View Full Version : Why should you join?

11-23-2020, 09:46 PM
Hi Chimpouts, I am a white woman and I already belong to **********, ***********, and some White Nationalist websites. If it’s not obvious, I hate niggers.

I seem to spend most of my time on **********, however it’s frustrating that I can’t refer to white people as white, instead have to refer to them as “human”. I don’t have time to spend all day ranting about niggers, as much as I’d like to. So what does Chimpout offer that is different or better than those sites? Why should I join here?

I appreciate your opinions on this, thanks!

11-23-2020, 10:31 PM
Dear Unregistered Guest,

We're an equal opportunity anti-nigger and anti-sand nigger site. We welcome all good humans who have solid reasoning why we detest these beasts. There's no promotion of violence of any kind. We are not supremacists, separatists, etc. amongst humans. For example, we applaud how the Chinese deal with the apes in their homeland, despite their calls for "equality". We are here to express our revulsion at the protohuman scum.

By extension, we also detest any human, of any race, who chooses to create half black abominations.

You are most welcome to join as long as you understand our site rules.

I hope my other friends here will chime in.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-23-2020, 10:38 PM
Why should I join here?

Free set of steak knives...?

Jim Crow
11-23-2020, 10:56 PM
Free set of steak knives...?

11-23-2020, 11:32 PM
You get to hang out with all these sexy guys who are a lot fun AND you get to rant about niggers/muzzies. I think that about covers it. :lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-24-2020, 12:40 AM
Hi Chimpouts, I am a white woman and I already belong to **********, ***********, and some White Nationalist websites. If it’s not obvious, I hate niggers.

I seem to spend most of my time on **********, however it’s frustrating that I can’t refer to white people as white, instead have to refer to them as “human”. I don’t have time to spend all day ranting about niggers, as much as I’d like to. So what does Chimpout offer that is different or better than those sites? Why should I join here?

I appreciate your opinions on this, thanks!

Hell, for the laughs. I have been in tears laughing at content on here which is pretty much always at the expense of niggers. Youre right that life is too short to waste on giving two shits about an inferior sub human species but it gives me an abundant amount of pleasure to laugh at them. I laugh at them while hanging out on the couch, I laugh at them while smokin a stogie on the porch, I laugh at them while taking a shit and I laugh at them in between my jobs. There is no limit to when you can laugh at niggers and there is no reason to avoid joining this site with fellow humans just to have a good laugh.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-24-2020, 12:41 AM
Free set of steak knives...?

:lol and yea, this is hilarious

11-24-2020, 12:47 AM
sanity. Maintaining one's sanity should be your prime consideration. I often feel like that polar bear, drifting away on that small patch of floating ice. Knowing that there are folks that share my common sense based disdain for the stupid inferior creatures that are the niggers, makes me able not to suffer in silence. Caring is sharing. So I am here for mental health maintenance. The humor element is also a powerful antidote to menacing TNB.

11-24-2020, 12:50 AM
I have always been fond of seeing all the news stories showing the true feral nature of the apes. Stories that get buried by almost all other media outlets unless you really dig. News that confirms to avoid the groid at all costs. Life will be longer and better

11-24-2020, 01:19 AM
Don't fall for the steak knives. They're free but by the time you pay for shipping and handling, it would be cheaper to just go buy some from the dollah stow.

Seriously, though, for me - It is a cathartic vent for my frustrations. We have a good laugh at the expense of the niggies, the dune coons, the burners, and all of their enablers.

What we are not:
We are not violent. We leave that to the niggers. This is not the place for any such talk. We are NOT white supremacist. We are not liberals or liberals hiding behind any other name. We are not nazi's, commies, socialist or any of other such leaning mindset. While we are not necessarily party liners, you won't find many folks here that think like Democrats - or at least what the party has devolved into in recent times. We are NOT anti-Jew, Christian, Buddhist, atheist or any other particular belief as long as it doesn't dehumanize humans - such as islam. If you have any questions about this, you can feel free to send me a personal message and I will be happy to entertain them - without judgement or nudges.

What we are:
We are human supremacist. We see all humans as different breeds of the same animals - much like all dogs are related but not all four legged animals are dogs. Niggers are not human. Neither are any humans who lowers themselves to a niggers level or it's bed. They have turned in their humanity membership card. This pretty much goes for all who would support niggerdom or dune coonery in any way, shape, form or fashion. They will receive no quarter here.

We have members from all two legged upright walks of life, different beliefs or lack thereof. Hell... they even accept me here.

We may not all agree on all things, but for the most part, I think this is a pretty good assessment of the tone around here and a general idea of what our forum rules are. Of course if you do decide to join our ranks, we'd love to have you, and as with all our members, please read the rules - that's all we ask.


P.S. You won't offend me by calling me White or American. Our British friends are British, our Hispanics members are Hispanic. Those are simply descriptions of origin or shades of humans. You don't have to call anyone here human either. It's just a given. We're not nazis, after all. We just don't bash fellow humans no matter what their color, country or belief happens to be.

Coon Club Road
11-24-2020, 01:21 AM
... Why should I join here?

I appreciate your opinions on this, thanks!

Go ahead and join up... I mean it's not like we are going to come over and take the steak knives back if you don't participate in venting your frustrations with clown shoed, nappy haired, boot lipped, gimme dats EBT card operated niggers!

You will be with like minded company!

11-24-2020, 02:16 AM
It's FUN here! It's hard to predict when something--from a member's avatar to a meme, a video, or a story--will make be blow coffee all over my computer. Folks here have stealth-attack humor.

Also, it's very chill. I've been on other sites where the mods were training to replace Joe Stalin: big fish in ridiculously tiny ponds. On this site, everybody feels equal. Even members with the highest-seniority (it turns out) act just like everybody else. This is a very nice place to be.

