View Full Version : 28 yo Snake Headed Rape Ape in Louisiana Stopped From Raping 60 yo Woman by Passerbyrers

10-22-2020, 11:30 PM
The woman, 60, told authorities that she had passed by the attacker while walking down the street. The man–later identified as Gray–lifted her skirt, knocked her down, and started to rape her on the side of the road, according to this story.

Two men intervened, and stopped the attack. Gray allegedly fled when Jefferson Parish deputies arrived. That was to no avail; he was soon apprehended.https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/two-good-samaritans-stopped-man-who-was-raping-60-year-old-woman-in-public-deputies-say/
They have Disqus Comments there!

10-23-2020, 12:39 AM
The defendant, also known as Rickey Celius, allegedly claimed the woman “wanted him,” but did admit that she fought back by screaming, pulling his hair, and pushing him.

Typical Westbank NOLA nig. As if any sane person would buy this nigger's story that ANYONE would "want him." On a sidewalk? In public?

Rape should be a capital crime with the death penalty on the table in every case - PERIOD! Especially when muhhdikkery has occurred. There is no rehabilitation for a rapist, certainly not a nigger rapist.

Give it a quick trial and public execution. This is the only way to make them understand that this is not acceptable in a human society.

10-23-2020, 01:00 AM
Typical Westbank NOLA nig. As if any sane person would buy this nigger's story that ANYONE would "want him." On a sidewalk? In public?

Rape should be a capital crime with the death penalty on the table in every case - PERIOD! Especially when muhhdikkery has occurred. There is no rehabilitation for a rapist, certainly not a nigger rapist.

Give it a quick trial and public execution. This is the only way to make them understand that this is not acceptable in a human society.
I'd settle for a dick guillotine for the shitskin rape apes.

10-23-2020, 01:36 AM
I'd settle for a dick guillotine for the shitskin rape apes.

The only problems with that are the facts that they still have hands to molest, minds that are reprobate and hearts with no compassion for human beings or any creature. They have only their own sick lust for cruel control over the smallest and most defenseless among us.

Furthermore, the victims of all violent crimes will always be victims and most have no chance to ever fully recover as long as the offender is still alive. Most can simply never move on with their lives and heal. This is the second act of violence - this time by the system that failed to protect them in the first place.

It is up to a decent society to ensure that the the first never happens - failing that, it is inexcusable and damnable when the second goes undone as well, after the fact.

To those ends, I don't care whether the victim was a nigger or a human. If you will do it to a sixty year old nigger, you'll do it to a human child.

As far as I'm concerned all rapist should be executed along with murderers. Put them all in the same gas chamber at once to save time. Bulldoze them all over a cliff, dip them in pig blood and push them out of a garbage boat in shark infested waters, or dump them all in a pool and throw in a toaster - I don't care how it's done, but get it done!

Goodman Grey
10-23-2020, 03:52 AM
The only problems with that are the facts that they still have hands to molest, minds that are reprobate and hearts with no compassion for human beings or any creature. They have only their own sick lust for cruel control over the smallest and most defenseless among us.

Furthermore, the victims of all violent crimes will always be victims and most have no chance to ever fully recover as long as the offender is still alive. Most can simply never move on with their lives and heal. This is the second act of violence - this time by the system that failed to protect them in the first place.

It is up to a decent society to ensure that the the first never happens - failing that, it is inexcusable and damnable when the second goes undone as well, after the fact.

To those ends, I don't care whether the victim was a nigger or a human. If you will do it to a sixty year old nigger, you'll do it to a human child.

As far as I'm concerned all rapist should be executed along with murderers. Put them all in the same gas chamber at once to save time. Bulldoze them all over a cliff, dip them in pig blood and push them out of a garbage boat in shark infested waters, or dump them all in a pool and throw in a toaster - I don't care how it's done, but get it done!

A more cruel punishment would be to permanently remove the reproductive organs of rapists (and their assistants, like in the case of Ghislaine Maxwell), and force them to live forever.

Jim Crow
10-23-2020, 07:45 AM
Niggers are savage beasts.They should not be allowed to interact with humans.Because this is what happens.

10-23-2020, 09:30 AM
Too bad one of them didn't just blast the the perp's evil snake head open

My favorite comment !