after reading this for clarification.

I read up on the 12th Amendment which was written in the cleanup from the mess of the Jefferson election:

Amendment 12 - Choosing the President, Vice-President. Ratified 6/15/1804.

...The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of
Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;
The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if
such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person
have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding
three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose
immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be
taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this
purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a
majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.

It would appear there is some obscure Trump team legal maneuvering afoot here:


Alternate electors cast votes for President Donald Trump Monday from a number of battleground states contested by the president as the Electoral College met to finalize the results of the 2020 election.

President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller said the move was to keep open the possibility of challenging the election up until Jan. 20.

“The only date in the Constitution is January 20, so we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election,” Miller told Fox News.

Stephen Miller on Fox & Friends says “an alternative” group of electors is also voting today:

“As we speak, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send those results to Congress.”

Choosing alternate electors and sending their votes to Congress, per Miller, will help to preserve any of the president’s additional court cases.

Should he succeed in those cases, Miller said those votes could be certified.

“This would ensure that all of our legal remedies remain open,” Miller said.

Alternate electors from the contested states of Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania cast (42 - enough for a win) votes for Trump on Monday as each state’s official electors placed votes for Democrat Joe Biden.

“At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively,” the Pennsylvania GOP said.

“Today’s move by Republican party electors is fashioned after the 1960 Presidential election, in which President Nixon was declared the winner in Hawaii. While Democrat legal challenges were pending, Democratic presidential electors met to cast a conditional vote for John F. Kennedy to preserve their intent in the event of future favorable legal outcomes,” the statement added.

“The conditional resolution states that electors certify their vote for the President and Vice President ‘on the understanding that if, as a result of a final non-appealable Court Order or other proceeding prescribed by law, [they] are ultimately recognized as being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Pennsylvania,’” the state’s GOP concluded.

David Shafer, the head of the Republican Party of Georgia, also issued a statement about his state’s alternate electors on Twitter.

“Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President,” Shafer wrote.

“Had we not meet today and cast our votes, the President’s pending election contest would have been effectively mooted. Our action today preserves his rights under Georgia law.”

The way I see this, Trump will either:

A) Pull a Rush Presto tour sized rabbit out of his hat and win. Remember, a shit ton of stuff has happened that has not made it into the MSM's coverage and is not on the radar of both houses, much less the American citizen's. Did you hear the story of the raid on the CIA operation in Germany where special ops took the servers in use and under control of both the CIA Station Chief and Dominion? She was apparently wounded in the gun battle and is currently MIA after being taken by the SO team. Yeah, THAT HAPPENED! No doubt she is making deals right now for whether or not she'll be wearing orange for the rest of her life!
B) Trump will still lose but will have the next month to set fire to the swamp and declassify everything he has - ON EVERYONE!

Personally, I hope he can do both A & B but I will settle for B if nothing else.

There is a lot here that no-one is thinking about. Remember how he plays 4D chess? Let's take a look at what he's very quietly done here:

He placed all US election systems under the Critical Infrastructure listing. This means that every step along the way, every vote cast, every scanned copy of those votes and every server used, log in made, change made, time stamp and EVERY ELECTRONIC FACET of this election by Dominion or SCYTL was logged even if no-one knew, cared or considered the implications of it.

He signed an EO back in 2018 which jails anyone for meddling in our elections and also takes all their assets. The media accused him of doing it only to appear to give a shit about election fraud. Won't this come as a shock to commie-tube and twatter when they wake up one morning to empty accounts!

Remember the CISA act? The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency was created by Trump after the last midterms. Yep, they hold all the ones and zeroes that prove everything that has gone down!

He set up the Special Operations Forces to basically be their own entity operating under POTUS (CIC throught SECDEF). Ostensibly, the reason was for quicker response, streamlining and cost. Nope. Look deeper. https://www.defense.gov/Explore/News/Article/Article/2419154/special-operations-leader-to-report-directly-to-acting-defense-secretary/ It's almost as plain as the nose on your face.

When you start to connect the dots here, a picture starts to form. Stare at it and move away like one of those 3D stereogram pics. It'll show up. Kinda looks like Trump sitting on the opposite side of a chessboard laughing.

We'll see...

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-17-2020, 01:54 AM
Aw Lawdy!

I am not rooting against TRUMP, and it was not my intention to start a fucking scrum!

My opinions and commentary are based upon my own education, experience, and yes, expertise. I don't have an agenda. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything outside the realm of probability.

I'll even throw you a bone -- this hit tonight on FNB...

"Intel source knows TRUMP won the election..."


Again, in my opinion, regardless of what the Constitution requires, if Team TRUMP relies on the courts alone, his chances are slim to none.

For the record, I am not happy about that!

Again, still hoping for a miracle...

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-17-2020, 01:56 AM
Great post, Tweak!

If we truly were still a constitutional republic, TRUMP would be POTUS for the next 4 years.

Aussie Chimper
12-17-2020, 06:45 AM
As much as myself and others don't like to hear it, I think MPH is right. We must face the cold hard reality, that in the absence of Trump pulling a massive rabbit out of his ass, he is fucked. One thing I have noticed though since the SCOTUS refusal, is that in my observation at least, Trump doesn't seem to by fighting or trying as hard as he could or should be. I refuse to believe he has personally given up and is going to eventually accept the defeat. That is just not his nature. He will not stop trying. I think TS is right too. There just has to be something else going on we're not hearing about.

One thing is certain though. If Trump does somehow manage to beat these bastards and many heads roll, I will personally travel across the world to South Dakota with my hammer and chisel!

Aussie Chimper
12-17-2020, 06:56 AM
Did you hear the story of the raid on the CIA operation in Germany where special ops took the servers in use and under control of both the CIA Station Chief and Dominion? She was apparently wounded in the gun battle and is currently MIA after being taken by the SO team. Yeah, THAT HAPPENED! No doubt she is making deals right now for whether or not she'll be wearing orange for the rest of her life!

Do you have a link to this story? I had heard of this elsewhere but I was left wondering if it was all crap or not. I don't believe you would post it if you had any thoughts it was crap.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-17-2020, 03:08 PM
As much as myself and others don't like to hear it, I think MPH is right. We must face the cold hard reality, that in the absence of Trump pulling a massive rabbit out of his ass, he is fucked. One thing I have noticed though since the SCOTUS refusal, is that in my observation at least, Trump doesn't seem to by fighting or trying as hard as he could or should be. I refuse to believe he has personally given up and is going to eventually accept the defeat. That is just not his nature. He will not stop trying. I think TS is right too. There just has to be something else going on we're not hearing about.

One thing is certain though. If Trump does somehow manage to beat these bastards and many heads roll, I will personally travel across the world to South Dakota with my hammer and chisel!

I strongly suspect that TRUMP has a final card to play. If I were to guess, it's a series of pardons and declassifications that will so FUCK OVER the leftists that they will spend only one disastrous term in office fighting for their political, if not actual, lives. Odds are, that will mean the commies will lose their tiny majority in the House, and several more seats in the Senate in 2022. Given TRUMP'S restructuring of the Federal courts, and no ability to forward any meaningful legislative agenda, the Harris Administration will be dead on arrival.

Again, I do hold out the slimmest hope that TRUMP can prevail -- if anyone can, it's him!

animal mother
12-17-2020, 03:26 PM
I strongly suspect that TRUMP has a final card to play. If I were to guess, it's a series of pardons and declassifications that will so FUCK OVER the leftists that they will spend only one disastrous term in office fighting for their political, if not actual, lives. Odds are, that will mean the commies will lose their tiny majority in the House, and several more seats in the Senate in 2022. Given TRUMP'S restructuring of the Federal courts, and no ability to forward any meaningful legislative agenda, the Harris Administration will be dead on arrival.

Again, I do hold out the slimmest hope that TRUMP can prevail -- if anyone can, it's him!

Maybe his last great gesture will be to deploy our entire nuclear fleet of boomers into the South China Sea and rain hell from down on high on China as payback for the virus?

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-17-2020, 05:04 PM
Maybe his last great gesture will be to deploy our entire nuclear fleet of boomers into the South China Sea and rain hell from down on high on China as payback for the virus?

I'm no warmonger, but that would be fine with me provided the targets were limited to at-sea military assets.

Jim Crow
12-17-2020, 09:09 PM
I strongly suspect that TRUMP has a final card to play. If I were to guess, it's a series of pardons and declassifications that will so FUCK OVER the leftists that they will spend only one disastrous term in office fighting for their political, if not actual, lives. Odds are, that will mean the commies will lose their tiny majority in the House, and several more seats in the Senate in 2022. Given TRUMP'S restructuring of the Federal courts, and no ability to forward any meaningful legislative agenda, the Harris Administration will be dead on arrival.

Again, I do hold out the slimmest hope that TRUMP can prevail -- if anyone can, it's him!
I have to confess that I also have a faint glimmer of hope.But I am still prepared for the worst!

12-17-2020, 11:46 PM
Important republicans, such as Rand Paul and Josh Hawley, have finally publicly acknowledged the massive election fraud (https://rumble.com/vbybhg-bannons-warroom-ep-590-74-million-americans-want-answers-w-vandenberghe-eps.html). Traction is everything.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn observed that, had Stalin's earliest attempts to arrest people from their homes been aggressively thwarted, his megalomaniacal efforts might never have gained traction.

Recognizing pivotal historic moments and acting appropriately is difficult. Americans have lived lives of relative security and plenty. We secretly hope, “This election was just like any other. A communist takeover could never happen to us.”.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe confirmed that there was foreign interference in the 2020 election (https://www.theepochtimes.com/dni-john-ratcliffe-confirms-there-was-foreign-interference-in-november-elections-report_3623035.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-17-2), according to CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge.

We are living just such a pivotal historic moment. Trump's election win MUST be recognized. There is no other option.

“China’s efforts go from its diplomatic efforts to its collection and influence efforts against the political infrastructure, to information efforts online (https://www.theepochtimes.com/soft-targets-chinese-spies-have-been-targeting-us-politicians-for-decades-says-expert_3619869.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-15-5), even down to their online trolls,” he added.

Americans could not commit a graver error than to fail to recognize the current perilous state of our republic.

The Chinese regime exploited vulnerabilities in the global mobile telecommunications network to conduct “mass surveillance” on Americans (https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-engaged-in-mass-surveillance-on-american-mobile-phones-report-finds_3622636.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-17-5), according to a recent report by a cyber research firm.

"One of the artifices of Satan is, to induce men to believe that he does not exist: another, perhaps equally fatal, is to make them fancy that he is obliged to stand quietly by, and not to meddle with them (https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/03/20/devil/)...."
--John Wilkinson, Quakerism Examined, 1836

12-18-2020, 04:39 PM
I think there is more behind the scenes than we know about. I honestly do believe if Trump ends up losing, he is going to drain the entire swamp once and for all. Declassify everything he can and then he will sit back and watch the Left lose their minds. You have to remember, he is the president, he has access to information the rest of us can only dream about. Flip side, I can see him going after people that are crooked and making them turn on one another, we have seen it before, Dem's constantly flip on one another to keep themselves out of prison. Mark my words, this is not anywhere near over.

12-20-2020, 08:19 AM

(I'm not sure what that means...Is it like "Broken Arrow"?)

12-20-2020, 01:06 PM

(I'm not sure what that means...Is it like "Broken Arrow"?)

BA refers to a missing nuke. Kraken is a DOD Cyber Warfare Program and specifically the name of a unit of operators within the program.



There are conflicting reports of what happened and we won't know until the shit hits the fan in the very near future. Some reports say the CIA director Gina Haspel was wounded as well and is now being held by DOD. Other report are that it was a station chief wounded.

Too many reports, too many versions to make sense of it right now. Smoke and mirrors are being used and this is to be expected from both sides for obvious reasons

12-24-2020, 01:10 AM
The Epoch Times's Joshua Philipp interviewing Lin Wood:

'This Country's Fabric is Being Torn Apart'—Lin Wood on the Election and Why He Fights for the Truth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHtdA3Wj6vc)

Keep Britain White
12-24-2020, 01:26 PM
Did you folks see President Trump's 15-minute broadcast on Tuesday night? The MSM are doing all they can to keep people from seeing it.
It's clear something BIG is going to happen in the next few days. He'll probably wait till the other side of Christmas, but it's coming!

Keep Britain White
12-24-2020, 01:55 PM
If you can't find it anywhere, try this site. It hasn't been blocked.... yet!

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-24-2020, 03:25 PM
Did you folks see President Trump's 15-minute broadcast on Tuesday night? The MSM are doing all they can to keep people from seeing it.
It's clear something BIG is going to happen in the next few days. He'll probably wait till the other side of Christmas, but it's coming!

Again, I am hopeful, though not optimistic, but clearly, this is not over yet.

White House staff has been ordered to stand fast.


12-24-2020, 06:47 PM
This is not over yet.


In a nutshell, this suit seeks to enjoin VP Pence from being allowed to count the electoral slates from the contested states on Jan 6th, (thereby taking pressure off of him to accept the alternate slates 7 states sent) with the reasoning that they are invalid on their face because those states' governors refuse to call their legislatures into session to remedy the fraud and 'officially' adopt a correct slate of electors.

Additionally, there is this from Western Journal, pretty good read.


Finally, we still have no real clear fuckin idea what cards Trump has left to play, and ultimately, what the American people will or won't do if this shit isn't fixed real fast. Another huge rally is scheduled for DC for Jan. 6th, and after the last one suffering the lefty/Antifa/nigger bullshit, only a fool would believe those folks aren't going to be heavily armed this time around. Without the full report yet released, the Director of National Intelligence has already said there's evidence of Iranian and Chinese interference, which makes the 2018 executive order a viable option.

The only thing I can't quite figure out is why Sidney Powell is all of a sudden persona non grata at the WH, but her private efforts may no longer be needed or relevant. And no one still has seen or heard anything about Gina Haspel in weeks. And, I would still like to know why we have heavier than regular military air traffic over the U.S. and apparently two naval carrier fleets parked off of our eastern and western seaboards.

Finally, ask yourselves? Does anything you're seeing from Trump himself leave you with the impression that he's packing his bags and getting ready to say goodbye to the White House staff, the same staff that was just told to NOT start departing from the WH on Jan 4th? Quite the opposite, actually.

We're not done yet.

12-26-2020, 04:34 AM
Additionally, there is this from Western Journal, pretty good read.

https://www.westernjournal.com/twj-e...-christmas-eve (https://www.westernjournal.com/twj-exclusive-bombshell-new-legal-memo-giving-trump-supporters-hope-christmas-eve)

Yes! I wonder whether anyone has or will move on the idea that the U.S. itself should take up the Texas lawsuit. Not only was that an interesting article but one of the links in the margin led to "commentary" about a sewage treatment plant winery, quite the bonus.

This is not over yet.

Not by a LONG shot. By the way, I definitely look forward to your editorials!

In his interview a day or two ago (the days are merging into one suspenseful panorama) with Joshua Philipp, Lin Wood described President Trump as "a genius". Rudy Giuliani described Trump as always, "the calmest person in the room".

Mayor Giuliani has mentioned at least twice now that the cases in the battleground states may play out past January 20, 2021, and that we may see "trampoline face" Pelosi serve as acting president, making her the answer to a fine trivia question for future generations. Such a situation feels too precarious. I like the idea of President Trump in charge.

12-26-2020, 12:32 PM
Trump is a fighter. He proves it every day. The more they throw at him the more this shows.

You know, when they were handing out balls, Trump got on the wrong line. He bullied the lions out of the way and into the front of the line.

12-27-2020, 03:18 AM
The Epoch Times's Crossroads video series is as good as it gets.

Here, Joshua Philipp interviews Curtis Bowers in, Curtis Bowers: A Socialist Agenda Is Underway. Far from an overnight undertaking, the communist takeover of America from within has been ongoing at least since FDR's presidency:


A former member of the Idaho House of Representatives, Bowers paints a bleak but realistic picture of America's immediate future even should Trump overturn the election fraud.

