View Full Version : Is there a difference between nigger varieties? Are Southern and Northern niggers different species ?

12-11-2020, 11:12 PM
I've had to take a quick trip down to Louisiana. Now this is an odd fucking place. If you haven't been, it's maybe worth the trip to just soak up the fucking oddities. Now I've noticed that the Great Southern nigger variety seems to be substantially different from the Northern kind.

I haven't had much experience with Dixie coons and may need some help in determining the similarities and subsequent dangers. Niggers down here seem to playing a different strategy to infuriate the white man. Niggers actually address you as Sir and even walk around you when they see you coming. I'm actually wondering if these baboons are too fucking lazy to hate you? Can anyone experienced in lower latitude spooks assist with addressing my cooncerns?

Thanks Yaw'll !

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-11-2020, 11:56 PM
Rest assured, they’re just as vile and violent as all the other varieties.

12-11-2020, 11:57 PM
Can't help you there. I only know Canadian niggers and Haitian niggers they are two very different species, outwardly anyway. Never saw any swamp coons.

Goodman Grey
12-12-2020, 12:37 AM
I've lived all over the USA, and in various European countries, as well as Russia, Middle Eastern countries, and some African shitholes.

Niggers are all the same. Sometimes they try to act like humans, but this is just a trick to get you to let down your guard so they can fuck you up and steal your valuables. Or rape you. Or kill you.

All niggers are the same, regardless of where they were born. All niggers are subhuman trash.

If you choose to trust or befriend a nigger, you will regret it. Their inner chimp will always reveal itself, and when it does, you had better not be anywhere near it.

A nigger that says it doesn't hate white people is a fucking LIAR. They are trying to gain your trust because they are running some kind of confidence game, and they think you are a mark that they can rob blind. Have you ever had a Nigerian prince send you an email wherein he was trying to convince you to give him access to your bank account?

If you are a female coalburner, and you dated a nigger and let it muh dik you, did you ever find yourself wearing mudshark sunglasses? Did you ever miscarry because your nigger buck kept punching and kicking your belly? Did your wonderful negro pet suddenly disappear after your child was born, and has he ever paid child support?

Coon Club Road
12-12-2020, 01:02 AM
I have noticed Southern born and raised niggers seem more "polite"... for lack of a better word.

But I never turn my back on them nonetheless.

12-12-2020, 05:33 AM
I've had to take a quick trip down to Louisiana. Now this is an odd fucking place. If you haven't been, it's maybe worth the trip to just soak up the fucking oddities. Now I've noticed that the Great Southern nigger variety seems to be substantially different from the Northern kind.

I haven't had much experience with Dixie coons and may need some help in determining the similarities and subsequent dangers. Niggers down here seem to playing a different strategy to infuriate the white man. Niggers actually address you as Sir and even walk around you when they see you coming. I'm actually wondering if these baboons are too fucking lazy to hate you? Can anyone experienced in lower latitude spooks assist with addressing my cooncerns?

Thanks Yaw'll !

As a nearly 25 year resident of the greater Nig Orleans area, I think I might be qualified to give a little insight here. NOLA niggers are among the worst in the country. They are just as violent and murderous as they come. Louisiana, however, is a strange place indeed. If you venture just a few miles south along the MS. River, you will find niggers who will still call you sir or ma'am and seemingly know their place. The farther away from each other they become, the better they behave. Of course this is a general rule of thumb with all niggers but especially true of older Louisiana niggers who still remember the days of Judge Perez and pass these stories on to the younger ones to the extent that they will listen.

The sheriffs back in the 60's and earlier thought nothing at all of taking niggers down to Fort Jackson and locking them up for weeks at a time if they stepped out of line. Their reasoning was sound - American troops lived there with no AC and wore thick uniforms during the summer months with no protection from the mosquitoes so why not the niggers. They would bring them a couple of peanut butter sandwiches a day until they changed their attitudes.

