View Full Version : Greasy Niggers

Lil Greasy
11-09-2020, 04:04 AM
Is it just me, or do niggers always look all shiny and greasy? It looks to me like they are always sweating and exuding some kind of nigger hide grease in such abundance that it even collects in their hair. Does anyone else notice this? Maybe it's a natural sun screen and predator repellent? I mean, they always smell weird too. It can't be an insect repellent because there are always flies buzzing around them. I can't imagine how fouled the upholstery in my car would get if a nigger jacked it and sat in the seat. And I sincerely doubt there is a laundry detergent strong enough to get nigger grease out of clothes and sheets. Am I wrong on this? Niggers really do look greasy to me.

11-09-2020, 07:10 AM
Is it just me, or do niggers always look all shiny and greasy? It looks to me like they are always sweating and exuding some kind of nigger hide grease in such abundance that it even collects in their hair. Does anyone else notice this? Maybe it's a natural sun screen and predator repellent? I mean, they always smell weird too. It can't be an insect repellent because there are always flies buzzing around them. I can't imagine how fouled the upholstery in my car would get if a nigger jacked it and sat in the seat. And I sincerely doubt there is a laundry detergent strong enough to get nigger grease out of clothes and sheets. Am I wrong on this? Niggers really do look greasy to me.

I believe I can shine some light on the subject:

Nigger skin has a higher apocrine to eccrine ratio of sweat glands than human skin and a higher number of both per any given square inch of skin. The main difference between apocrine and eccrine sweat glands is that the secretions of the apocrine sweat glands are viscid and oily whereas the secretions of eccrine sweat glands are watery.

Apocrine glands are responsible for excretion of toxins. Eccrine glands are for cooling and mainly produce water and excess salts. The apocrine toxins breed bacteria more readily and are responsible for nigger "shine" and the foul odor associated with niggers no matter how often they bathe which is less often than humans anyway due to them simply being niggers.

Add to this, the fact that eccrine glands are not connected to hair follicles but apocrine glands are. Thus the greasy smelly hair as well.

Simply put, niggers excrete more from their skin than they do from their kidneys. That's why they smell like a hot porta shitter!


Tis the reason for the greazin!!!

Lil Greasy
11-09-2020, 07:42 AM
I KNEW IT! Thanks Tweakstick! I think often times they probably use powder on niggers like talcum powder, asbestos powder or dry mud clay powder when they are on TV or in advertisements to lighten them up a bit and reduce the glare. Especially when you consider they need to use more light just to see a nigger in a picture or movie. But when I see the plentiful mugshots, YouTube riot/looter video or see a real live nigger (like at Nig-Mart or Homie Depot), they always look like they are slathered in oil. And excreting bodily waste products through their hide explains the smell. Lawdy! Niggahs beez gross!

11-09-2020, 07:58 AM
I believe I can shine some light on the subject:

Nigger skin has a higher apocrine to eccrine ratio of sweat glands than human skin and a higher number of both per any given square inch of skin. The main difference between apocrine and eccrine sweat glands is that the secretions of the apocrine sweat glands are viscid and oily whereas the secretions of eccrine sweat glands are watery.

Apocrine glands are responsible for excretion of toxins. Eccrine glands are for cooling and mainly produce water and excess salts. The apocrine toxins breed bacteria more readily and are responsible for nigger "shine" and the foul odor associated with niggers no matter how often they bathe which is less often than humans anyway due to them simply being niggers.

Add to this, the fact that eccrine glands are not connected to hair follicles but apocrine glands are. Thus the greasy smelly hair as well.

Simply put, niggers excrete more from their skin than they do from their kidneys. That's why they smell like a hot porta shitter!


Tis the reason for the greazin!!!

Have you ever swam in a community "poo" with niggers in it? There is ALWAYS a slick grease cover over the water when a nigger is in the pool!! The best thing about this phenomenon is when a nigger gets rockfished!!

11-09-2020, 08:38 AM
^^That's precisely why I do NOT go to public poohz!

I've also noticed that when niggers get out of a pool, water beads up on them and rolls off like a freshly waxed car while human skin tends to just get wet like a sheet of paper. Come to think about it, I've never heard a nigger complain about water logged skin.

11-09-2020, 07:15 PM
My mother used to tell me that niggers "smell funny." I didn't know what she meant and I'm hoping I never get close enough to a nigger to find out.

Goodman Grey
11-09-2020, 07:30 PM
Niggers actually defecate through their nigger black skin pores, which causes their stench, and the greasiness, because the "grease" is actually poop mixed with sweat.

It's important to remember that niggers are not human, and our knowledge of human biology is not 100% applicable to them.

Also, hepatitis is commonly spread via feces, so please do not touch a nigger, or allow a nigger to touch you for any reason. I mean, if you went into a public restroom and saw a turd floating in a toilet bowl, would you touch it?

The same concept applies to niggers.

If you wouldn't smear shit all over your body, then there is no reason to allow nigger "grease" to come into contact with your body.

11-09-2020, 07:44 PM
My mother used to tell me that niggers "smell funny." I didn't know what she meant and I'm hoping I never get close enough to a nigger to find out.

Lucky you.

Your not missing anything including your lunch!

Coon Club Road
11-09-2020, 09:39 PM
In the summertime I see them knuckling around with white wash cloths on their greasy heads. Must be to absorb that coonlube.

11-09-2020, 11:09 PM
Maybe this explains why, when police try to catch them, niggers seem to slide out of their grasp and their clothes seem to slip off during wrangling. A thick coating of nigger butter. It reminds me of the "catch the greased pig" contest. Trying to catch a greased pig might be a good training exercise for the animal control officers that have to wrangle niggers.

Jim Crow
11-10-2020, 08:18 AM
Maybe this explains why, when police try to catch them, niggers seem to slide out of their grasp and their clothes seem to slip off during wrangling. A thick coating of nigger butter. It reminds me of the "catch the greased pig" contest. Trying to catch a greased pig might be a good training exercise for the animal control officers that have to wrangle niggers.
And that’s also why niggers shock so well when they are hit with a taser.Grease is a good conductor.

11-10-2020, 11:59 AM
And that’s also why niggers shock so well when they are hit with a taser.Grease is a good conductor.

Uh lubs watching a nigger get tazed!! The electronic bull whip works well on niggers!!

Jim Crow
11-10-2020, 03:38 PM
Uh lubs watching a nigger get tazed!! The electronic bull whip works well on niggers!!
It’s entertaining to hear them scream like a little monkey bitch.

11-10-2020, 06:02 PM
It’s entertaining to hear them scream like a little monkey bitch.

Like a combination monkey-hyena!!

Jim Crow
11-10-2020, 07:20 PM
Like a combination monkey-hyena!!
Right! LOL!