View Full Version : 2020 feel sorry for nigger year

12-03-2020, 01:36 PM
I never had a disliking of niggers. Then I would see a ignorant dumbass pos nigger on TV or on the web and be a "lil" annoyed. Then I had the unfortanate experience of being in the presence of a loud mouth "ignant" chimpy. Trying to pull that thug BS lucky I didnt knock his ass out. Now I see on TV & movies all this interracial bullshit in commercials TV shows, etc. Not to mention Jake from StateFarm is now a nigger with that stupid fucking haircut that all niggers have these days. All because of that fucking Floyd nigger dumb chimp shouldnt have been committing crimes. Now I see stupid women hooking up with ugly fucking niggers and people wanting to feel sorry for the monkeys. People are fucking stupid. PS. I just saw on Dr. Phil a fucking little half breed faggot chimp named DJ punching kicking and choking his mom little sister and aunt stupid bitch shouldnt bred with a chimper then she wouldnt have to deal with a faggot half breed nigger... ahhh that felt good... Thx chimpout.org...

12-03-2020, 02:43 PM
You should join. I also can't stand that Jake from State Farm. Just pure nigger worship.

Coon Club Road
12-03-2020, 02:57 PM
You've found the place to vent your nigger fatigue frustration... right here on CHIMPOUT!

Think about joining our group of like minded individuals!

12-03-2020, 03:01 PM
You've found the place to vent your nigger fatigue frustration... right here on CHIMPOUT!

Think about joining our group of like minded individuals!

I've been on this site for OVER 11 years and it is the BEST therapy available!!

Goodman Grey
12-03-2020, 03:09 PM
You think it is bad now, think about what my generation had to deal with: The Cosby Show.

Cliff Huxtable was a successful nigger with a successful family. And he worked as a gynecologist, with an office in the basement of his house. He took care of his patients in the basement of his house.


Midder Peenud Hayed
12-03-2020, 06:00 PM
I've had the same loathing for niggers since I was born. The difference now is, where I could overlook their continuous niggershines when I was younger, these days I simply can't tolerate anything about the ugly fuckers! They annoy the shit out of me! Their very existence has convinced me that there is no God!

Join Us!

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-04-2020, 01:12 AM
That’s Jaquisky from State Farm.

12-04-2020, 08:32 PM
That’s Jaquisky from State Farm.

I thought is was Jamal from State Farm. I know it's definitely not Jake.

Goodman Grey
12-04-2020, 11:18 PM
I thought is was Jamal from State Farm. I know it's definitely not Jake.

Yeah, but Jake from State Farm is SUCH an awesome nigger!


Here is what REALLY happened to Jake from State Farm:


12-05-2020, 10:54 AM
You think it is bad now, think about what my generation had to deal with: The Cosby Show.

Cliff Huxtable was a successful nigger with a successful family. And he worked as a gynecologist, with an office in the basement of his house. He took care of his patients in the basement of his house.


Holy moly, I am probably of similar age, but luckily I did not have to watch The Cosby Show (living in Europe). But of course I heard of that show, yet I did not know the nigger boss played an gynaecologist. In retrospective that might have been a hidden joke of the show writers. I mean Nigger = Muh Dick.

Coon Club Road
12-05-2020, 01:51 PM
Holy moly, I am probably of similar age, but luckily I did not have to watch The Cosby Show (living in Europe). But of course I heard of that show, yet I did not know the nigger boss played an gynaecologist. In retrospective that might have been a hidden joke of the show writers. I mean Nigger = Muh Dick.

Rapist Cosby was the predecessor to the Allstate insurance nigger... a magical nigger perceived to be perfect.

You may not have Allstate in Europe, but all you have to do is search "Allstate nigger" and you'll get plenty of results.

