View Full Version : Javion run over and batwinged while pushing a stalled car

Whitey Ford
11-16-2020, 04:22 AM
Texas A&M Student, 19, Killed While Helping His Friend Push a Stalled Car Near Campus


"He stopped to help the person. At some point after stopping, an accident occurred and Javion was injured, and he later passed away from those injuries," Johnson explained to the outlet. "He was just a good kid doing something good for someone."

Thomas’s aunt, Veronica Lynch-Davis, added to a local radio station, KRLD, that the broken-down car belonged to her nephew's friend.

Despite having a back injury, Lynch-Davis said Thomas was among a group of people who were helping push the vehicle and that it eventually lost control and struck the 19 year old.


Bakkabawl Stah
11-16-2020, 08:31 AM
Let's get that vehicle a medal!

11-16-2020, 09:34 AM
Texas A&M Student, 19, Killed While Helping His Friend Push a Stalled Car Near Campus



That car be rayciss!!! Sheeeit!

Chimp Detester
11-16-2020, 10:48 AM
Great story for the start of the week. We can only hope that the now-goodified mega-turd Javion Thomas had not fathered any filthy nigglettes.

Whitey Ford
11-16-2020, 12:56 PM
Great story for the start of the week. We can only hope that the now-goodified mega-turd Javion Thomas had not fathered any filthy nigglettes.

It said that he just had a major spine surgery. Not that that would impede a nigger's muh dik drive by much.

Jim Crow
11-16-2020, 07:47 PM
I’d like to see the video of that coon getting killed. It would make my night!

11-16-2020, 08:26 PM
Even broken-down jalopies hate niggers.

Rastus Nigger
11-16-2020, 08:56 PM
Good riddance, one less nigger to worry about. :traybat

Coon Club Road
11-17-2020, 12:13 AM
Niggers are always running out of gas.

Most white ppl manage to get to the pumps before running out, but jigs can't.

I think I know why!

Might be that optical illusion... like when you are riding with someone and you look over at the gauge and it looks beyond empty, but if you were in the driver's seat, it would read 1/4.

Since jigaboos lean so far to the left against the door pillar, when they are empty, it probably looks like they still have a 1/4 tank. Next thing you know, Jamal and his coon friends are pushing it to the pumps.

How the f else could one race be continuously running out of gas?

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-17-2020, 12:16 AM
Niggers are always running out of gas.

Most white ppl manage to get to the pumps before running out, but jigs can't.

I think I know why!

Might be that optical illusion... like when you are riding with someone and you look over at the gauge and it looks beyond empty, but if you were in the driver's seat, it would read 1/4.

Since jigaboos lean so far to the left against the door pillar, when they are empty, it probably looks like they still have a 1/4 tank. Next thing you know, Jamal and his coon friends are pushing it to the pumps.

How the f else could one race be continuously running out of gas?

That is an excellent theory.

11-19-2020, 01:45 PM
Niggers are always running out of gas.

Most white ppl manage to get to the pumps before running out, but jigs can't.

I think I know why!

Might be that optical illusion... like when you are riding with someone and you look over at the gauge and it looks beyond empty, but if you were in the driver's seat, it would read 1/4.

Since jigaboos lean so far to the left against the door pillar, when they are empty, it probably looks like they still have a 1/4 tank. Next thing you know, Jamal and his coon friends are pushing it to the pumps.

How the f else could one race be continuously running out of gas?

Good point!!

Odin's balls
11-21-2020, 02:15 AM
I smell bullshit.

The nigger was an electrical engineering student?

There is no way a nigger's brain could cope with the complex calculations involved with cable sizing, circuit resistance and system diversity.

My guess is it was just there to learn where the best copper can be stolen from.

11-21-2020, 11:17 AM
Damn that really sucks. I hope the car's ok.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-21-2020, 10:24 PM
I smell bullshit.

The nigger was an electrical engineering student?

There is no way a nigger's brain could cope with the complex calculations involved with cable sizing, circuit resistance and system diversity.

My guess is it was just there to learn where the best copper can be stolen from.

Yep. A couple days a week, I was a tutor in our campus math lab for 2 years when I was in B-school. Almost every nigger I taught was struggling with first year college algebra (140/142 in our system), some of them were seniors! Niggers and math are like niggers and marksmanship, or niggers and swimming...

They suck at it!

I will admit that I struggled with Advanced Calc II and III, and anything with "abstract" in the title made my eyes roll back in my hayed, but those things are never going to be used in the real world by 99.99% of professionals. Of course, a business major like me is going to go straight from Linear Algebra to three units of various 400-level electives in the senior year. I can't remember why I had to take the "abstract algebra" class. Might have been the Chem' minor... That was some nebulous shit, man. The intersection of Mathematics and Philosophy... I could never figure it out now!

Anyway, I never tutored a nigger that could come close to understanding the concepts, let alone applications, of those disciplines.