View Full Version : Another nigger (Casey Goodson) made good

Goodman Grey
12-06-2020, 05:00 PM

Police shot and killed a 23-year-old nigger buck in Columbus, Ohio over the weekend, claiming they shot it after the nigger drove by them in a car while waving a weapon.

According to a report from The Columbus Dispatch, the Franklin County Sheriff’s office in Ohio said its SWAT team had been unsuccessfully searching for a fugitive on Friday when a young niglet—identified by his family online as Casey Goodson Jr.—passed by them in a car while waving a pawgun.

At a press conference about the incident, U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio Peter Tobin said the deceased nigger was not the target of the search but was confronted by a member of the SWAT task force who shot him after it did not follow a command to drop its weapon.

“Police shot him in the back three times through the door. He was a good boy, an aspiring rapper, he was turning his life around, and he had 17 niglets that he was trying to support,” Goodson’s mother Tamala Cain said, according to a report from BET. Cain added that her son was licensed to carry a concealed weapon and had no history of trouble with the law.

Goodson’s fambly has launched a GoFundMe to help with the cost of his burial.

Another nigger flapping his batwings on its way to Hell.


Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 05:04 PM
Always great to hear about another demon nigger sent home to hell!

Goodman Grey
12-06-2020, 05:33 PM
Another interesting tidbit from the article:

But Goodson’s family members dispute that version of events. His sister, Kaylee Harper, said that her brother had been in the process of entering his home while holding a sandwich when he was shot by police.

“They are lying,” Harper posted on social media in response to the Franklin Country Sherrif’s office report of the so-called officer-involved shooting. “My brother literally walked across the yard, walked into the back fence to get to the side door, had his subway and mask in one hand, keys in the other.”

So he allegedly had a Subway Sandwich, just like the one Jussie Smollett had when he initiated a very public and embarrassing hate crime hoax.


Midder Peenud Hayed
12-06-2020, 05:43 PM
This is why when you call 9-1-1 on a nigger in its hooptie just because it doesn't belong somewhere (like in public...), you always tell the operator that you "think" you saw the jigaboo waving something that looked like a gun. The cops take that shit seriously and are much more likely to hunt that nigger down. Once they collar it, there's a 100% chance the nigger has warrants, no insurance, the hooptie is stolen, or it will chimp and get trayvonned by the PoPo.