I've heard people comment favorably about Giuliani's state hearings in hotel ballrooms--that, regardless of the "lowbrow" surroundings, those hearings managed to publicize some of the evidence of election fraud which the MSM has deliberately stifled.

The more information we can spread about evidence of election fraud, the better. Pass this on and encourage everyone to read at least the introduction and conclusion:

The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities
The Navarro Report


12-30-2020, 05:38 AM
Sidney Powell, via phone interview, recommends we all go to church this Sunday to show the corrupt globalists that we will not take their diktats.

Hearing what Attorney Powell has to say is inspiring:

16:11 - Powell introduced
22:55 - Pence and Congress

24:00 - It's ALL on Pence

26:03 - This is about "an extraordinary criminal fraud to destroy the Republic of the United States of America. It's not about President Trump. It's about the future of this 'Republic, if (we) can keep it', and we're on the verge of absolutely losing it right now.".


FlashPoint : Hope Is Not Lost! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell - YouTube:


35:30 - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Petition your representives in congress to decertify the election results:


12-30-2020, 10:58 PM
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said he will object during the counting of the Electoral College vote process on Jan. 6, becoming the first senator to confirm they are joining an effort launched by more than a dozen House Republicans.

“I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on Jan. 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws,” Hawley wrote in a statement on Dec. 30. “And I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega-corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden,” he added.

For the past several weeks, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and other House GOP lawmakers have pledged to object to the counting of the Electoral College votes during the Joint Session of Congress. Their effort requires a senator and a House member that would trigger a series of debates before a vote on whether to certify a state’s Electoral College votes is held.


Some members of the GOP leadership, including Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.), have said their efforts are doomed to fail. And over the past weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), in comments widely publicized by news outlets, referred to Brooks’s effort as “a scam.”

And, according to anonymously sourced reports, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told GOP senators that they should not take part in the House GOP-led effort on Jan. 6. Another Republican, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), said the attempt to challenge the votes is an improbable one.

But Brooks, for his part, indicated that “dozens” of House members back the effort. “We’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns,” Brooks told Fox News on Dec. 28.


This is huge. We needed one senator to support Rep. Mo Brooks's (R-Ala.) efforts. Several hinted they would but lacked the guts. As usual, The Epoch Times has the best story on this:


The Gateway Pundit's article includes Shitter links:


12-30-2020, 11:37 PM
This is huge. We needed one senator to support Rep. Mo Brooks's (R-Ala.) efforts. Several hinted they would but lacked the guts. As usual, The Epoch Times has the best story on this:

Unfortunately, Mitch the bitch McConnell is teaming up with Piglosi to block objections to the EC. Add to this the fact that John Roberts is compromised with the whole Epstein Island debacle and the fact they are willing to kill representatives ( http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?27454-Coronavirus-updates&p=148015#post148015 ) and it's just not looking good for us. We are surrounded by evil on all sides and the walls are closing in.

Sometimes I wish this had happened years ago:

̶[̶v̶i̶d̶e̶o̶]̶h̶t̶t̶p̶:̶/̶/̶w̶w̶w̶.̶c̶h̶i̶m̶p̶o̶u̶t̶.̶o̶r̶g̶/̶f̶o̶r̶u̶m̶/̶s̶h̶o̶w̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶.̶p̶h̶p̶?̶2̶7̶4̶5̶4̶-̶C̶o̶r̶o̶n̶a̶v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶-̶u̶p̶d̶a̶t̶e̶s̶&̶a̶m̶p̶;̶p̶=̶1̶4̶8̶0̶1̶5̶#̶p̶o̶s̶t̶1̶4̶8̶0̶1̶5 ̶[̶/̶v̶i̶d̶e̶o̶]̶̶


Update: pasted link incorrectly. I don't know how I screwed that up.

This is the correct link:


12-31-2020, 02:43 AM
it's just not looking good for us. We are surrounded by evil on all sides and the walls are closing in.

Sometimes I wish this had happened years ago:

http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showth...015#post148015 (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?27454-Coronavirus-updates&amp;p=148015#post148015)

What do you mean by wishing that the C-19 bullshit plandemic happened years ago?

If it were for real, innumerable democrat politicians wouldn't be blatantly flouting their own C-19 regulations.

In fact, were it Poe's Red Death, politicians wouldn't even be telling us what to do. We'd be left directionless, wondering where they'd all gotten to, while they ate truffles in their well-stocked safe houses in Switzerland, Martha's Vinyard, Aspen, Kauai, wherever.

As things are, we're lucky. People like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis, their legal teams, those thousands of Patriots who have provided sworn affidavits regarding election fraud, and not least, President Trump and his family, have shown us how to face such times.

In reality, Evil is omnipresent, along with Good. Usually, however, Evil is allowed to work slowly and incrementally, which is how it succeeds so well. We are lucky to have been presented with an unambiguously black-and-white problem. The anticipation of pain, the Fear of pain, is FAR WORSE than pain itself.

Look at Obama. Does he look like someone who has lived rightly? All we need to do to avoid long years of "successful" cowardice--a kind of self-administered Death by a Thousand Cuts--is to be mentally prepared to check the right box when the time comes.

12-31-2020, 02:52 AM
What do you mean by wishing that the C-19 bullshit plandemic happened years ago?


I screwed that all up. I meant to attach a clip. I don't know how that happened. Lemme fix this shit:



12-31-2020, 03:07 AM

That's what sugar-free gummy bears (with maltitol) were for before they got de-weaponized.

It doesn't take much to get me morbidly serious. Missed my calling as an undertaker with an inappropriate, unpredictable, scatological sense of humor.

01-01-2021, 10:03 AM
The first witness from Coffee County is devastating.

She just blasted the corrupt Secretary of State.


The man who invented and patented the technology that lets you scan items at the grocery store, create an airport boarding pass, and generate authentication codes just blew the doors off the Georgia State Senate subcommittee hearing on elections.

Tech expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer claimed that to the extent there were election issues in Georgia, they could be explained by simply looking at the paper ballots. And he claimed to prove in real time that the system was susceptible to manipulation via WiFi because his team had broken in and were in it at the time of the hearing.

Mr. Pulitzer noted that ballots from historically Republican counties were printed differently from those from historically Democrat counties. "Republican" ballots had a barcode on them which was absent in the "Democrat" ballots, and the "Republican" ballots were puposely printed out-of-register, which would have triggered the Dominion ballot-scanners to demand that such ballots be "adjudicated", at which time literally any change could have been made to the vote, destroying its relationship to the original ballot.


Jovan Pulitzer's full testimony:


At 4:47:00, pay attention to the statement that, out of 113,130 ballots scanned, 106,000 were adjudicated (93.7%!!!)


And that's how the hand recount jived with the election information: original ballots were counted outside the sight of observers and then destroyed, while "adjudicated" ballots were printed up with the information the adjudicators' chose, and no hint at all as to the voter's actual intent.

The fact that Republican ballots were misprinted may explain how so many got tagged for "adjudication": the printing error triggered a machine misreading that required adjudication.

No wonder that, after all the evidence was in, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to embrace Jovan Pulitzer's proposal to audit Fulton County ballots to determine whether they had actually been mailed in or had been run off a pro-Biden photocopy machine.

The full five-hour hearing, with timestamps, is also embedded in the article:

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/12/incriminating_facts_emerge_from_a_georgia_hearing_ the_media_buried.html

following the hearing the subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots with the process Pulitzer outlined during the hearing.

During Thursday’s discussion with Monica Matthews the two discussed the process of exposing ballot fraud via technology along with very heartfelt personal reasons every American should demand the integrity of this election be upheld. Pulitzer also confirmed that China is in fact, online with a GA polling station TODAY.

Then Jovan Pulitzer dropped this bomb!
Pulitzer told Monica Matthews that as soon as he was tasked with auditing the Fulton County ballots trucks pulled up to the facility and the ballots were being loaded into the trucks and were being shredded.


01-01-2021, 10:20 AM
The CCP/Soros/Globalist Evil has so permeated the federal government, state governments, and "justice" system that there seems no way besides civil war for us to avoid a full-on communist takeover and, at least at first, "rule" by THE phoniest, most repugnant nigger cunt who ever slimed her damn labia across the floor. Dammit. Learned far too late that "expert sniper" was the job I really shouldha' pursued.

“Move Slowly, Carefully — And Then Strike Like the Fastest Animal on the Planet!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4XzgVDj92Q)

Related to January 6, I have read that D.C. hotels will not book rooms for Stop the Steal Patriots. People have been instructed to bring tents, food, water, and other supplies.

D.C. has never been the safest place, and I worry that Antifa might try setting fire to Patriot tents.

2020 might have been the year when real life finally neutered the entertainment industry. Election 2020 is by far the greatest show I've ever seen.

Jim Crow
01-01-2021, 05:08 PM
The CCP/Soros/Globalist Evil has so permeated the federal government, state governments, and "justice" system that there seems no way besides civil war for us to avoid a full-on communist takeover and, at least at first, "rule" by THE phoniest, most repugnant nigger cunt who ever slimed her damn labia across the floor. Dammit. Learned far too late that "expert sniper" was the job I really shouldha' pursued.

“Move Slowly, Carefully — And Then Strike Like the Fastest Animal on the Planet!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4XzgVDj92Q)

Related to January 6, I have read that D.C. hotels will not book rooms for Stop the Steal Patriots. People have been instructed to bring tents, food, water, and other supplies.

D.C. has never been the safest place, and I worry that Antifa might try setting fire to Patriot tents.

2020 might have been the year when real life finally neutered the entertainment industry. Election 2020 is by far the greatest show I've ever seen.
And the greats cheating by the libs!Lets hopeTrump sets everything straight.

01-01-2021, 05:13 PM
My current thinking on the matter is thus: The legal system in this country has completely, fully, and irredeemably abdicated their responsibilities as defined under the U.S. Constitution. Particularly the SCOTUS. Far as I am concerned, their legal musings no longer carry any weight with me, and I will not abide by any law I don't agree with going forward. They are all off-the-reservation, corrupt to the core, and I pledge no fealty or allegiance to them, or their defense. SCOTUS can burn to the ground for all I care now. I am also not convinced VP Pence is going to be our salvation, nor is the objections lodged by senators and congressman going to carry the water, because face it: They don't have the votes to uphold the objection.

Unless the state legislatures make a last minute move to decertify their electoral slates (and this means done by an in-session legislature that properly votes on the matter, not individual legislators that get together in a coffee shop), the matter will fall to the citizens to sort out. NO ONE on the hill wants Trump, not even the people who claim to staunchly support him, because he upended the trough every last one of these fucking traitors feeds from, and they hate him for it. No help is coming for this from ANYONE in government.

The LAW had it's chance, and it has failed in one big epic fucking way. This is the greatest bit of political fraud since the goddamn Reichstag fire. And, as some of you know.....I have less than zero fucking faith in my fellow citizens at this point. 150 million gun owners sat on their worthless, shit talking asses and allowed an entire calendar YEAR to go by, one that saw a hoax virus, lockdowns, riots over dead niggers no one gives a shit about, statues and history being toppled, more riots and arson, destruction of whole economic sectors, and capped off with the greatest fucking example of election fraud in world history. What did those patriots do? Ass fucking nothing. They won't do anything about fixing it now. They'll take their $600 and go back to being willfully blind and compliant.

With the rampant cowardice and apathy such as I have seen this year, all I can do now is feel ashamed. If Trump has any cards left to play, now would be a real good fucking time, because the TIME he has left is now under 20 days. Everything else you see is just appeasement theater, meant to run out the clock. My apologies if I seem overly bitter and despondent.


Midder Peenud Hayed
01-01-2021, 06:05 PM
^^^ This is the best post I've read on the current state of the nation that I've read anywhere!

I couldn't agree more, ME...

01-02-2021, 05:23 AM
At this point, I dare not pretend to care about The Great Generation. I would not have squandered their legacy so. I would not have contributed so amply to America's decline:

taking the status quo for granted, always passively voting "for the lesser of two evils", instead of actively investigating and spreading the word about why society was changing into an emasculated, crybaby, nigger-worshipping pustule of entitled underachievement. Instead of running for office myself and taking responsibility.

Although I bitched at home, I was contented and complacent, and did the minimum to get by. Payment is now due. No excuses.

If Trump has any cards left to play, now would be a real good fucking time, because the TIME he has left is now under 20 days. Everything else you see is just appeasement theater, meant to run out the clock.

The most important thing now is to accept the inevitability of death, whether shitting one's pants in a nursing home, during the seizure of one's private property (the CCP's ultimate aim), or exiting on one's own terms.

On the up-side, many "black intellectuals" :lmao self-identify as Marxists, and will have helped the CCP to overthrow the American Republic. If possible, the CCP regards niggers as even less than we. Niggers are in for a grand comeuppance.


The alternative to a Trump miracle--and it would hafta be something, "on the physical plane", as Freewheelin' Franklin said of Don LongJuan in Idiots Abroad--ideally ought to be a surgical removal of the insect's head, as the Yugoslavian woman said at 8:30 in her video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEudxBKlkRk&feature=youtu.be).

They have household help. They employ drivers, gardeners, personal security. They do not live in a vacuum. Even houseflies have habits. So, too, do these sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths who govern and judge us, and who have so grievously wronged posterity.

If President Trump disappoints the crowd, no one will suffer more than his family and he. He runs the risk of disappointing the populace and drawing its ire, in addition to that of the swamp. It would become a feeding frenzy.

On the other hand, it's possible 06 January 2021 could be a kind of Henry V Saint Crispin's Day

"And gentlemen in (America) now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not (there)"

I'm betting on my President. Having sat on my ass this whole time, what's a few more days?

01-02-2021, 05:59 AM
What did those patriots do? Ass fucking nothing.

Take heart! Thousands of Patriots risked public ridicule by the MSM and Hollywood, job loss, threats to themselves, their families, and their pets, to come forward and make sworn affidavits regarding details of election fraud.

ALL of Trump's attorneys and public supporters, including Rep. Mo Brooks, Sen. Josh Hawley, and others, almost certainly have endured numerous threats,

This process has revealed MUCH courage and heroism. We have MANY examples to follow in the coming days, weeks, and, perhaps longer, depending upon how things unfold.

This protracted game has encouraged gangrene to self-identify UNambiguously. Evil doesn't usually reveal itself voluntarily. I'm not sure the evil we have witnessed could have been exposed publicly any other way.

01-02-2021, 07:41 AM
Sit on my ass and do nothing? I'm just a regular person with a regular job. Had I stood up to this, I would lose everything. Why risk losing everything for a bunch of niggers?
Even the few who stood up to antifa and blm have their lives destroyed like that Kyle kid. This is the new reality we have to accept. The best we can do is avoid niggers and liberals. We're in for a ride.

01-02-2021, 09:05 AM
I have less than zero fucking faith in my fellow citizens at this point. With the rampant cowardice and apathy such as I have seen this year, all I can do now is feel ashamed. My apologies if I seem overly bitter and despondent.

You're not alone in shame, bitterness or despondency. There is plenty to go around. I'm rolling in it like a swine in it's own shit.

At this point, I dare not pretend to care about The Great Generation. I would not have squandered their legacy so. I would not have contributed so amply to America's decline. Although I bitched at home, I was contented and complacent, and did the minimum to get by. Payment is now due. No excuses.
They have household help. They employ drivers, gardeners, personal security. They do not live in a vacuum. Even houseflies have habits. So, too, do these sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths who govern and judge us, and who have so grievously wronged posterity.

Is it just me, or is the tone of the board taking a more ominous turn toward the locally unspeakable? After all we have rules here on this forum. I hold my tongue at the risk of biting though it in rage lately in what feels like near seizure brain wave patterns. I want to say what I'm really thinking...

But I know the rules.

Everyday now, not a passing second escapes me that I don't fantasize: If I only had that button - That clear shot - That polonium sugar to offer at the Starbucks - That landing beacon placed on the side of a mountain in dense fog. After all... Turnaround is fair play, right?