Your average country nigger in LA knows this and while the conditions are not as harsh today, they still don't put up with a lot of shit outside of the big cities.

Stay away from Nig Orleans and Baboon Rouge unless your job demands it. If this is the case, just stay away from them. They will con you, rob you, assault your, rape and kill you no matter whether you are a man, woman or child. If the sun is down, you should be indoors in both of these cities especially. If you pass one on the streets, keep to yourself, do not engage them and do not respond to them. If they ask you for anything, kindly respond "I got nothin' fah' yah" and walk away. Say it just like I spelled it. If you do it right, they will think you are a local and will leave you alone. If they smell a tourist or any other type of non native, they will continue to harass you and are prone to rapid escalation of TNB. Seriously, stay away from them and any city niggers. While Shreveport, Monroe and Alexandria all have niggers, none come close to the violent niggers of NOLA and BR.

As far as the laziness goes, it is simply a trait of living in the deep south due to the heat and humidity. The reason that NOLA has such famous old architecture dating back hundreds of years isn't because it's quaint. It's because it's too damn hot for most people to want to tear it down and build anything new.

As far as the question about being too lazy to hate, I'm not the only one who has picked up on a noticeable strange behavior as of late. There is a phenomenon which I haven't been able to pinpoint a reason for over the past year or so. It seemed to follow Saint Floyd's canonization. The level of civility has actually increased with local niggers. I don't know if it is the calm before the storm or something else. I am studying the situation carefully but it almost seems like there is a sense of lowered hostility towards whitey and almost a sense of humility or embarrassment on their part over it all. While this is highly improbable, it is without explanation so far. This doesn't mean the outright criminiggers won't kill you or jack your car, just that the day to day hatred seems to have subsided somewhat.

Just keep your head on a swivel and don't be where you shouldn't be. As a general rule of thumb, stay away from all shopping malls! Consult the locals wherever you are. Most white folk down here will be happy to tell you the trouble spots as they hate them as well.

If you don't mind telling me, roughly where are you planning on heading? I can give you more specifics depending on where you are going.

12-12-2020, 08:13 AM
I have noticed Southern born and raised niggers seem more "polite"... for lack of a better word.

But I never turn my back on them nonetheless.

I would say the same. I was born in the North East but I have spent most of my life south of the Mason Dixon line. I noticed Texas niggers were more polite but they probably still tar and feather niggers in the Loan Star State!!

12-12-2020, 08:28 AM
As a nearly 25 year resident of the greater Nig Orleans area, I think I might be qualified to give a little insight here. NOLA niggers are among the worst in the country. They are just as violent and murderous as they come. Louisiana, however, is a strange place indeed. If you venture just a few miles south along the MS. River, you will find niggers who will still call you sir or ma'am and seemingly know their place. The farther away from each other they become, the better they behave. Of course this is a general rule of thumb with all niggers but especially true of older Louisiana niggers who still remember the days of Judge Perez and pass these stories on to the younger ones to the extent that they will listen.

The sheriffs back in the 60's and earlier thought nothing at all of taking niggers down to Fort Jackson and locking them up for weeks at a time if they stepped out of line. Their reasoning was sound - American troops lived there with no AC and wore thick uniforms during the summer months with no protection from the mosquitoes so why not the niggers. They would bring them a couple of peanut butter sandwiches a day until they changed their attitudes.

Your average country nigger in LA knows this and while the conditions are not as harsh today, they still don't put up with a lot of shit outside of the big cities.

Stay away from Nig Orleans and Baboon Rouge unless your job demands it. If this is the case, just stay away from them. They will con you, rob you, assault your, rape and kill you no matter whether you are a man, woman or child. If the sun is down, you should be indoors in both of these cities especially. If you pass one on the streets, keep to yourself, do not engage them and do not respond to them. If they ask you for anything, kindly respond "I got nothin' fah' yah" and walk away. Say it just like I spelled it. If you do it right, they will think you are a local and will leave you alone. If they smell a tourist or any other type of non native, they will continue to harass you and are prone to rapid escalation of TNB. Seriously, stay away from them and any city niggers. While Shreveport, Monroe and Alexandria all have niggers, none come close to the violent niggers of NOLA and BR.

