View Full Version : Classic TNB of the day ! Nigger makes good house guest for stealing chicken

11-30-2020, 10:36 AM

A Chicago nigger made good a Thanksgiving visitor for eating the leftovers with its bare paws !! :lol

Shhheeeiiiit !!!

Dixon then stabbed Jackson nine times, leaving him with wounds to his head and face, and fled the home as the elder man held onto a banister, Assistant State’s Attorney Susie Bucaro told Judge Susana Ortiz.

Goodman Grey
11-30-2020, 10:50 AM
"Dixon — a Walmart worker with three prior felony convictions, including arson — was ordered held on $350,000 bail."


That sounds like a nigger I would invite into my house (for any reason) and share a Thanksgiving meal with.

On a more serious note, why is it that when held accountable for their actions, niggers feel compelled to engage in violence?

This is literally what causes just about every nigger-involved police shooting, and then BLM engages in violence because those niggers were held accountable for their actions. They were literally trying to defund and disband police departments because niggers think it is wrong to hold niggers accountable for their actions!

And that was literally why feetsball niggers were taking a knee during the National Anthem! It wasn't about actual injustices; it was about the police preventing niggers from engaging in criminal activities!

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-30-2020, 03:02 PM
Wait! -- Wallymart employs convicted felons...?

Every job I've ever had required me to swear that I had never been convicted of a felony.

Maybe there's an exception for niggers...?

Jim Crow
11-30-2020, 03:27 PM
Niggs killing each other over leftover Thanksgiving dinner. Sounds about right. LOL!

11-30-2020, 03:48 PM
That nigger wasn't thankful for a free meal.

Ray Cizzums
11-30-2020, 03:49 PM
Wait! -- Wallymart employs convicted felons...?

Every job I've ever had required me to swear that I had never been convicted of a felony.

Maybe there's an exception for niggers...?

Here in NY, refusing to rent to niggers will get you a nice lawsuit, so you never advertise, hang up a For Rent sign, or use a real estate agent.
Now they've passed laws that prohibit asking about a person's criminal record, on both tenant and employment applications.
That was the go-to legal way to deny the funky negro. They'd rather endanger the public, putting robbers and sex offenders in homes and jobs, where they can do the most damage to the white devil's lives and property.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-30-2020, 04:27 PM
Here in NY, refusing to rent to niggers will get you a nice lawsuit, so you never advertise, hang up a For Rent sign, or use a real estate agent.
Now they've passed laws that prohibit asking about a person's criminal record, on both tenant and employment applications.
That was the go-to legal way to deny the funky negro. They'd rather endanger the public, putting robbers and sex offenders in homes and jobs, where they can do the most damage to the white devil's lives and property.

That's pretty much the situation here too. That's why, in 2018, we sold our rentals, and 1031'd the proceeds into an approved REIT (two different ones, actually). I will never be a landlord again! There are attorneys out there who do nothing but sue property owners. They will actually title-search individual properties to learn the equity stake of the owner. They have "applicants" all lined up to set up an owner for a lawsuit. It's disgusting!

On top of that, once a property is rented, it's almost impossible in this state to evict a tenant. Currently, a landlord is prohibited from evicting a tenant for any reason.

No thanks...

11-30-2020, 06:42 PM
Wait! -- Wallymart employs convicted felons...?

Every job I've ever had required me to swear that I had never been convicted of a felony.

Maybe there's an exception for niggers...?

BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dey beez 'special n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!

Coon Club Road
11-30-2020, 06:55 PM
Wait! -- Wallymart employs convicted felons...?

Every job I've ever had required me to swear that I had never been convicted of a felony.

Maybe there's an exception for niggers...?

They check the DN box.... Dindu Nuffin!

Goodman Grey
11-30-2020, 08:25 PM
That's pretty much the situation here too. That's why, in 2018, we sold our rentals, and 1031'd the proceeds into an approved REIT (two different ones, actually). I will never be a landlord again! There are attorneys out there who do nothing but sue property owners. They will actually title-search individual properties to learn the equity stake of the owner. They have "applicants" all lined up to set up an owner for a lawsuit. It's disgusting!

On top of that, once a property is rented, it's almost impossible in this state to evict a tenant. Currently, a landlord is prohibited from evicting a tenant for any reason.

No thanks...

What if the property was occupied by a squatter (a "tenant" that won't pay rent), and someone with money wanted to be a tenant?

Is the potential new renter out of luck due to his or her desire to gentrify the property?