But I know the rules.

Everyday I wish for the dam to burst and the patriots to rise up and take care of business. Everyday I fantasize about the nationally unspeakable. The politically and legally taboo words that probably run through all of our minds lately. Words that could cost myself and my family and my fellow Americans dearly. Words of hate, violence and mayhem. Words that cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war. Words spoken and extralegal actions taken by the one catalyst character whose spark would ignite the vapors that are presently at the flash point hovering just over the fuel which presently covers our country.

But I know the rules.

Violation of the rules would spell certain doom for myself and my family given the fact that I've come to rely on the promises made to me by my country in exchange for my service to this country. Some of these promises are the only reason I am still alive in ways I've hardly shared with most of my family or friends, much less anyone here. If those promises are lost, so is my very life - in every respect. For my family it's certainly not about a pittance of a check.

I all too personally very well know the rules and the implications of breaking them.

What I don't know is how much longer I can bear playing by the rules especially when these rules run afoul of my oath.


01-02-2021, 09:29 AM
Sit on my ass and do nothing? I'm just a regular person with a regular job. Had I stood up to this, I would lose everything. Why risk losing everything for a bunch of niggers?
Even the few who stood up to antifa and blm have their lives destroyed like that Kyle kid. This is the new reality we have to accept. The best we can do is avoid niggers and liberals. We're in for a ride.

If that's reality and the best we can do then we are in for a wild ride... Straight to hell.

I for one, can't accept that. If I wanted to hear demotivational speech, I'd watch the network news.


Tell it like it is
01-02-2021, 10:02 AM
So if I understand the idiots at BLDM, Antifag, and others, they are sworn Marxists, or socialists right? Just like the Democrat scum that stole the election.
In Marxism and Socialism, there are usually only two classes....the very rich and the very poor whom they control.So what makes these socio-Marxists idiots think that when and if the two layer system could be established in the U.S., that they would be better off?
They are not smart enough to be rulers and will quickly be relegated to conditions far worse that they now enjoy, having already destroyed thier only recourse for change.If, in this great nation your kind has been unable to rise above the socioeconomic level of a Cat turd, you sure as Hell ain't gonna be anything in a socialist society.Of course, we are talking about niggers and millennial, so there is really no capacity to figure out anything.So long, America...You had a Hell of a run!

Keep Britain White
01-02-2021, 10:08 AM
Hey, hey, hey - come now, friends! It's too early for talk like this!

Have faith - President Trump knows what he's doing. I'm as impatient to know what's going on behind the scenes as any of you are, but I put my trust in him.
Wait till next Wednesday; then he'll know who's with him and who's against him. His course of action will then be clear.

Just my opinion, but as I see it: Either he will be named President for a second term, or he will invoke the emergency powers given him by the 2018 Act.
I keep recalling the final sentence of his December 22 broadcast, and the absolute determination in his voice and on his face when he stated, "We cannot allow a completely fraudulent election to stand".

The question to ask yourself is: Do you believe in Donald Trump enough to accept his word? I do!
It's amazing how often in history, the right man has been there at the right time. And this is one of those occasions.
Hang fire, my friends. Have faith in your President.

01-02-2021, 10:20 AM
Sit on my ass and do nothing? I'm just a regular person with a regular job. Had I stood up to this, I would lose everything. Why risk losing everything for a bunch of niggers?
Even the few who stood up to antifa and blm have their lives destroyed like that Kyle kid. This is the new reality we have to accept. The best we can do is avoid niggers and liberals. We're in for a ride.

I just realized I'm not done ranting...

Are you even for fucking real?

Did Soros pay you to come here and try to bring us down?


Are you truly so short sighted that you actually think this is about a hand full of niggers and wannabe communist faggot punks living in mommy's basement and breaking some windows???

THOSE USEFUL IDIOTS ARE ONLY TOOLS! They will be dead in short order as soon as we have lost to the communist revolution - AND THAT'S WHO WE ARE REALLY AT WAR WITH HERE!

Fellow, I speak to you the truth:

This is about a war for the very survival of our country first, then the human race as we know it. This is about who and what wins the future:
-Globalist or Nations.
-Worldwide tyranny or at least freedom for our small section of the world.
-Freedom of thought, speech, faith and all of our God given rights as spelled out in OUR CONSTITUTION!

Dude, you just don't get it. If we don't stand up to this, we all lose everything. If we stand and fight, many of us will certainly pay the price. Some will pay the ultimate price. If we lay down in the fetal position, we will certainly ALL pay a higher price than you can fathom.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

If our founders had your attitude, you wouldn't have a regular job. You likely would not even exist and if you did, your life would probably consist of eking out your lowly existence from your hovel living on the scraps tossed to you by your overlords as you endlessly toil their fields.

I may draw the ire of my fellow members here, but fellow... If you don't see these things as obvious, I'm not sure what your are doing here - In this forum or in this country.

I don't mean to be harsh, and I rarely if ever speak to anyone this way, but only a damned fool can't see these things!!!

At least that "Kyle kid" has a set of balls.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-02-2021, 10:54 AM
We're not there yet, my friends!

More than anything, let this be a "teachable" moment. Let this reality sink in. Let it process. Think about what really happened here!

Let some time pass...

Then, take the appropriate actions.

It took 150 years for the original American colonists to take up arms against their oppressors. They debated, strategized, and ruminated for decades. They kept their powder dry until the time came...

And they won.

We will win again!

@ Keep Britain White... Thank you for your positive attitude!

01-02-2021, 11:01 AM
Hey, hey, hey - come now, friends! It's too early for talk like this!

Have faith - President Trump knows what he's doing. I'm as impatient to know what's going on behind the scenes as any of you are, but I put my trust in him.
Wait till next Wednesday; then he'll know who's with him and who's against him. His course of action will then be clear.

Just my opinion, but as I see it: Either he will be named President for a second term, or he will invoke the emergency powers given him by the 2018 Act.
I keep recalling the final sentence of his December 22 broadcast, and the absolute determination in his voice and on his face when he stated, "We cannot allow a completely fraudulent election to stand".

The question to ask yourself is: Do you believe in Donald Trump enough to accept his word? I do!
It's amazing how often in history, the right man has been there at the right time. And this is one of those occasions.
Hang fire, my friends. Have faith in your President.

The seeming Patriot "passivity" is nothing if not the sincerest expression of exactly that!


Keep Britain White
01-02-2021, 12:38 PM
NSPS - I'm taking that photo of President Trump and putting it on my car and van. I think it says it all.

I'm not religious, so I can't pray, but I sure as hell will be watching every political step this coming week. Fortunately, I've just reached pension age, and no longer working, so I'll be able to follow it all.

01-02-2021, 01:15 PM
If Republican members of the House of Representatives and the Senate object to the certificates from states where there was spectacular fraud and if they can detail proof of the fraud in the following debates and if Pence will declare that the evidence he has seen is enough for him to refuse opening the certificates from the states where there was fraud then the election will be kicked to Congress where the delegates from the larger number of Republican states will elect Trump.

Jim Crow
01-02-2021, 09:09 PM
I am still hoping for the best.But am prepared for diaper face joe and the nasty hoe.I really don’ think all republican politicians will stand for Trump because they are part of the swamp he was cleaning.All politicians are dirty because they’re all part of the same establishment.
Trump was a one of a kind,because he wasn’t a politician.therefore,not part of the corrupt establishment.He’s “our” guy.He actually gives a shit about working class America.Not like the rest of the politicians who couldn’t care less about us and are just there to fill their pockets.

01-03-2021, 01:51 AM
He’s been planning this for a LONG time. Donald Trump, age 34 (and even blonder than usual), interview with Rona Barrett, 1980:


Fast forward four decades.

Trump has endured more abuse than almost any public figure who wasn’t actually crucified, burned at the stake, eaten by niggers, or all of the above.
I’ve never heard of anything even close. Others suffered nervous breakdowns for much less:
”Neil Rudenstine, who was Harvard's president from 1991 to 2001, had something like a nervous breakdown a few years into the job.” (https://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/24/magazine/harvard-radical.html)

Trump understands the emotional impact of video.
He took a page each from John Ford and Leni Riefenstahl (seriously, who hasn’t?), seating rally attendees on risers to magnify perceived attendance, and instructing camera crews to pan the audience, with Air Force One in the background.

Trump does the opposite of what his opponent wants.
Arguably, the left was jonesing like muh-dikking niggers for Trump to forcefully put down the BLM/Antifa riots, so they could wail, “He’s Hitler!”. Instead, he repeatedly guaranteed help if states’ leftist leaders “invited” him to do so. They didn’t, and now those liberal cities look like unchecked negroid gonorrhea (redundant?).

Trump lets his opponents hang themselves, and they oblige!
The summer 2020 BLM/Antifa riots were a proof of concept, demonstrating the failures of leftist leadership, and doing Trump’s work for him.
Same with the SCOTUS, some but not all state-level judges, DAs, CIA, DOJ, FBI, state legislators, congressional members, and sundry other Forbidden City eunuchs.
No waterboarding necessary! The swamp have jumped into Trump’s fishing boat like panicked flying fish fleeing a shit-eating mahimahi (it’s what they do!). Congress’s actions on January 6 will complete the roll-call.

“We will have a chance in front of the American people, next week to present these cases, all these evidences of fraud,”....

If (Senator Josh) Hawley and the other lawmakers challenge a state’s Electoral College votes, Trump’s campaign will make their presentation. The challenge requires a senator and a representative to carry out.

“These are the specific types of evidence we want to present to the American people on the national stage and not allow local politicians to sweep it under the rug,” Miller said (during a recent NewsMax interview).


This WILL be live-streamed and may be the first exposure, for some, to the “fire hose” of evidence of massive fraud, systematically censored by the MSM and social media.
(I wonder whether China or the MSM itself will sabotage the streaming.)

The juxtaposition of this evidence with the congressional vote will color the public’s perception of ALL involved.

Either the vote will go President Trump’s way, or he will—finally and in the WIDER public’s eye justifiably—be able to invoke the Insurrection Act, as well as Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018.

13:29 (https://rumble.com/vc4mgl-special-message-from-president-trump-full-14-minutes.html) Special Message From President Trump, full 14 minutes, December 22, 2020

Trump image, larger version (https://i.imgur.com/fyoKJGb.jpg)

01-03-2021, 04:55 AM
For Immediate Action!

Dr. John Eastman, President Trump's constitutional lawyer, says:
The responsibility falls to STATE LEGISLATORS to submit correct slates of electors.

18:40 - 32:14 entire appearance by Dr. Eastman

important 27:44


1. Contact the STATE legislators, PARTICULARLY of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona

2. Demand that they call themselves into session BEFORE this Wednesday, January 6,
which the FEDERAL Constitution empowers them to do.
In this regard, the authority of the Federal Constitution, via its "Supremacy Clause", supercedes the authority of state constitutions.
State legislators DO NOT need their governors to call a special session.
State legislators can call a special session themselves.

3. Demand that they assess what happened in their state and either:

a. Simply DE-certify the fraudulently-certified slate of electors, or

b. Certify the CORRECT slate of electors if the number of illegal ballots, when removed, is enough to change the election's outcome.

Here are links to comma-separated lists of the emails of contested states' legislative representatives (I verified only the GA House), courtesy of Epoch Times user, "Think Different":


Think Different
Dec 25, 2020 at 19:06


Write to the state legislators.
Urge them to call an electoral session, hear the evidence, reclaim their electors before January 6th.

The Founders laid this out in the U.S. Constitution to guard against widespread fraud at the state level.
They need to stop hiding behind their governors' refusals.

All you have to do is open the links below and copy the list to your email, draft your message and send.
You can email the legislators of any state – you don’t need to reside in that state:

AZ House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/QxKGWtnB
AZ Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/2RrZPk5u
GA House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/AKniL3G3
GA Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/YJjF8ci8
MI House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/0uCm79wK
MI Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/6ZRZ5Dhi
NV House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/j3nKihWx
NV Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/hjAQy7H7
PA House eMails:
PA Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/7nmX78KM
WI House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/4jDJ1v1z
WI Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/6U8EPJwb

(https://pastebin.com/raw/6U8EPJwb)Dr. John Eastman ( https://twitter.com/drjohneastman )

01-03-2021, 05:19 AM
Sit on my ass and do nothing? I'm just a regular person with a regular job. Had I stood up to this, I would lose everything. Why risk losing everything for a bunch of niggers?
Even the few who stood up to antifa and blm have their lives destroyed like that Kyle kid. This is the new reality we have to accept. The best we can do is avoid niggers and liberals. We're in for a ride.

You seriously think this is just about a bunch of fucking niggers? Jesus fucking Christ....

01-03-2021, 11:54 PM
ALL humans tend to rationalize their bad behavior, blaming circumstances or other people whenever possible.

Almost anyone can be made to perform any level of Evil, if they feel morally justified in doing so, and especially if they can deflect responsibility for themselves to an authority figure.

EVERYONE’S morality can be conditioned into anything, provided that:

1. The changes occur incrementally, in tiny steps, and that

2. The first steps, especially, are ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE.

ANYONE who doubts this about themselves needs to watch the video about the Milgram Shock Experiment.

It ought to be a Patriotic Duty of every American adult of normal or greater intelligence to have a working understanding of this experiment:


01-04-2021, 12:04 AM
Regarding the dire nature of our situation in America, we cannot help but believe:

“Not me.”

“Not today.”

"This is not real."

Now is NOT the time for action. It is only “a teachable moment”.
“Let some time pass...”. Debate and ruminate “for decades”.
Wait “150 years” to rebel against authority (after all, who are we to jump the gun and behave more hastily than “the original American colonists”?).

The past 20 years alone have warped American culture into a chickenshit, nigger-worshipping, miscegenation-advocating, men-wearing-dresses-advocating culture in which even the most old school among us FEAR to use non-P.C. language publicly.

People just like us already have lost their jobs and have been blacklisted, simply for expressing non-P.C. opinions outside of work.

I GUARANTEE that “150 years” after submitting to the results of a banana republic election, the idea of the Constitution would have been corrupted into something like Devil Worship, punishable by live organ removal.

If you haven't yet, now is the time to learn about the Milgram Shock Experiment (https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html) on obedience to authority.

01-04-2021, 12:16 AM
You might find (if it’s still up) the following:

BGY Plan: The Internet, Gold & Sex Scheme toward World Domination

Posted on October 31, 2020 by State of the Nation
Guo Wengui on China’s Plan to Ruin the United States

“...Guo Wengui, a former Chinese business tycoon from China who is now actively exposing the Communist Party officials’ corruption, issued a press release and held a press conference at the National Press Club on October 5.


Guo stated that China has a complete “BGY” plan to control the world.

“BGY” stands for, “The plan (which) includes
Blue (control the Internet),
Gold (buy influence with money), and
Yellow (seduce key people with sex)."

Guo also said that China has a second plan called “3F” and both plans are to ruin the U.S. and to assure that China controls the world.


01-04-2021, 12:34 AM
Although our Republic still hangs by a thread, already the Globalists have “come out” about their plans. Already the left has mentioned keeping “lists” of Trump supporters. Clearly, “They” feel they have won.

Do an online search in DuckDuckGo for:

chinese online trolls

china paid trolls

A reddit post by a TDS liberal called u/Fr1sk3r (https://www.reddit.com/user/Fr1sk3r/) from at least a year ago said,
“Twitter Shuts Down 200,000 Chinese Accounts for Spreading Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests”.
Upon reflection, I wonder, were those accounts pro- or anti-CCP? "Knowing" Twitter, it's hard to say.

Overturning America would be China’s crowning achievement.

Controlling the internet is a documented Chinese tactic towards attaining that.
Imagine how many trolls China has dedicated to that goal.
If online trolls demoralize America’s core resistance, wouldn’t China’s aim of taking over America be more attainable?
Wouldn’t undermining America’s core resistance, therefore, be an obvious priority?
Q: Besides those who actually have escaped communism, such as Cubans and others, what group forms the core of America’s resistance to communist China?
A: Conservative Americans.

