View Full Version : Sperm bank fraud: More of a human fail with Ni663r seed...

11-29-2020, 08:34 PM
Dutch sperm bank gives multiple women retard nigger sperm. The clinic shouldn't have accepted any animal sperm for a human sperm bank to begin with. Why the hell this retard nigger was allowed in the country much less paid for it's sperm is a mystery to me.

Of course, the retard nigger's picture has been removed now since story was original posted. Also, conspicuously removed from the story was the fact that the "donor" was Surinamese (pic was obviously a sugar plantation slave nigger mutt mix) so you'll just have to use your imagination now like I did:

Proud pappy:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. DRma0DjbbZ2DXOjuz6hxbwHaIL%26pid%3DApi&f=1




A private Dutch clinic gave women sperm samples for years while running around medical prescriptions. Chips were forged, a (nigger) donor with autism provided hundreds of samples, and the sperm was stored in leaking tanks.
Via the Dutch Sonja Noordhoek Humo found the Medical Center Bijdorp of the Dutch doctor Jan Karbaat. The woman had a son and a daughter with the help of the sperm bank. The donor card stated that the donor was a Dutch man with two children, a university degree, raised in South Limburg.

'But as the children grew up, they got darker and darker,' says Sonja. After a long search, the biological father turned out to be a Surinamese man with autism, 'donor S.'. Besides the fact that the information on the card was incorrect, this man should never have become a donor because of his autism. 'My daughter did not inherit it, my son partially did', says Sonja. "I also got in touch with twelve half-siblings, and ten of them have problems."

Goodman Grey
11-29-2020, 09:10 PM
Whiskey, tango, foxtrot.

He calls the forged records errors of his administration. He does admit that his clinic sometimes mixed sperm from different donors. 'We did that with women who couldn't get pregnant, so the sperm cells compete with each other, and sometimes it still works.

In 2002, the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf already announced that sperm samples were being changed in the clinic, that containers started leaking, and that the administration was being tampered with.

Besides the fact that the information on the file was incorrect, this man should never have become a donor because of his autism. 'My daughter did not inherit it, my son partially did', says Sonja. "I also got in touch with twelve half-siblings, and ten of them have problems."

Maybe European women should get pregnant the old fashioned way just in case some liberal doctor (friend of Soros) decides to intentionally impregnate them with nigger muhdik juice.

There are so many things wrong with this story.

Can you imagine being half-white and then finding out that the reason you are retarded is because you are half-nigger?

Jim Crow
11-29-2020, 09:34 PM
Serves them right for getting artificially inseminated in the first place.

Coon Club Road
11-30-2020, 03:46 AM
Serves them right for getting artificially inseminated in the first place.

These chicks may have been so fugly the only thing that would bang them was the caulking gun or turkey baster or whatever they use to dispense nigger juice.

Jim Crow
11-30-2020, 08:06 AM
These chicks may have been so fugly the only thing that would bang them was the caulking gun or turkey baster or whatever they use to dispense nigger juice.good grief!