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-30-2020, 09:41 PM
What if the property was occupied by a squatter (a "tenant" that won't pay rent), and someone with money wanted to be a tenant?

Is the potential new renter out of luck due to his or her desire to gentrify the property?

I'm pretty sure that under the governor's order, once "residence" has been established (30 days), a property owner cannot evict a tenant for any reason. You'd have to get the squatter charged with "tresspassing" before that. Then they could be removed by the cops. Under "normal" circumstances, you could probably have a squatter removed in about 60 days, but it would depend upon how long it took to get a hearing in muni court or county (depending upon the jurisdiction).

Every state has its own set of laws of course. The Landlord Tenant Act (Title 59 of the RCW) of this state (WA) is notoriously anti-landlord.

Ray Cizzums
11-30-2020, 10:51 PM
That's pretty much the situation here too. That's why, in 2018, we sold our rentals, and 1031'd the proceeds into an approved REIT (two different ones, actually). I will never be a landlord again! There are attorneys out there who do nothing but sue property owners. They will actually title-search individual properties to learn the equity stake of the owner. They have "applicants" all lined up to set up an owner for a lawsuit. It's disgusting!

On top of that, once a property is rented, it's almost impossible in this state to evict a tenant. Currently, a landlord is prohibited from evicting a tenant for any reason.

No thanks...
Renting out residential property is the original mom & pop business, which liberals and their shysters have completely ruined.
I know several people who learned the hard way, don't ever be a landlord. One of my hapless neighbors paid a real estate agent to get a tenant. Unfortunately, they also got paid by our NYS Dept. of Social Services, who placed a level 3 child molester in his ground floor apartment, 50 feet away from his grandchildren. They claimed there was nothing anyone could do about it. The cho-mo said give me $10K and I'll leave.
We just happened to have torrential rains for 2 weeks straight, so the landlord flooded his apartment and got him out.

11-30-2020, 11:00 PM
I'm pretty sure that under the governor's order, once "residence" has been established (30 days), a property owner cannot evict a tenant for any reason. You'd have to get the squatter charged with "tresspassing" before that. Then they could be removed by the cops. Under "normal" circumstances, you could probably have a squatter removed in about 60 days, but it would depend upon how long it took to get a hearing in muni court or county (depending upon the jurisdiction).

Every state has its own set of laws of course. The Landlord Tenant Act (Title 59 of the RCW) of this state (WA) is notoriously anti-landlord.

Which means it is PRO NIGGER!!

Chimp Detester
12-01-2020, 01:54 AM

13136 13137

James Dixon, you sub-cockroach despicable mega-turd worthless nigger crap beast: May you have an amazingly-painful and very long enrollment @ NU. (Those 90 years mentioned by the judge sound awesome, though I hope you are made real good much sooner than that, saving the taxpayers millions of dollars in your caging, feeding and vet costs.) And may that 460-pound smelly nigger NU classmate Fartavious find you sexually irresistible.

Bakkabawl Stah
12-01-2020, 07:58 AM
At 3:15 AM! I guess that's not all that late when you get up at 3 pm.
Learned a hard lesson on why not to invite niggers in your home.

Odin's balls
12-01-2020, 09:10 AM
What if the property was occupied by a squatter (a "tenant" that won't pay rent), and someone with money wanted to be a tenant?

Is the potential new renter out of luck due to his or her desire to gentrify the property?

We have this problem in England. You never, ever rent to a nigger.

I have been involved in a couple of cases where the freeloading coons will pay the first month's rent and a month's deposit. These are standard terms.

Just before the end of the first month, the coons will sabotage something and then withold rent until it is fixed.
Eg. Blocking up a shower waste to make the bathroom flood. Or my all time favourite, jamming a 3" screw down the waste disposal to burn it out. Which had the unexpected result of blowing the trap out and destroying the grid switch that fed all of the other kitchen appliances.

Those niggers would break or sabotage something every month and refuse to pay rent until it was fixed.

This went on for 18 months. And a total of £35k in rent was owed to the owner who was about to go legal on us for the wrongly reported crap quality of the apartment.

It was only when the owner actually visited the property after being abroad for 18 months that they realised the place had been trashed and anything not bolted down had been either stolen or sold. Artwork, appliances, even a designer toilet roll holder and robe hook. All stripped.

He ended up going legal on the letting agent for not managing the property and we got paid out for all of the repairs. All up, that was lesson in the region of £50k to never rent a high end apartment to niggers.