Ask yourselves, “What would an EFFECTIVE online troll do to seed doubt amongst a straightforward, conservative, family-focused group?
It's been decades, but I recall that the LOTR character, Wormtongue, was soft, subtle, ambiguous, yet consistently and opportunistically relentless in undermining the vigor of Théoden.

“Why won’t this nutter bitch chill out?”

The short story is, I grew up in a cult and was systematically abused for almost twenty years. I believed my upbringing was normal. Those who abused me believed that they were behaving unimpeachably. They believed they were morally upright and that outsiders were immoral. Many of them went to their graves convinced of that.

My husband is the one who first asked me, “You were raised in a cult, weren’t you?”. He is the reason I am less insane than before.

Although I didn’t grow up under communism, I have lived a similar experience, know how to recognize manipulators, and would gladly die sooner than live under anything even close ever again.

01-04-2021, 03:18 AM
You are NOT a "nutter bitch" and I fully encourage you to not chill out. Please - keep going. I, for one appreciate your input.

Keep Britain White
01-04-2021, 12:40 PM
You are NOT a "nutter bitch" and I fully encourage you to not chill out. Please - keep going. I, for one appreciate your input.


Midder Peenud Hayed
01-04-2021, 03:30 PM
Regarding the dire nature of our situation in America, we cannot help but believe:

“Not me.”

“Not today.”

"This is not real."

Now is NOT the time for action. It is only “a teachable moment”.
“Let some time pass...”. Debate and ruminate “for decades”.
Wait “150 years” to rebel against authority (after all, who are we to jump the gun and behave more hastily than “the original American colonists”?).

The past 20 years alone have warped American culture into a chickenshit, nigger-worshipping, miscegenation-advocating, men-wearing-dresses-advocating culture in which even the most old school among us FEAR to use non-P.C. language publicly.

People just like us already have lost their jobs and have been blacklisted, simply for expressing non-P.C. opinions outside of work.

I GUARANTEE that “150 years” after submitting to the results of a banana republic election, the idea of the Constitution would have been corrupted into something like Devil Worship, punishable by live organ removal.

If you haven't yet, now is the time to learn about the Milgram Shock Experiment (https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html) on obedience to authority.

Obviously, this was directed at me.

I don't get into online pissing matches, but I do have a question for you...

At what point are you going to lock and load and do more about this than bitching about it on the internet?

When you do that, and then face down the consequences, get back to me. Until then, don't chastise me for being fucking rational!

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-04-2021, 04:01 PM
Couldn't and wouldn't have said it better myself.

Thanks, Doc!

Look -- I get it. We're all frustrated at the game being played on all of us. The environment we're in clearly represents the worst case of government overreach in history. The election was clearly a total scam.

I get the anger. I get the impatience. My gut tells me that this does not end well.

IMHO, the best thing we can do right now, is keep an eye on things, and stick together. There might come a time where a more forceful approach is necessary, and I promise, I will be there, but not yet...

Keep Britain White
01-04-2021, 04:09 PM
Thanks, Doc!

Look -- I get it. We're all frustrated at the game being played on all of us. The environment we're in clearly represents the worst case of government overreach in history. The election was clearly a total scam.

I get the anger. I get the impatience. My gut tells me that this does not end well.

IMHO, the best thing we can do right now, is keep an eye on things, and stick together. There might come a time where a more forceful approach is necessary, and I promise, I will be there, but not yet...

Yes, I agree. Please let's not argue among ourselves; there's nothing the enemy enjoys more. I hope nobody interpreted my comment to be taking sides. I can understand all the views expressed here.

01-04-2021, 08:10 PM
I was worried this was going to happen...


I offer my most sincere apologies to anyone who might have inferred my words as endorsement, inflammatory, or otherwise shit stirring towards any member here.

These are the times that try men's souls.

Thomas Paine

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
(And you thought it was Lincoln, didn't you...)

01-05-2021, 08:14 AM
Obviously, this was directed at me.

I don't get into online pissing matches,

but I do have a question for you...

At what point are you going to lock and load and do more about this than bitching about it on the internet?

When you do that, and then face down the consequences, get back to me. Until then, don't chastise me for being fucking rational!
Almost immediately after the election, in the Shoutbox, you, “use(d the) terms, ‘fait accompli’ and ‘sadly’”, to describe the election’s outcome. Just now, I scrolled back in the Shoutbox to try to find your comment, but it seems no longer accessible.

Also, @MPH, you seem to have deleted or greatly edited a post of yours (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?34277-Election-this-really-isn-t-over-yet!&p=146010&viewfull=1#post146010) in which you said:

We’re not as fucked as it might appear (with Biden as ‘president-elect’).

The Senate is likely to remain GOP, and the House is going to remain evenly split ideologically. I firmly believe, given the Barry Soetoro model, the House will flip in 2022. Then TRUMP or Pence will swoop in to clean up the mess in 2024. I’m no fan of political dynasties, but if Don Jr. throws his hat in the ring, he’ll get my vote!

...it’s insane and delusional to keep fighting a battle that has already been lost. There will be another battle in the near future (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?34277-Election-this-really-isn-t-over-yet!&p=146191&viewfull=1#post146191).

@MPH, Why did you edit your post?

01-05-2021, 08:16 AM
After his speech at the Hudson Institute was cancelled, Guo Wengui, a former Chinese business tycoon from China who is now actively exposing the Communist Party officials’ corruption, issued a press release and held a press conference at the National Press Club on October 5 (2017).

Guo stated that China has a complete “BGY” plan to control the world.

“BGY” stands for, “The plan (which) includes

Blue (control the Internet),
Gold (buy influence with money), and
Yellow (seduce key people with sex).

http://chinascope.org/archives/13402?doing_wp_cron=1609843061.3853759765625000000 000

01-05-2021, 08:16 AM
"We must know that the 2020 presidential election is not really an election campaign between the Republican Party or the Democratic Party," Guo said.

"In fact, it is actually a campaign between President Trump and Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping."


Attorney Sidney Powell, who is closer to the facts than I, said the American Republic, literally, hangs by a thread.
The alternative to a Trump second term boils down to CCP rule via the “front” of Kamala Harris, the child of Marxists and a staunch Second Amendment opponent, with something like nigger Bilderberger, Stacey Abrams.
Our job, as Americans, is to accept this miserable abstraction as concrete reality from which the only escape will come through our individual actions, in real life, amongst our neighbors:
by making the appropriate day-to-day changes to our to-do lists, as we have privately decided for ourselves.

Above all, we must avoid the temptation to fall back asleep, hoping the nightmare will magically end, hoping that, by further procrastination and denial, the abstraction will pass overhead like clouds in the sky.
Biden, if his mind lasts, will almost certainly be thrown under the bus. Giuliani has said repeatedly that he has enough evidence right now to prosecute an indictment of the Biden crime family.
Accepting the results of a flagrantly illegal election—AT ALL—means accepting leadership by the CCP, famous for its history of brutality, in which the average individual will be humiliated, broken, and ground to dust. Only someone disastrously naive or on the CCP payroll would seriously consider even temporarily doing so.

The time for abstraction is over, the time for “sticking together” with virtual online abstractions whom we know even less well than the supermarket cashier, even less well than our friends, even less well than our spouses, even less well than ourselves, of whom we know only “the tip of the iceberg” :)

Now is the ultimate opportunity to find out who we really are.

I believe that, when the time comes, our President, Donald Trump, but for whom we would already be marching in lock step in Chinese forced labor camps, will let us know unambiguously the time has come.

Having survived a lot :D and had an aMAZing life, for which I’m grateful, I’m ready.

01-05-2021, 08:33 AM
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!


We didn't love freedom enough.

And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation....

We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 (https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2944012)

01-05-2021, 10:25 AM


01-05-2021, 12:40 PM
Open Letter to President Donald Trump, from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano:


Ep 628: The Hour of Action, Steve Bannon's Warroom:


Midder Peenud Hayed
01-05-2021, 03:49 PM
I was worried this was going to happen...

I offer my most sincere apologies to anyone who might have inferred my words as endorsement, inflammatory, or otherwise shit stirring towards any member here.

Don't worry about it, man...

I read phrases like "Almost immediately after the election, in the Shoutbox, you, “use(d the) terms, ‘fait accompli’ and ‘sadly’”, to describe the election’s outcome. Just now, I scrolled back in the Shoutbox to try to find your comment, but it seems no longer accessible" [something I have no control over], and know what I'm dealing with.

Not going there...

01-06-2021, 01:32 AM
Normally, I like to use analogies, and can only come up with a lousy one right now. Veterans on this forum should correct me in this but, it's my impression that, when a jet breaks the sound barrier, there is a shock wave which follows that event.

One of the sources of Patriots' AMPLE frustration regarding the massive 2020 election fraud is that we are not even "Monday morning quarterbacks", but more like Thursday lunch quarterbacks.

President Donald Trump is, essentially, a black diamond, the toughest natural mineral on Earth (if I'm wrong about black diamond, please substitute the accurate mineral), at the nexus of the forces of Good and Evil. Sounds dramatic, but if Archbishop Vigano thinks so too, I'm secure in my opinion.

President Trump is the jet breaking the sound barrier. What we Patriots see and hear are, at best, the aftermath of the repercussions from the shockwave following President Trump's actions.

So, if President Trump--more fully informed than the sum of all of us--is continuing to fight, I have faith that the fight is worth continuing. We cannot know what is actually happening.

Talk about a cliffhanger:

Thanks to the unprecedented nature of the legal situation, the state legislatures whose electoral college votes are in question clearly did NOT understand their rights regarding calling special sessions. "More time is needed.". In this situation, as I understand it, the actual power to decide the electoral college votes belongs "closest to the people", with the STATE legislatures, and not with congress, nor with Vice President Pence.

For a grin, go to the twitter link on this page (hopefully Jackass Dorsey won't have pulled it):

We got a LONG way to go yet! MAN, our Founding FATHERS must have played a lot of videogames to have provided for such complex eventualities.

01-06-2021, 03:04 AM
President Trump on Tuesday said he and Vice President Mike Pence are “in total agreement” that the vice president “has the power to act” and block the certification of the 2020 presidential election results on Wednesday.


01-06-2021, 04:28 AM
Normally, I like to use analogies, and can only come up with a lousy one right now. Veterans on this forum should correct me in this but, it's my impression that, when a jet breaks the sound barrier, there is a shock wave which follows that event.

One of the sources of Patriots' AMPLE frustration regarding the massive 2020 election fraud is that we are not even "Monday morning quarterbacks", but more like Thursday lunch quarterbacks.

President Donald Trump is, essentially, a black diamond, the toughest natural mineral on Earth (if I'm wrong about black diamond, please substitute the accurate mineral), at the nexus of the forces of Good and Evil. Sounds dramatic, but if Archbishop Vigano thinks so too, I'm secure in my opinion.

President Trump is the jet breaking the sound barrier. What we Patriots see and hear are, at best, the aftermath of the repercussions from the shockwave following President Trump's actions.

Yes on the sound, no on the diamond.

It's actually lonsdaleite. Same atoms as a diamond but arranged in a hexagon pattern.

I think you have an otherwise accurate description of DC right now.

I may be wrong here, but I see a shot out of the blue that may be happening here. No-one can see it coming if I'm right. The state legislatures are with us. It's only the governors and secretaries of state that are screwing us over here. They thought that it was over as soon as they signed the papers and the EC met.

Follow me on this one. Remember how two sets of electors were chosen for several of the states? This puts a reserve chute in place but not how most people are thinking. People assumed this was in case the courts decided against the states. Trump knew the whole time that Roberts was a rotten apple.

I give you article 2, section 1, paragraph 2:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.

Tomorrow, the EC results will be delivered to Pence.

Imagine this scenario: Pence now looks at two sets of electors. He sends the matter back to the individual state legislatures for clarification as to who THEY want as electors. This bypassess the Executive branches of the states. All the governors could do at that point would be to lock the doors to prevent a special session. They've threatened to do it already. How do you think that shit's gonna go down?

The state legislatures have already mostly gone on record as saying that this is bullshit. I think that it will take one state to make the house of cards tumble. The SLs are ready to kick it over.

If it happens, no-one will know what happened until the sonic boom hits them in the back and knocks them face down in the mud.

01-06-2021, 08:34 AM
This got me worried:

Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have reached an informal backroom deal to expedite the January 6 challenge in the Electoral College and end it with a simple majority vote after a two hour debate, multiple Capitol Hill sources have confirmed to National File. This comes after National File reported that McCarthy originally planned to work with Pelosi to change the January 6 rules so the challenge would not be allowed. McCarthy denied this, and our Capitol Hill sources now say that McCarthy instead pursued a backroom deal with Congressional leadership.

. . .

The informal agreement is to cap the debate at two hours, then have Congressional leadership gavel over any objections and pursue a scripted simple majority vote to confirm the electoral votes, National File’s sources explain.
One source noted that this will likely conjure images of the 2012 Republican convention, when former RNC Chair John Boehner ignored loud objections from former Texas Rep. Dr. Ron Paul’s delegates, and read from an already prepared script on a teleprompter instead.

. . .

This likely calls into question Pence’s claim that the millions of voters who feel disaffected by the credible reports of widespread voter fraud will “have their day in Congress,” as this “day” may be cut short by top leadership.

We'll find out soon enough :/


01-06-2021, 09:00 AM
President Donald Trump intends to continue pursuing challenges to the outcome of the 2020 election in as many as eight states regardless of the result of the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, when lawmakers will vet and count Electoral College votes.

“You watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed,” the president said.

“That was a rigged election, but we’re still fighting it and you’ll see what’s going to happen.

“You can lose and that’s acceptable. You lose, you lose … but when you win in a landslide and they steal it and it’s rigged, it’s not acceptable.”

Trump later said he’ll be in Georgia to campaign against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger “in about a year and a half,” which suggests that the president views the post-election challenge as a long-term battle.


“I think he’s just such a fighter,” Amy Hicks, a homemaker from ~Muscle Shoals, Alabama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDz2rVgv0uM)~, told The Epoch Times.

“If they certify [Biden] tomorrow, Trump, I don’t think he’ll ever concede. He’ll just move on.”



Jim Crow
01-06-2021, 09:13 AM
Republicans just lost the senate. This could be a very long four years for gun owners.Ammo and reloading supplies are already hard to find and prices are through the roof. And I am sure losing the Georgia senate runoff’s giving the Democrats the Senate majority, won’t help.

01-06-2021, 09:15 AM
Cages full of propane bottles under lock and key have been staged at various DC locations. Pallet loads of bricks as well:

Keep Britain White
01-06-2021, 11:52 AM
Tweakstick, I'm hoping you've described what may actually occur later today. It sounds logical to me.
It's hard to still have faith at this late hour, but one never knows; as I've said before, this is Donald Trump we're talking about here....
Thanks for your comments. On this dark day, when the Democrats have again cheated their way to "victory" in Georgia, you've brought me a glimmer of hope.

Aussie Chimper
01-06-2021, 01:07 PM
Cages full of propane bottles under lock and key have been staged at various DC locations. Pallet loads of bricks as well:


Midder Peenud Hayed
01-06-2021, 03:41 PM
We are getting dangerously close to some really bad shit...

BREAKING: revolution in process as Trump supporters break into the Capitol building, attacking police, breaking windows, and knocking down doors...


Aussie Chimper
01-06-2021, 03:53 PM
We are getting dangerously close to some really bad shit...


Yep, the shit has just officially hit the fan.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-06-2021, 04:19 PM
Yep, the shit has just officially hit the fan...

(Conservative commentator) Sean Hannity just reported on his radio show that Capital police are using tear gas in the Rotunda of the Capital building. I can't find any confirmation of that, but if true...


Aussie Chimper
01-06-2021, 04:23 PM
(Conservative commentator) Sean Hannity just reported on his radio show that Capital police are using tear gas in the Rotunda of the Capital building. I can't find any confirmation of that, but if true...