As far as the laziness goes, it is simply a trait of living in the deep south due to the heat and humidity. The reason that NOLA has such famous old architecture dating back hundreds of years isn't because it's quaint. It's because it's too damn hot for most people to want to tear it down and build anything new.

As far as the question about being too lazy to hate, I'm not the only one who has picked up on a noticeable strange behavior as of late. There is a phenomenon which I haven't been able to pinpoint a reason for over the past year or so. It seemed to follow Saint Floyd's canonization. The level of civility has actually increased with local niggers. I don't know if it is the calm before the storm or something else. I am studying the situation carefully but it almost seems like there is a sense of lowered hostility towards whitey and almost a sense of humility or embarrassment on their part over it all. While this is highly improbable, it is without explanation so far. This doesn't mean the outright criminiggers won't kill you or jack your car, just that the day to day hatred seems to have subsided somewhat.

Just keep your head on a swivel and don't be where you shouldn't be. As a general rule of thumb, stay away from all shopping malls! Consult the locals wherever you are. Most white folk down here will be happy to tell you the trouble spots as they hate them as well.

If you don't mind telling me, roughly where are you planning on heading? I can give you more specifics depending on where you are going.

I was in NOLA 3 munfs ago with my girlfriend and another couple. We rented an air BNB in the Frence quarter. This was my 3rd visit to the "Big Sleazy" and when we were walking in the French Quarter niggers tried their USUAL scam!! A buck would say to me "Hey, maing uh lahks yo' boots." I would respond "thank you." the ape would then say "uh knows wheh yoo gotz dem!!" I would reply "ON MY FEET!!" The nig would then give me the "bug eyed" look and walk away!! My guard was always up when I was near NOLA primates!!

Jim Crow
12-12-2020, 08:45 AM
I lived in Connecticut for the first 25 years of my life.Big city niggers are bolder and act far more niggery because they are backed and protected by liberal scum.So they know they can pretty much get away with anything. When I got to Florida, I found niggers to be a little more subtle.But, still not to be trusted. In a way I can deal with big city niggs better. Because you know from the start exactly what they are coming from. The southern niggers don’t show their true colors till it’s too late.That’s why I have nothing to do with any nigger beast.So my answer, “both vermin piece of shit”.

12-12-2020, 09:46 AM
As a nearly 25 year resident of the greater Nig Orleans area, I think I might be qualified to give a little insight here. NOLA niggers are among the worst in the country. They are just as violent and murderous as they come. Louisiana, however, is a strange place indeed. If you venture just a few miles south along the MS. River, you will find niggers who will still call you sir or ma'am and seemingly know their place. The farther away from each other they become, the better they behave. Of course this is a general rule of thumb with all niggers but especially true of older Louisiana niggers who still remember the days of Judge Perez and pass these stories on to the younger ones to the extent that they will listen.

The sheriffs back in the 60's and earlier thought nothing at all of taking niggers down to Fort Jackson and locking them up for weeks at a time if they stepped out of line. Their reasoning was sound - American troops lived there with no AC and wore thick uniforms during the summer months with no protection from the mosquitoes so why not the niggers. They would bring them a couple of peanut butter sandwiches a day until they changed their attitudes.

Your average country nigger in LA knows this and while the conditions are not as harsh today, they still don't put up with a lot of shit outside of the big cities.

