View Full Version : Check 'it' out but get ready to puke!

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12-13-2020, 10:55 AM
'Google' Texas Scheduled Executions to see a mugshot of Edward Lee Busby Jr. as shortlisted to get the needle in Texas early next year.
If that ain't a full blown jungle borne APE then I don't know WTF is!!

12-13-2020, 03:13 PM
Advanced negrosis!

Taxpayers have been feeding that pig (no offense to porkers) on death row for fifteen years!


12-13-2020, 04:09 PM
'Google' Texas Scheduled Executions to see a mugshot of Edward Lee Busby Jr. as shortlisted to get the needle in Texas early next year.
If that ain't a full blown jungle borne APE then I don't know WTF is!!

Homo Erectus is wut it beez!!

Goodman Grey
12-13-2020, 04:52 PM
On 01/30/2004 in Tarrant County, Busby robbed and kidnapped a female victim, placing tape over her nose and mouth causing her death.

Laura Lee Crane, 77, was killed in 2004 after she was abducted from a southwest Fort Worth store parking lot where she had gone to shop.

Mr. Busby, convicted last week of capital murder, said he duct taped the former Texas Christian University professor but did not intend to kill her.

Mrs. Crane was wrapped in 37 feet of duct tape when she was found in Davis, Okla.

Mrs. Crane was alleged to have said "I can't breathe."


Mr. Busby, they said, was derailed by numerous setbacks including low intelligence. Raised by a single mother, he was enrolled in special education classes in the Pampa school district until he dropped out, they said.

Mr. Busby did not enjoy school, his former teacher, Jeanette Miller told the jury earlier this week.

And, he made it difficult for those who tried to educate him.

Ms. Miller, who called Mr. Busby “Junior,” said she had better days when he was absent.

“He didn’t want to do what I asked him to do. He didn’t like authority. On the days that Junior didn’t show up, I was elated.”

They should bring back the gas chamber for this nigger. Give it a little bit of the ol' Zyklon B.

Jim Crow
12-13-2020, 06:26 PM
There’s two known things that’ll make me puke, that’s a hog eatin slop and a big black spook!

Coon Club Road
12-13-2020, 08:10 PM
All those big black spooks look alike. Very similar to baboons!

Goodman Grey
12-13-2020, 08:51 PM
All those big black spooks look alike. Very similar to baboons!

That's actually how niggers are alleged to have come into existence: some really retarded humans made babies with monkeys, and the result is the nigger.

Ask yourself why niggers have 'ghost' ancestors. Ask yourself why people think niggers are the missing link between humans and monkeys.

Ask yourself why schools taught us that we evolved from monkeys.

Ask yourself... why do niggers look so much like apes?



12-13-2020, 11:35 PM
Nigerian "news" sites are hilarious. May as well read sci-fi. They just write anything no matter how nonsensical and other niggers - the few who can actually read - just believe it. They're like old-timey tabloids.

Monkey baby? With adult sized feet? Silly niggers.

There's a better story there: Fat sow sisters sold a retarded niglet for N350,000. How much is that in human dollars? About 2.50$? Still too expensive. :lol