I've heard reports of shots fired inside, seen pictures of guns drawn, protestors lying on ground with guns pointed at them. Also heard the Pentagon has denied the National Guard.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-06-2021, 04:39 PM
Hannity just stated that he's heard reports of shots fired at the Capital.

Man, this could get out of hand so damn fast...

Aussie Chimper
01-06-2021, 04:45 PM
There's been at least one person shot. A women shot in the neck being carted out on a stretcher. Apparently Virginia NG and state troopers being sent

Keep Britain White
01-06-2021, 06:05 PM
5pm ET (10pm here in Britain). Seems to be calming down now.

Well, we've lost it. All our hopes are dashed. The American government - and I hate to say this - has no affection or recognition from me for the next four years.
Let's just hope when the population sees the country going down the tubes, they'll wake up to reality.

Meanwhile, all I can advise is that Americans get as close to Biden on 20th January, and do your utmost to drown the crooked bastard out when he speaks. Shame him as the illegitimate president.
I have one message only for Biden and his ho Harris: FUCK OFF!

Goodman Grey
01-06-2021, 06:08 PM
I don't really see what the problem is.

Members of BLM stormed city halls, burned down cities, murdered people, and committed various other felonies over the last year.

Why is it suddenly wrong when Republicans do the same things?

I still think Trump should do what Obama (a Democrat) did, and authorize drone strikes against two American citizens, Biden and Harris. Fuck it. Why should the Democrats be the only ones that are allowed to break the rules?

I think next time around, the Republicans should steal the election by introducing a shit-ton of false ballots.

The only way Americans are going to learn from history is by reliving it. Are children even allowed to study history in schools anymore?

01-06-2021, 06:13 PM
Mike Pence. You bastard. You had one fucking job. In four years. You have failed us. You have doomed us. You should hang next to all the rest for cowardice in the face of the enemy. There is no forgiveness for what any of these bastards have done.


Aussie Chimper
01-06-2021, 06:22 PM
Mike Pence. You bastard. You had one fucking job. In four years. You have failed us. You have doomed us. You should hang next to all the rest for cowardice in the face of the enemy. There is no forgiveness for what any of these bastards have done.


Pence has unfollowed Trump's Twitter account. The dirty bastard sold right out. Apparently, it was Pence who has authorised the NG to go in.

01-06-2021, 07:16 PM
Good for Pence. Enough is enough and I voted for Trump. But I didn't vote for this bullshit. I'm with Pence on this. Where is the decency?
Niggers didn't cause this, this time.

Goodman Grey
01-06-2021, 07:21 PM
Pence has unfollowed Trump's Twitter account. The dirty bastard sold right out. Apparently, it was Pence who has authorised the NG to go in.

So Pence was responsible for the death of that protester.

If he had demonstrated loyalty to his constituents by objecting to the electoral vote, this wouldn't have happened.

Pence killed an American Citizen.

01-06-2021, 07:30 PM
New statement reveals Pence conspired with Congressional leaders and Chairman of Joint Chiefs to authorize troop deployments in D.C. behind the President's back

...Vice President Mike Pence took to Twitter Wednesday to threaten the citizens who voted for his re-election in the 2020 presidential campaign, promising that pro-Trump protesters on Capitol Hill “will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” Moments later, news broke that Pence had defied Trump by unilaterally deployment the National Guard against American citizens.

According to a statement from the office of acting SECDEF Chris Miller, Pence met with Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sen, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, the lawmakers conspired to deploy the National Guard against protesters behind President Trump’s back.

In an appearance on the Fox News Channel, former White House Chief of Staff Reince Preibus called protesters domestic terrorists who “have no respect for democracy” and act “opposite of patriotism.” Preibus described the concerns of Trump voters in Washington as “pure insanity and disgusting.”


Thomas Morani (?), from New Jersey, was behind the unarmed woman who died after being shot in the neck by capitol police (linked to MUST WATCH Twitter video):



(https://nationalfile.com/breaking-videos-reportedly-show-dc-police-shoot-unarmed-peaceful-female-trump-supporter-in-neck/)Twitter might have taken this down:


This makes the Pence-Ryan coup of a few years ago sound more plausible.

01-06-2021, 08:06 PM
Good for Pence. Enough is enough and I voted for Trump. But I didn't vote for this bullshit. I'm with Pence on this. Where is the decency?
Niggers didn't cause this, this time.


No one here has suggested that niggers were behind this. Communist caused this.

Pence is a traitor. He had one job. He is part of the problem. He is compromised and sold us out to save his future and his ass. I wouldn't doubt one bit if he was on the Lolita Express flight logs or Epstein's private video collection at this point. What other explanation other than compromising evidence against him could explain this spineless coward's action?

All he had to do was send it back to the states but he caved. Not only caved, but went behind the POTUS back and set this shit in motion.

Who is responsible? Every damned person in this country that has allowed it to fall from grace through inaction, pacifism, liberalism, and calls for decency when none is given toward this country's own citizens.

Now please go back to whatever mommy's basement of operations Soros sends your checks to and kindly fuck off.


01-06-2021, 08:19 PM
One more thing, Unreggie and everyone:

Three days ago, The Proud Boys announced that they would be dressing in all black just like antqueefa.

Faggot communist or not, do you think that they are so stupid that they wouldn't beat the PB to the stick on this one? I don't doubt for a second that there were provocateurs wearing MAGA hats in the Capital. Likely the same stormed the building.

This is their MO, not ours!

01-06-2021, 08:50 PM
Thousands of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol Building, following Mike Pence’s betrayal of President Trump, when he announced he would not use his constitutional authority to reject Electoral College votes from states with serious election integrity issues.

DC Police reportedly shot and killed one unarmed, female Trump supporter (https://nationalfile.com/breaking-videos-reportedly-show-dc-police-shoot-unarmed-peaceful-female-trump-supporter-in-neck/) through the windows of the Senate floor to the hallway outside.

National File can now confirm that SWAT units are descending on the US Capitol. Speaking on a live broadcast, Alex Jones said that police are “massing” on the building, with “hundreds” ready to go.
SWAT descends on the US Capitol. pic.twitter.com/sjTrpUd7SJ (https://t.co/sjTrpUd7SJ)
— National File (@NationalFile) January 6, 2021


SWAT units will not be the only squads on the ground, as the National Guard has also been authorised to mobilise within Washington DC, only minutes after the unarmed Trump supporter was shot in the Capitol. Virginia is also now sending state troopers.


The up-side to this, and there is, indeed, an up-side, is that the CCP will demand a Return On Investment from the faithless American "elites" whom they blackmailed/bribed. This ROI will amount to the ENTIRE assets of all these "elites", including their lives :D The Chinese are not called "The Jews of the Orient" for nothing.

The CCP will have no use for trouble-makers, basement-dwelling fat chicks, limp-wristed shemales, and, you guessed-it, niggers. I would bet my bottom dollar that, within 5.0 years, every nigger in what was once the U.S.A. will have been exterminated. Every. Single. One.

In the late 1970s, the CCP exterminated ALL dogs and cats in Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing. They can do the same with chimps.

It's comforting knowing that Gretchen Whitmer and Nancy Pelosi will not be able to gloat for long.

01-06-2021, 08:55 PM
Does this look like a Trump supporter to you?


01-06-2021, 10:35 PM
As I was saying...

Trump supporters say that antifa members disguised as one of them infiltrated the protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa members to two men inside the Senate.

The source provided the photo match to The Times.

One has a tattoo that indicates he is a Stalinist sympathizer. antifa promotes anarchy through violence and wants the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. “No more USA at all” is a protest chant.


Goodman Grey
01-07-2021, 12:09 AM
To be honest, I don't think most people got all that excited about this since the M.O. doesn't really fit for most Trump supporters, and I think on some level they suspect that antifa had something to do with it.

I don't want to sound lazy, but I am also a Trump supporter, and busting into a government facility and killing white girls is not exactly what I would consider a sound strategy for... whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. Even if they were trying to delay the declaration of the electoral vote, what they did won't actually prevent Biden from becoming president.

And I think the vast majority of us have resigned ourselves to defeat, and have accepted the outcome, as much as we don't like it. We weren't happy about the Obama thing, but we didn't try to overthrow the government over the issue.

I mean, it's good that Americans can get this motivated about politics, but it's just too little, too late, and I can pretty much guarantee there are more important issues that they could be fighting for.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-07-2021, 12:40 AM
There are questions as to whether Trump is really "in charge" at this point...

The Acting Secretary of Defense acknowledging that he and the Joint Chiefs Chairman did not discuss deploying the National Guard with President Trump - but rather with VP Pence and Congressional leaders.

What. The. Holy. Fuck?

Something is definitely not right here...


01-07-2021, 01:36 AM

Was that guy trying to somehow get by without being recognized?

Like this (https://www.vidoevo.com/video/WWNjb3pqcWuRpRWU5ZjQ/south-park-cartmans-invisibility-power-naked-on-stage)?

Don't know if it's because I've been up for 50+ hours straight or what, but I don't think this is anywhere close to being over.

We are in a constitutional crisis which potentially could take years to resolve, entirely because Mike Pence exaggerated what was being asked of him.

He was not given unilateral power to decide the election. That's not what he was being asked to do.

All that was being asked of him was to recognize the illegality of the Biden slates of electors and to send them back to the state legislatures to allow them to assess the situation and decide if they could ratify the existing electors or if they were truly fraudulent and should be altered. The state legislatures, and not the Vice President, are the proper constitutional authority in this instance.

The state legislatures of PA, GA, and AZ have actually sent letters to Congress (not sure to whom exactly), explicitly stating that they want to decertify their electoral college votes, evaluate them, and certify the Trump electors, because they don't believe that their electors were legally given.

In the case of AZ, the electors came, not from the legislature as they ought to have, but from the governor. So, regardless of other irregularities, that alone was illegal. The AZ legislature would like either due process completed or a forensic audit.

Also, there are outstanding senate subpoenas that, if they're not complied with in this senate session, will need to be addressed in the next session of congress, with the same senate president but a new judiciary chair, and two years to prosecute this.

I strongly suspect that Pence knew what was being asked of him, but deliberately played dumb, in order to prevent the legislatures from altering their slates of electors in favor of Trump. This looks as though it may have insane Constitutional repercussions, and we may very well have our first Acting President with a Vagina, trampoline-face Pelosi.

Frankly, I think President Trump himself may have been surprised had Pence done his job correctly.

President Donald Trump intends to continue pursuing challenges to the outcome of the 2020 election in as many as eight states regardless of the result of the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, when lawmakers will vet and count Electoral College votes.

During a Jan. 4 rally at an airfield in Dalton, Georgia, the president told a crowd of thousands of supporters to expect more news about the challenges to the election over the next two weeks.

“You watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed,” the president said.

Rudy Giuliani has I don't know how many lawsuits in the works, along with enough evidence to prosecute an indictment of the Biden crime family. Sidney Powell has several HUGE lawsuits pending, of international significance. Gina Haspel and Ghislaine Maxwell haven't been heard of for weeks or more. Lin Wood is ostensibly on President Trump's legal team, and recently issued at least two controversial tweets pointedly questioning John Roberts about pedophilia.

I don't think anything these people do is frivolous.

At the very least, the American swamp is self-identifying in lurid detail, unabashedly, before millions of people, and I've never followed a more complex, gripping story with such high stakes.

At least for me, the fate of the free world seems a top priority (https://catholicfamilynews.com/blog/2020/10/30/open-letter-to-president-donald-trump/).

In my heart, I don't feel it's over, and I believe President Trump would not lead us on a wild goose chase. Personally, I would be surprised were the character exposure we've witnessed not leading up to something.

01-07-2021, 03:54 AM
Following today’s hours-long peaceful protest in Washington, D.C., led by disgruntled supporters of President Donald Trump, the Senate Republicans who previously promised to object to Joe Biden’s allegedly fraudulent Electoral College votes now plan to abandon their fight for the president and simply move through the motions to confirm Biden, multiple sources on Capitol Hill, including Congressional staff, confirm.


NOW, things are about to get interesting! (Nothing lasts forever. Even the Sun will die.)

Keep Britain White
01-07-2021, 09:46 AM

All that was being asked of him was to recognize the illegality of the Biden slates of electors and to send them back to the state legislatures to allow them to assess the situation and decide if they could ratify the existing electors or if they were truly fraudulent and should be altered. The state legislatures, and not the Vice President, are the proper constitutional authority in this instance.

This is all Pence had to do, and the election could have been put right. I've lost all respect for him - the traitorous bastard!

01-07-2021, 10:17 AM
This is all Pence had to do, and the election could have been put right. I've lost all respect for him - the traitorous bastard!

I've never had any respect for him. Like all Veeps, he was chosen to carry a swing state. He's never done anything spectacular or particularly patriotic.

Pence is compromised. Lin Wood knows it and has the goods on him. He's already said as much but not gone into too many specifics. The fact that no-one is talking about it is telling so you know it must have to do with something they all have in common - like Epstein Island, perhaps? Whatever the info is, it is damning but the other side has even more on him and Pence knows this. He knows whose ring he has to kiss to keep this shit under wraps and his ass out of prison.

His twitter feed even mentions it on Ashli Babbett's (RIP) page.

I think that's why Pence already announced he is permanently retiring from politics and public life after this is over.

The dumbest thing an elected official can do, especially in DC, is EVER go to any type of party. If they can't get you to do something stupid of your own drunken free will, they will roofie your ass and take pictures of you with an underage prostitute. After that, THEY OWN YOUR ASS!

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-07-2021, 10:58 AM
It's a dark day, to be sure -- one that most of us knew was inevitable back on November 4...

So what next?

My advice is, don't worry about it today. Let yourself feel whatever you need to right now.

After that, we all need to regroup and get smarter about how we go forward. 2022 is the next Big Prize. If the Harris Administration is as scandal-plagues as I suspect it will be, we should have no problem taking back both Houses of Congress.

That being said, this country has definitely moved further to the left than I imagined. It might take a new party to move the needle in the future. I'm going to think on that and get back to you...

A senile old pervert is about to be sworn in as president of the United States. How long will he last? To me, that is the Next Big Question.

Goodman Grey
01-07-2021, 11:15 AM
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure how I'm supposed to feel about what happened.

On the one hand, I'm glad that the proletarians gathered their pitchforks and rose up against the bourgeoisie, in a very communist/marxist attempt to overthrow the democratic republic, but on the other hand, I don't really understand why so many republicans, who tend to be very pro-capitalism and very pro-America, would do that.

If the small group of anti-American terrorists in the pro-Trump group actually WERE Trump supporters... I'm just going to presume that they are mentally ill, and we should not praise or reward their behavior, as it did nothing except turn a whole bunch of people against the Republican party (and Trump, but most of the people that hate Trump also hated him before this incident).

The extremists among us should be identified and cut out of the group, like one might do with a cancer before it spreads and kills the host. Communist sympathizers, useful idiots, and niggerlovers shall have no place among us!

We might as well just accept that there is going to be some infiltration from 3 letter agencies, but as long as we aren't engaging in criminal activities, and our interests align with theirs (as long as they aren't trying to get our peeps to commit crimes), there is no reason to be concerned. The constitution allows for the freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest. Besides, the likelihood that a good number of law enforcement officers also hate niggers and antifas is extremely high.

I think we can all generally agree that what happened in D.C. was fiery but mostly peaceful, right? ;) (That was a joke.)

They are now saying that 4 people have died. One person was identified, but that doesn't explain why 3 others are unidentified. Maybe the media doesn't want people to know that the 3 dead antifas were responsible for getting the 1 Trump supporter killed.

The object of war is not to die for your beliefs but to make the other bastards die for theirs.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-07-2021, 11:25 AM
@ GG...

As I'm sure you already know, there are zealots in every "group". Being blindly devoted to anything always blurs the lines of reality.