Stay away from Nig Orleans and Baboon Rouge unless your job demands it. If this is the case, just stay away from them. They will con you, rob you, assault your, rape and kill you no matter whether you are a man, woman or child. If the sun is down, you should be indoors in both of these cities especially. If you pass one on the streets, keep to yourself, do not engage them and do not respond to them. If they ask you for anything, kindly respond "I got nothin' fah' yah" and walk away. Say it just like I spelled it. If you do it right, they will think you are a local and will leave you alone. If they smell a tourist or any other type of non native, they will continue to harass you and are prone to rapid escalation of TNB. Seriously, stay away from them and any city niggers. While Shreveport, Monroe and Alexandria all have niggers, none come close to the violent niggers of NOLA and BR.

As far as the laziness goes, it is simply a trait of living in the deep south due to the heat and humidity. The reason that NOLA has such famous old architecture dating back hundreds of years isn't because it's quaint. It's because it's too damn hot for most people to want to tear it down and build anything new.

As far as the question about being too lazy to hate, I'm not the only one who has picked up on a noticeable strange behavior as of late. There is a phenomenon which I haven't been able to pinpoint a reason for over the past year or so. It seemed to follow Saint Floyd's canonization. The level of civility has actually increased with local niggers. I don't know if it is the calm before the storm or something else. I am studying the situation carefully but it almost seems like there is a sense of lowered hostility towards whitey and almost a sense of humility or embarrassment on their part over it all. While this is highly improbable, it is without explanation so far. This doesn't mean the outright criminiggers won't kill you or jack your car, just that the day to day hatred seems to have subsided somewhat.

Just keep your head on a swivel and don't be where you shouldn't be. As a general rule of thumb, stay away from all shopping malls! Consult the locals wherever you are. Most white folk down here will be happy to tell you the trouble spots as they hate them as well.

If you don't mind telling me, roughly where are you planning on heading? I can give you more specifics depending on where you are going.


Ray Cizzums
12-12-2020, 02:09 PM
I'm no anthropologist, but the jigs from the southeastern states appear to be a few shades darker than elsewhere in the country.
It also appears that the blacker they are, the more violent and stupid they are. They definitely don't speak the king's English in any way.
Chicago seems to be an anomaly, and has similar extra dark, shit-for-brains, mumble mouth blacks. Maybe the "Underground Railroad" shit southern darkies out there ? One look at Michelle Obama, Kim Foxx or Lori Lightfoot, and you've got to suspect that orangutan shit was directly piped in.

12-13-2020, 12:14 AM
So back safe from my trip to Louisiana. The devastation left from hurricane Laura is horrifying. Some cities are like Berlin in 1945. I was amazed by what I saw down there. The white poverty was an eye opener for sure. The loads and items you see transported on the back of pick up trucks are unbelievable. A dude pulled up at the light next to me and there was a dozen hogs in a cage on the back of his pick up. It was like being in a Simpsons episode, and I haven't even got to the niggers yet !

Just like Tweakstick articulates, I couldn't decipher the intentions of the negro population. Are they cunning or plainly dumb? A third of the plane on the way down were niggers. I was expecting chaos and TNB, but they just all sat there in quiet rows, keeping themselves to themselves. It was almost like they'd pulled the oxygen masks down and were huffing on banana gas. I'd never seen so many well behaved coons in one place before. I feel like Dorothy waking up from her Kansas dream !

Rastus Nigger
12-13-2020, 12:34 AM
All niggers are steaming piles of shit. Some stink more than others but they're all shit.

12-14-2020, 01:48 PM
Never trust any nigger. It does not matter where it comes from. You even need to watch the so called tame niggers. They can snap in a second. Make sure you follow rule #1.

12-14-2020, 04:03 PM
A dude pulled up at the light next to me and there was a dozen hogs in a cage on the back of his pick up. It was like being in a Simpsons episode, and I haven't even got to the niggers yet !


