View Full Version : Keep 'em comin'!

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12-13-2020, 02:58 AM
I see that Niggers Charley Pride and Carol Sutton have 'Croaked' due to COVID-19 which proves that not all news is bad.
OK, they were gettin' on a bit (76 and 86) but the only thing better than an old Nigger is a dayed one 'cos it means one less to see on the TeeBee.
Praise the Lord.

12-13-2020, 10:31 AM
I see that Niggers Charley Pride and Carol Sutton have 'Croaked' due to COVID-19 which proves that not all news is bad.
OK, they were gettin' on a bit (76 and 86) but the only thing better than an old Nigger is a dayed one 'cos it means one less to see on the TeeBee.
Praise the Lord.

Covid has been a luccrative 2ND job for the Bat Fairy!!

12-13-2020, 11:18 AM
Covid has been a luccrative 2ND job for the Bat Fairy!!

It's taking out a lot of fat welfare sows, but not nearly enough!

12-13-2020, 01:10 PM
It's taking out a lot of fat welfare sows, but not nearly enough!

Tru Dat!!

12-13-2020, 01:31 PM
the only thing better than an old Nigger is a dayed one 'cos it means one less to see on the TeeBee. Praise the Lord Amen!

Rastus Nigger
12-13-2020, 02:10 PM
The only good niggers are dead ones. Keep making them good.

12-13-2020, 03:01 PM
The only good niggers are dead ones. Keep making them good.

Bat Fairy beez uh bizzy mufugga n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!

12-14-2020, 04:01 PM

COONVID made some HNIC no-one's ever heard of to croak. First I thought this magic nigger has established its own Wakanda because I've never heard of "Eswatini" either but apeparently this shithole is better known as Swaziland.

12-18-2020, 08:43 PM
What maddens me more than anything about niggers is their absolute lack of self-consciousness..about anything, their stench, their noise, but ESPECIALLY about their 500 pound sowapotanus asses. I love thinking about all the rotund diabetic sheboons lying on their deathbed being forced to THINK about the 20 Extra-Crispy meals and 10 Big Macs they'd consumed in the last month and actually feel regret over something for the first time in their animalistic lives.

Goodman Grey
12-19-2020, 12:01 AM

COONVID made some HNIC no-one's ever heard of to croak. First I thought this magic nigger has established its own Wakanda because I've never heard of "Eswatini" either but apeparently this shithole is better known as Swaziland.


That sounds a lot like Naziland.

I'll bet the niggers over there are super racist.

What maddens me more than anything about niggers is their absolute lack of self-consciousness..about anything, their stench, their noise, but ESPECIALLY about their 500 pound sowapotanus asses. I love thinking about all the rotund diabetic sheboons lying on their deathbed being forced to THINK about the 20 Extra-Crispy meals and 10 Big Macs they'd consumed in the last month and actually feel regret over something for the first time in their animalistic lives.

I think niggers were always lazy, and instead of hunting, they just stole what beasts left from their kills.

Today, niggers don't work for their food, or pay for their food, and will literally eat anything. Some even take pride in eating the scraps leftover by humans, like chitterlings.

It kinda bugs me that fried chicken gets such a bad rap due to its association with nigger culture. It's actually not that bad if done right, and consumed on occasion. Like maybe once a month. There are healthier ways of preparing chicken and other poultry.

12-19-2020, 01:49 PM

That sounds a lot like Naziland.

I'll bet the niggers over there are super racist.

Well, at least a nearby shithole country has a politicoon called Adolf Hitler Uunona.


Heil Hitler....and sheeeit.