01-07-2021, 11:42 AM
On the one hand, I'm glad that the proletarians gathered their pitchforks and rose up against the bourgeoisie, in a very communist attempt to overthrow the democratic republic, but on the other hand, I don't really understand why so many republicans, who tend to be very pro-capitalism and very pro-America, would do that.

If the small group of anti-American terrorists in the pro-Trump group actually WERE Trump supporters... I'm just going to presume that they are mentally ill, and we should not praise or reward their behavior, as it did nothing except turn a whole bunch of people against the Republican party (and Trump, but most of the people that hate Trump also hated him before this incident).

Here's my question: Where were all the commie kids during all of this?

We've all no doubt seen the Antifa faggots being shipped in by the busloads. There has been no reporting (which means nothing, I know..) of the wide spread destruction that they normally leave behind that would reflect the numbers that were shipped in. Even with all of the brick pics and propane bottles, the mass numbers of idiots... they just didn't seem to materialize.

This leaves me to assume that since they weren't blowing shit up and destroying the place like we all expected, they were busy with other assignments.

By now, we've seen several pics proving that many of the protesters were, in fact, antifa. The autistic message board armies have been working hard for 24 hours now to track them down and prove who they are and are proving successful. I think that in the end, we are going to find out that a huge number of the supposed Trump supporters were, in fact, wolves in sheep's clothing - storming the Capital posing as Trumpers.

These pictures and massive amounts of evidence are going to come out. These idiots are hardly stealthy in their operations and seem to thrive on lookeemeez.

animal mother
01-07-2021, 11:57 AM
Here's my question: Where were all the commie kids during all of this?

We've all no doubt seen the Antifa faggots being shipped in by the busloads. There has been no reporting (which means nothing, I know..) of the wide spread destruction that they normally leave behind that would reflect the numbers that were shipped in. Even with all of the brick pics and propane bottles, the mass numbers of idiots... they just didn't seem to materialize.

This leaves me to assume that since they weren't blowing shit up and destroying the place like we all expected, they were busy with other assignments.

By now, we've seen several pics proving that many of the protesters were, in fact, antifa. The autistic message board armies have been working hard for 24 hours now to track them down and prove who they are and are proving successful. I think that in the end, we are going to find out that a huge number of the supposed Trump supporters were, in fact, wolves in sheep's clothing - storming the Capital posing as Trumpers.

These pictures and massive amounts of evidence are going to come out. These idiots are hardly stealthy in their operations and seem to thrive on lookeemeez.
I agree that the Antifa scumbags probably did infiltrate the Trump supporters and were responsible for the breach of the capital and the ensuing mayhem. I find it ironic that there were NO counter protests by the leftists given the known number of them present in DC. This points to the fact that they infiltrated the crowd to pose as trumpers so the blame could be laid on the “right wing extremists “.

Goodman Grey
01-07-2021, 12:09 PM
I agree that the Antifa scumbags probably did infiltrate the Trump supporters and were responsible for the breach of the capital and the ensuing mayhem. I find it ironic that there were NO counter protests by the leftists given the known number of them present in DC. This points to the fact that they infiltrated the crowd to pose as trumpers so the blame could be laid on the “right wing extremists “.

A new question arises: If there were counter-protesters, would they have joined in on the invasion of the capitol, considering that actually IS their M.O. (the spreading of anarchy and chaos)?

I mean, someone has to be looking at this and thinking "There were no antifa present, but the Trump supporters were acting like members of antifa, which they almost never do. Something isn't adding up!"

Besides, it is never a good idea to want to be associated with a failed coup. Those folks tend to end up in unmarked graves. In this particular case, it looks like 3 of them actually will be ending up in unmarked graves.

Maybe those 3 developed a conscience, and their fellow antifas decided to execute them.

edit: Now they are talking about using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump!

I kinda hope they actually do it, which would enable us to use that same weapon against them, especially if they start showing support for BLM protesters again.

01-07-2021, 07:12 PM
The best filmmakers engage the audience in the plot. Being human, we extrapolate from what we’ve seen and anticipate future events. Merely entertaining directors surprise us, temporarily yet forgettably engaging our minds. Their films affect the viewer almost identically to drugs, with fleeting mood changes.

Great directors, on the other hand, create otherwise indescribable universes. Anyone who has seen Fellini’s 8 ½ must agree. They forcibly open our minds to new ways of perceiving life.

The best teachers present problems incompletely, engaging the student into completing, and thereby solving, the problem for themselves. Not only does knowledge acquired in this way embed itself indelibly in the student’s mind, but the way in which that knowledge was acquired gets transmitted to the student.

President Donald Trump has been such a teacher to us. I believe that he is risking everything to engage us in a movie—an educational experience—of passing rarity.

For generations, Americans have been asleep, taking our way of life for granted.

Recent events have awakened us to the Enemy’s insidious, pervasive, cancerous attack. Too late? Trump the filmmaker has us on the edge of our seats. What can we do? Trump the teacher has many of us mentally engaged in trying to solve this problem.

Anyone who has ever programmed or worked on a car knows at least two things:
(1) Unless it’s broke, don’t fix it, and
(2) Until we precisely and unambiguously isolate the problems, one by one, we have no hope of fixing broken things.

For a long time, despite semi-consciousness, Americans have intuited America’s sickness. However, because “the car started most of the time”, we have largely done what humans do, namely, procrastinate, do the bare minimum, and hope for the best.

President Trump voluntarily and consciously placed himself and everything dear to him in danger in order to reveal to us The Problem.

America’s Problem lies, not with the operating system—the Constitution—nor with the American people as a whole, but principally with our educational system and the specific, entrenched, individuals entrusted with specific job duties.

President Trump has allowed his students, his audience—the deplorables (said with great pride)—to conclude for ourselves, among other things, not only what needs to be fixed in our educational system, but who needs to be replaced in their job duties. Until the eleventh hour, he has given these individuals the opportunity to redeem themselves, one by one. We deplorables have witnessed their specific failures for ourselves.

Our intelligent, and more importantly, WISE President knows a LOT. He has observed the situation for over four decades. He has seen through The Problem, AND HAS UNAMBIGUOUSLY REVEALED THE PROBLEM TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER, which is why The Creatures so revile him.

Every human contains the potential for good and evil. Why, then, have those governmental “spark plugs” which need to be replaced, consistently opted for evil?

They must be compromised. By now, some of us suspect the exact nature of this compromise.

Rudy Giuliani said that President Trump “is always the calmest person in the room”.

Lin Wood has said, repeatedly, words to the effect that, “All will be revealed.”. Lin Wood has also said that President Trump “is a genius”.

A genius who has told us to stay calm and peaceful, and to watch the next two weeks closely.

Only one thing defines us. However, most of us, most of the time, forget to foster and develop that One Thing. Even our Sun will die one day. We all always have nothing material to lose; we’re going to lose everything material one day.

So, in that spirit, I continue to voluntarily and consciously—as everything should be done—bet everything worldly on my President, Donald Trump.

“All will be revealed.” You know it’s a good movie when you can’t even break to take a piss.

01-07-2021, 08:52 PM

Anyone who has ever programmed or worked on a car knows at least two things:
(1) Unless it’s broke, don’t fix it, and
(2) Until we precisely and unambiguously isolate the problems, one by one, we have no hope of fixing broken things.

If you don't change that timing belt on your interference engine before 60K miles, it will be broke - and permanently!

After that, it's not cost effective to fix it. Might as well call the junk yard to pick it up and buy a new one.

I call it term limits for cars.

We should have that for both houses as well as the presidency.

It's a shame that I should have to resort to that line of thinking. In a perfect world, Americans would simply follow up on our leaders to see if they are doing a good job in order to keep them in check. The good ones should be able to stay and represent us but the idiot masses just keep voting for "The name you know."

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. rLUNsbekuX2bleoa_lyZuQHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Yeah, I watched it. With the exception of Nigger Murphy being the redeemed hero, most of the premise was pretty damned accurate, too.

01-07-2021, 09:07 PM
Go is to chess as chess is to checkers. President Trump is playing multidimensional Go.

Some of the pieces at his disposal:

If state legislatures and legal avenues fail, there is Executive Order 13848.

The state legislatures seem to be determined to certify the current results in the swing states, despite the mounting evidence of fraud. Too many RINOs defected.
9 December 2020

The fate of Western Civilization, some three thousand years in the making, now hangs by a slender thread. That thread is Executive Order 13848. So what is in that Executive Order? The background to this is that the US President can make law. As Obama said, he had a “pen and a phone” and that was all he needed to remake the United States.

Legal contracts in the United States tend to be mercifully short, but there is also wide latitude in legislation in that country which allows new meanings to be construed by activist judges.

Obama’s EO

In the beginning there was Obama’s Executive Order 13694 signed on 1st April, 2015.

Section 1 of that Executive Order deals with blocking assets. Section 7 deals states that no notice has to be given in the blocking of assets under Section 1. It appears that blocking of assets has the same meaning as seizing of assets. Executive Order 13694 was not rescinded by President Trump and remains in effect. So assets can be seized.

Executive Order 13694 does not mention elections.

“Hillary’s” EO

Executive Order 13757 followed on 28th December, 2016. This Executive Order appears to be just one of Obama’s contributions to the Russia hysteria resulting from Hillary Clinton’s loss of the 2016 election. It names five Russian entities and four individual Russians that were sanctioned. The list is a token effort in that it did not affect business between the Obama regime and Russian entities which they wanted to do business with, i.e. Hunter Biden was able to be paid by the wife of the mayor of Moscow.

But it does have wording in it that is very useful in our current circumstances. Part (ii) (E) of Section 1 of that Executive Order directs the seizing of assets of any persons:

tampering with, altering, or causing a misappropriation of information with the purpose or effect of interfering with or undermining election processes or institutions

Part (iii) (B), Section 1 directs the seizing of assets of persons who “materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described” in part (ii). Under Section 1, the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of State determines who is complicit for electoral cyber-crimes.

Executive Order 13757 was not rescinded by President Trump, remains in effect and is sufficient to reverse the electoral fraud in the recent presidential election.

What next?

The 45 days is up on Friday, 18th December. Then, within 45 days of that date, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security will deliver a report to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report on foreign interference in the election which, amongst other things, will recommend remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government.

This explains why the Republican Party organised alternate slates of electors for the contested states. The remedy that the report by the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are likely to recommend is that on 6th January Vice President Pence recognise the alternate slates when he opens and tallies electoral college votes in order to save the time and expense of new elections in those states.

This is the most likely path. It relies heavily on the Attorney General. The hapless Jeff Sessions was in that role when Executive Order 13848 was signed. He was replaced on 14th February, 2019, by Bill Barr. Barr seemed reliable but achieved nothing. The reason he slow-walked everything, couldn’t see corruption in the Hunter Biden laptop etc. became apparent when he recently referred to President Trump as a “deposed king ranting.” Barr outed himself as a Deep State operative too soon, and leaves his position on 23rd December and so won’t be involved in drafting the remedies report in response to the report by the Director of National Intelligence. The fate of Western Civilization hangs on such small matters.

16 December 2020

01-07-2021, 09:31 PM
In a perfect world, Americans would simply follow up on our leaders to see if they are doing a good job in order to keep them in check. The good ones should be able to stay and represent us but the idiot masses just keep voting for "The name you know."

We can apply conclusions from the Milgram experiment to understand how we acquire bad habits. We cultivate them via imperceptible, incremental steps taken consistently over time. In this way, we all can descend into unspeakable evil, like Hillary Clinton, George Soros, or Bill Gates. That's easy. Alternatively, we can strive to be someone like Donald Trump.

President Trump is deliberately making us suffer, forcing us to see how each and every one of us is responsible for our current predicament.

If we fail to learn from this painful experience of having fallen asleep at the wheel, Americans will deserve everything we get. "The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance."

Recall that Josh Philipp, host of The Epoch Times series, Crossroads, observed, "Socialism rewards failure.". It appeals to the wilfully brain-dead.

I believe that President Donald Trump will not only prevail, but will go down in history as the modern-day Father of Our Country.

01-08-2021, 12:39 AM
Of all the bizarre shit that has happened over the last days, weeks and months, this takes the cake. I caught this video and something just clicked about it. Watch it, listen to him and then do it again. I'm not going to taint CO with my opinions on it so I'm going to shut my pie hole while you guys develop your own thoughts about it. Please give me your input.


זה זיוף עמוק

01-08-2021, 12:43 AM
Got to love that one image of the guy in the capitol with a large Stars and Bars confederate flag. Going to make me a framed picture of that. I MUST say this is the first time I've ever heard PBS and NPR both shilling for the American establishment.

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 12:49 AM
I think Trump has realized that he doesn't need the position of "President of the USA" to maintain his position of power.

The video sounds a little weird, though. Almost manufactured... I mean, the audio literally sounds a little off.

His head also seems to almost unnaturally be locked into specific positions...

My favorite part is when he says "election laws" at 1:09.

Aussie Chimper
01-08-2021, 02:23 AM
This is the end of it. This is his concession speech as written for him by the enemy. They have won, America has lost. They now own his ass!

In the end he had nothing, a fist full of fuck all. Not one wild card to play, not even a pot to piss in. His final play was to rally his base in DC, then send them to the Capital to pressure Pence into sending the crooked vote tallies back to states. The commies obviously figured this out, compromised Pence and staged the invasion with Antifa/professional operatives, which actions could then obviously be blamed on Trump supporters. They could then accuse Trump of inciting an insurrection. Next, they silenced him on Twitter, Facebook and other commie platforms and then read him the riot act!

I'd guess it went something like this...

We've finally got you, you smart fucking bastard.
We're going to try you and hang you for inciting that fucking fiasco at the Capital.
Now, your only option is to concede, on our terms.
Firstly, you will stop with all the election rigging accusations.
Secondly, this is your fucking concession speech you're about to read out.
Thirdly, you will sit through Biden's inauguration and kiss his ass.
Fourthly, you will go away, keep your fucking mouth shut and forget about any ideas of ever running again.

That's my take, and believe me, there's no one more disappointed than me!

EDIT: I just picked up on your hint TS. Yep, they've got him!

01-08-2021, 06:12 AM
EDIT: I just picked up on your hint TS. Yep, they've got him!

I wondered if anyone was going to catch that.

To what end? Well, I haven't figured that out yet but I have my theories: They are worried. They can't have him whipping out his pen and declassifying docs. This is the reason they are going for impeachment round two as well as the 25th (a dangerous precedent to set indeed). If I'm right, given that video and the implications of which seem to me to be buried in plain sight within it, I'm just hoping he's going to come out of this thing alive.

01-08-2021, 06:15 AM
Pelosi said she hoped Pence would act to remove Trump, using the 25th Amendment, “today.”

“It’s a simple matter in terms of the Constitution, the vice president working with the cabinet, can immediately improve the security of our country,” she said.

Pelosi acknowledged that little time remains before Biden takes office but said removal is warranted via the amendment when a president is determined unfit to serve, for whatever reason, and Trump “clearly has indicated that, over and over again.”

“While there’s only 13 days left, any day can be a horror show for America,” she added.

I can smell the Fear through my monitor.

01-08-2021, 07:13 AM
^^Yeah, Trump also has ALL the dirt - on all of DC. He knows where the bodies are buried. He knows who the corrupt ones are, who the compromised ones are and most importantly, who the pedophiles are.

They have to silence him.

He is willing to die for this country.

He just might.

01-08-2021, 07:27 AM
^^The ONLY president I've ever respected. The ONLY president I've ever wanted to meet.

Jim Crow
01-08-2021, 09:06 AM
^^The ONLY president I've ever respected. The ONLY president I've ever wanted to meet.
I agree whoe heartedly! The only president with a set of balls! I never got to meet Donald Trump. But I did see him at the Melbourne international Airport in Melbourne Florida four years ago. My wife,both daughters and I love the guy

Keep Britain White
01-08-2021, 10:04 AM
Dish the dirt, Mr. President, then come over to Britain to live.