When they git too big to be indoor pets, we eat good for at least a couple of weeks!
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. xey63EmWN4nUJWOg6KHqqgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Since you saw Laura's mess, I have to assume you were in Southeaster LA which was the only section affected. Otherwise, it's just the normal nature of Louisiana.:lol

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-14-2020, 05:22 PM
Only once in my life have I had to live amongst a large population of niggers, but those were by far the WORST niggers I've ever experienced.

That was the year Dad taught at Annapolis and we lived in an area south of Baltimore that was lousy with the most vile niggers imaginable. You couldn't go anywhere without having to deal with hardcore urban tree-swingers. Our school was a fucking war zone. I was a 14 y/o freshman and the niggers tormented me endlessly. Jesus Christ!, I hated that place!

I lived in SoCal for over a decade, and while the niggers down there would chimp from time to time, I honestly think the Hispanic population kept them in check. I believe a lot of the niggers greased during the Rodney King nigger riots were trayvonned by Hispanic gangs. When I moved down there, the largest concentration of niggers was South Central L.A. Humans knew to stay away! By the time we left 10 years later, the Hispanics had pushed most of the niggers out of that area into locales inland. That spread the niggers out within a heavily Hispanic population. Diluted nigger populations are generally less ooky in my experience.

I honestly think those niggers spent so much time dealing with Hispanics at that point that they mostly left Humans alone.

I did get a tiny glimpse into the Louisiana niggers Tweak mentioned on a couple different occasions. It was 2004 or 2005, and my company sent me and a couple of coworkers down to Nog Orleans for a trade show. The niggers I experienced in my brief time there were exactly as Tweak described -- furtive, sneaky, always trying to scam and con, and unintelligible. They seemed slower and lazier than the SoCal niggers I was used to. If one got off the beaten track into the more ghetto neighborhoods, the niggers might as well have been living in mud huts. Some of the occupied hovels we witnessed were truly shit shacks!

That next year, I was in Texas visiting my brother. The governor had allowed hundreds of thousands of N.O. niggers to be imported to south Texas after Hurricane Katrina. These were not the domesticated Texas niggers I'd seen there before. These niggers infested, pillaged, and ultimately destroyed large swaths of the greater Houston area. My brother's clean little seaside town -- Seabrook, went from this peaceful quaint place to a seething shithole of section 8 nests and loud rap blasting from every hooptie. Crime skyrocketed, the schools turned to shit, and within about a year, my brother said, "Fuck it!", and moved to Colorado.

Unless I go to Seattle, I can go weeks here without even seeing a nigger, and when I do, it's usually from a long distance away and more subdued as a result.

Anyway, my vote for the most disgusting niggers is the ones in and around Baltimore.

Oddly enough, the niggers in Kenya were the least objectionable niggers I've ever endured.

12-14-2020, 06:30 PM
Only once in my life have I had to live amongst a large population of niggers, but those were by far the WORST niggers I've ever experienced.

That was the year Dad taught at Annapolis and we lived in an area south of Baltimore that was lousy with the most vile niggers imaginable. You couldn't go anywhere without having to deal with hardcore urban tree-swingers. Our school was a fucking war zone. I was a 14 y/o freshman and the niggers tormented me endlessly. Jesus Christ!, I hated that place!

I lived in SoCal for over a decade, and while the niggers down there would chimp from time to time, I honestly think the Hispanic population kept them in check. I believe a lot of the niggers greased during the Rodney King nigger riots were trayvonned by Hispanic gangs. When I moved down there, the largest concentration of niggers was South Central L.A. Humans knew to stay away! By the time we left 10 years later, the Hispanics had pushed most of the niggers out of that area into locales inland. That spread the niggers out within a heavily Hispanic population. Diluted nigger populations are generally less ooky in my experience.

I honestly think those niggers spent so much time dealing with Hispanics at that point that they mostly left Humans alone.

