View Full Version : Hyenas drag nigger out of bed and kill him (LOL)

Goodman Grey
11-29-2020, 05:59 PM

An elderly man has been killed by a pack of hyenas in Zimbabwe, after they pulled him from his bed while he was sleeping.

The man, who has been identified by the authorities as 87-year-old Tendai Maseka, was dragged about 1,000 feet from his mud and wood hut.
The incident occurred on Monday night in the rural region of Chirumanzu, in central Zimbabwe.

By the time Maseka's body was discovered by villagers, its lower half was missing.

LOL, they actually used the word "its" to describe the nigger! On CNN!! :lmao

CNN couldn't say "his lower half was missing." :lmao

"This is the 60th human life lost this year alone to human wildlife conflict," said Farawo, who believes more than six hyenas were responsible for Maseka's death.

According to Farawo, half of the incidents involved elephants, while at least three involved lions.

Wow, that sounds like a really civilized part of the world!


If only they were capable of building houses with doors that they could lock... instead of building mud and wood huts like the one mentioned in this story. Niggers are such fucking savages.

11-29-2020, 06:08 PM

LOL, they actually used the word "its" to describe the nigger! On CNN!! :lmao

CNN couldn't say "his lower half was missing." :lmao

Wow, that sounds like a really civilized part of the world!


If only they were capable of building houses with doors that they could lock... instead of building mud and wood huts like the one mentioned in this story. Niggers are such fucking savages.

Did the hyenas lick their collective @$$e$ afterwards to get the tast of nigger out of their "moufs?!"

11-29-2020, 06:30 PM
By the time Maseka's body was discovered by villagers, its lower half was missing.

I guess they didn't want to add, "and the villagers cooked and ate the rest."

The old dinge was way past his shelf life anyway.

Goodman Grey
11-29-2020, 06:41 PM
I guess they didn't want to add, "and the villagers cooked and ate the rest."

The old dinge was way past his shelf life anyway.

I'd be willing to bet there were no hyenas.

He was probably killed and eaten by hungry members of his village.

11-29-2020, 06:54 PM
It's the circle - the circle of poo!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. Vb_IVqfOxDzpgLaLKMiVtgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-29-2020, 07:20 PM

The real story is, that dirty old mud hut nigger was trying to Muh Dik! the hyenas and they fought back. The missing bottom half of the hyena nigger was then dragged off by other local niggers to used for Muh Dik!

I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, you know...

11-29-2020, 07:48 PM

The real story is, that dirty old mud hut nigger was trying to Muh Dik! the hyenas and they fought back. The missing bottom half of the hyena nigger was then dragged off my other local niggers to used for Muh Dik!

I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, you know...

I like this version the best.


Jim Crow
11-29-2020, 09:36 PM
Poor pups! They must’ve been desperate and starving in order to resort to eating a nasty old shit skin.

Coon Club Road
11-30-2020, 03:41 AM
I guess they didn't want to add, "and the villagers cooked and ate the rest."

The old dinge was way past his shelf life anyway.

Even wild beasts couldn't stomach the top half and left it for a road patch or a speed bump or something.

11-30-2020, 10:05 AM
Hyenas? The four legged kind or the four legged retarded smelly kind?

In the mudduhland, many animals attack dark skinned 'people'. Even bees have been known to target and attack niggers.

11-30-2020, 10:13 AM
Hyenas? The four legged kind or the four legged retarded smelly kind?

In the mudduhland, many animals attack dark skinned 'people'. Even bees have been known to target and attack niggers.

Flys like niggers!!!!

11-30-2020, 12:13 PM
Flys like niggers!!!!

From my very earliest memories we saw starving, fly-covered niglets on the TV. And they're still starving. Of all the populations of all the people in every country around the world, niggers are the only ones perpetually begging for gibs. They're the only species that still cannot feed itself, ever.

Niggers are so nasty that even hyenas, not known to be picky, couldn't bear to finish off the leathery, smelly old carcass of that silverback.

11-30-2020, 02:00 PM
Since we have no video of this amusing event, I must repost one of my all-time favorite movie scenes. It never gets old or fails to make me laugh. Even lions hate niggers and sand niggers.


11-30-2020, 02:40 PM
From my very earliest memories we saw starving, fly-covered niglets on the TV. And they're still starving. Of all the populations of all the people in every country around the world, niggers are the only ones perpetually begging for gibs. They're the only species that still cannot feed itself, ever.

Niggers are so nasty that even hyenas, not known to be picky, couldn't bear to finish off the leathery, smelly old carcass of that silverback.

So, the 31 cents a month I paid in 1980 did not work?

11-30-2020, 07:30 PM
From my very earliest memories we saw starving, fly-covered niglets on the TV. And they're still starving.