I can dream, can't I? At least don't take that away from me.

01-08-2021, 10:30 AM
I agree whoe heartedly! The only president with a set of balls! I never got to meet Donald Trump. But I did see him at the Melbourne international Airport in Melbourne Florida four years ago. My wife,both daughters and I love the guy

As do I!! The BEST President of my LIFETIME!!

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 10:48 AM
I can smell the Fear through my monitor.

They have to suppress Trump, because he is currently one of the few people that have the power AND the ability to completely wreck the status quo.

Censoring him on the MSM and social media might be annoying, but then you have to ask yourself a question: How did people organize and fight wars before the radio, the telephone, and the internet?

That was something that happened, right?

(Someone could probably reverse engineer and create a new version of The Onion Router if they really felt like it. It's hardware intensive when large numbers of people are using it, but it if it restricted to important information only, it should make things more reasonable on a smaller scale, especially if most data is text-only and triple encrypted.)

The democrats are stupid because they are trying to turn Trump into a martyr, and they are playing right into his hands.

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 11:11 AM
A BLM activist admits that he was in the crowd that broke into the Capitol:


Sullivan, who is the founder of Insurgence USA, a social justice group that calls itself anti-fascist and protests police brutality, was detained by Washington police for about an hour and a half Thursday night, a day after he talked to local and national media about what he witnessed Wednesday.

Sullivan said he also intended to "support the Black community" with his attendance, but also feels it's "important to understand" those who were protesting in support of President Donald Trump. He said he was on the "front lines" of the protest as it turned from a peaceful march into a violent storming of the Capitol.

That was not an impromptu act, Sullivan said.

"As far as them storming the Capitol, I knew that was going to happen," he said. "I'm on chats that are underground that are sending out flyers that are just like, 'Storm all Capitols on the 6th.' It wasn't anything that was secret. It was something that was out there ... and they did it."

Sullivan said he also made his way inside the Capitol during the riot and witnessed the shooting death of protester Ashli Babbitt, and the Twitter account for Insurgence USA retweeted video from someone with Sullivan that shows the shooting and the aftermath.

"I have video of it," he said, describing in detail seeing the flash of the gun, the bullet strike Babbitt, and Babbitt's reaction as she died there on the floor. "I am hesitant to post it. ... It's something I have to take in. I hope that people get a grasp of that situation. Whoever shot her, maybe should be held accountable. I guess that's up to the law to decide."

When he was asked if he was a member of Antifa, as he has used the hashtag in his social media posts, he said he understands where there could be confusion.

"If people are saying I'm Antifa, as far as a terrorist organization, I'm not," he said. "Am I anti-fascist? We all are anti-fascist. And that's what we should all strive for being. I have my own organization, Insurgence USA, and that's what it is for. That's really what it is."

Sullivan, 26, faces two criminal charges stemming from a protest he organized in Provo last June.

Charging documents say Sullivan recorded several hours of the protest and is seen in the recordings "kicking vehicles and threatening drivers" and directing protesters to block intersections.

During that protest, a Provo man, 60, was shot in the elbow after protesters blocked his vehicle. Sullivan later admitted to police that he knew who the gunman was but failed to report it to authorities, according to the charges.


In the video it looks like the cops immediately felt regret after shooting her. This was probably the reason nobody else was shot; it's very difficult for difficult for soldiers to shoot people they can empathize with, and even more difficult when they are instructed to kill the people they are supposed to protect.

This is also a perfect example of why any attempt to order members of the US military to kill American civilians will end in failure. On that note, I may not like certain Americans, but I would also be unwilling to harm or kill other American citizens, even if they were democrats or niggers. Unless they tried to harm my family.

Since the cops probably didn't perceive themselves or other cops as being under any serious threat, but rather saw only the Capitol as being under risk of vandalism, that was probably why they didn't go hog wild with the murders, and probably permitted some of the shenanigans. And I think they were able to evacuate the politicians before the protesters entered the building, so that was an entire group of potential hostages that they didn't need to worry about.

Where BLM and Antifa went wrong in their protests was when they decided to directly attack the police as a group and as individuals, making it extremely personal, and they gave the police legitimate reasons to hold grudges. A lot of politicians also chose to directly attack the police as a group and as individuals, which may have influenced the collective decision of the police to show initiative when it involved protecting human members of the Capitol (in other words, their lives), but significantly less interest in protecting their trifles.

The death of a police officer in this incident does not appear to have been intentional (or at least, I certainly hope it wasn't), and we all mourn the loss of any defender of the people. It takes a special kind of person to choose to stand up and protect those who cannot protect themselves. The ones that do it without an expectation of a reward are the ones I really like.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-08-2021, 06:52 PM
The video appears to be pre-recorded and edited for time. Trump's affect is different than usual -- almost like he's doing something against his will. The way he used the term "election laws" at about 1:14, shrug of the shoulders, hands turned up, spoken as if a question, stood out as particularly odd to me.

I hope it's not more than just some weird lighting and a long day. I read a novel once where a secret group inside the government kidnapped the president's family and threatened to kill them if he told anyone. He acquiesced to their demands over time, under duress of course, and avoided the 25th Amendment until some reporter learned the truth. I wish I could remember the name of the book...

Anyway, I hope some shit like that isn't going down here!

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 07:16 PM
The video appears to be pre-recorded and edited for time. Trump's affect is different than usual -- almost like he's doing something against his will. The way he used the term "election laws" at about 1:14, shrug of the shoulders, hands turned up, spoken as if a question, stood out as particularly odd to me.

I hope it's not more than just some weird lighting and a long day. I read a novel once where a secret group inside the government kidnapped the president's family and threatened to kill them if he told anyone. He acquiesced to their demands over time, under duress of course, and avoided the 25th Amendment until some reporter learned the truth. I wish I could remember the name of the book...

Anyway, I hope some shit like that isn't going down here!

I thought it was odd how in the movie it seemed as if some things were shot in an unusually low resolution (less than 480p), and yet some things had much higher detail.

Trump's hair alone seemed odd to me. I mean, at his age it is possible that he is balding and maybe wearing a wig (no disrespect intended to The Donald, peace be upon Him), but in the video it looks a little weird.

Maybe he is afraid that the democrats may actually be able to mobilize a nazi-style movement where all of the republicans are rounded up, sent to FEMA camps, and then tortured and executed. (Come on... did anyone except the gullible useful idiots genuinely believe that antifa was anti-fascist?)

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-08-2021, 07:16 PM
He has no doubt been threatened with something. What that is? I am not sure. Likely something to do with his family and kids because I don’t think he gives a rat’s ass about his own safety at this point. I was raised a Christian. I won’t get into my thoughts on religion but this guy has literally been crucified and taken every nasty thing thrown and spit at him for 4+ years. He is what 74? I said it a long time ago, why would a billionaire continue to put himself through this instead of enjoying his golden years?

I do not want anything to happen to his family but I hope we see an unbiased interview in the coming months or years where he exposes everything he does know and fist fucks these bastards in their already gaping assholes. I know hate is a strong word but I fucking hate liberals as much as I despise niggers. Get ready, ladies and gents, because we will be kissing nigger ass in order to avoid losing our jobs and livelihoods. One little misstep and they will call you the r word and end your life as you know it.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-08-2021, 07:31 PM
If Trump is under some form of duress at this point, it's likely meant to keep him from declassifying something the commies don't want the rest of us to see.

I am honestly reevaluating what I thought I knew about this country right now.

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 08:28 PM
I said it a long time ago, why would a billionaire continue to put himself through this instead of enjoying his golden years?

Honestly, why would ANYONE put themself through what The Donald went through?

There has to be something beyond the obvious here, and I'm unwilling to chalk it up to him being insane.

I mean, it's possible that he is nuts (some might find it disturbing if they knew how many soldiers preferred their leaders to be a little bit crazy), but that can't be the whole story.

If Trump is under some form of duress at this point, it's likely meant to keep him from declassifying something the commies don't want the rest of us to see.

I am honestly reevaluating what I thought I knew about this country right now.

I honestly don't know what the dems are worried about, because the real mind warping stuff, if revealed, would be briefly acknowledged by the general public, and then disregarded completely.

Here's a small taste of the bad stuff: really old aliens hidden inside the Earth are producing "fossil fuels," but they are waste products for them, in the same way shit is a waste product for us. It gets much, much worse than that.

As far as I can tell, the crap we are dealing with is about as consequential to the universe as, I don't know... a crumb from a piece of toast falling into the sink.

Aussie Chimper
01-08-2021, 09:11 PM
Twitter have now suspended his account. They have silenced him!

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 09:25 PM
Twitter have now suspended his account. They have silenced him!

I thought he was already suspended from the major social networks.

Also, Pelosi wants to ban Trump from the nuclear football. A fat lot of good that will do...

At least one major news network has already told the world that the secret code on the physical devices is 0-0-0-0.

Aussie Chimper
01-08-2021, 09:39 PM
I thought he was already suspended from the major social networks.

Also, Pelosi wants to ban Trump from the nuclear football. A fat lot of good that will do...

At least one major news network has already told the world that the secret code on the physical devices is 0-0-0-0.
Twitter suspended him for 12 hours. He then made 3 tweets including the above video. Now they have suspended his account again. Possibly permanently.

Goodman Grey
01-08-2021, 10:20 PM
Twitter suspended him for 12 hours. He then made 3 tweets including the above video. Now they have suspended his account again. Possibly permanently.

Well, at least the Democratic Party isn't attempting a coup against an active sitting president of the usa.

That would be something that might bother a few people, don't you think?

Besides, if Clinton wasn't removed from the office after being found guilty and after being impeached, what makes you think Trump will be removed after being found innocent and not being impeached the first time? Even if Trump was (allegedly) guilty this time around, what makes anyone think that he will be treated worse than Clinton?

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-08-2021, 10:28 PM
Goodman Grey, I saw you responded to me and apparently decided to delete it. I think I know exactly what you had to say but worried it would offend me or more than likely, violate some rule here. Let it rip brother. I dont give a flying shit.

01-09-2021, 01:43 AM
As far as I can tell, the crap we are dealing with is about as consequential to the universe as, I don't know... a crumb from a piece of toast falling into the sink.

IF that :)

Thank you for, essentially, paraphrasing the 600+ year-old conclusion of The Divine Comedy.

Can't believe I'm concerned about matching commas at such a time, but humans are nothing if not creatures of habit, and habit grabs the steering wheel during stressful times. Even Dante was concerned with word choice and poetic meter. However, he did that, not out of foolish preoccupation with detail, but to ease semantic understanding.

Aussie Chimper
01-09-2021, 02:34 AM
Well, at least the Democratic Party isn't attempting a coup against an active sitting president of the usa.

They don't need to, they just rigged the election and stole President Trump's Presidency literally right out from under his ass. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT.

That would be something that might bother a few people, don't you think?

At a guess, there is currently 75+ fucking million people in the US (alone) who are totally fucking pissed!

Besides, if Clinton wasn't removed from the office after being found guilty and after being impeached, what makes you think Trump will be removed after being found innocent and not being impeached the first time? Even if Trump was (allegedly) guilty this time around, what makes anyone think that he will be treated worse than Clinton?

Both Clinton and Trump were impeached. Neither Clinton nor Trump were convicted by the Senate.

Trump will be treated worse than Clinton and any one in probably in all of history. Simply because he is one of us and not one of them!

01-09-2021, 02:56 AM
The video appears to be pre-recorded and edited for time. Trump's affect is different than usual -- almost like he's doing something against his will. The way he used the term "election laws" at about 1:14, shrug of the shoulders, hands turned up, spoken as if a question, stood out as particularly odd to me.

I hope it's not more than just some weird lighting and a long day. I read a novel once where a secret group inside the government kidnapped the president's family and threatened to kill them if he told anyone. He acquiesced to their demands over time, under duress of course, and avoided the 25th Amendment until some reporter learned the truth. I wish I could remember the name of the book...

Anyway, I hope some shit like that isn't going down here!

Well, I think some shit like that is going down here. Apparently, I'm not the only one that caught it when it first came out. The innerwebz lit up with soon after I caught it. It wasn't just my paranoia as some would have me believe.

This was a deepfake. Nothing anyone can say would change my mind at this point. The artifacts are there and plain to see if you know what to look for and listen to. Zooming in and putting it in slo mo will reveal SO much that you won't even need an expert to explain it.

The doomsday plane is in the air again as well.

Goodman Grey
01-09-2021, 05:03 PM
The doomsday plane is in the air again as well.

*sigh*... I'm glad I don't live anywhere near D.C.

01-09-2021, 06:31 PM
*sigh*... I'm glad I don't live anywhere near D.C.

Too many niggers, for one thing.

I read somewhere that that dried-up old hag, Nancy Pee, flipped-out and tried to get the CJCS to disable President Trump's nuclear code(s). Also, she seems more unhinged than usual lately, based on "Their" spastic efforts to impeach him or invoke the 25th Amendment against him. What's a few days?

This might mean that "They" actually didn't get him!

Also, a highly questionable site said that, after his Twitter account was shut down, the President took off in Night76, like any smart twelve-year-old whose social media privileges have been curtailed.

However, seriously, given the circumstances, that makes sense. Although I've never been inside Night76, that type of plane sounds like a great place for someone needing access to secure communication lines and transportation. "They" have been shutting the President off from all social media, trying to box him in, and now he may be at large in a rig fancier than the batmobile. So that wrinkled bitch may have her knickers in a twist with good reason.

Maybe President Trump asked himself, "What will I most regret not having done?", and decided to go out and get a beer and smokes in high style. Then again, maybe not.


Goodman Grey
01-09-2021, 06:42 PM
Sometimes the best revenge involves causing your enemies to go insane.

I can only imagine which anti-psychotics Pelosi has been eating lately. :D

Aussie Chimper
01-09-2021, 06:47 PM
I read somewhere that that dried-up old hag, Nancy Pee, flipped-out and tried to get the CJCS to disable President Trump's nuclear code(s). "

They love to carry on about Trump and the nuclear button. They just don't get it, Trump is not a warmonger.

Besides, I would imagine that for Trump or any other President to launch a nuclear attack, there would be a number of people involved in the process from the President all the way to the missile commanders and every one of them would have to be convinced it was dam well warranted. The media has people believing he can just type the codes into his phone and 5 minutes later the whole world explodes.

01-09-2021, 06:52 PM
Sometimes the best revenge involves causing your enemies to go insane.

I can only imagine which anti-psychotics Pelosi has been eating lately.

That might have put her in a bind. Don't some of those make you gain weight??? :lmao

They love to carry on about Trump and the nuclear button. They just don't get it, Trump is not a warmonger.

Besides, I would imagine that for Trump or any other President to launch a nuclear attack, there would be a number of people involved in the process from the President all the way to the missile commanders and every one of them would have to be convinced it was dam well warranted. The media has people believing he can just type the codes into his phone and 5 minutes later the whole world explodes.

That's right! He's the only President (I think (could easily be wrong)) who decided on his own, without "help" from mass protests, to try to end a war and bring troops home.

The second bit sums up what the CJCS told Pelosi to calm her down and get her to leave him tf alone he has a job to do godammit :lmao

Aussie Chimper
01-09-2021, 07:33 PM
The doomsday plane is in the air again as well.

If Trump is on that bird and if he's on a mission to declassify everything, have a look where it is now.

Everyone knows what's hidden in that joint.


The Truth is out There! :lol

Goodman Grey
01-09-2021, 08:05 PM
I've been hearing a rumor that the four dead Trump supporters were the ones that masterminded the invasion on the Capitol.

It's all their fault, and everyone else was just following them. ;)

Eh... it was worth a try.

01-10-2021, 02:51 AM
Trust me on this (and no, I won't go into it) Trump is not on the flight that flightaware.com shows.

On a side note, If any of you have Parler on your mobiles, IMMEDIATELY turn off your automatic updates. The app will be removed if you don't. This is true across all platforms.

Not only did Screwgle and Crapple remove it from their I-sore and play options, they are removing it from your phones with a new, unscheduled, rushed censorship software push.

