View Full Version : Child labor in Africa taught me valuable life skills

Goodman Grey
11-09-2020, 12:12 AM


Where do you draw the line between what is internationally deemed a crime and a natural process of transferring skills? Is international concern on child rights relevant to Africa?

Some argue that child labour perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth and other social problems. With the exception of large organisations putting children to work, local context is everything.

The International Labour Organization defines child labour as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development”. At the most extreme, it involves child slavery, separation from families or exposure to life-threatening hazards. Other examples may involve children being kept home from school in order to help the household.

Those with good life skills become self-reliant and resilient because they can support themselves against all odds. There is an African proverb: by crawling, a child learns to stand. Without these life skills, the young adult is the laughing stock of the community, dependent on others for food, clothing and even shelter.

Understanding the distinction between exploitation and transfer of life skills is critical for development workers stepping into any community. We need to embrace the blurred lines and complexities of cultural norms. The world should not be painted with one brush.

I can't believe someone published an article that attempts to justify child labor in Africa.

I just... I don't know.

This paragraph is also a stunner:

Those with good life skills become self-reliant and resilient because they can support themselves against all odds. There is an African proverb: by crawling, a child learns to stand. Without these life skills, the young adult is the laughing stock of the community, dependent on others for food, clothing and even shelter.

How can anyone say such a thing in this day and age about niggers? Does the author not know that almost all niggers in the USA are dependent on others for food, clothing, and shelter?

That kind of racism should not be tolerated.

I am triggered and offended.

11-09-2020, 08:05 PM


I can't believe someone published an article that attempts to justify child labor in Africa.

I just... I don't know.

This paragraph is also a stunner:

How can anyone say such a thing in this day and age about niggers? Does the author not know that almost all niggers in the USA are dependent on others for food, clothing, and shelter?

That kind of racism should not be tolerated.

I am triggered and offended.

That makes TWO of us!!

Coon Club Road
11-10-2020, 08:56 PM
Sheeeeeiiiiittttt! They don't even want to wash dicks today... just collect their Gibbs Me Dats!

11-13-2020, 10:05 PM
Sheeeeeiiiiittttt! They don't even want to wash dicks today... just collect their Gibbs Me Dats!

Some things NEVER change!!