View Full Version : Finally, a dindu making sense!

Whitey Ford
11-15-2020, 02:40 PM
This dindu gets it.

Goodman Grey
11-15-2020, 02:48 PM
I've met a few dindus in real life that have actually argued in favor of segregation because they felt that niggers and humans are too different, in too many ways, for peaceful coexistence.

One even said that he is afraid of us because the human way of life was too confusing and difficult for him to master.


And yes, I think miscegenation, forced or voluntary, will lead to the extinction of the human race.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-15-2020, 06:39 PM
So the nigger says "The low self esteem the white man put in us"

Just another victim of the low IQ mentality every nigger has and spews out........ blame whitey

If they just look in the mirror at all of their accomplishments or lack thereof, they would realize why they should all have low self esteem.

11-15-2020, 06:48 PM
He doesn't know why the "white man" was created? He was created so the nigger could sit there, overfed and over-indulged, to complain about the creation of the white man who gives niggers low self-esteem, yet without whom he'd be sitting in his cowshit hut eating bugs and other niggers.

Jim Crow
11-15-2020, 10:06 PM
He sounds like another ignorant nigger putting the blame on YT for all his species’ problems.

Goodman Grey
11-15-2020, 11:10 PM
He sounds like another ignorant nigger putting the blame on YT for all his species’ problems.

Actually, it is YT's fault that niggers are aware of their problems.

Without YT's spoken and/or written languages, the nigger species wouldn't even know they had problems.

Without YT, the niggers would be happy with their blessed ignorance, living and dying in Africa, and doing whatever it is that niggers do. Probably eating dirt cookies and shit.

And let's not forget those YT's that chose to miscegenate with niggers and give them an increased IQ. God bless those misguided souls!

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-15-2020, 11:34 PM
Actually, it is YT's fault that niggers are aware of their problems.

Without YT's spoken and/or written languages, the nigger species wouldn't even know they had problems.

Without YT, the niggers would be happy with their blessed ignorance, living and dying in Africa, and doing whatever it is that niggers do. Probably eating dirt cookies and shit.

And let's not forget those YT's that chose to miscegenate with niggers and give them an increased IQ. God bless those misguided souls!

Without whitey, niggers wouldnt know anything of the world more than a couple miles from their mudhut village.

Rastus Nigger
11-15-2020, 11:48 PM
The nigger species is a mutated cancer that's regressed from human beings. Niggers are genetically and mentally inferior to bacteria. The nigger is the lowest form of life on earth along with the nigger lover. They must be contained and eventually made extinct.

11-28-2020, 09:13 PM
here's my conclusion.....


Goodman Grey
11-28-2020, 11:12 PM
The nigger species is a mutated cancer that's regressed from human beings. Niggers are genetically and mentally inferior to bacteria. The nigger is the lowest form of life on earth along with the nigger lover. They must be contained and eventually made extinct.

Niggers are the reason bestiality is illegal in many first world nations: some scientists believe that niggers are actually descended from a combination of the human species and the simian species.

Why else were scientists saying "humans" evolved from monkeys, and that the root of civilization came from Africa?

It's because niggers came from Africa, and had a lot of monkey DNA. It's all afrocentric wakandan nonsense meant to make niggers feel good about themselves even though niggers are failures in every possible sense of the word.

11-29-2020, 03:06 AM
I <3 bitchute!!

Jim Crow
11-29-2020, 07:20 AM
I’m a little pissed off at YT myself.Why in the fuck would you bring such a despicable savage species of beast like the nigger to live amongst your own kind?And the liberal continues the stupidity by trying to treat the savage low IQ destructive beast as one of their own.