01-10-2021, 04:55 AM
Since on the subject of Trump deepfake earlier, this is just to show that a couple of assclowns can do a better job than the hacks in DC. They even did it in 1080P as opposed to the 720 in this video. (The Whitehouse doesn't publish anything in less than 1080P if that tells you something).

When you stop and think about it, this should piss you off knowing that our tax dollars can't even buy a good deepfake. What the hell would the CIA do if they needed to frame a foreign despot for a gay orgy murder? I guess they would have to hire Parker and Stone.


01-10-2021, 08:30 AM
Dish the dirt, Mr. President, then come over to Britain to live.

I can dream, can't I? At least don't take that away from me.

*ahem* May I remind you that you already have Boris Johnson AND Katie Hopkins!

Whereas we here in America need someone to balance the fecal golem collective of Lori Lightfoot, Stacey Abrams, Whoopi Goldberg, Maxine Waters, "heels-up" Ho-ris, Don Lemon (can It get any worse?!), "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera"!

When you stop and think about it, this should piss you off knowing that our tax dollars can't even buy a good deepfake. What the hell would the CIA do if they needed to frame a foreign despot for a gay orgy murder? I guess they would have to hire Parker and Stone


Is it possible that those who made the deepfake of Trump were instructed to make it somewhat detectable?

01-10-2021, 09:19 AM
Is it possible that those who made the deepfake of Trump were instructed to make it somewhat detectable?

Honestly, that was the first thing that went through my mind the very first time I watched it!

I thought "this is some kind of a joke, right?"

It was almost laughable to me. Mrs. Tweak thought it looked fine and couldn't see the problems with it until I stood her right in front of the screen and pointed this shit out to her. In her defense, my vision is better than 20/20 but the mannerisms gave it away even from a distance. Some of the words coming out of his mouth couldn't even be pronounced with a tongue where it was (or wasn't) in his mouth. It's kind of hard to get sound to come out of your mouth anyway with a giant black hole in your throat! :lol

It was almost as if they trying to be seen by us in order to send a message: "Fuck you! We don't even care if you know!" Kind of like when they assassinated Scalia and put the pillow over his head or when Putin pours polonium in your coffee. Everyone knows it, but nobody speaks it.

On the other side of the spectrum, with all the glitches, strange wordings and bizarre hand motions, I had to wonder if some of us weren't supposed to be still sitting at home with our Little Orphan Annie secret decoder rings, planning the coup.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FZZF4Tlf vn7Bo4%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F8ac99 6fd5582aa75dfed098ab2fdb919%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10093674&f=1&nofb=1

Trump is, afterall, known for wording things to send messages.

Jim Crow
01-10-2021, 10:07 AM
Honestly, that was the first thing that went through my mind the very first time I watched it!

I thought "this is some kind of a joke, right?"

It was almost laughable to me. Mrs. Tweak thought it looked fine and couldn't see the problems with it until I stood her right in front of the screen and pointed this shit out to her. In her defense, my vision is better than 20/20 but the mannerisms gave it away even from a distance. Some of the words coming out of his mouth couldn't even be pronounced with a tongue where it was (or wasn't) in his mouth. It's kind of hard to get sound to come out of your mouth anyway with a giant black hole in your throat! :lol

It was almost as if they trying to be seen by us in order to send a message: "Fuck you! We don't even care if you know!" Kind of like when they assassinated Scalia and put the pillow over his head or when Putin pours polonium in your coffee. Everyone knows it, but nobody speaks it.

On the other side of the spectrum, with all the glitches, strange wordings and bizarre hand motions, I had to wonder if some of us weren't supposed to be still sitting at home with our Little Orphan Annie secret decoder rings, planning the coup.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FZZF4Tlf vn7Bo4%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F8ac99 6fd5582aa75dfed098ab2fdb919%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D10093674&f=1&nofb=1

Trump is, afterall, known for wording things to send messages.
Liberals are blatantly cheating. We’ve all known that. GOP pussies are allowing them to get away with it.
By the way, love the AK. Purchased a Saiga Russian made when they were cheap.Fun little shooter.

01-10-2021, 10:25 AM
^That's some seizure-inducing graphics there! :lmao

Trump is, afterall, known for wording things to send messages.

I haven't found an exact quotation of Trump's message to Joe Biden, but my impression was that it may have gone something like, "I won't be at your inauguration.". In other words, it was a throwdown (but I'll be at mine).

January 3, 2021

Kamala Harris, the so called anointed “Vice President Elect” was sworn in the new 117th Congress today as Senator from California.


When asked by Alex Jones how likely, on a scale of one to ten, he felt it was that President Trump would be sworn in for a second term, without hesitation, and with a relaxed happy smile on his face, General Michael Flynn said, "ten out of ten".

01-10-2021, 10:41 AM
Liberals are blatantly cheating. We’ve all known that. GOP pussies are allowing them to get away with it.
By the way, love the AK. Purchased a Saiga Russian made when they were cheap.Fun little shooter.

I got myself a NORINCO SKS - $149 at the time, believe it or not. The only stamped steel on it is the trigger guard.

I call it my can gun.

It only serves one purpose - shootin' cans when the shit hits the fans.

Of course I'm not speaking in any sense other than self defense when warranted, justifiable and completely legal.

I would never advocate violence against any:

Commie fake AmeriCANS

Goodman Grey
01-10-2021, 10:52 AM
I would never advocate violence against any:

Commie fake AmeriCANS

What about CANadians? ;)

I'm kidding, of course.


01-10-2021, 11:13 AM
Lt. General Thomas McInerny says White Hats got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the Wednesday 06 January Capitol breach, which is one reason she's running around like a malfunctioning Dalek (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhEUBgu9j5Y).

A very interesting video, worth watching in its entirety:


One thing for sure: movies of what we're living through won't hold a candle to the real thing.

Jim Crow
01-10-2021, 11:24 AM
I got myself a NORINCO SKS - $149 at the time, believe it or not. The only stamped steel on it is the trigger guard.

I call it my can gun.

It only serves one purpose - shootin' cans when the shit hits the fans.

Of course I'm not speaking in any sense other than self defense when warranted, justifiable and completely legal.

I would never advocate violence against any:

Commie fake AmeriCANS
As long as you’ve got ammo,any rifle is good. Most 7.62X 39 steel case are long gone from the shelves.And the libs are going to try to make sure that it’s no longer available to us.They want to stop the importing of ammo, guns and parts.

01-10-2021, 11:29 AM
What about CANadians? ;)

I'm kidding, of course.

Except for that time they burned down the White House, I think we're generally chill with those folks.

It's kind of hard to hold a grudge against them. They're just so damned polite.

Besides, It was us that declared war and I'm pretty sure we burned down Toronto (York) over it. Hey, we ended up with a cool National Anthem out of the deal.

As long as they keep those Chicomms that are doing military drills up there from coming over our border we'll stay cool with them but I'm afraid that's not where this is heading. Trudeau's faggot ass is letting them do whatever they want up there. I'm pretty sure they have one purpose and goal for being there: To prepare for an invasion of our northern border.

Get your shit straight, Canada. We don't want to have to hurt you guys. You all do remember we did put a blockade around Cuba, for shit like that, right?

Goodman Grey
01-10-2021, 11:37 AM
As long as you’ve got ammo,any rifle is good. Most 7.62X 39 steel case are long gone from the shelves.And the libs are going to try to make sure that it’s no longer available to us.They want to stop the importing of ammo, guns and parts.

Are bows, crossbows, and arrows still available?

What about kitchen knives and large hammers?

I'm just saying we don't necessarily need to limit ourselves to guns. And even if not used in a self-defense situation, they can still be useful as tools, possibly for hunting animals (deer, buffalo, cows, etc.).

I can imagine butchers will become extremely popular in a SHTF situation, considering most people aren't skilled in that vocation (realistically, it might be easier for most people to hunt and kill an animal, and then take it to someone else for processing, and maybe let the butcher keep some of the meat as payment for services rendered). At least until more people are retrained as butchers.

01-10-2021, 12:45 PM
Are bows, crossbows, and arrows still available?

What about kitchen knives and large hammers?

You wanna mess someone up bad?

Spoons. Demitasse spoons, especially. Flash one of those bad boys on a subway train and expect instant respect. Well. At least, so I hear :)

I never leave the house without one.

01-10-2021, 12:52 PM
Get your shit straight, Canada. We don't want to have to hurt you guys. You all do remember we did put a blockade around Cuba, for shit like that, right?


Bring it, muthafukkah!!!

Goodman Grey
01-10-2021, 01:30 PM
You wanna mess someone up bad?

Spoons. Demitasse spoons, especially. Flash one of those bad boys on a subway train and expect instant respect. Well. At least, so I hear :)

I never leave the house without one.


Keep Britain White
01-12-2021, 03:38 PM
I think we should all listen to this guy (whoever he is).


The caption has been changed, and the tone now much more serious.

01-13-2021, 04:47 PM
The corruption is with our "leaders":


“That which thy fathers have bequeathed to thee, earn it anew if thou wouldst possess it.”
– Goethe: Faust,
epigraph to Marion Rombauer Becker’s Joy of Cooking

01-13-2021, 06:31 PM
We are in the right AND in the majority!

At least 75 MILLION people--I read somewhere that President Trump's real vote tally exceeded 100 MILLION--feel outraged.

Authority is something which We The People have become habituated to assigning to judges, and to those in congress.

In a lifeboat situation, or at the crash site of an aircraft, those accustomed to authority and luxury would, I think, become far worse than everybody else. George Soros without his money or his paid guards, would be revealed as just an unscrupulous, evil old Thing.

MINIMUM 75,000,000+ strong, versus--what?--400 control-freak assholes (if that) MAX? Even a nigger could do the math.
"(We) are many (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.htm)—they are few (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.htm)." (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.htm)

Jim Crow
01-13-2021, 07:45 PM
We are in the right AND in the majority!

At least 75 MILLION people--I read somewhere that President Trump's real vote tally exceeded 100 MILLION--feel outraged.

Authority is something which We The People have become habituated to assigning to judges, and to those in congress.

In a lifeboat situation, or at the crash site of an aircraft, those accustomed to authority and luxury would, I think, become far worse than everybody else. George Soros without his money or his paid guards, would be revealed as just an unscrupulous, evil old Thing.

MINIMUM 75,000,000+ strong, versus--what?--400 control-freak assholes (if that) MAX? Even a nigger could do the math.
"(We) are many (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.htm)—they are few (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.htm)." (https://www.poetsgraves.co.uk/Classic%20Poems/Shelley/the_mask_of_anarchy.ham)
Your preaching to the choir. I think all 75,000,000 of us know the libs cheated.Problem is most of the Republicans politicians won’t do anything about it.

02-05-2021, 04:50 AM
I hate to say 'I told you so' normally, but.....I told ya so....I called it back on Jan 01, Pence didn't have the fucking balls to do his job anymore than John Roberts did over at SCOTUS.

Traitors. The absolute fucking LOT of them....and gun ownership is just a hobby now.

02-05-2021, 07:31 AM
The democrats want a one party system. Look at what happened to MTG. This is a power grab and that is all they want.

02-05-2021, 08:31 AM
I hate to say 'I told you so' normally, but.....I told ya so....I called it back on Jan 01, Pence didn't have the fucking balls to do his job anymore than John Roberts did over at SCOTUS.

Traitors. The absolute fucking LOT of them....and gun ownership is just a hobby now.


Apparently, like so many untold others, they handed those over when they boarded the plane bound for Epstein Island.

02-05-2021, 11:05 AM

Apparently, like so many untold others, they handed those over when they boarded the plane bound for Epstein Island.

It only took one video or picture to own them forever, and I think that's what happened to Roberts. He might have gone with only good intentions, then found himself victim to kompromat.

Pence has always seemed like a high moral man, and in his case I wonder if he sold out because he thinks he can run for president someday. So he needs to play the game.

02-05-2021, 01:20 PM
Your preaching to the choir. I think all 75,000,000 of us know the libs cheated.Problem is most of the Republicans politicians won’t do anything about it.

Unfortunately!! FUCKING rinos!!

02-05-2021, 03:51 PM
It only took one video or picture to own them forever, and I think that's what happened to Roberts. He might have gone with only good intentions, then found himself victim to kompromat.

Pence has always seemed like a high moral man, and in his case I wonder if he sold out because he thinks he can run for president someday. So he needs to play the game.

For Roberts, there is the matter of the illegally adopted children arranged through Epstein. His name is also on Epstein's Lolita Express flight logs. No matter the extent of his behavior, whether simply foolish or evil, he is compromised and honestly, I don't see him as a foolish man.

Pence seems more like a mortician than a moral man to me. Persistent rumors of pedophilia with him date back almost a decade and come from numerous credible sources including FBI agents. I believe he had the presidency dangled over him for months now to make him dance as well.

Washington operates on compromising people. People are easy to compromise. People in leadership positions are sought out for compromise. They will find your weak link, exploit it and you are owned by them for life after that. Pence and Roberts are perfect examples of how these demons operate. Recruit, entice, snare, control. Works every time.

Jim Crow
02-05-2021, 04:02 PM
Unfortunately!! FUCKING rinos!!
Exactly.RINOS that get kick backs from the swamp rat libs.

02-05-2021, 09:53 PM

Washington operates on compromising people. People are easy to compromise. People in leadership positions are sought out for compromise. They will find your weak link, exploit it and you are owned by them for life after that. Pence and Roberts are perfect examples of how these demons operate. Recruit, entice, snare, control. Works every time.
Interesting. So where do leftists come in? Is AOC and the squad bought and owned? The left seems exempt from just about everything.
How did they rise to power?

Jubal A. Early
02-06-2021, 01:33 AM
The left grabbed the election by mobilizing the negro innercity vote. Every major town I visited about election time, massive signboard, radio and TV ads.
The Left activated its sleeping contingent, the blacks.

Most of these coons had to be taught what voting 'be' first. The blacks were so hyper motivated during the riots... probably didn't take much to get
them moving.

02-06-2021, 04:31 AM
Interesting. So where do leftists come in? Is AOC and the squad bought and owned? The left seems exempt from just about everything.
How did they rise to power?

They come in on a ship called the USS Double Standard sailing across the ocean powered by the hot air of a complicit media.

They rose to power on gibs. You gibs me yo vote, I'll gibs you other people's money. Pretty simple, really.

The left will remain exempt from all standards because they have none. As long as there are liberals in power from the government, to the media, down to the teacher's break room, there will be double standards.

The word standard has a fixed meaning for a conservative.
It is an ever sliding scale to a liberal.

02-06-2021, 12:17 PM
As long as you’ve got ammo,any rifle is good. Most 7.62X 39 steel case are long gone from the shelves.And the libs are going to try to make sure that it’s no longer available to us.They want to stop the importing of ammo, guns and parts.

Since everybody knows niggers are the weapons of mass destruction used by the left, every republican should demand getting rid of them. Equal rights!

02-06-2021, 01:09 PM
Since everybody knows niggers are the weapons of mass destruction used by the left, every republican should demand getting rid of them. Equal rights!

They are a biological weapon far more destructive than any nuclear warhead or man made virus.

02-06-2021, 07:41 PM
What is the FBI going to charge all those people they arrested at the Capitol with? Trumped up charges like they do in 3rd world countries. Today they arrested an 18 year old boy from Georgia for being present at the Capitol. His instagram and YouTube videos are of him building treehouses, woodworking, fixing trucks, and hunting. He seems like a very down to earth and responsible young man unlike his liberal counterparts dropping out of school to attend NU, mudsharking, doing drugs, and being depressed and suicidal because they got a B on their report card and racism is a public health hazard.
What the fuck is he guilty of? Taking a selfie in front of a Trump flag?

Jim Crow
02-06-2021, 08:04 PM
Since everybody knows niggers are the weapons of mass destruction used by the left, every republican should demand getting rid of them. Equal rights!
Sounds fair to me.