I did get a tiny glimpse into the Louisiana niggers Tweak mentioned on a couple different occasions. It was 2004 or 2005, and my company sent me and a couple of coworkers down to Nog Orleans for a trade show. The niggers I experienced in my brief time there were exactly as Tweak described -- furtive, sneaky, always trying to scam and con, and unintelligible. They seemed slower and lazier than the SoCal niggers I was used to. If one got off the beaten track into the more ghetto neighborhoods, the niggers might as well have been living in mud huts. Some of the occupied hovels we witnessed were truly shit shacks!

That next year, I was in Texas visiting my brother. The governor had allowed hundreds of thousands of N.O. niggers to be imported to south Texas after Hurricane Katrina. These were not the domesticated Texas niggers I'd seen there before. These niggers infested, pillaged, and ultimately destroyed large swaths of the greater Houston area. My brother's clean little seaside town -- Seabrook, went from this peaceful quaint place to a seething shithole of section 8 nests and loud rap blasting from every hooptie. Crime skyrocketed, the schools turned to shit, and within about a year, my brother said, "Fuck it!", and moved to Colorado.

Unless I go to Seattle, I can go weeks here without even seeing a nigger, and when I do, it's usually from a long distance away and more subdued as a result.

Anyway, my vote for the most disgusting niggers is the ones in and around Baltimore.

Oddly enough, the niggers in Kenya were the least objectionable niggers I've ever endured.

Niggers are a tragedy. Why are we living with them? I ask myself this every day!

12-29-2020, 10:47 PM
The variety of niggers is like the variety of fecal matter. You have cowpies, dog turds, cat deposits, mouse droppings, huge triceratops dumps, and a thousand different kinds of animal diarrhea. Now which one would you eat before all the rest? So which kind of nigger would you invite into your home and be best buds with?

Jim Crow
12-30-2020, 06:59 AM
The variety of niggers is like the variety of fecal matter. You have cowpies, dog turds, cat deposits, mouse droppings, huge triceratops dumps, and a thousand different kinds of animal diarrhea. Now which one would you eat before all the rest? So which kind of nigger would you invite into your home and be best buds with?
That sums it up well!

Kip Mabuse
12-30-2020, 07:31 AM
I've had to take a quick trip down to Louisiana. Now this is an odd fucking place. If you haven't been, it's maybe worth the trip to just soak up the fucking oddities. Now I've noticed that the Great Southern nigger variety seems to be substantially different from the Northern kind.

I haven't had much experience with Dixie coons and may need some help in determining the similarities and subsequent dangers. Niggers down here seem to playing a different strategy to infuriate the white man. Niggers actually address you as Sir and even walk around you when they see you coming. I'm actually wondering if these baboons are too fucking lazy to hate you? Can anyone experienced in lower latitude spooks assist with addressing my cooncerns?

Thanks Yaw'll !

I lived in Mississippi for almost ten years. I worked in a grocery store where niggers would come in and immediately axe, "Hey, what aisle da crackas be on," and then cackle like hens when one of the others replied, "Da cracka be on dis aisle," pointing at me. I worked in a convenience store where the nigger customers would threaten my life for carding them for alcohol. I also worked for Budweiser with a bunch of blacks who put me on the prayer list at their church and donated their vacation pay to me when I needed surgery and was out of sick days. It takes all kinds. Just saying.

12-30-2020, 10:01 AM
You have cowpies, dog turds, cat deposits, mouse droppings, huge triceratops dumps, and a thousand different kinds of animal diarrhea. Now which one would you eat before all the rest? So which kind of nigger would you invite into your home and be best buds with?

Well, there is this:

I'm just gonna step out on a limb here and guess that the same types of people with too much money, too little brains and bleeding hearts for niggers are the same types of people that would drink cat shit coffee.

I do not fall into any of those groups. I'll just have a plain cup of joe, thank you.

