View Full Version : Sandnigger LYFT driver gets called a sandnigger

Whitey Ford
11-20-2020, 12:43 AM
Called Driver 'Sand N*****'

Being banned from LYFT. This is supposed to be a punishment?
Video at link.

Lyft is dropping the hammer on this customer who went on a racist, profanity-laced rant against a driver ... and yes, face mask rage triggered this disgusting display.

The incident went down Tuesday night in Issaquah, Washington where the Lyft driver, David Kangogo, picked up a guy named Joe and his female companion -- but Joe allegedly refused to put on a face covering, which is Lyft policy.

The video -- recorded by David -- starts with the couple getting booted, and Joe asks David if he knows what a "sand n****r is." You also see Joe's companion tell him to shut his trap, because she is also recording the conflict on her phone.


Goodman Grey
11-20-2020, 01:25 AM
Unfortunately, the passenger was refusing to follow the rules by refusing to wear a mask.

The other stuff is just fluff.

Is it really that hard, in this day and age, when there is a painfully obvious pandemic, to do the absolute bare minimum?

I mean, people were predicting an awful second wave half a year ago, and now it is here. I mean, we can deny reality all day, but the fact of the matter is that refusing to follow simple hygienic rules is a recipe for mass casualties.

Some of what people are refusing to do is so mind-bogglingly stupid, as if they were anti-vaxxer retards. Graduate from high school first. Then lecture me about how stupid masks are.

Seriously, so many of these anti-maskers act like niggers that it makes me angry, because I judge people by the content of their character, and not their skin color.

I know most humans die before the age of 100, but we do have books that document history. Plagues are not a novel thing or simply propaganda. They actually exist. Respect them.

It is not considered cowardice for a soldier to not want to rush into things and die unnecessarily. Cowardice is choosing to do the wrong thing when you have all of the information you can possibly have.

11-20-2020, 01:37 AM
He's not a sandnigger. He's just a regular ol' nigger. So name-calling is considered a serious offense now. The libtards better stay out of schoolyards.


Goodman Grey
11-20-2020, 01:59 AM
He's not a sandnigger. He's just a regular ol' nigger. So name-calling is considered a serious offense now. The libtards better stay out of schoolyards.


To be fair, a nigger can be a sand nigger, but not all sand niggers are niggers. :)

11-20-2020, 09:51 AM
He's not a sandnigger. He's just a regular ol' nigger. So name-calling is considered a serious offense now. The libtards better stay out of schoolyards.


It's probably a nigger @$$lifter!! While the passenger engaged in niggerish behavior himself by not wearing a mask, he simply called a "spade" a "spade!!" :unigger:rofl:dindu:duh:facepalm::racist

11-20-2020, 11:27 AM
To be fair, a nigger can be a sand nigger, but not all sand niggers are niggers. :)

This is true. So many subspecies.:lol

Jim Crow
11-20-2020, 05:47 PM
How can they ban him?Call Lyft for a ride next week from a different phone.And wear your mask ,Joe.They won’t know the fucking difference.