View Full Version : News flash: Nigger Nebraskans are far more likely to be arrested and placed behind bars.

11-26-2020, 10:51 AM
Who would guess? Actually you could write "Niggers in __________ are far more likely to be arrested and placed behind bars." just fill in the blank.

The report found that the average number of arrests of Black people in Nebraska from 2014 to 2019 amounted to 19% of all arrests, while Blacks make up 5% of the state’s population.

No one understands why. I have a solution: Stop committing crimes, niggers. Yeah, I know - you may as well tell the sun not to rise in the morning.


Goodman Grey
11-26-2020, 11:06 AM
"Niggers in _BLM_ are far more likely to be arrested and placed behind bars." ;)

It's actually a good thing that they are being punished for their crimes by being placed in nigger universities. If they were out on the skreets, they would be committing crimes.

...as evidenced by the fact that they were arrested for committing crimes in the first place. And with niggers, it's not a question of IF they will commit crimes, it's just a matter of WHEN they will get caught committing crimes.

Coon Club Road
11-26-2020, 11:09 AM
The math isn't hard to figure! Coons have warrants... collecting them is what they do!

Put them in an isolated area and sure, the arrest stats will soar!

Goodman Grey
11-26-2020, 11:15 AM
I think the real problem has to do with their low double-digit IQ's.

If they were more intelligent, then perhaps they could understand spoken and written English, graduate from high schools legitimately, obtain college degrees legitimately, get high paying jobs, invent things like the wheel and fire, integrate into society, get more abortions, and maybe even understand that first world nations work when people follow the rules.

11-26-2020, 11:48 AM
Who would guess? Actually you could write "Niggers in __________ are far more likely to be arrested and placed behind bars." just fill in the blank.

No one understands why. I have a solution: Stop committing crimes, niggers. Yeah, I know - you may as well tell the sun not to rise in the morning.


In the words of joke-stealer Carlos Menstealya "DEE DEE DEE!!" Telling us the obvious!!

11-26-2020, 02:21 PM
The libturds and the professional niggers love to run with this mantra as if those apes don't have at least 6 times the crime rate of whites

Jim Crow
11-26-2020, 02:29 PM
Niggers not only commit the most crimes. They are the most stupid criminals and get caught way more often than humans.