View Full Version : Innocent until proven guilty.....yeah,right

Tell it like it is
12-10-2020, 06:48 PM
Well,17 year veteran cop killed a nigger and is being crucified at this very moment.Every single news feed is calling the cop a killer and the nigger a saint.Cop says he had gun, hood rat family says he had a sammich.I doubt any cop with two decades of experience would end his career by wasting a nigger in open daylight.A gun was recovered, but no evidence of he pointed it at the cop.I don't really care, but dammit, does everybody but me just worship the ground these apes walk on?I am sick of this shit...If the cop murdered him, then there should be consequences, but can we at least let le' jamarcus reach room temperature before we convict a man who put his life on the line every day for niggers and humans alike?
Nigger worship by the MSM and libtards is more of a threat to this world than the apes themselves.Just one more reason I choose misanthropy as a way of life.I am pissed, and I approve this message.

Goodman Grey
12-10-2020, 10:01 PM
I'm not seeing anything on the CNN or FoxNews websites, or on The Drudge Report.

Got any more info that we can use to look this up?

It's possible the news is being suppressed because the Democrats are getting sick and tired of Antifa/BLM now that they are no longer useful.

12-10-2020, 10:08 PM
I'm not seeing anything on the CNN or FoxNews websites, or on The Drudge Report.

Got any more info that we can use to look this up?

It's possible the news is being suppressed because the Democrats are getting sick and tired of Antifa/BLM now that they are no longer useful.


12-10-2020, 11:23 PM
Is this the case?

Family members and activists say that Casey Christopher Goodson Jr., 23, was carrying a Subway sandwich and was on his way back from the dentist's office when he was fatally shot in the back three times by a Franklin County Sheriff's office SWAT deputy who is assigned to a U.S. Marshal's office fugitive task force.
In a release just after 4:20 p.m. Sunday, the sheriff's office publicly identified the Franklin County SWAT deputy as Jason Meade, a 17-year veteran. Meade is not currently on duty, the release said, and he is awaiting interview by the Columbus Division of Police Critical Incident and Response Team, which is investigating the incident.


https://ktvz.com/news/national-world/2020/12/09/mother-says-casey-goodson-had-dreams-that-were-ripped-away-when-he-was-fatally-shot-by-a-police-officer/ (https://ktvz.com/news/national-world/2020/12/09/mother-says-casey-goodson-had-dreams-that-were-ripped-away-when-he-was-fatally-shot-by-a-police-officer/)

The MSM always make it sound like the daid chimpanzee was some saint who was just about to cure MS and crippling arthritis before his glorious life was cut short, which is bullshit.

Coon Club Road
12-11-2020, 12:42 AM
If it was a little warmer out, the chimps would be looting already.

Goodman Grey
12-11-2020, 02:45 AM
Is this the case?

The MSM always make it sound like the daid chimpanzee was some saint who was just about to cure MS and crippling arthritis before his glorious life was cut short, which is bullshit.

I don't know, but I'm getting a Jussie Smollett vibe from this.

A Subway sandwich?

Was he aiming his sandwich at the racist police officers? (Or, more likely, was he aiming the pawgun he had a concealed carry license for at them? As a joke, of course. It was probably unloaded and police officers just don't have a sense of humor about someone pointing a gun in their direction, the racist pigs.)

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-11-2020, 08:02 AM
Well,17 year veteran cop killed a nigger and is being crucified at this very moment.Every single news feed is calling the cop a killer and the nigger a saint.Cop says he had gun, hood rat family says he had a sammich.I doubt any cop with two decades of experience would end his career by wasting a nigger in open daylight.A gun was recovered, but no evidence of he pointed it at the cop.I don't really care, but dammit, does everybody but me just worship the ground these apes walk on?I am sick of this shit...If the cop murdered him, then there should be consequences, but can we at least let le' jamarcus reach room temperature before we convict a man who put his life on the line every day for niggers and humans alike?
Nigger worship by the MSM and libtards is more of a threat to this world than the apes themselves.Just one more reason I choose misanthropy as a way of life.I am pissed, and I approve this message.

I also saw this story. MSM spun it to sound like the poor nigger was just going in his home with some ham sammies when the racist cop shot it deyad. Do people not stop and think about this? Yea niggers and liberals, the cop just decided to go shoot a random nigger for no reason whatsoever. Although I do believe there should be a nigger hunting season to cull the population of these wild beasts, that is not what happened here. The nigger was most definitely doing something it should not have been and earned some early bat wings.

Coon Club Road
12-11-2020, 09:53 AM
"... Although I do believe there should be a nigger hunting season to cull the population of these wild beasts..."

Should be Federal law!

Goodman Grey
12-11-2020, 12:01 PM
Although I do believe there should be a nigger hunting season to cull the population of these wild beasts, that is not what happened here.

Imagine how crazy it would be if we actually did have such an event.

If I were organizing it, I would try get an amendment added to the US Constitution stating that on one day, every year, it is legal to commit any crime you want, even murder, but only against niggers. Anyone, including niggers, caught committing a crime against humans (including alleged acts of self-defense) will be tagged and scheduled for a purging at a future date; the only thing guaranteed will be a speedy execution.

I will call it "The Nigger Purge Day." I hope nobody else came up with this idea. I'm copyrighting it.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2020, 01:33 PM
...dammit, does everybody but me just worship the ground these apes walk on?

I don't! I loathe the filthy vermin! Everything about them disgusts me. I am a fact-based individual -- that's my comfort zone. It is a fact that niggers never pass on an opportunity to fuck things up!

Niggers are so lowly to me that they're not even worthy of my hatred. I expend the energy I would use hating them to work against them. I tell the truth about them. I find ways to show the Human 88% how much better their lives would be without them. Are these efforts alone going to make any difference...? Maybe not. But at least I know I'm doing something to try and address our nigger problem.

12-11-2020, 04:59 PM
Well,17 year veteran cop killed a nigger and is being crucified at this very moment.Every single news feed is calling the cop a killer and the nigger a saint.Cop says he had gun, hood rat family says he had a sammich.I doubt any cop with two decades of experience would end his career by wasting a nigger in open daylight.A gun was recovered, but no evidence of he pointed it at the cop.I don't really care, but dammit, does everybody but me just worship the ground these apes walk on?I am sick of this shit...If the cop murdered him, then there should be consequences, but can we at least let le' jamarcus reach room temperature before we convict a man who put his life on the line every day for niggers and humans alike?
Nigger worship by the MSM and libtards is more of a threat to this world than the apes themselves.Just one more reason I choose misanthropy as a way of life.I am pissed, and I approve this message.

I APPROVE it 100%!!

12-11-2020, 09:47 PM
A nigger getting his wings happens on a daily basis, it’s like the sunrise. It always happens.
I assure you that mammy doesn’t give a shit about her little felon factory and is on her way to raising a lawsuit to get millions and of course, shit out another criminal.
This nigger probably has an extensive criminal history of violent crimes like all other niggers and the world is a better place with it daed.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if boon mammies teach their kids to defy LEOs as much as possible in hopes that their babehs get killed so they can play the ghetto lotto. Niggers don’t care about their offspring at all so fuck them all.

Coon Club Road
12-12-2020, 11:48 PM
^^^ Yep... nigger mammy"s don't raise chiltren, they raise LAWSUITS!

Rastus Nigger
12-13-2020, 12:46 AM
I regard dead niggers like I regard taking a shit. Flush it away then forget about it forever.