12-05-2020, 05:17 PM
Niggers disgust me. They have no concept of the value of life. I will never feel sorry for niggers because of this. They breed and die in such disgusting mass quantities, and they hold no love or respect for our world and its life. Their niglets mean absolutely nothing to them. They don’t care about animals or trees or how our world functions. Families mean nothing to them. Animals are tortured by their hand for primal monkey amusement.
Sure, I find it disgusting when anybody of any race is like this but who else lives in mud huts shitting out niglets in the hundreds (seriously) that just sit around and let the flies eat them? Who else would not have advanced an inch in millions of years without the intervention of the White man? These traits almost exclusively favor niggers, and I will always find them disgusting as a result. The liberals can shame all they want if they find out I feel this way, but I will not budge on their disgusting perspective of life which is as worthless as they are. They value nothing, and so I see them as nothing. I hope someday they become nothing, as in extinct.

12-06-2020, 10:02 AM
Niggers disgust me. They have no concept of the value of life. I will never feel sorry for niggers because of this. They breed and die in such disgusting mass quantities, and they hold no love or respect for our world and its life. Their niglets mean absolutely nothing to them. They don’t care about animals or trees or how our world functions. Families mean nothing to them. Animals are tortured by their hand for primal monkey amusement.
Sure, I find it disgusting when anybody of any race is like this but who else lives in mud huts shitting out niglets in the hundreds (seriously) that just sit around and let the flies eat them? Who else would not have advanced an inch in millions of years without the intervention of the White man? These traits almost exclusively favor niggers, and I will always find them disgusting as a result. The liberals can shame all they want if they find out I feel this way, but I will not budge on their disgusting perspective of life which is as worthless as they are. They value nothing, and so I see them as nothing. I hope someday they become nothing, as in extinct.

My sentiments, exactly! The worst thing are the traitors who favour and worship niggers, instead of seeing how they really are. I don't exactly hate niggers (I used to, but not any more), because I don't think of them as humans any more. They are some sort of feral animals and should be treated accordingly. If they lived (in Africa) without white man's technology and society, as they did for thousands of years, everything would be fine. Problem arises if they are allowed to use guns, gasoline, cars and so on, without the mental ability to do so in a responsible manner.

Jim Crow
12-06-2020, 10:02 PM
Welcome to the party. I’ve been hating niggers before I learned to walk.

12-31-2020, 08:57 AM
Why is the world kowtowing to nigs? Any other race produces so much more. Niggers don't produce shit. They take from society without giving back. Why bend over backwards and kowtow to them? Why is BLM even a thing?
We live in a clown world

01-01-2021, 09:20 AM
I hate niggers with all I have. I pray God eliminates them all before its to late. We live in a time that socialists are taking over and we must stop it. There are 40,000,000 gun owners in the US with 400,000,000 guns and a trillion rounds of ammo. What The Fuck Are We Afraid Of?

01-01-2021, 11:18 AM
I never had a disliking of niggers. Then I would see a ignorant dumbass pos nigger on TV or on the web and be a "lil" annoyed. Then I had the unfortanate experience of being in the presence of a loud mouth "ignant" chimpy. Trying to pull that thug BS lucky I didnt knock his ass out. Now I see on TV & movies all this interracial bullshit in commercials TV shows, etc. Not to mention Jake from StateFarm is now a nigger with that stupid fucking haircut that all niggers have these days. All because of that fucking Floyd nigger dumb chimp shouldnt have been committing crimes. Now I see stupid women hooking up with ugly fucking niggers and people wanting to feel sorry for the monkeys. People are fucking stupid. PS. I just saw on Dr. Phil a fucking little half breed faggot chimp named DJ punching kicking and choking his mom little sister and aunt stupid bitch shouldnt bred with a chimper then she wouldnt have to deal with a faggot half breed nigger... ahhh that felt good... Thx chimpout.org...

Now tell us what you REALLY think!! This place is the BEST THERAPY!!