Kip Mabuse
12-31-2020, 07:50 AM
Negroes are the only ethnic group in the world--the only ethnic group in the world--who do not comprehend that others are not like them. I live in a country where I am in the minority. People here think it's crazy that I can't use chopsticks--and they say, basically, "Wow, you can't use chopsticks, you use a fork! That's odd--you are different. We tried using forks, but it doesn't work for us. Maybe chopsticks just don't work for you. Interesting." "Wow, your novels are very different from ours. I don't like your novels as much as ours, but...I understand yours, and I enjoy reading them, and I understand why you write them that way, because you are different, and you like different things. It is nice that we like different things, because we can learn different things from each other."

"I don't like reading novels by Dead White Guys. I don't understand them, they don't relate to me, I don't identify with the characters." "I can understand that--I don't like reading novels by Toni Morrison, because I can't identify with the characters, either. I do think she's a great novelist, though as a white guy I don't enjoy her books." "Racist fucker." "I like listening to Mahler." "Dead white guy, boring. I like Jay Z." "I don't like hip hop, but I understand that people don't all like the same music, and I'm sure that Mr. Z. is an accomplished musician and composer." "Racist fucker."

Negroes literally believe that whites, Chinese, Mexicans, Indians...are exactly like them under the skin, but are putting on a charade simply because they are assholes who look a bit different.

01-01-2021, 12:02 PM
Negroes are the only ethnic group in the world--the only ethnic group in the world--who do not comprehend that others are not like them. I live in a country where I am in the minority. People here think it's crazy that I can't use chopsticks--and they say, basically, "Wow, you can't use chopsticks, you use a fork! That's odd--you are different. We tried using forks, but it doesn't work for us. Maybe chopsticks just don't work for you. Interesting." "Wow, your novels are very different from ours. I don't like your novels as much as ours, but...I understand yours, and I enjoy reading them, and I understand why you write them that way, because you are different, and you like different things. It is nice that we like different things, because we can learn different things from each other."

"I don't like reading novels by Dead White Guys. I don't understand them, they don't relate to me, I don't identify with the characters." "I can understand that--I don't like reading novels by Toni Morrison, because I can't identify with the characters, either. I do think she's a great novelist, though as a white guy I don't enjoy her books." "Racist fucker." "I like listening to Mahler." "Dead white guy, boring. I like Jay Z." "I don't like hip hop, but I understand that people don't all like the same music, and I'm sure that Mr. Z. is an accomplished musician and composer." "Racist fucker."

Negroes literally believe that whites, Chinese, Mexicans, Indians...are exactly like them under the skin, but are putting on a charade simply because they are assholes who look a bit different.

This blew my mind.

01-01-2021, 01:04 PM
Negroes... do not comprehend that others are not like them. Negroes literally believe that whites, Chinese, Mexicans, Indians...are exactly like them under the skin, but are putting on a charade simply because they are assholes who look a bit different.

You know, I've never heard anyone put this phenomenon into words before. It's something I've noticed for years. I guess I just I just always figured I was the only one that picked up on it since I had never heard anyone else actually say it. 

I've actually been called a liar to my face by niggers when replying to "do you like X?" with "no, X sucks." Niggers must assume that everyone has the same bad taste in clothing, music, food and everything else that they personally like. They simply cannot fathom how anyone in their right mind would not like the same pile of shit that they roll around in every day.

You called this one dead on.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi3.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Foriginal%2F000%2F549%2 F507%2F6d1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Tar Remover
01-30-2021, 01:02 PM
My "COONCERNS"!:rofl

Tar Remover
01-30-2021, 01:04 PM
A nigger is a nigger is a nigger. While there may be some regional peculiarities, every nigger lusts for the same things and should always be avoided.

Tar Remover
01-30-2021, 01:13 PM
Well done, tweakstick. Some very thoughtful observations, there. Mrs. Tar Remover love to swing into the NO area when we go on our road trips and have learned mostly the same. If we are over-nighting, we ALWAYS stay indoors and I carry concealed everywhere I go. ALL the time.

Tar Remover
01-30-2021, 01:22 PM
Well covered!:lol