And, aside from the VERY CLEAR site guidelines, there is NO LIMIT to how one can vent about niggers. Seriously. And that can be very helpful on bad days, when I feel beleaguered by PC leftist bull.

There's a remarkably wide variety amongst the members. Some like culture (movies, cooking, books, etc.), others are authorities on equipment, others know a LOT about politics. I have learned WAY more on this site than I have on any other special interest site--from stuff about books and Frank Zappa videos, to stuff about union vs non-union trucking, to stuff about The Great Reset, to (of course) stuff about niggers.

I look forward to coming here and have been made to feel welcome and part of the family, even though I'm just a (pretty clumsy) newbie.

11-24-2020, 02:34 AM
Hi Chimpouts, I am a white woman and I already belong to **********, ***********, and some White Nationalist websites. If it’s not obvious, I hate niggers.

I seem to spend most of my time on **********, however it’s frustrating that I can’t refer to white people as white, instead have to refer to them as “human”. I don’t have time to spend all day ranting about niggers, as much as I’d like to. So what does Chimpout offer that is different or better than those sites? Why should I join here?

I appreciate your opinions on this, thanks!

Why don't you try?

Join and post. What could happen?
We'll correct you on the way.

Just look at existing posts.

11-24-2020, 02:49 AM
Hi Chimpouts, I am a white woman and I already belong to **********, ***********, and some White Nationalist websites. If it’s not obvious, I hate niggers.

I seem to spend most of my time on **********, however it’s frustrating that I can’t refer to white people as white, instead have to refer to them as “human”. I don’t have time to spend all day ranting about niggers, as much as I’d like to. So what does Chimpout offer that is different or better than those sites? Why should I join here?

I appreciate your opinions on this, thanks!

You will find that of the other sites with the main focus on niggers, we share some similarities such as referring to "humans". This isn't a reference to white people specifically. It is anyone who is not a variety of nigger. IE African or Sand. Our focus is narrow. We do not discriminate against anyone but niggers and muslims. They have proven that they are sub human and for this reason do not consider them as even the same species as us. Hence the human reference. With that out of the way; what we offer here is an alternative to the comical approach some other sites have have taken. We prefer to keep it clean looking and simple. You can refer to white people here in context but keep in mind we only bash niggers. You can also feel free to bash any nigger lovers here as well for their acts of what can only be categorized as beastilality. We are a little more relaxed than some of the other sites and allow you to use the word nigger. What we do not offer here is a home to bash other non white groups or religious groups outside of the "mohammadan" IE the sand nigger. If you feel your focus is similarly narrow like ours we would welcome you.

11-24-2020, 09:09 AM
Thank you for all the replies, much appreciated! I’ll be honest Chimpout sounds exactly like ********** so I might have passed on joining, but the offer of free steak knives is too good to pass up! Sign me up!

Coon Club Road
11-24-2020, 02:52 PM
"... but the offer of free steak knives is too good to pass up! Sign me up!"

Funny I was just thinking about you and wondered if you were going to grab that set of steak knives and join up!

Welcome friend!

11-24-2020, 04:08 PM
Thank you for all the replies, much appreciated! I’ll be honest Chimpout sounds exactly like ********** so I might have passed on joining, but the offer of free steak knives is too good to pass up! Sign me up!

You can pick up your free knife at any Dollar General store.

11-24-2020, 09:02 PM
It's FUN here! It's hard to predict when something--from a member's avatar to a meme, a video, or a story--will make be blow coffee all over my computer. Folks here have stealth-attack humor.

Hell, yes. No matter how I'm feeling, a visit here will soon have me laughing like a loon.

11-24-2020, 11:36 PM
I’ve been trying to join, but the Register link won’t load. I am assuming that niggers must have taken over the tech support today.

Odin's balls
11-25-2020, 05:58 AM
I can assure you that we don't let niggers anywhere near us.

Keep trying and one of the admins will sort it out in due course.

11-26-2020, 04:30 AM
PUT that coffee down!!!!!!!!!!12972

11-26-2020, 08:58 AM
Dear Unregistered Guest,

We're an equal opportunity anti-nigger and anti-sand nigger site. We welcome all good humans who have solid reasoning why we detest these beasts. There's no promotion of violence of any kind. We are not supremacists, separatists, etc. amongst humans. For example, we applaud how the Chinese deal with the apes in their homeland, despite their calls for "equality". We are here to express our revulsion at the protohuman scum.

By extension, we also detest any human, of any race, who chooses to create half black abominations.

You are most welcome to join as long as you understand our site rules.

I hope my other friends here will chime in.

Exactly!! Follow the rules, respect fellow chimpers and start BASHING NIGGERS!!

11-26-2020, 09:01 AM
Hell, for the laughs. I have been in tears laughing at content on here which is pretty much always at the expense of niggers. Youre right that life is too short to waste on giving two shits about an inferior sub human species but it gives me an abundant amount of pleasure to laugh at them. I laugh at them while hanging out on the couch, I laugh at them while smokin a stogie on the porch, I laugh at them while taking a shit and I laugh at them in between my jobs. There is no limit to when you can laugh at niggers and there is no reason to avoid joining this site with fellow humans just to have a good laugh.

That is the TRUTH!! Over 20 years ago I did stand up comedy and the posts on this site make me laugh my @$$ off!! And in today's Politically Correct society this is a place for therapy. Also I love laughing at niggers!!

Coon Club Road
11-26-2020, 09:41 PM
"... and the posts on this site make me laugh my @$$ off!!"

You got that right! Some of the shit Chimpers come up with on here is ball busting hilarious. :lol