View Full Version : Niggers afraid of giving their niglet an African name because of "racism"

11-23-2020, 06:32 PM
“My husband and I had been discussing names for the longest before he was born,” Reddit user GodHatesCheeses wrote in the AITA forum. “He wanted the baby’s name to be Jafari, which is a popular African name. (We are both African). However, I had been thinking about how unfair America can be when it comes to any POC or darker skinned people in general. A common problem that people like me seem to face is finding jobs simply because our names don’t sound ‘white.’ I struggled with this very much growing up and I didn’t want my little boy having as hard of a time.”


There's nothing "racist" about assuming the worst when seeing a nigger name. When Jafari or Dikambe or De'Anquantavious sends in a resume, it is completely reasonable to assume it's incapable of anything more than bixnood, drug habits, muh dikk, and workplace violence.

I actually want all niggers to get names that are nothing European-sounding. That way hiring managers know exactly what they're getting and don't have to waste time. It works whether it's an apefirmative action company, or a company that simply wants the best applicant for the job.

11-23-2020, 07:08 PM

There's nothing "racist" about assuming the worst when seeing a nigger name. When Jafari or Dikambe or De'Anquantavious sends in a resume, it is completely reasonable to assume it's incapable of anything more than bixnood, drug habits, muh dikk, and workplace violence.

I actually want all niggers to get names that are nothing European-sounding. That way hiring managers know exactly what they're getting and don't have to waste time. It works whether it's an apefirmative action company, or a company that simply wants the best applicant for the job.

So no Shitavious or Tonawandas need apply!! :unigger:flip:rofl:conf:dindu:zman

Coon Club Road
11-24-2020, 02:00 AM
I actually want all niggers to get names that are nothing European-sounding. That way hiring managers know exactly what they're getting and don't have to waste time. .

Fuck yes great idea!

HR should be instructed to shit can any app with a coon sounding name on it!!!

Jim Crow
11-24-2020, 06:33 AM
Who cares what it’s name is! Sooner or later the little niglet will end up in prison or shot by the popo.

Coon Club Road
11-24-2020, 11:11 AM
I am so surprised some nigger hasn't "named" their sprog with a number!

You know, to get them acclimated to prison life down the road :lol

animal mother
11-24-2020, 11:30 AM
I am so surprised some nigger hasn't "named" their sprog with a number!

You know, to get them acclimated to prison life down the road :lol
Didn’t George Forman name all it’s sprogs George with a number after it?

Coon Club Road
11-24-2020, 11:37 AM
Didn’t George Forman name all it’s sprogs George with a number after it?

LOL... you are right! Didn't he have like a dozen nogs?

I was thinking more along the lines of a 10 digit serial number :lol

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-28-2020, 12:29 AM
I know I've made this comment before, but it's worth repeating.

Why don't nigger mammies just name their niglets what they will call each other for the rest of their meaningless "lives"?

"Dis heyah beez mah sow neeeglet, "Bitch!".

"Dis heyah beez mah oldess buck niglet, "Muthafuckah".

"Dis sak ub sheeeit beez my newess buck niglert, "Nigga".

Goodman Grey
11-28-2020, 01:20 AM

The only name a nigger should have is "Nigger."

If multiple groids are spawned by a mammy, they should be numbered, in order of when they were born. So the first nigger would be named "Nigger One Lastname," the third would be "Nigger Three Lastname," and the 15th would be named "Nigger Two Lastname," because niggers can't count that high.