01-01-2021, 11:48 AM
Niggers disgust me. They have no concept of the value of life. I will never feel sorry for niggers because of this. They breed and die in such disgusting mass quantities, and they hold no love or respect for our world and its life. Their niglets mean absolutely nothing to them. They don’t care about animals or trees or how our world functions. Families mean nothing to them. Animals are tortured by their hand for primal monkey amusement. Sure, I find it disgusting when anybody of any race is like this but who else lives in mud huts shitting out niglets in the hundreds (seriously) that just sit around and let the flies eat them? Who else would not have advanced an inch in millions of years without the intervention of the White man? These traits almost exclusively favor niggers, and I will always find them disgusting as a result. The liberals can shame all they want if they find out I feel this way, but I will not budge on their disgusting perspective of life which is as worthless as they are. They value nothing, and so I see them as nothing. I hope someday they become nothing, as in extinct.


01-01-2021, 04:55 PM
All you youngsters bitching about having to tolerate niggers should have to manage and get some production from the animals. Then have some fuck wad come and tell you you can't discipline or write them up anymore because you may be thought to be prejudiced and liable the company for litigation. You talk about wanting to have a postal moment. This was the day I had the extreme appreciation for napalm!!!!

01-01-2021, 06:42 PM
All you youngsters bitching about having to tolerate niggers should have to manage and get some production from the animals. Then have some fuck wad come and tell you you can't discipline or write them up anymore because you may be thought to be prejudiced and liable the company for litigation. You talk about wanting to have a postal moment. This was the day I had the extreme appreciation for napalm!!!!

Damn, that is how I found chimpout.org. Over here we were not used to niggers. They started to invade about five years ago - thank you very much dear commie assholes (Soros, Hollywood, media... you name it). Since that day, they started to appear at my workplace (we produce electronic parts), and I started to hate them. Almost from day one on! You can't teach them to do even the most simple tasks, like sorting wavers into a tray, something you could effortlessly teach a 10 year old. They manage to destroy 'indestructible' tools. They disappear for hours (during their shift of course), without telling anybody so for security reasons we need to search for them. When found, they usually simply hide somewhere playing around with their iNigger Phones (interestingly all of these things own iTard stuff). And best of all, one can't get rid of them. When I told my boss, he blamed us for not trying hard enough to train them. One day I was so pissed I actually told him to p. off and teach these things all by himself, he then admitted they are sacred and can't get fired for 'political reasons'. Did I already mention I hate these shitbeasts? Honestly, I am amazed that humans in the US did not get rid of these things years ago, considering everybody may own guns and stuff over there....

01-01-2021, 09:04 PM
I am so sick and effing tired to see that interracial BS in every commercial. My only saving grace is the comments section of the YouTube videos showing this malarkey. Are we really supposed to believe that there's that much mudsharking and oil drilling going on? That's disgusting and not normal. Most apes would also agree and believe in sticking with their own kind.
What happens when white women date apes? They wind up murdered or beaten... or abandoned with a child at the very least.

01-02-2021, 04:27 PM
They manage to destroy 'indestructible' tools. They disappear for hours (during their shift of course), without telling anybody so for security reasons we need to search for them. When found, they usually simply hide somewhere playing around with their iNigger Phones (interestingly all of these things own iTard stuff).
Hahaha, we have a term for that kind of behaviour: TNB

01-02-2021, 06:35 PM
I love how YouTube comments are very wise in the ways of Rule 1 now. 10 years ago I’d never foresee YouTube comments being intelligent.
I think it’s just mass censorship is everywhere and if people can’t speak their mind they’ll go elsewhere to do it, twice as pissed. Those nigger lovers have been shaking the hornet nest for a while now and there’s still plenty of great folks ready to burn niggers when they can’t cower behind censorship. I say keep speaking the truth every chance you get. The mass censorship may just be hiding the fact they aren’t getting their way and they don’t want to admit it. I see more angry niggers too defending their TNB too with the usual shit like “hiding behind a computer screen” or “justified beat down over a word” don’t be rattled by it. They know how worthless they are and are melting down because people are pissed at their childish behaviors. They need censorship, remind them every chance you get how worthless niggers are. Don’t incite violence, just keep on making nigger jokes and posting statistics. they’ll keep on trying to deny it but it still eats away at their egos.