View Full Version : Senate candidate nigger Warnock: America Must ‘Repent For Its Worship Of Whiteness’

Whitey Ford
11-16-2020, 02:20 PM
No, America should repent for its non-stop nigger worship.


Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock argued in late 2016 that Americans needed to "repent" both for supporting Donald Trump and for the country's "worship of whiteness."

The comments came in an address at Atlanta's Candler School of Theology shortly before Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

"If it is true that a man who has dominated the news and poisoned the discussion for months needs to repent, then it is doubly true that a nation that can produce such a man and make his vitriol go viral needs to repent," Warnock said to raucous applause. "No matter what happens next month, more than a third of the nation that would go along with this, is reason to be afraid. America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness, on full display this season."


11-16-2020, 03:08 PM
No, America should repent for its non-stop nigger worship.




Goodman Grey
11-16-2020, 06:43 PM
Fine. I'll stop worshiping the whiteness, and start worshiping the orangeness.

Trump is awesome.

Jim Crow
11-16-2020, 07:39 PM
A primate with a below 85 IQ telling people others what to do.LOL!

Chimp Detester
11-16-2020, 08:51 PM

12885 12886

Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock, you despicable sub-cockroach mega-turd nigger scumbag rat: Here is hoping all your nigger muh-dikking and down-lo pillow-biting activity comes out in the open in the headlines of the local newspapers, not to mention all of your thieving.

11-16-2020, 10:03 PM

Coon Club Road
11-16-2020, 11:55 PM
Nigger politicians will nigger babble anything spook voters want to hear simply to get re-elected.

It's a tough battle to get niggers up and out of the rack before the polls close, let alone getting them to vote!

11-17-2020, 03:34 PM
Fine. I'll stop worshiping the whiteness, and start worshiping the orangeness.

Trump is awesome.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

11-17-2020, 03:36 PM
A primate with a below 85 IQ telling people others what to do.LOL!

That nigger is the result of "apefirmative blaction" an undeveloped frontal lobe and a BELOW 85 IQ!! We need to get rid of apefirmative blaction ASAP. If commiefornia can, so can the rest of the country!!

Jim Crow
11-17-2020, 04:42 PM
That nigger is the result of "apefirmative blaction" an undeveloped frontal lobe and a BELOW 85 IQ!! We need to get rid of apefirmative blaction ASAP. If commiefornia can, so can the rest of the country!!LOL!

Whitey Ford
11-19-2020, 12:25 AM
It just gets worse.
Californians prepare to descend on Georgia to fight for Democrats in Senate races
The vast number of people who said they were willing to move to Georgia just so they can vote in the runoff election has prompted pushback from officials

A host of California residents and California-based political organizations are prepared to descend on Georgia to campaign for two Democratic U.S. Senate candidates whose victory would have profound implications for the direction of the country.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Democrats in the Golden State have been hounding political organizers with questions about how they can travel to Georgia to volunteer for Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock.


11-19-2020, 01:27 PM
It just gets worse.
Californians prepare to descend on Georgia to fight for Democrats in Senate races
The vast number of people who said they were willing to move to Georgia just so they can vote in the runoff election has prompted pushback from officials


President Trump wrote the "Art of the Deal." Dhimmirats wrote the "Art of the Steal!!"

11-19-2020, 02:27 PM
That nigger is the result of "apefirmative blaction" an undeveloped frontal lobe and a BELOW 85 IQ!! We need to get rid of apefirmative blaction ASAP. If commiefornia can, so can the rest of the country!!

I was surprised my own state rejected affirmative action. This is the only state I've ever known, so it's hard to think of even moving, and even Nevada is getting liberal. Weather is always mild in the winter, and the beaches are nice - when there's no niggers around.