View Full Version : I know that Niggers are stupid, BUT.....

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10-23-2020, 07:13 PM
Does anyone know what % of Niggers vote Republican?
Given that DJT has done more than enough for them (and more than they deserve!) humans, including animals instinctively tend to avoid biting the hand that feeds them and feeds them well.
If that remains true will most Niggers vote for DJT or bite the hand that feeds them and overall be worse off by voting for Joe Bitem?

10-24-2020, 06:44 AM
Does anyone know what % of Niggers vote Republican?
Given that DJT has done more than enough for them (and more than they deserve!) humans, including animals instinctively tend to avoid biting the hand that feeds them and feeds them well.
If that remains true will most Niggers vote for DJT or bite the hand that feeds them and overall be worse off by voting for Joe Bitem?

My guess: Less then 1%. That probably matches the number of magic niggers as well.

10-24-2020, 05:55 PM
DJT helps niggers with the economy, and thereby, jobs. Dems offer niggers free stuff and get-out-of-NU free cards. Overall, historically, dems have always been bad for niggers (just look at all the dem run cities and states; not to mention dems were for slavery, the KKK and segregation). However, the lure of free stuff vs. getting a job is too powerful for the simple average nigger mind to resist. I'm sure the vast majority of niggers will vote democrat not understanding the long term consequences of it. Also, niggers don't know that dems actually hate them and view them like the stupid violent animals that they are. Niggers simply don't understand that all humans hate them.

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-24-2020, 09:05 PM
Traditionally, niggers give the Democrat Party between 90% - 95% of their vote.

This time, I think it will be much lower than that because niggers live "bling" and TRUMP has that "bigly".

10-25-2020, 03:36 AM
Traditionally, niggers give the Democrat Party between 90% - 95% of their vote.

This time, I think it will be much lower than that because niggers live "bling" and TRUMP has that "bigly".

When even the (c)rappers are turning on the dimz, things are getting bad for them. Fiddy Cent (or what ever name that silly nigger rich rapper goes by) is saying he doesn't want to be called twenny cent and that's all he would have left after Biden's taxes. He's voting for Trump now!

The niggers that actually do work for a living have an increasingly different economic and political world view the longer they are working. Take away welfare, and the numbers would grow accordingly.

That's why dimz give the freebees and why niggers vote dim. Dimz don't want niggers to work - only to vote. That's economic politics 101, folks!

Full Clip
10-25-2020, 02:07 PM
When even the (c)rappers are turning on the dimz, things are getting bad for them. Fiddy Cent (or what ever name that silly nigger rich rapper goes by) is saying he doesn't want to be called twenny cent and that's all he would have left after Biden's taxes. He's voting for Trump now!

The niggers that actually do work for a living have an increasingly different economic and political world view the longer they are working. Take away welfare, and the numbers would grow exponentially.

That's why dimz give the freebees and why niggers vote dim. Dimz don't want niggers to work - only to vote. That's economic politics 101, folks!

OK, now I think I get it. Animals instinctively find the most convenient shelter and freely available food source each of which have been created/produced by humans and that's exactly what Niggers do.
Oh wait, I forgot that Niggers are animals.....

10-25-2020, 02:49 PM
Traditionally, niggers give the Democrat Party between 90% - 95% of their vote.

This time, I think it will be much lower than that because niggers live "bling" and TRUMP has that "bigly".

Don't forget that niggers have watched dems shift to pandering to illegals and "refugees" for the past 4 years with gibs, freebies, and attention.

Niggers can't stand not being the center of attention, and they are only capable of 2 emotions, jealousy and rage.
The blexit movement has gained alot of traction over the past few years. I think the left knows they are in trouble and have ramped up cheating efforts so grossly, they can not hide it any more.

Blue Gum
10-26-2020, 09:49 AM
The Dems have been the nigger party for decades......LBJ confirmed that...

Jim Crow
10-26-2020, 05:21 PM
The Democrats have always been the plantation party. Niggers are too stupid to realize that they’re being enslaved with the monthly gov supplements.Niggers actually think that the Democrats are helping them, but they’re not. They’re keeping the niggers down by making them lazy and keeping them in poverty. And dependant, so they can get that vote.