View Full Version : A possible solution to the BLM riot question

Goodman Grey
11-13-2020, 02:04 PM
As we all know, members of #BlackLivesMatter and Antifa have been rioting, looting, burning, and murdering over the last couple years. It's almost gotten to the point where we have started to accept this as "normal" and "acceptable."

I feel that this is not normal, and not acceptable.

And so, I propose a solution that may work in tandem with other COVID-19 socioeconomic issues: Bring back indentured servitude.

Now hear me out for a few moments. Yes, I know this will result in reduced freedoms for a great many people, but there can be a great many benefits to it as well.

For those who are deeply in debt, homeless, and/or unable to feed themselves, this could be a way to work towards a better future, while surviving the present. It also can exist as an alternative to prison time, and as indentured servitude is not slavery, it is perfectly legal in the USA. After working for an employer for several years, they will be able to get a place of their own, and will have skills that can be used elsewhere for profit. It will also somewhat relieve the burden on taxpayers to provide welfare services.

As for the rioters and protesters, this can serve as a form of rehabilitation, and training for a future as productive citizens.

And for criminals, instead of living it up in prison, for free, they will spend their time working in fields, factories, and elsewhere, producing valuable goods for the American economy.

When it comes to niggers, it is well known that they are a low IQ species, brutish, ugly, poorly educated, but high in physical stamina. This would make them ideal for manual labor, especially when constantly supervised. Naturally, their tasks should be simple, and discipline should always be maintained.

For many years, the swamp donkeys have had many freedoms, which were wasted on them, like pearls before swine. We tried educating them, to no avail. We allowed them to shop at the same supermarkets as us, and eat at the same restaurants, and wherever they go, they despoil whatever they touch, and ruin. We let them run free in the streets, and they choose to commit crimes on a daily basis. They live in our neighborhoods, and they destroy their homes, and rob our houses. They "own" cars and operate them, and are responsible for many DUI's, DWI's, vehicular manslaughters, and various other crimes. They can even vote, despite not having the intellectual fortitude to understand what they are voting for.

The stress on the poor negro's mind, as a result of living in a first world nation, and being expected to behave as a human would, may very well be too much for it, and a return to indentured servitude may very well be the cure. If we can't ship them back to Africa, we should at least try to make use of the things.

During the slavery days, the tongueclicker's mind was at peace. It did not have to worry about having a job, paying rent on a house, supporting its niglets, smoking crack, or even muh dik. All of those things were provided for the jigaboo. When it came to work, there were overseers to make sure the nogs didn't get distracted, and when they did stray off task, they were appropriately disciplined.

The savage Kunta Kinte and the half-witted, liver-lipped nubian princesses were always cared for, and they even had plenty of time to partake in joyful parties, often held around noontime, during their one hour lunch break. The slave owners would produce large quantities of fried chicken, watermelons, hog jowls, corn bread, chitterlings, ghetto lobster, clean water, and wine. The moon crickets were also given dice to gamble with, and cigarettes to smoke. Their biscuit lipped spawn were given toys and allowed to run and play in the fields. It was a happy time, enjoyed by all except the niggers that happened to be schizophrenic or were otherwise severely mentally ill, and they were put down like the rabid beasts that they were.

Some guttermonkeys were also permitted to live inside the master's house, and that was an even greater treat. They were the master's special servants, and they were outfitted in the finest clothing in the land, sometimes with extra and unnecessary colors so that they might brag about their status to other june bugs. These knuckle draggers were treated with great respect and honor. It was truly a privilege to be a house nigger.

While I don't think we should return America back to slavery, which is immoral and wrong, indentured servitude, where niggers are forced to work in exchange for food, water, and shelter, for a limited amount of time, should be brought back, and when the niggers are released, they should be given enough money to make a life for themselves.

And if they should fail, and are pawcuffed by the police for any reason, they should be returned to indentured servitude, as an alternative to jail or prison. Their money, valuables, and other trinkets should be given to their new master to be sold or held onto as the master decrees.

By bringing back all of the good parts of slavery, and rearranging them to fit in with the modus operandi of indentured servitude, we can provide many niggers and criminals with a sense of meaning and purpose. To do otherwise would just invite more chaos, more burnt cities, and more crime.

Letting niggers fail at the game of life is a crime, and we should do everything we can to help them, even if it means turning them into indentured servants.