So, the 31 cents a month I paid in 1980 did not work?

Remember that "We Are the World" bullshit, and niggerloving celebrities saying "That's less than a cup of coffee a day!" to feed niggers?

We fed the niggers. They kept breeding, and starving, and breathing some more. Ethiopia's population has tripled since then despite the supposed famine.

There was someone who went back to Ethiopia years later to check on a niglet that they saved. The niglet turned into an adult buck working for a local warlord. It was running around with an AK-47, brutalizing villages, and worst of all, muh dikking niggeresses and creating more niglets. They literally couldn't keep track of how many niglets it had in all the villages.

11-30-2020, 08:02 PM
Remember that "We Are the World" bullshit, and niggerloving celebrities saying "That's less than a cup of coffee a day!" to feed niggers?

We fed the niggers. They kept breeding, and starving, and breathing some more. Ethiopia's population has tripled since then despite the supposed famine.

There was someone who went back to Ethiopia years later to check on a niglet that they saved. The niglet turned into an adult buck working for a local warlord. It was running around with an AK-47, brutalizing villages, and worst of all, muh dikking niggeresses and creating more niglets. They literally couldn't keep track of how many niglets it had in all the villages.

Oh, I remember reading gripes from people who sponsored some niglet only to find it wasn't some stray sprog after all, and that the niggers not only had no gratitude, but hated the idiot white devil who was stupid enough to send them money.

Many years ago, way before I started hating niggers, I remember thinking while watching yet another generation of fly-blown, skeletal pickanannies being held on the lap of some creepy, Santa-looking libtard, "Why don't they send them birth control instead of food, which allows them to have just enough strength for muh dik and more string-bean niglets?" Funny how the niggers are too starved and weak to work in any way to feed themselves, but always have enough just enough energy for the muh dikkin'. Useless, parasitic, hyper-sexual breeders always with their paws stuck out for more charity.

People, just stop feeding them. That will eliminate the nigger problem world-wide. Listen to Mother Nature and let them go exinct!

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-01-2020, 12:31 AM
Hyenas? The four legged kind or the four legged retarded smelly kind?

In the mudduhland, many animals attack dark skinned 'people'. Even bees have been known to target and attack niggers.

This is why killer bees are also referred to as Africanized bees. When they bite or sting niggers they become more violent.

12-01-2020, 04:17 AM
Remember that "We Are the World" bullshit, and niggerloving celebrities saying "That's less than a cup of coffee a day!" to feed niggers?

We fed the niggers. They kept breeding, and starving, and breathing some more. Ethiopia's population has tripled since then despite the supposed famine.

There was someone who went back to Ethiopia years later to check on a niglet that they saved. The niglet turned into an adult buck working for a local warlord. It was running around with an AK-47, brutalizing villages, and worst of all, muh dikking niggeresses and creating more niglets. They literally couldn't keep track of how many niglets it had in all the villages.

Utter bullshit of the 80s. I don't know if it was 84 or 85. Bob Geldof became Sir Bob Geldof. 30+ years later, they're still starving. OK, some people may have been fooled then, but with no progress, why even save these niggers? I didn't hate niggers that much then, but I never gave a cent. I figured there's a lot of black entertainment millionaires who can help their own kind.

With Christmas coming, the stations will be playing "Feed the World". And there's the irony. Let them know it's Christmas time, but they're Muslims! They want us dead! So it's insane to help populations that hate you.

If black lives really mattered, all niggers here should feed their cousins. But they're all cheap poor bastards anyway.

12-01-2020, 11:50 AM
Utter bullshit of the 80s. I don't know if it was 84 or 85. Bob Geldof became Sir Bob Geldof. 30+ years later, they're still starving. OK, some people may have been fooled then, but with no progress, why even save these niggers? I didn't hate niggers that much then, but I never gave a cent. I figured there's a lot of black entertainment millionaires who can help their own kind.

With Christmas coming, the stations will be playing "Feed the World". And there's the irony. Let them know it's Christmas time, but they're Muslims! They want us dead! So it's insane to help populations that hate you.

If black lives really mattered, all niggers here should feed their cousins. But they're all cheap poor bastards anyway.

I remember wondering why we didn't see any niggers rushing to Haiti to adopt niglets after the earthquake. Or do niggers go to Africa to bring home some tar babies? Has a nigger ever taken up a collection to help the starving savages? I don't seem to remember any of that. I guess nigger lives only matter to YT.

For my whole life, I only recall seeing stupid, naive, bleeding heart YT giving and giving and giving to niggers, all for nothing. May as well flush your money down the toilet.

