View Full Version : My demands for niggers

10-30-2020, 03:17 PM
1. Stop burning down our cities when niggers disobey the law.
2. Stop demanding gibsmedats and get jobs or GTFO the USA.
3. If you have a job, do your job correctly or GTFO.
4. Stop choosing to commit crimes.
5. Accept responsibility for your actions.
6. Admit that "dindu nuffins" is a double negative and that you are actually confessing to whatever crime you just committed.
7. Admit that you things have a lower IQ (55-85), and that it is not racism that keeps you down.
8. Stop hating white people and/or other humans just because of their skin color. Please judge us by the content of our character.
9. Stop enslaving other niggers and/or humans. Sexual slavery (AKA "pimping") is included. White people abolished slavery; why are you niggers keeping it around?
10. Stop complaining about things that happened centuries ago, before you were even born.
11. Stop looting.
12. Wear a belt. Only gay niggers want to see your ass.
13. Admit that a soy sauce marinade on a ghetto lobster helps with the taste tremendously.
14. Take a shower before interacting with humans.
15. Learn how to speak Proper American or British English.
16. Admit that in thousands of years, no nigger has ever accomplished anything, or invented anything of value.
17. Stop turning your Section 8 apartments into jenkem breweries. That's disgusting.
18. Admit that niggers are an inferior species, and that they will never be human.
19. Admit that segregation between the human and nigger species made everyone happier.
20. Wear a mask when in public.
21. Wear a burka when in public, regardless of gender or nonbinary status, so humans won't have to see you.
22. Stop eating human food, and start eating the scraps that humans, dogs, and cats don't want. (Maybe eat some 'Soylent Black'?)
23. Make your niglets attend nigger only schools.
24. Stop stealing our oxygen, you thieves.
25. Go back to Africa.


Chimp Detester
10-30-2020, 04:12 PM
Very good list! Thanks!

Coon Club Road
10-30-2020, 04:59 PM
Be better just to start with #25 !

10-30-2020, 06:14 PM
Be better just to start with #25 !

My sentiments, exactly!

Jim Crow
10-31-2020, 07:46 AM
Be better just to start with #25 !
#25 would instantly solve the problem!

Goodman Grey
10-31-2020, 10:46 AM
26. If you are a nigger sow and you have discovered that you are pregnant, please do the right thing and get an abortion.


edit: I know my photoshop skills need work.

10-31-2020, 10:54 AM

is my only demand ! Nice list, please sign up because your sanity needs it !

10-31-2020, 12:19 PM
12. Wear a belt. Only gay niggers want to see your ass.

Can niggers even be gay? They’re just animals, and can only rape or mate.
Great list though, I’d like it if they all went with number 24. Ah cants breeve!

11-19-2020, 09:25 PM
Can niggers even be gay? They’re just animals, and can only rape or mate.
Great list though, I’d like it if they all went with number 24. Ah cants breeve!

Think of andrew "down low' gillum!! I'm so GLAD Ron Se Santis is my GOVERNOR!!

Blue Gum
11-25-2020, 02:52 AM
Think of andrew "down low' gillum!! I'm so GLAD Ron Se Santis is my GOVERNOR!!

Fucking "A".....you and Millions More
The first time I saw that down-low nigger monkey I knew it was a Flaming Fag....lol

Gov. De Santis is Great.!!! Poured from the same mold as our President Trump...!!!

11-25-2020, 08:54 AM
Fucking "A".....you and Millions More
The first time I saw that down-low nigger monkey I knew it was a Flaming Fag....lol

Gov. De Santis is Great.!!! Poured from the same mold as our President Trump...!!!

EXACTLY. I hope that the Supreme Court puts Trump BACK in the White House. Then in 2024 I would like a Pence DeSantis ticket!!

Jim Crow
11-25-2020, 09:25 PM
26. If you are a nigger sow and you have discovered that you are pregnant, please do the right thing and get an abortion.


edit: I know my photoshop skills need work.
Still good. Because I get the point. LOL!