View Full Version : Puuuurty breeding sow, mammy of 4 niglets, shoots boon! And then…

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-25-2020, 10:13 PM
This disgusting sow shit out no fewer than 4 vile niglets, all of which, sadly, survived the gunplay. Evidently, it caught its boon cheating with another morbidly-obese sow, and then did what any “reasonable” sow would do – busted a cap in its black ass!

But wait, the sowwing is not over yet…

The shooter sow video-chats with its boon’s cheating sow, all while the buck and its Muh Dik! are bleeding out on the floor.

“Bitch! You seez dat muthafuckah layin’ dare on duh flo’? Dat nigga nevah gon’ gibs you Muh Dik! again, bitch! Dat muthafugga az goot az dayed, yo!”

The bullet hit the buck in its front paw, and then lodged in its spine, requiring it to be put on a ventilator. All of which, will cost Evil Whitey and other Humans millions...

Tests were being carried out Sunday to determine whether [the nigger] had any remaining brain activity.

Wait -- how can they even measure nigger "brain activity"...?

With any luck, the buck will become good, and the breeding sow won't be able to do anymore breeding for the next 25 years or so.


Goodman Grey
11-25-2020, 10:24 PM
You know this sheboon will find a nigger security guard while in prison, and it will shit out another niglet. We would be lucky if it only shat out one. Things like this need to be spayed like the animals that they are.


Midder Peenud Hayed
11-25-2020, 10:31 PM
I hope not! The last thing we need on this planet is more niglets! Hopefully, the sow will simply eat itself to def like most other sows that get long sentences...

Ray Cizzums
11-25-2020, 10:46 PM
This is a cautionary tale, for he-boons engaging in the "Muh dik" lifestyle.
The high testosterone, poor impulse control and predisposition towards violence,
of today's nigger sow, makes them as dangerous as they are hideous.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-25-2020, 11:13 PM
This is a cautionary tale, for he-boons engaging in the "Muh dik" lifestyle.
The high testosterone, poor impulse control and predisposition towards violence,
of today's nigger sow, makes them as dangerous as they are hideous.

A "cautionary tale", yes.

But also a tragedy.

All the niglets survived!

11-25-2020, 11:33 PM
And sows wonder why their bucks prefer YT wimminz? I say again - sows are way more dangerous and vicious than the bucks.

This story has me in hysterics! :lol Nice job with the pic, Ray Cizzums! Great avatar material. I had no doubt it was real until clicked on the story. I'm just sad there's no video.