View Full Version : Niggers in South Africa hate other niggers

Goodman Grey
12-03-2020, 02:39 PM
I'm shocked!


In September, thousands of South Africans marched along the streets with banners and placards demanding that Nigerians, Zimbabweans, and other foreigners leave their country. The protesters claimed that foreigners are taking away their jobs and committing crimes such as drugs and trafficking—the same narratives that have been used to attack foreigners and their properties in the past.

It’s a bitter form of discrimination in a country that’s proud of being a so-called rainbow nation itself—one that takes some of the old bigotries of apartheid and repurposes them against other Africans. The divisions weaponized against Black South Africans are now used against foreigners.

I recently met a South African woman who—two weeks into our friendship—told me to my face over coffee that she doesn’t like Nigerians and that her mother would be mad if she knew she was hanging out with a Nigerian.

But in South Africa, petty bigotries take a particularly violent tone—and fellow Black Africans are always seen as far more threatening than whites or Asians. Anti-foreigner protests and demonstrations are common across the country—most of them have been violent. In September last year, xenophobic attacks targeting foreigners and their businesses started in Johannesburg. Seven people were killed and many injured during days of carnage and violence.

For Nigerians, the bigotry of South Africans is particularly biting. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, played a big-brother role during South Africa’s apartheid struggles by providing financial and advisory support to activists and prisoners like former President Nelson Mandela.

Previous xenophobic attacks in the country have seen Nigerians retaliating by attacking South Africa’s thriving business interests like MTN, Shoprite, and Multichoice. There have also been diplomatic rows with Nigeria recalling its ambassador in Pretoria, and announcing that it would boycott the World Economic Forum taking place in Cape Town last year.

As bitter as bigotry in South Africa might be, it’s more endurable in the quest for a better life than the failure of Nigeria’s own governments.

Niggers always seem to want to become parasites and leech off of those who are more successful, instead of fixing their own problems. They don't fix their problems, and bring their problems with them to new nations, which creates more problems.

12-06-2020, 12:48 AM
I'm shocked!


Niggers always seem to want to become parasites and leech off of those who are more successful, instead of fixing their own problems. They don't fix their problems, and bring their problems with them to new nations, which creates more problems.


Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 09:16 AM
Niggers do love killing each other.And I have nothing against it. It’s a win-win situation!

12-06-2020, 10:43 AM
Niggers do love killing each other.And I have nothing against it. It’s a win-win situation!

Chimpcongo is a GOOD example, except niggers are LOUSY SHOTS!!

Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 03:18 PM
Chimpcongo is a GOOD example, except niggers are LOUSY SHOTS!!
You are right! I think they should stick with knives. They are better at stabbing each other.LOL!

12-06-2020, 07:37 PM
foreigners are taking away their jobs and committing crimes such as drugs and trafficking

"their jobs" = "committing crimes such as drugs and trafficking"

Here's to nig-on-nig crime!

12-06-2020, 07:40 PM
You are right! I think they should stick with knives. They are better at stabbing each other.LOL!

Pointy sticks will do the trick in the absence of sophistocated tools like machetes.

Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 08:03 PM
Pointy sticks will do the trick in the absence of sophistocated tools like machetes.
As long as the savage black bastards kill each other,I’m all for it!

Goodman Grey
12-06-2020, 08:19 PM
Pointy sticks will do the trick in the absence of sophistocated tools like machetes.

Niggers probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to make pointy sticks.

They will just grab a large rock and howl like King Kong.

Skip ahead to 4:25.