Goodman Grey
12-01-2020, 12:18 PM
For my whole life, I only recall seeing stupid, naive, bleeding heart YT giving and giving and giving to niggers, all for nothing. May as well flush your money down the toilet.

Adopting a cat or a dog is probably a more constructive use of your time, energy, and money.

12-01-2020, 01:30 PM
Adopting a cat or a dog is probably a more constructive use of your time, energy, and money.

Absolutely. I've adopted many dogs and cats, done animal rescue and donated to shelters. I was always rewarded with a loving, faithful pet, unlike what you get when you try to help niggers. I wouldn't give a nigger a glass of water if its feet were on fire.

12-06-2020, 01:49 AM
Hyenas? The four legged kind or the four legged retarded smelly kind?

In the mudduhland, many animals attack dark skinned 'people'. Even bees have been known to target and attack niggers.

What did I tell you! Bees hate niggers!

12-06-2020, 01:57 AM
What did I tell you! Bees hate niggers!

first comment gold!

alb0best 2 days ago 585 points
Law of Attraction confirmed

https://leakreality.com/media/comment_photos/2020-12-03/1607014495_50034b97ad47fa1d7d6d9d635a5317aeb774.jp g

12-07-2020, 08:46 AM
Since we have no video of this amusing event, I must repost one of my all-time favorite movie scenes. It never gets old or fails to make me laugh. Even lions hate niggers and sand niggers.


I LOVED this movie!! Niggers and @$$lifter$ eaten by LIONS!!

12-07-2020, 03:33 PM
I LOVED this movie!! Niggers and @$$lifter$ eaten by LIONS!!

They even got the ones that monkeyed up the pole and crawled under the bed.:lol

12-07-2020, 04:10 PM
They even got the ones that monkeyed up the pole and crawled under the bed.:lol

Yep!! I wonder if the lions licked their @$$e$ afterward to get the taste of niggers and @$$lifter$ out of their MOUTHS!!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-08-2021, 05:19 PM

The real story is, that dirty old mud hut nigger was trying to Muh Dik! the hyenas and they fought back. The missing bottom half of the hyena nigger was then dragged off by other local niggers to used for Muh Dik!

I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, you know...


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-08-2021, 05:24 PM
Hyenas? The four legged kind or the four legged retarded smelly kind?

In the mudduhland, many animals attack dark skinned 'people'. Even bees have been known to target and attack niggers.

ALL species know how dangerous niggers are. Well, except for Libtards of course.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-08-2021, 05:29 PM
Since we have no video of this amusing event, I must repost one of my all-time favorite movie scenes. It never gets old or fails to make me laugh. Even lions hate niggers and sand niggers.


DAYUM! LOL. I had the volume on full blast when that video started. Almost gave me a coronary.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
09-08-2021, 05:45 PM
What did I tell you! Bees hate niggers!

"We are da worl,........ we be da chillins".

Coon Town
09-08-2021, 07:38 PM
It's the circle - the circle of poo!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. Vb_IVqfOxDzpgLaLKMiVtgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1


Hyenas: the original good nigger disposal units.

09-08-2021, 08:39 PM

Hyenas: the original good nigger disposal units.

How do you think they learned to run so fast?

Prehistoric niggers be like:


Whitey Ford
09-10-2021, 04:33 PM
Even Hyenas hate niggers!

Maybe we could start a Hyena breeding program and then loose packs of them in urban Chicago and Atlanta?

Coon Club Road
09-13-2021, 11:28 PM
Even Hyenas hate niggers!

Maybe we could start a Hyena breeding program and then loose packs of them in urban Chicago and Atlanta?

Good idea but the Hyena's would soon learn to eat the fried chicken out of the nigger nests and leave the nasty tasting niggers alone!

Tar Remover
10-03-2021, 02:11 PM
Utter bullshit of the 80s. I don't know if it was 84 or 85. Bob Geldof became Sir Bob Geldof. 30+ years later, they're still starving. OK, some people may have been fooled then, but with no progress, why even save these niggers? I didn't hate niggers that much then, but I never gave a cent. I figured there's a lot of black entertainment millionaires who can help their own kind.

With Christmas coming, the stations will be playing "Feed the World". And there's the irony. Let them know it's Christmas time, but they're Muslims! They want us dead! So it's insane to help populations that hate you.

If black lives really mattered, all niggers here should feed their cousins. But they're all cheap poor bastards anyway.

Even back in the 80s I said-"Fuck those stupid niggers". Remember Sam Kenneson? "Send them U-Hauls and bring them where the food is." I don't think THAT would have even worked.....

10-03-2021, 02:14 PM
Even Hyenas hate niggers!

Maybe we could start a Hyena breeding program and then loose packs of them in urban Chicago and Atlanta?

I'd pay tax money FOR that!!